-- | -- Module : Test.Amazonka.Sign.V2Header.BaseSpec -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) module Test.Amazonka.Sign.V2Header (tests) where import Amazonka.Data hiding (length) import Amazonka.Prelude import Amazonka.Sign.V2Header import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8 import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI import qualified Data.List as List import Data.List.Ordered (subset) import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HTTP import qualified Test.QuickCheck as QC import Test.Tasty (TestTree, testGroup) import Test.Tasty.HUnit (testCase, (@?=)) import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck (Gen, Property, testProperty) tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "v2Header.BaseSpec" [ testGroup "constructSigningQuery" [ testProperty "should always convert set QValues to Nothing" prop_QValueEmpty, testCase "should keep an unset QValue" $ constructSigningQuery (QValue (Nothing :: Maybe ByteString)) @?= QValue (Nothing :: Maybe ByteString), testProperty "should discard QPairs that are not interesting to AWS" prop_UninterestingQPairs, testProperty "should keep all QPairs that are interesting to AWS" prop_InterestingQPairs, testCase "should keep an empty QList" $ constructSigningQuery (QList []) @?= QList [], testCase "should keep a list of Nothing QValues" $ constructSigningQuery (QList [QValue Nothing]) @?= QList [QValue Nothing], testProperty "should discard the contents of an unintersting QList" prop_UninterestingQLists, testProperty "should not discard all QC.elements in interesting QLists" prop_InterestingQLists ], testGroup "constructSigningHeader" [ testProperty "should convert random headers to their header value" prop_RandomHeaders, testProperty "should convert interesting headers to their header value" prop_InterestingHeaders, testProperty "should convert aws headers to a canonical string" prop_InterestingAwsHeaders ], testGroup "auxiliary headers functions" [ testProperty "should sort and preserve headers" prop_SortedHeaders, testCase "should contain empty md5 and empty content type headers if not present" $ [(HTTP.hContentMD5, ""), (HTTP.hContentType, "")] `subset` unionNecessaryHeaders [] @?= True, testCase "should preserve a set md5 and contain an empty content type header if not present" $ [(HTTP.hContentMD5, "123"), (HTTP.hContentType, "")] `subset` unionNecessaryHeaders [(HTTP.hContentMD5, "123")] @?= True, testCase "should preserve a set content type and preserve an empty md5 header if not present" $ [(HTTP.hContentType, "123"), (HTTP.hContentMD5, "")] `subset` unionNecessaryHeaders [(HTTP.hContentType, "123")] @?= True, testCase "should preserve md5 and content type headers if set" $ [(HTTP.hContentType, "123"), (HTTP.hContentMD5, "456")] `subset` unionNecessaryHeaders [(HTTP.hContentType, "123"), (HTTP.hContentMD5, "456")] @?= True ], testGroup "toSingerQBS" [ testCase "should convert an empty query string" $ toSignerQueryBS (QValue Nothing) @?= "", testCase "should convert an empty value of QPair to just the key" $ toSignerQueryBS (QPair "key" (QValue Nothing)) @?= "key", testCase "should convert an empty value of QPair followed by QValue to just the key and just the value" $ toSignerQueryBS (QList [QPair "key" (QValue Nothing), QValue $ Just "key2"]) @?= "key&key2" ], testGroup "constructFullPath" [ testCase "should convert an empty queryString to just the path" $ constructFullPath "path" "" @?= "path", testCase "should convert an empty value of QPair and a path to just the path and the key" $ constructFullPath "path" (toSignerQueryBS (QPair "key" (QValue Nothing))) @?= "path?key" ], testGroup "should construct canonical headers" [ testCase "should construct a canonical header from a base string" $ newSigner [] "GET" "\\" "" @?