{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

-- | 
-- HINTS for writing your own (Non-) terminals:
-- - ALWAYS provide types for local functions of 'mkStream' and
-- 'mkStreamInner'. Otherwise stream-fusion gets confused and doesn't optimize.
-- (Observable in core by looking for 'Left', 'RIght' constructors and 'SPEC'
-- constructors.

module ADP.Fusion.GAPlike where

import Control.Monad.Primitive
import Data.Primitive.Types (Prim(..))
import Data.Vector.Fusion.Stream.Size
import GHC.Prim (Constraint)
import qualified Data.Vector.Fusion.Stream.Monadic as S
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as VU

import Data.PrimitiveArray (PrimArrayOps(..), MPrimArrayOps(..))
import "PrimitiveArray" Data.Array.Repa.Index
import qualified Data.PrimitiveArray as PA
import qualified Data.PrimitiveArray.Zero.Unboxed as ZU

-- * The required type classes. Each class does its own thing.

-- | The 'Build' class. Combines the arguments into a stack before they are
-- turned into a stream.
-- To use, simply write "instance Build MyDataCtor" as we have sensible default
-- instances.

class Build x where
  -- | The stack of arguments we are building.
  type BuildStack x :: *
  -- | The default is for the left-most element.
  type BuildStack x = None :. x
  -- | Given an element, create the stack.
  build :: x -> BuildStack x
  -- | Default for the left-most element.
  default build :: (BuildStack x ~ (None :. x)) => x -> BuildStack x
  build x = None :. x
  {-# INLINE build #-}

-- | The stream element. Creates a type-level recursive data type containing
-- the extracted arguments.

class StreamElement x where
  -- | one element of the stream, recursively defined
  data StreamElm x :: *
  -- | top-most index of the stream -- typically int
  type StreamTopIdx  x :: *
  -- | complete, recursively defined argument of the stream
  type StreamArg  x :: *
  -- | Given a stream element, we extract the top-most idx
  getTopIdx :: StreamElm x -> StreamTopIdx x
  -- | extract the recursively defined argument in a well-defined way for 'apply'
  getArg :: StreamElm x -> StreamArg x

-- | Given the arguments, creates a stream of 'StreamElement's.

class (StreamConstraint x) => MkStream m x where
  type StreamConstraint x :: Constraint
  type StreamConstraint x = ()
  mkStream      :: (StreamConstraint x) => x -> (Int,Int) -> S.Stream m (StreamElm x)
  mkStreamInner :: (StreamConstraint x) => x -> (Int,Int) -> S.Stream m (StreamElm x)

-- * Terminates the stack of arguments

-- | Very simple data ctor

data None = None

-- | For CORE-language, we have our own Arg-terminator

data ArgZ = ArgZ

instance StreamElement None where
  data StreamElm None    = SeNone !Int
  type StreamTopIdx None = Int
  type StreamArg    None = ArgZ
  getTopIdx (SeNone k) = k
  getArg _ = ArgZ
  {-# INLINE getTopIdx #-}
  {-# INLINE getArg #-}

instance (Monad m) => MkStream m None where
  mkStream None (i,j) = S.unfoldr step i where
    step k
      | k<=j = Just (SeNone i, j+1)
      | otherwise = Nothing
    {-# INLINE step #-}
  {-# INLINE mkStream #-}
  mkStreamInner = mkStream
  {-# INLINE mkStreamInner #-}

-- * A single character terminal. Using unboxed vector to hold the input. Note
-- that "character" means parsing a scalar, not that the 'Chr' parser only
-- accepts "Char"s.

data Chr e = Chr !(VU.Vector e)

instance Build (Chr e)

instance (StreamElement x) => StreamElement (x:.Chr e) where
  data StreamElm (x:.Chr e) = SeChr !(StreamElm x) !Int !e
  type StreamTopIdx (x:.Chr e) = Int
  type StreamArg (x:.Chr e) = StreamArg x :. e
  getTopIdx (SeChr _ k _) = k
  getArg (SeChr x _ e) = getArg x :. e
  {-# INLINE getTopIdx #-}
  {-# INLINE getArg #-}

-- TODO I think, we can rewrite both versions to use S.map instead of S.flatten.

