-- Copyright (C) 2010-2012 John Millikin -- -- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -- You may obtain a copy of the License at -- -- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -- -- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -- limitations under the License. module DBusTests.Client (test_Client) where import Control.Concurrent import Control.Exception (try) import Data.Word import Data.Int import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import qualified Data.Map as Map import DBus import qualified DBus.Client import qualified DBus.Socket import DBus.Introspection import DBus.Internal.Types import DBusTests.Util import qualified DBusTests.TH as TH import qualified DBusTests.Generation as G doExport :: DBus.Client.Client -> String -> String -> [DBus.Client.Method] -> IO () doExport client path name methods = DBus.Client.export client (objectPath_ path) DBus.Client.defaultInterface { DBus.Client.interfaceMethods = methods , DBus.Client.interfaceName = interfaceName_ name } test_Client :: TestTree test_Client = testGroup "Client" $ [ test_RequestName , test_ReleaseName , test_Call , test_CallWithGeneration , test_CallNoReply , test_AddMatch , test_AutoMethod , test_ExportIntrospection , suite_Connect ] test_Connect :: String -> (Address -> IO DBus.Client.Client) -> TestTree test_Connect name connect = testCase name $ do (addr, sockVar) <- startDummyBus clientVar <- forkVar (connect addr) -- TODO: verify that 'hello' contains expected data, and -- send a properly formatted reply. sock <- readMVar sockVar receivedHello <- DBus.Socket.receive sock let (ReceivedMethodCall helloSerial _) = receivedHello DBus.Socket.send sock (methodReturn helloSerial) (\_ -> return ()) client <- readMVar clientVar DBus.Client.disconnect client suite_Connect :: TestTree suite_Connect = testGroup "connect" [ test_ConnectSystem , test_ConnectSystem_NoAddress , test_ConnectSession , test_ConnectSession_NoAddress , test_ConnectStarter , test_ConnectStarter_NoAddress ] test_ConnectSystem :: TestTree test_ConnectSystem = test_Connect "connectSystem" $ \addr -> withEnv "DBUS_SYSTEM_BUS_ADDRESS" (Just (formatAddress addr)) DBus.Client.connectSystem test_ConnectSystem_NoAddress :: TestTree test_ConnectSystem_NoAddress = testCase "connectSystem-no-address" $ assertException (DBus.Client.clientError "connectSystem: DBUS_SYSTEM_BUS_ADDRESS is invalid.") (withEnv "DBUS_SYSTEM_BUS_ADDRESS" (Just "invalid") DBus.Client.connectSystem) test_ConnectSession :: TestTree test_ConnectSession = test_Connect "connectSession" $ \addr -> withEnv "DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS" (Just (formatAddress addr)) DBus.Client.connectSession test_ConnectSession_NoAddress :: TestTree test_ConnectSession_NoAddress = testCase "connectSession-no-address" $ assertException (DBus.Client.clientError "connectSession: DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS is missing or invalid.") (withEnv "DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS" (Just "invalid") DBus.Client.connectSession) test_ConnectStarter :: TestTree test_ConnectStarter = test_Connect "connectStarter" $ \addr -> withEnv "DBUS_STARTER_ADDRESS" (Just (formatAddress addr)) DBus.Client.connectStarter test_ConnectStarter_NoAddress :: TestTree test_ConnectStarter_NoAddress = testCase "connectStarter-no-address" $ assertException (DBus.Client.clientError "connectStarter: DBUS_STARTER_ADDRESS is missing or invalid.") (withEnv "DBUS_STARTER_ADDRESS" (Just "invalid") DBus.Client.connectStarter) test_RequestName :: TestTree test_RequestName = withConnectedClient $ \res -> testCase "requestName" $ do (sock, client) <- res let