{- |
  Properties for testing that instances of the 'Eq' class perform

  'p_reflexive', 'p_symmetric' and 'p_transitive' check the basic
  properties of an equity relation. In other words, they test the
  '==' method. 'p_not_equal' checks for the extraordinarily unlikely
  case of '==' and '/=' not agreeing on equity. (The default
  implementation of '/=' automatically guarantees that this test
  will pass, and that's what most people presumably use.)

module Test.AC.Class.Eq where

import Test.AC.Test

-- | Check that @x == x@.
p_reflexive :: (Show x, Eq x) => x -> Test
p_reflexive x =
  title "x == x" $
  x ?= x

-- | Check that if @x == y@ then @y == x@ as well.
p_symmetric :: (Show x, Eq x) => x -> x -> Test
p_symmetric x y =
  title "if x == y then y == x" $
  argument "x" x $
  argument "y" y $
  temporary "x == y" (x == y) $
  (y == x) ?= (x == y)

-- | Check that if @x == y@ and @y == z@ then @x == z@.
p_transitive :: (Show x, Eq x) => x -> x -> x -> Test
p_transitive x y z =
  title "if x == y and y == z then x == z" $
  argument "x" x $
  argument "y" y $
  argument "z" z $
  temporary "x == y" (x == y) $
  temporary "y == z" (y == z) $
  if (x /= y) && (y /= z)
    then inapplicable
    else (x == z) ?= ((x == y) && (y == z))

-- | Check that @x /= y@ is the same as @not (x == y)@.
p_not_equal :: (Show x, Eq x) => x -> x -> Test
p_not_equal x y =
  title "x /= y is not(x == y)" $
  argument "x" x $
  argument "y" y $
  temporary "x == y" (x == y) $
  (x /= y) ?= not (x == y)

{- |
  Given a list of /distinct/ values, perform all applicable tests
  on all possible combinations of inputs. (If the inputs are not
  distinct, some redundant tests are performed.)
p_Eq :: (Show x, Eq x) => [x] -> Test
p_Eq xs =
  title "p_Eq" $
  argument "xs" xs $
    title "p_reflexive"  $ tests [ p_reflexive  x     | x <- xs                   ],
    title "p_symmetric"  $ tests [ p_symmetric  x y   | x <- xs, y <- xs          ],
    title "p_transitive" $ tests [ p_transitive x y z | x <- xs, y <- xs, z <- xs ],
    title "p_not_equal"  $ tests [ p_not_equal  x y   | x <- xs, y <- xs          ]