instance (Monad m, MkStream m x, StreamElement x, StreamTopIdx x ~ Int, VU.Unbox e) => MkStream m (x:.Chr e) where
  mkStream (x:.Chr es) (i,j) = S.flatten mk step Unknown $ mkStream x (i,j-1) where
    mk :: StreamElm x -> m (StreamElm x, Int)
    mk x = return (x, getTopIdx x)
    step :: (StreamElm x, Int) -> m (S.Step (StreamElm x, Int) (StreamElm (x:.Chr e)))
    step (x,k)
      | k+1 == j = return $ S.Yield (SeChr x (k+1) (VU.unsafeIndex es k)) (x,j+1)
      | otherwise = return S.Done
    {-# INLINE mk #-}
    {-# INLINE step #-}
  {-# INLINE mkStream #-}
  mkStreamInner (x:.Chr es) (i,j) = S.flatten mk step Unknown $ mkStreamInner x (i,j-1) where
    mk :: StreamElm x -> m (StreamElm x, Int)
    mk x = return (x, getTopIdx x)
    step :: (StreamElm x, Int) -> m (S.Step (StreamElm x, Int) (StreamElm (x:.Chr e)))
    step (x,k)
      | k < j     = return $ S.Yield (SeChr x (k+1) (VU.unsafeIndex es k)) (x,j+1)
      | otherwise = return $ S.Done
    {-# INLINE mk #-}
    {-# INLINE step #-}
  {-# INLINE mkStreamInner #-}

-- * Empty and non-empty tables.
-- TODO This will probably become more funny with triangular tables ...

-- | empty subwords allowed

data E

-- | only non-empty subwords

data N

class TransToN t where
  type TransTo t :: *
  transToN :: t -> TransTo t

-- | Used by the instances below for index calculations.

class TblType tt where
  initDeltaIdx :: tt -> Int

instance TblType E where
  initDeltaIdx _ = 0
  {-# INLINE initDeltaIdx #-}

instance TblType N where
  initDeltaIdx _ = 1
  {-# INLINE initDeltaIdx #-}

-- ** Immutable tables

data Tbl c es = Tbl !es

instance TransToN (Tbl c es) where
  type TransTo (Tbl c es) = Tbl N es
  transToN (Tbl es) = Tbl es
  {-# INLINE transToN #-}

instance Build (Tbl c es)

instance (StreamElement x, PrimArrayOps arr DIM2 e, TblType c) => StreamElement (x:.Tbl c (arr DIM2 e)) where
  data StreamElm    (x:.Tbl c (arr DIM2 e)) = SeTbl !(StreamElm x) !Int !e
  type StreamTopIdx (x:.Tbl c (arr DIM2 e)) = Int
  type StreamArg    (x:.Tbl c (arr DIM2 e)) = StreamArg x :. e
  getTopIdx (SeTbl _ k _) = k
  getArg    (SeTbl x _ e) = getArg x :. e
  {-# INLINE getTopIdx #-}
  {-# INLINE getArg #-}

instance (Monad m, MkStream m x, StreamElement x, StreamTopIdx x ~ Int, PrimArrayOps arr DIM2 e, TblType c) => MkStream m (x:.Tbl c (arr DIM2 e)) where
  -- | The outer stream function assumes that mkStreamInner generates a valid
  -- stream that does not need to be checked. (This should always be true!).
  -- The table entry to read is [k,j], as we supposedly are generating the
  -- outermost stream. Even more "outermost" streams will have changed 'j'
  -- beforehand. 'mkStream' should only ever be used if 'j' can be fixed.
  mkStream (x:.Tbl t) (i,j) = S.map step $ mkStreamInner x (i,j - initDeltaIdx (undefined :: c)) where
    step :: StreamElm x -> StreamElm (x:.Tbl c (arr DIM2 e))
    step x = let k = getTopIdx x in SeTbl x j (t PA.! (Z:.k:.j))
    {-# INLINE step #-}
  -- | The inner stream will, in each step, check if the current subword [k,l]
  -- (forall l>=k) is valid and terminate the stream once l>j.
  mkStreamInner (x:.Tbl t) (i,j) = S.flatten mk step Unknown $ mkStreamInner x (i,j) where
    mk :: StreamElm x -> m (StreamElm x, Int)
    mk x = return (x, getTopIdx x + initDeltaIdx (undefined :: c))
    step :: (StreamElm x, Int) -> m (S.Step (StreamElm x, Int) (StreamElm (x:.Tbl c (arr DIM2 e))))
    step (x,l)
      | l<=j      = return $ S.Yield (SeTbl x l (t PA.! (Z:.k:.l))) (x,l+1)
      | otherwise = return $ S.Done
      where k = getTopIdx x
    {-# INLINE mk #-}
    {-# INLINE step #-}
  {-# INLINE mkStream #-}
  {-# INLINE mkStreamInner #-}

