{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} module ClassyPrelude.Vector ( Vector ) where import CorePrelude import ClassyPrelude.Classes import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable import qualified Data.Vector as Vector instance CanMap (Vector a) (Vector b) a b where map = Vector.map instance CanConcatMap (Vector a) (Vector b) a (Vector b) where concatMap = Vector.concatMap instance CanFilter (Vector a) a where filter = Vector.filter instance CanFilterM (Vector a) a where filterM = Vector.filterM instance CanLength (Vector a) Int where length = Vector.length instance CanSingleton (Vector a) a where singleton = Vector.singleton instance CanNull (Vector a) where null = Vector.null instance CanPack (Vector a) a where pack = Vector.fromList unpack = Vector.toList instance CanIntersperse (Vector a) a where -- | Implementation is a rip off from . intersperse _ xs | null xs = Vector.empty intersperse sep xs = Vector.cons (Vector.head xs) $ prependToAll sep $ Vector.unsafeTail xs where prependToAll _ xs | null xs = Vector.empty prependToAll sep xs = Vector.cons sep $ Vector.cons (Vector.head xs) $ prependToAll sep $ Vector.unsafeTail xs instance Eq a => CanStripPrefix (Vector a) where stripPrefix x y | x == y1 = Just y2 | otherwise = Nothing where (y1, y2) = Vector.splitAt (Vector.length x) y isPrefixOf x y = Vector.take (Vector.length x) y == x instance Monad m => CanMapM (Vector i) (m (Vector o)) m i o where mapM = Vector.mapM instance CanMapM_ (Vector a) a where mapM_ = Vector.mapM_ instance Eq x => CanMember (Vector x) x where member x = Vector.any (== x) instance CanBreak (Vector a) a where break = Vector.break span = Vector.span dropWhile = Vector.dropWhile takeWhile = Vector.takeWhile instance CanAny (Vector a) a where any = Vector.any all = Vector.all instance CanSplitAt (Vector a) Int where splitAt = Vector.splitAt instance CanFold (Vector a) a accum where fold = Vector.foldl' instance CanReverse (Vector a) where reverse = Vector.reverse instance CanReplicate (Vector a) a Int where replicate = Vector.replicate instance CanReplicateM (Vector a) a Int where replicateM = Vector.replicateM instance CanFind (Vector a) a where find = Vector.find instance (Monoid m) => CanConcat (Vector m) m where concat = Foldable.fold instance CanPartition (Vector a) a where partition = Vector.partition instance CanCons (Vector a) a where cons = Vector.cons instance CanUncons (Vector a) a where uncons v = if null v then Nothing else Just (Vector.unsafeHead v, Vector.unsafeTail v) instance CanGroupBy (Vector a) a where -- | Implementation is stolen from groupBy k xs = switchL [] (\h t -> let n = 1 + findIndexOrEnd (not . k h) t in Vector.unsafeTake n xs : groupBy k (Vector.unsafeDrop n xs)) xs instance Eq a => CanGroup (Vector a) a where -- | A special case of 'groupBy', which is about 40% faster than -- /groupBy (==)/. -- -- Implementation is stolen from group xs = switchL [] (\h _ -> let (ys, zs) = span (== h) xs in ys : group zs) xs -- Helper functions stolen from -- | 'findIndexOrEnd' is a variant of findIndex, that returns the length -- of the string if no element is found, rather than Nothing. findIndexOrEnd p xs = Vector.foldr (\x k n -> if p x then n else k (succ n)) id xs 0 switchL n j x = if null x then n else j (Vector.unsafeHead x) (Vector.unsafeTail x)