![GitHub Actions status](https://github.com/haskell/network/workflows/Haskell%20CI/badge.svg) # [`network`](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/network) To build this package directly from git, you must run `autoreconf -i`. And then use `cabal configure; cabal build` or `stack build`. ## Support Policy ### GHC The `network` package support [3 major versions of GHC](https://downloads.haskell.org/~ghc/latest/docs/html/users_guide/intro.html#ghc-version-numbering-policy) only. This means that the current stable version and two previous stable versions are supported. ### Windows We use MSYS to build this package on Windows. To use the `network` package on Cygwin, use `stack`. ## Coding ### .hs files If you need C macros created by "configure" or `CALLCONV`/`SAFE_ON_WIN`, put ``` #include "HsNetDef.h" ``` "HsNet.h" does now work well since Mac's cpp sucks. ### .hsc files If you need `#peek`, `#poke` and others, create a `.hsc` file with ``` #include "HsNet.h" ``` `HsNet.h` includes `HsNefDef.h` and necessary C structures. Unfortunately, `hsc2hs` does not convert C macros. So, if you use `CALLCONV`/`SAFE_ON_WIN`, the following is also necessary: ``` ##include "HsNetDef.h" ```