-- ** Mutable tables in some monad.

data MTbl c es = MTbl !es

instance TransToN (MTbl c es) where
  type TransTo (MTbl c es) = MTbl N es
  transToN (MTbl es) = MTbl es
  {-# INLINE transToN #-}

mtblN :: es -> MTbl N es
mtblN es = MTbl es
{-# INLINE mtblN #-}

mtblE :: es -> MTbl E es
mtblE es = MTbl es
{-# INLINE mtblE #-}

instance Build (MTbl c es)

instance (StreamElement x, MPrimArrayOps marr DIM2 e, TblType c) => StreamElement (x:.MTbl c (marr s DIM2 e)) where
  data StreamElm    (x:.MTbl c (marr s DIM2 e)) = SeMTbl !(StreamElm x) !Int !e
  type StreamTopIdx (x:.MTbl c (marr s DIM2 e)) = Int
  type StreamArg    (x:.MTbl c (marr s DIM2 e)) = StreamArg x :. e
  getTopIdx (SeMTbl _ k _) = k
  getArg    (SeMTbl x _ e) = getArg x :. e
  {-# INLINE getTopIdx #-}
  {-# INLINE getArg #-}

  ( Monad m
  , PrimMonad m
  , MkStream m x
  , StreamElement x
  , StreamTopIdx x ~ Int
  , MPrimArrayOps marr DIM2 e
  , TblType c
  , s ~ PrimState m
  ) => MkStream m (x:.MTbl c (marr s DIM2 e)) where
  -- | The outer stream function assumes that mkStreamInner generates a valid
  -- stream that does not need to be checked. (This should always be true!).
  -- The table entry to read is [k,j], as we supposedly are generating the
  -- outermost stream. Even more "outermost" streams will have changed 'j'
  -- beforehand. 'mkStream' should only ever be used if 'j' can be fixed.
  mkStream (x:.MTbl t) (i,j) = S.mapM step $ mkStreamInner x (i,j - initDeltaIdx (undefined :: c)) where
    step :: StreamElm x -> m (StreamElm (x:.MTbl c (marr s DIM2 e)))
    step x = let k = getTopIdx x in PA.readM t (Z:.k:.j) >>= \e -> return $ SeMTbl x j e
    {-# INLINE step #-}
  -- | The inner stream will, in each step, check if the current subword [k,l]
  -- (forall l>=k) is valid and terminate the stream once l>j.
  mkStreamInner (x:.MTbl t) (i,j) = S.flatten mk step Unknown $ mkStreamInner x (i,j) where
    mk :: StreamElm x -> m (StreamElm x, Int)
    mk x = return (x, getTopIdx x + initDeltaIdx (undefined :: c))
    step :: (StreamElm x, Int) -> m (S.Step (StreamElm x, Int) (StreamElm (x:.MTbl c (marr s DIM2 e))))
    step (x,l)
      | l<=j      = readM t (Z:.k:.l) >>= \e -> return $ S.Yield (SeMTbl x l e) (x,l+1)
      | otherwise = return $ S.Done
      where k = getTopIdx x
    {-# INLINE mk #-}
    {-# INLINE step #-}
  {-# INLINE mkStream #-}
  {-# INLINE mkStreamInner #-}

-- ** Some convenience functions.

tNtoE :: Tbl N x -> Tbl E x
tNtoE (Tbl x) = Tbl x
{-# INLINE tNtoE #-}

tEtoN :: Tbl E x -> Tbl N x
tEtoN (Tbl x) = Tbl x
{-# INLINE tEtoN #-}

-- * Parses an empty subword.

-- | The empty subword. Can not be part of a more complex RHS for obvious
-- reasons: "S -> E S" doesn't make sense. Used in some grammars as the base
-- case.

data Empty = Empty

instance Build Empty where
  type BuildStack Empty = Empty
  build c = c
  {-# INLINE build #-}

instance StreamElement (Empty) where
  data StreamElm    Empty = SeEmpty !Int
  type StreamTopIdx Empty = Int
  type StreamArg    Empty = ArgZ :. ()
  getTopIdx (SeEmpty k) = k
  getArg    (SeEmpty _) = ArgZ :. ()
  {-# INLINE getTopIdx #-}
  {-# INLINE getArg #-}

instance (Monad m) => MkStream m (Empty) where
  mkStream Empty (i,j) = S.unfoldr step i where
    step k
      | k==j      = Just (SeEmpty k, j+1)
      | otherwise = Nothing
    {-# INLINE step #-}
  mkStreamInner = error "undefined for Empty"
  {-# INLINE mkStream #-}
  {-# INLINE mkStreamInner #-}

