{- |
  This module provides the 'Range' type and several functions for working with ranges.

module Data.BoundingBox.Range where

import Data.Vector.Class

{- |
  A 'Range' represents a continuous interval between two 'Scalar' endpoints.
data Range = Range {min_bound, max_bound :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Scalar} deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Given two 'Scalar's, construct a 'Range' (swapping the endpoints if necessary so that they are in the correct order.
bounds :: Scalar -> Scalar -> Range
bounds xa xb = Range (min xa xb) (max xa xb)

-- | Find the bounds of a list of points. (Throws an exception if the list is empty.)
points_bounds :: [Scalar] -> Range
points_bounds xs = Range (minimum xs) (maximum xs)

-- | Test whether a given 'Scalar' falls within a particular 'Range'.
within_bounds :: Scalar -> Range -> Bool
within_bounds x (Range x0 x1) = x0 <= x && x <= x1

-- | Take the union of two ranges. The resulting 'Range' contains all points that the original ranges contained, plus any points between them (if the original ranges don't overlap).
union :: Range -> Range -> Range
union (Range x00 x01) (Range x10 x11) = Range (min x00 x01) (max x01 x11)

-- | Take the intersection of two ranges. If the ranges do not overlap, the intersection is empty, and 'Nothing' is returned. (This is a good way to check whether two ranges overlap or not.) Otherwise a new 'Range' is returned that contains only the points common to both ranges.
isect :: Range -> Range -> Maybe Range
isect (Range x00 x01) (Range x10 x11) =
  if x00 < x10
    then if x10 < x01 then Just (Range x10 (min x01 x11)) else Nothing
    else if x00 < x11 then Just (Range x00 (min x01 x11)) else Nothing