allFlags = [ DBus.Client.nameAllowReplacement , DBus.Client.nameReplaceExisting , DBus.Client.nameDoNotQueue ] let requestCall = (dbusCall "RequestName") { methodCallDestination = Just (busName_ "org.freedesktop.DBus") , methodCallBody = [toVariant "com.example.Foo", toVariant (7 :: Word32)] } let requestReply body serial = (methodReturn serial) { methodReturnBody = body } -- NamePrimaryOwner do reply <- stubMethodCall sock (DBus.Client.requestName client (busName_ "com.example.Foo") allFlags) requestCall (requestReply [toVariant (1 :: Word32)]) reply @?= DBus.Client.NamePrimaryOwner -- NameInQueue do reply <- stubMethodCall sock (DBus.Client.requestName client (busName_ "com.example.Foo") allFlags) requestCall (requestReply [toVariant (2 :: Word32)]) reply @?= DBus.Client.NameInQueue -- NameExists do reply <- stubMethodCall sock (DBus.Client.requestName client (busName_ "com.example.Foo") allFlags) requestCall (requestReply [toVariant (3 :: Word32)]) reply @?= DBus.Client.NameExists -- NameAlreadyOwner do reply <- stubMethodCall sock (DBus.Client.requestName client (busName_ "com.example.Foo") allFlags) requestCall (requestReply [toVariant (4 :: Word32)]) reply @?= DBus.Client.NameAlreadyOwner -- response with empty body do tried <- stubMethodCall sock (try (DBus.Client.requestName client (busName_ "com.example.Foo") allFlags)) requestCall (requestReply []) err <- requireLeft tried err @?= (DBus.Client.clientError "requestName: received empty response") { DBus.Client.clientErrorFatal = False } -- response with invalid body do tried <- stubMethodCall sock (try (DBus.Client.requestName client (busName_ "com.example.Foo") allFlags)) requestCall (requestReply [toVariant ""]) err <- requireLeft tried err @?= (DBus.Client.clientError "requestName: received invalid response code (Variant \"\")") { DBus.Client.clientErrorFatal = False } -- response with unknown result code do reply <- stubMethodCall sock (DBus.Client.requestName client (busName_ "com.example.Foo") allFlags) requestCall (requestReply [toVariant (5 :: Word32)]) show reply @?= "UnknownRequestNameReply 5" test_ReleaseName :: TestTree test_ReleaseName = withConnectedClient $ \res -> testCase "releaseName" $ do (sock, client) <- res let requestCall = (dbusCall "ReleaseName") { methodCallDestination = Just (busName_ "org.freedesktop.DBus") , methodCallBody = [toVariant "com.example.Foo"] } let requestReply body serial = (methodReturn serial) { methodReturnBody = body } -- NameReleased do reply <- stubMethodCall sock (DBus.Client.releaseName client (busName_ "com.example.Foo")) requestCall (requestReply [toVariant (1 :: Word32)]) reply @?= DBus.Client.NameReleased -- NameNonExistent do reply <- stubMethodCall sock (DBus.Client.releaseName client (busName_ "com.example.Foo")) requestCall (requestReply [toVariant (2 :: Word32)]) reply @?= DBus.Client.NameNonExistent -- NameNotOwner do reply <- stubMethodCall sock (DBus.Client.releaseName client (busName_ "com.example.Foo")) requestCall (requestReply [toVariant (3 :: Word32)]) reply @?= DBus.Client.NameNotOwner -- response with empty body do tried <- stubMethodCall sock (try (DBus.Client.releaseName client (busName_ "com.example.Foo"))) requestCall (requestReply []) err <- requireLeft tried err @?= (DBus.Client.clientError "releaseName: received empty response") { DBus.Client.clientErrorFatal = False } -- response with invalid body do tried <- stubMethodCall sock (try (DBus.Client.releaseName client (busName_ "com.example.Foo"))) requestCall (requestReply [toVariant ""]) err <- requireLeft tried err @?