-- * Parsing subwords with restriced size. Both min- and max-size are given
-- when binding input.

data RestrictedRegion e = RRegion !Int !Int !(VU.Vector e)

instance Build (RestrictedRegion e)

instance (StreamElement x) => StreamElement (x:.RestrictedRegion e) where
  data StreamElm (x:.RestrictedRegion e) = SeResRegion !(StreamElm x) !Int (VU.Vector e)
  type StreamTopIdx (x:.RestrictedRegion e) = Int
  type StreamArg (x:.RestrictedRegion e) = StreamArg x :. (VU.Vector e)
  getTopIdx (SeResRegion _ k _) = k
  getArg (SeResRegion x _ e) = getArg x :. e
  {-# INLINE getTopIdx #-}
  {-# INLINE getArg #-}

instance (Monad m, MkStream m x, StreamElement x, StreamTopIdx x ~ Int, VU.Unbox e) => MkStream m (x:.RestrictedRegion e) where
  mkStream (x:.RRegion minR maxR xs) (i,j) = S.flatten mk step Unknown $ mkStream x (i,j-1) where
    mk :: StreamElm x -> m (StreamElm x, Int)
    mk x = return (x, getTopIdx x)
    step :: (StreamElm x, Int) -> m (S.Step (StreamElm x, Int) (StreamElm (x:.RestrictedRegion e)))
    step (x,k)
      | k+minR <= j && k+maxR >= j = return $ S.Yield (SeResRegion x k (VU.unsafeSlice k (max maxR (j-k)) xs)) (x,j+1)
      | otherwise = return S.Done
    {-# INLINE mk #-}
    {-# INLINE step #-}
  {-# INLINE mkStream #-}
  mkStreamInner (x:.RRegion minR maxR xs) (i,j) = S.flatten mk step Unknown $ mkStream x (i,j) where
    mk :: StreamElm x -> m (StreamElm x, Int)
    mk x = return (x, getTopIdx x + minR)
    step :: (StreamElm x, Int) -> m (S.Step (StreamElm x, Int) (StreamElm (x:.RestrictedRegion e)))
    step (x,l)
      | l<=j && (l-k)<=maxR = return $ S.Yield (SeResRegion x l (VU.unsafeSlice k (l-k) xs)) (x,j+1)
      | otherwise           = return S.Done
      where k = getTopIdx x
    {-# INLINE mk #-}
    {-# INLINE step #-}
  {-# INLINE mkStreamInner #-}

-- * Backtracking tables.
-- Since we want the slow forward phase to be fast, in the backtracking phase,
-- we need to keep track of additional things. The backtracking table 'BTtbl'
-- requires the table and an additional backtracking function. You should use
-- the same composed function as for the forward pahse creating the bound table
-- in the first place.

-- | The backtracking table 'BTtbl" captures a DP table and the function used
-- to fill it.

data BTtbl c t g = BTtbl t g

instance TransToN (BTtbl c t g) where
  type TransTo (BTtbl c t g) = BTtbl N t g
  transToN (BTtbl t g) = BTtbl t g
  {-# INLINE transToN #-}

bttblN :: t -> g -> BTtbl N t g
bttblN t g = BTtbl t g
{-# INLINE bttblN #-}

bttblE :: t -> g -> BTtbl E t g
bttblE t g = BTtbl t g
{-# INLINE bttblE #-}

instance Build (BTtbl c t g)

-- | The backtracking function, given our index pair, return a stream of
-- backtracked results. (Return as in we are in a monad).
-- TODO Should this be "(Int,Int) -> m (SM.Stream Id b)" or are there cases
-- where we'd like to have monadic effects on the "b"s?

type BTfun m b = (Int,Int) -> m (S.Stream m b)

instance (Monad m, StreamElement x, TblType c) => StreamElement (x:.BTtbl c (ZU.Arr0 DIM2 e) (BTfun m b)) where
  data StreamElm    (x:.BTtbl c (ZU.Arr0 DIM2 e) (BTfun m b)) = SeBTtbl !(StreamElm x) !Int !e (m (S.Stream m b))
  type StreamTopIdx (x:.BTtbl c (ZU.Arr0 DIM2 e) (BTfun m b)) = Int
  type StreamArg    (x:.BTtbl c (ZU.Arr0 DIM2 e) (BTfun m b)) = StreamArg x :. (e, m (S.Stream m b))
  getTopIdx (SeBTtbl _ k _ _) = k
  getArg    (SeBTtbl x _ e g) = getArg x :. (e,g)
  {-# INLINE getTopIdx #-}
  {-# INLINE getArg #-}

