## 1.0.0 * Support for mono-traversable-1.0.0 * Switch to safe-exceptions * Add monad-unlift and lifted-async ## 0.12.8 * Add (<&&>),(<||>) [#125](https://github.com/snoyberg/classy-prelude/pull/125) ## 0.12.7 * Concurrency: reexport `Control.Concurrent.Lifted` and provide `yieldThread` ## 0.12.6 * Regeneralize intercalate [#119](https://github.com/snoyberg/classy-prelude/pull/119) * Add missing exports for `traverse_` and `for_` * Generalize `mapM_` and `forM_` for GHC 7.10 ## * Support for QuickCheck 2.8.2 ## 0.12.5 * Expose `Alternative` and `optional` ## 0.12.4 * Expose `traverse_` and `for_` ## 0.12.3 * mono-traversable-0.9.3 support ## 0.12.2 add `errorM`, `terrorM`, and `terror` ## 0.12.0 * Drop system-filepath ## * Compatibility with time >= 1.5 [#100](https://github.com/snoyberg/classy-prelude/pull/100) ## 0.11.1 * Fix deprecation warnings for `elem` ## 0.11.0 * Upgrade to mutable-containers 0.3 * Include dlist support ## 0.10.5 * Export `Data.Mutable` ## 0.10.4 * Expose all of Data.Functor ## 0.10.3 * Expose `liftA` functions and `<**>` [#94](https://github.com/snoyberg/classy-prelude/pull/94) ## 0.10.2 * Provide `foldMap` and `fold` as synonyms for `concatMap` and `concat`. * Switch to more general `Traversable`-based functions (`sequence_` in particular).