= (DBus.Client.clientError "releaseName: received invalid response code (Variant \"\")") { DBus.Client.clientErrorFatal = False } -- response with unknown result code do reply <- stubMethodCall sock (DBus.Client.releaseName client (busName_ "com.example.Foo")) requestCall (requestReply [toVariant (5 :: Word32)]) show reply @?= "UnknownReleaseNameReply 5" test_Call :: TestTree test_Call = withConnectedClient $ \res -> testCase "call" $ do (sock, client) <- res let requestCall = (dbusCall "Hello") { methodCallSender = Just (busName_ "com.example.Foo") , methodCallDestination = Just (busName_ "org.freedesktop.DBus") , methodCallReplyExpected = False , methodCallAutoStart = False , methodCallBody = [toVariant "com.example.Foo"] } -- methodCallReplyExpected is forced to True do response <- stubMethodCall sock (DBus.Client.call client requestCall) (requestCall { methodCallReplyExpected = True }) methodReturn reply <- requireRight response reply @?= methodReturn (methodReturnSerial reply) test_CallWithGeneration :: TestTree test_CallWithGeneration = withConnectedClient $ \res -> testCase "callGeneration" $ do (sock, client) <- res let string = "test" busName = busName_ "org.freeDesktop.DBus" int = 32 :: Int32 path = objectPath_ "/a/b/c" returnValue = Map.fromList [(string, int)] DBus.Client.export client path G.testInterface do response <- stubMethodCall sock (TH.sampleMethod1 client busName path string int) (methodCall path (DBus.Client.interfaceName G.testInterface) $ memberName_ "SampleMethod1") { methodCallDestination = Just busName , methodCallBody = [toVariant string, toVariant int] } (\x -> (methodReturn x) { methodReturnBody = [toVariant returnValue]}) reply <- requireRight response reply @?= returnValue test_CallNoReply :: TestTree test_CallNoReply = withConnectedClient $ \res -> testCase "callNoReply" $ do (sock, client) <- res let requestCall = (dbusCall "Hello") { methodCallSender = Just (busName_ "com.example.Foo") , methodCallDestination = Just (busName_ "org.freedesktop.DBus") , methodCallReplyExpected = True , methodCallAutoStart = False , methodCallBody = [toVariant "com.example.Foo"] } -- methodCallReplyExpected is forced to False do stubMethodCall sock (DBus.Client.callNoReply client requestCall) (requestCall { methodCallReplyExpected = False }) methodReturn test_AddMatch :: TestTree test_AddMatch = withConnectedClient $ \res -> testCase "addMatch" $ do (sock, client) <- res let matchRule = DBus.Client.matchAny { DBus.Client.matchSender = Just (busName_ "com.example.Foo") , DBus.Client.matchDestination = Just (busName_ "com.example.Bar") , DBus.Client.matchPath = Just (objectPath_ "/") , DBus.Client.matchInterface = Just (interfaceName_ "com.example.Baz") , DBus.Client.matchMember = Just (memberName_ "Qux") } -- might as well test this while we're at it show matchRule @?= "MatchRule \"sender='com.example.Foo',destination='com.example.Bar',path='/',interface='com.example.Baz',member='Qux'\"" let requestCall = (dbusCall "AddMatch") { methodCallDestination = Just (busName_ "org.freedesktop.DBus") , methodCallBody = [toVariant "type='signal',sender='com.example.Foo',destination='com.example.Bar',path='/',interface='com.example.Baz',member='Qux'"] } signalVar <- newEmptyMVar -- add a listener for the given signal _ <- stubMethodCall sock (DBus.Client.addMatch client matchRule (putMVar signalVar)) requestCall methodReturn -- ignored signal DBus.Socket.send sock (signal (objectPath_ "/") (interfaceName_ "com.example.Baz") (memberName_ "Qux")) (\_ -> return ()) isEmptyMVar signalVar >>= assertBool "signal not ignored" -- matched signal let matchedSignal = (signal (objectPath_ "/") (interfaceName_ "com.example.Baz") (memberName_ "Qux")) { signalSender = Just (busName_ "com.example.Foo") , signalDestination = Just (busName_ "com.example.Bar") } DBus.Socket.send sock matchedSignal (\_ -> return ()) received <- takeMVar signalVar received @?