  ( Monad m
  , MkStream m x
  , StreamElement x
  , VU.Unbox e
  , StreamTopIdx x ~ Int
  , TblType c
  ) => MkStream m (x:.BTtbl c (ZU.Arr0 DIM2 e) (BTfun m b)) where
  mkStream (x:.BTtbl t g) (i,j) = S.map step $ mkStreamInner x (i,j - initDeltaIdx (undefined :: c)) where
    step :: StreamElm x -> StreamElm (x:.BTtbl c (ZU.Arr0 DIM2 e) (BTfun m b))
    step x = let k = getTopIdx x in SeBTtbl x j (t PA.! (Z:.k:.j)) (g (k,j))
    {-# INLINE step #-}
  mkStreamInner (x:.BTtbl t g) (i,j) = S.flatten mk step Unknown $ mkStreamInner x (i,j) where
    mk :: StreamElm x -> m (StreamElm x, Int)
    mk x = return (x, getTopIdx x + initDeltaIdx (undefined :: c))
    step :: (StreamElm x, Int) -> m (S.Step (StreamElm x, Int) (StreamElm (x:.BTtbl c (ZU.Arr0 DIM2 e) (BTfun m b))))
    step (x,l)
      | l<=j      = return $ S.Yield (SeBTtbl x l (t PA.! (Z:.k:.l)) (g (k,l))) (x,l+1)
      | otherwise = return $ S.Done
      where k = getTopIdx x
    {-# INLINE mk #-}
    {-# INLINE step #-}
  {-# INLINE mkStream #-}
  {-# INLINE mkStreamInner #-}

-- * Build complex stacks

instance Build x => Build (x,y) where
  type BuildStack (x,y) = BuildStack x :. y
  build (x,y) = build x :. y
  {-# INLINE build #-}

-- * combinators

infixl 8 <<<
(<<<) f t ij = S.map (\s -> apply f $ getArg s) $ mkStream (build t) ij
{-# INLINE (<<<) #-}

infixl 7 |||
(|||) xs ys ij = xs ij S.++ ys ij
{-# INLINE (|||) #-}

infixl 6 ...
(...) s h ij = h $ s ij
{-# INLINE (...) #-}

infixl 6 ..@
(..@) s h ij = h ij $ s ij
{-# INLINE (..@) #-}

infixl 9 ~~
(~~) = (,)
{-# INLINE (~~) #-}

infixl 9 %
(%) = (,)
{-# INLINE (%) #-}

-- * Apply function 'f' in '(<<<)'

class Apply x where
  type Fun x :: *
  apply :: Fun x -> x

instance Apply (ArgZ:.a -> res) where
  type Fun (ArgZ:.a -> res) = a -> res
  apply fun (ArgZ:.a) = fun a
  {-# INLINE apply #-}

instance Apply (ArgZ:.a:.b -> res) where
  type Fun (ArgZ:.a:.b -> res) = a->b -> res
  apply fun (ArgZ:.a:.b) = fun a b
  {-# INLINE apply #-}

instance Apply (ArgZ:.a:.b:.c -> res) where
  type Fun (ArgZ:.a:.b:.c -> res) = a->b->c -> res
  apply fun (ArgZ:.a:.b:.c) = fun a b c
  {-# INLINE apply #-}

instance Apply (ArgZ:.a:.b:.c:.d -> res) where
  type Fun (ArgZ:.a:.b:.c:.d -> res) = a->b->c->d -> res
  apply fun (ArgZ:.a:.b:.c:.d) = fun a b c d
  {-# INLINE apply #-}

instance Apply (ArgZ:.a:.b:.c:.d:.e -> res) where
  type Fun (ArgZ:.a:.b:.c:.d:.e -> res) = a->b->c->d->e -> res
  apply fun (ArgZ:.a:.b:.c:.d:.e) = fun a b c d e
  {-# INLINE apply #-}

instance Apply (ArgZ:.a:.b:.c:.d:.e:.f -> res) where
  type Fun (ArgZ:.a:.b:.c:.d:.e:.f -> res) = a->b->c->d->e->f -> res
  apply fun (ArgZ:.a:.b:.c:.d:.e:.f) = fun a b c d e f
  {-# INLINE apply #-}