= "GET\n\n\n\\" ] ] -- Properties for non-empty QValues prop_QValueEmpty :: Property prop_QValueEmpty = QC.forAll uninterestingQValues $ \qv -> constructSigningQuery qv == QValue (Nothing :: Maybe ByteString) -- Generators / properties for uninteresting query pairs prop_UninterestingQPairs :: Property prop_UninterestingQPairs = QC.forAll uninterestingQPairs $ \qpair -> constructSigningQuery qpair == QValue Nothing uninterestingQPairs :: Gen QueryString uninterestingQPairs = toQuery <$> ((,) <$> nonEmptyText <*> uninterestingQValues) -- Generators / properties for interesting query pairs prop_InterestingQPairs :: Property prop_InterestingQPairs = QC.forAll interestingQPairs $ \qpair -> constructSigningQuery qpair /= QValue Nothing interestingQueryKey :: Gen ByteString interestingQueryKey = QC.elements [ "acl", "cors", "defaultObjectAcl", "location", "logging", "partNumber", "policy", "requestPayment", "torrent", "versioning", "versionId", "versions", "website", "uploads", "uploadId", "response-content-type", "response-content-language", "response-expires", "response-cache-control", "response-content-disposition", "response-content-encoding", "delete", "lifecycle", "tagging", "restore", "storageClass", "websiteConfig", "compose" ] interestingQPairs :: Gen QueryString interestingQPairs = toQuery <$> ((,) <$> interestingQueryKey <*> uninterestingQValues) -- Generators / properties for query lists prop_UninterestingQLists :: Property prop_UninterestingQLists = QC.forAll uninterestingQLists $ not . containsAnything . constructSigningQuery uninterestingQLists :: Gen QueryString uninterestingQLists = toQueryList <$> nonEmptyByteString <*> QC.listOf ( QC.frequency [ (1, uninterestingQPairs), (1, uninterestingQValues), (1, uninterestingQLists) ] ) containsAnything :: QueryString -> Bool containsAnything = \case QValue v -> isJust v QPair {} -> True QList qs -> any containsAnything qs interestingQLists :: Gen QueryString interestingQLists = toQueryList <$> interestingQueryKey <*> QC.listOf ( QC.frequency [ (1, interestingQLists), (1, uninterestingQPairs), (1, uninterestingQValues), (1, uninterestingQLists) ] ) -- this property should probably be expanded to check that all qpairs actually contain interesting query keys AND that uninteresting -- query keys are actually preserved underneath an interesting one prop_InterestingQLists :: Property prop_InterestingQLists = QC.forAll interestingQLists $ containsAnything . constructSigningQuery prop_RandomHeaders :: Property prop_RandomHeaders = QC.forAll randomHeaderGenerator $ \hs -> constructSigningHeader hs == snd hs prop_InterestingHeaders :: Property prop_InterestingHeaders = QC.forAll interestingHeaderGenerator $ \hs -> constructSigningHeader hs == snd hs prop_InterestingAwsHeaders :: Property prop_InterestingAwsHeaders = QC.forAll interestingAwsHeaderGenerator $ \hs -> constructSigningHeader hs == (CI.foldedCase (fst hs) <> ":" <> snd hs) -- Generator / Property for headers randomHeaderGenerator :: Gen HTTP.Header randomHeaderGenerator = (,) <$> (CI.mk <$> nonEmptyByteString) <*> nonEmptyByteString interestingAwsHeaderName :: Gen HTTP.HeaderName interestingAwsHeaderName = CI.mk . BS8.pack <$> fmap ("aws-" <>) nonEmptyString interestingHeaderName :: Gen HTTP.HeaderName interestingHeaderName = QC.elements [HTTP.hContentMD5, HTTP.hContentType, HTTP.hDate] interestingHeaderGenerator :: Gen HTTP.Header interestingHeaderGenerator = (,) <$> interestingHeaderName <*> nonEmptyByteString interestingAwsHeaderGenerator :: Gen HTTP.Header interestingAwsHeaderGenerator = (,) <$> interestingAwsHeaderName <*> nonEmptyByteString -- Generators / Properties for auxiliary header functions prop_SortedHeaders :: Property prop_SortedHeaders = QC.forAll allHeadersGenerator $ \allHeaders -> testHeaders allHeaders allHeadersGenerator :: Gen [HTTP.Header] allHeadersGenerator = QC.listOf $ QC.frequency [ (1, interestingHeaderGenerator), (1, interestingAwsHeaderGenerator) ] allIncreasing :: [HTTP.Header] -> Bool allIncreasing xs = and $ zipWith (<=) mapped $ drop 1 mapped where mapped = map fst xs testHeaders :: [HTTP.Header] -> Bool testHeaders headers = length headers == length sortedHeaders && allIncreasing sortedHeaders where sortedHeaders = List.sort headers -- Generators for Text / QueryValues nonEmptyByteString :: Gen ByteString nonEmptyByteString = BS8.pack <$> nonEmptyString uninterestingQValues :: Gen QueryString uninterestingQValues = toQuery <$> nonEmptyText nonEmptyText :: Gen Text.Text nonEmptyText = Text.pack <$> nonEmptyString nonEmptyString :: Gen String nonEmptyString = QC.listOf1 QC.arbitrary