= matchedSignal test_AutoMethod :: TestTree test_AutoMethod = withConnectedClient $ \res -> testCase "autoMethod" $ do (sock, client) <- res let methodMax = (\x y -> return (max x y)) :: Word32 -> Word32 -> IO Word32 let methodPair = (\x y -> return (x, y)) :: String -> String -> IO (String, String) doExport client "/" "com.example.Foo" [ DBus.Client.autoMethod (memberName_ "Max") methodMax , DBus.Client.autoMethod (memberName_ "Pair") methodPair ] -- valid call to com.example.Foo.Max do (serial, response) <- callClientMethod sock "/" "com.example.Foo" "Max" [toVariant (2 :: Word32), toVariant (1 :: Word32)] response @?= Right (methodReturn serial) { methodReturnBody = [toVariant (2 :: Word32)] } -- valid call to com.example.Foo.Pair do (serial, response) <- callClientMethod sock "/" "com.example.Foo" "Pair" [toVariant "x", toVariant "y"] response @?= Right (methodReturn serial) { methodReturnBody = [toVariant "x", toVariant "y"] } -- invalid call to com.example.Foo.Max do (serial, response) <- callClientMethod sock "/" "com.example.Foo" "Max" [toVariant "x", toVariant "y"] response @?= Left (methodError serial (errorName_ "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidParameters")) test_ExportIntrospection :: TestTree test_ExportIntrospection = withConnectedClient $ \res -> testCase "exportIntrospection" $ do (sock, client) <- res let interface = DBus.Client.defaultInterface { DBus.Client.interfaceMethods = [ DBus.Client.autoMethod (memberName_ "Method1") (undefined :: String -> IO ()) , DBus.Client.autoMethod (memberName_ "Method2") (undefined :: String -> IO String) , DBus.Client.autoMethod (memberName_ "Method3") (undefined :: String -> IO (String, String)) ] , DBus.Client.interfaceName = interfaceName_ "com.example.Echo" } expectedIntrospectionInterface = Object { objectPath = ObjectPath "/foo" , objectInterfaces = [ Interface { interfaceName = InterfaceName "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties" , interfaceMethods = [ Method { methodName = MemberName "Get" , methodArgs = [ MethodArg { methodArgName = "a" , methodArgType = TypeString , methodArgDirection = In } , MethodArg { methodArgName = "b" , methodArgType = TypeString , methodArgDirection = In } , MethodArg { methodArgName = "c" , methodArgType = TypeVariant , methodArgDirection = Out } ] } , Method { methodName = MemberName "GetAll" , methodArgs = [ MethodArg { methodArgName = "a" , methodArgType = TypeString , methodArgDirection = In } , MethodArg { methodArgName = "b" , methodArgType = TypeDictionary TypeString TypeVariant , methodArgDirection = Out } ] } , Method { methodName = MemberName "Set" , methodArgs = [ MethodArg { methodArgName = "a" , methodArgType = TypeString , methodArgDirection = In } , MethodArg { methodArgName = "b" , methodArgType = TypeString , methodArgDirection = In } , MethodArg { methodArgName = "c" , methodArgType = TypeVariant , methodArgDirection = In } ] } ] , interfaceSignals = [ Signal { signalName = MemberName "PropertiesChanged" , signalArgs = [ SignalArg { signalArgName = "interface_name" , signalArgType = TypeString } , SignalArg { signalArgName = "changed_properties" , signalArgType = TypeDictionary TypeString TypeVariant } , SignalArg { signalArgName = "invalidated_properties" , signalArgType = TypeArray TypeString } ] } ] , interfaceProperties = [] } , Interface { interfaceName = InterfaceName "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable" , interfaceMethods = [ Method { methodName = MemberName "Introspect" , methodArgs = [ MethodArg { methodArgName = "a" , methodArgType = TypeString , methodArgDirection = Out } ] } ] , interfaceSignals = [] , interfaceProperties = [] } , Interface { interfaceName = InterfaceName "com.example.Echo" , interfaceMethods = [ Method { methodName = MemberName "Method1" , methodArgs = [ MethodArg { methodArgName = "a" , methodArgType = TypeString , methodArgDirection = In } ] } , Method { methodName = MemberName "Method2" , methodArgs = [ MethodArg { methodArgName = "a" , methodArgType = TypeString , methodArgDirection = In } , MethodArg { methodArgName = "b" , methodArgType = TypeString , methodArgDirection = Out } ] } , Method { methodName = MemberName "Method3" , methodArgs = [ MethodArg { methodArgName = "a" , methodArgType = TypeString , methodArgDirection = In } , MethodArg { methodArgName = "b" , methodArgType = TypeString , methodArgDirection = Out } , MethodArg { methodArgName = "c" , methodArgType = TypeString , methodArgDirection = Out } ] } ] , interfaceSignals = [] , interfaceProperties = [] } ] , objectChildren = [] } DBus.Client.export client (objectPath_ "/foo") interface let introspect path = do (_, response) <- callClientMethod sock path "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable" "Introspect" [] ret <- requireRight response let body = methodReturnBody ret length body @?= 1 let Just xml = fromVariant (head body) return $ parseXML (objectPath_ "/") xml root <- introspect "/" root @?= Just (Object { objectPath = ObjectPath "/" , objectInterfaces = [] , objectChildren = [ expectedIntrospectionInterface ] }) foo <- introspect "/foo" foo @?= Just expectedIntrospectionInterface startDummyBus :: IO (Address, MVar DBus.Socket.Socket) startDummyBus = do uuid <- randomUUID let Just addr = address "unix" (Map.fromList [("abstract", formatUUID uuid)]) listener <- DBus.Socket.listen addr sockVar <- forkVar (DBus.Socket.accept listener) return (DBus.Socket.socketListenerAddress listener, sockVar) withConnectedClient :: (IO (DBus.Socket.Socket, DBus.Client.Client) -> TestTree) -> TestTree withConnectedClient = withResource create remove where create = do (addr, sockVar) <- startDummyBus clientVar <- forkVar (DBus.Client.connect addr) -- TODO: verify that 'hello' contains expected data, and -- send a properly formatted reply. sock <- readMVar sockVar receivedHello <- DBus.Socket.receive sock let (ReceivedMethodCall helloSerial _) = receivedHello DBus.Socket.send sock (methodReturn helloSerial) (\_ -> return ()) client <- readMVar clientVar return (sock, client) remove (_, client) = DBus.Client.disconnect client stubMethodCall :: DBus.Socket.Socket -> IO a -> MethodCall -> (Serial -> MethodReturn) -> IO a stubMethodCall sock io expectedCall respond = do var <- forkVar io receivedCall <- DBus.Socket.receive sock let ReceivedMethodCall callSerial call = receivedCall expectedCall @?= call DBus.Socket.send sock (respond callSerial) (\_ -> return ()) takeMVar var callClientMethod :: DBus.Socket.Socket -> String -> String -> String -> [Variant] -> IO (Serial, Either MethodError MethodReturn) callClientMethod sock path iface name body = do let call = (methodCall (objectPath_ path) (interfaceName_ iface) (memberName_ name)) { methodCallBody = body } serial <- DBus.Socket.send sock call return resp <- DBus.Socket.receive sock case resp of ReceivedMethodReturn _ ret -> return (serial, Right ret) ReceivedMethodError _ err -> return (serial, Left err) _ -> assertFailure "callClientMethod: unexpected response to method call" >> undefined dbusCall :: String -> MethodCall dbusCall member = methodCall (objectPath_ "/org/freedesktop/DBus") (interfaceName_ "org.freedesktop.DBus") (memberName_ member)