instance Apply (ArgZ:.a:.b:.c:.d:.e:.f:.g -> res) where
  type Fun (ArgZ:.a:.b:.c:.d:.e:.f:.g -> res) = a->b->c->d->e->f->g -> res
  apply fun (ArgZ:.a:.b:.c:.d:.e:.f:.g) = fun a b c d e f g
  {-# INLINE apply #-}

instance Apply (ArgZ:.a:.b:.c:.d:.e:.f:.g:.h -> res) where
  type Fun (ArgZ:.a:.b:.c:.d:.e:.f:.g:.h -> res) = a->b->c->d->e->f->g->h -> res
  apply fun (ArgZ:.a:.b:.c:.d:.e:.f:.g:.h) = fun a b c d e f g h
  {-# INLINE apply #-}

instance Apply (ArgZ:.a:.b:.c:.d:.e:.f:.g:.h:.i -> res) where
  type Fun (ArgZ:.a:.b:.c:.d:.e:.f:.g:.h:.i -> res) = a->b->c->d->e->f->g->h->i -> res
  apply fun (ArgZ:.a:.b:.c:.d:.e:.f:.g:.h:.i) = fun a b c d e f g h i
  {-# INLINE apply #-}

instance Apply (ArgZ:.a:.b:.c:.d:.e:.f:.g:.h:.i:.j -> res) where
  type Fun (ArgZ:.a:.b:.c:.d:.e:.f:.g:.h:.i:.j -> res) = a->b->c->d->e->f->g->h->i->j -> res
  apply fun (ArgZ:.a:.b:.c:.d:.e:.f:.g:.h:.i:.j) = fun a b c d e f g h i j
  {-# INLINE apply #-}

instance Apply (ArgZ:.a:.b:.c:.d:.e:.f:.g:.h:.i:.j:.k -> res) where
  type Fun (ArgZ:.a:.b:.c:.d:.e:.f:.g:.h:.i:.j:.k -> res) = a->b->c->d->e->f->g->h->i->j->k -> res
  apply fun (ArgZ:.a:.b:.c:.d:.e:.f:.g:.h:.i:.j:.k) = fun a b c d e f g h i j k
  {-# INLINE apply #-}

instance Apply (ArgZ:.a:.b:.c:.d:.e:.f:.g:.h:.i:.j:.k:.l -> res) where
  type Fun (ArgZ:.a:.b:.c:.d:.e:.f:.g:.h:.i:.j:.k:.l -> res) = a->b->c->d->e->f->g->h->i->j->k->l -> res
  apply fun (ArgZ:.a:.b:.c:.d:.e:.f:.g:.h:.i:.j:.k:.l) = fun a b c d e f g h i j k l
  {-# INLINE apply #-}

instance Apply (ArgZ:.a:.b:.c:.d:.e:.f:.g:.h:.i:.j:.k:.l:.m -> res) where
  type Fun (ArgZ:.a:.b:.c:.d:.e:.f:.g:.h:.i:.j:.k:.l:.m -> res) = a->b->c->d->e->f->g->h->i->j->k->l->m -> res
  apply fun (ArgZ:.a:.b:.c:.d:.e:.f:.g:.h:.i:.j:.k:.l:.m) = fun a b c d e f g h i j k l m
  {-# INLINE apply #-}

instance Apply (ArgZ:.a:.b:.c:.d:.e:.f:.g:.h:.i:.j:.k:.l:.m:.n -> res) where
  type Fun (ArgZ:.a:.b:.c:.d:.e:.f:.g:.h:.i:.j:.k:.l:.m:.n -> res) = a->b->c->d->e->f->g->h->i->j->k->l->m->n -> res
  apply fun (ArgZ:.a:.b:.c:.d:.e:.f:.g:.h:.i:.j:.k:.l:.m:.n) = fun a b c d e f g h i j k l m n
  {-# INLINE apply #-}

instance Apply (ArgZ:.a:.b:.c:.d:.e:.f:.g:.h:.i:.j:.k:.l:.m:.n:.o -> res) where
  type Fun (ArgZ:.a:.b:.c:.d:.e:.f:.g:.h:.i:.j:.k:.l:.m:.n:.o -> res) = a->b->c->d->e->f->g->h->i->j->k->l->m->n->o -> res
  apply fun (ArgZ:.a:.b:.c:.d:.e:.f:.g:.h:.i:.j:.k:.l:.m:.n:.o) = fun a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
  {-# INLINE apply #-}