-- | Backtracking which uses lists internally. The basic idea is to convert
-- each @Stream@ into a list. The consumer consumes the stream lazily, but
-- allows for fusion to happen. The hope is that this improves total
-- performance in those cases, where backtracking has significant costs.

module ADP.Fusion.TH.Backtrack where

import           Control.Applicative ( (<$>) )
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.Primitive (PrimState, PrimMonad)
import           Data.List
import           Data.Tuple.Select
import           Data.Vector.Fusion.Stream.Monadic (Stream(..))
import           Debug.Trace
import           Language.Haskell.TH
import           Language.Haskell.TH.Instances
import           Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Fusion.Stream.Monadic as SM
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as VG
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable as VGM
import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as VM

import           Data.PrimitiveArray ( (:.)(..) , Z(..) )

import           ADP.Fusion.TH.Common

-- | @Backtracking@ products of @f@ and @b@. Choice in @f@ needs to be
-- reduced to a scalar value. It is then compared to the @fst@ values
-- in @b@. From those, @choice b@ selects.

class ProductBacktracking sigF sigB where
  type SigBacktracking sigF sigB :: *
  (<||) :: sigF -> sigB -> SigBacktracking sigF sigB

-- | The ADP-established product operation. Returns a vector of results,
-- along the lines of what the ADP @f *** b@ provides.

class ProductCombining sigF sigB where
  type SigCombining sigF sigB :: *
  (***) :: sigF -> sigB -> SigCombining sigF sigB

-- | Creates instances for all products given a signature data type.

makeProductInstances :: Name -> Q [Dec]
makeProductInstances tyconName = do
  t <- reify tyconName
  case t of
    TyConI (DataD ctx tyConName args cs d) -> do
      let m = getMonadName args
      case cs of
        [RecC dataconName funs] -> do
          let Just (h,m',x,r) = getObjectiveNames funs
          mL <- newName "mL"
          xL <- newName "xL"
          rL <- newName "rL"
          mR <- newName "mR"
          xR <- newName "xR"
          rR <- newName "rR"
--          let lType    = buildLeftType  tyconName (m', x, r) (mL, xL)        args
          let lType    = buildRightType tyconName (m', x, r) (mL, xL, rL)    args
          let rType    = buildRightType tyconName (m', x, r) (mR, xR, rR)    args
          let (fs,hs) = partition ((`notElem` [h]) . sel1) funs
          let sigBType = buildSigBacktrackingType  tyconName (m', x, r) xL (mR, xR, rR) args
          Clause psB (NormalB bB) dsB <- genAlgProdFunctions buildBacktrackingChoice dataconName funs fs hs
          iB <- [d| instance (Monad $(varT mL), Monad $(varT mR), Eq $(varT xL), $(varT mL) ~ $(varT mR), $(varT xL) ~ $(varT rL))
                      => ProductBacktracking $(return lType) $(return rType) where
                          type SigBacktracking $(return lType) $(return rType) = $(return sigBType)
                          (<||) = $(return $ LamE psB $ LetE dsB bB)
                          {-# Inline (<||) #-}
          -- TODO might well be that this doesn't work because we re-use
          -- type names ...
          vG <- newName "vG"
          sigPType <- buildSigCombiningType tyconName vG (m', x, r) (mL, xL, rL) (mR, xR, rR) args
          Clause psC (NormalB bC) dsC <- genAlgProdFunctions buildCombiningChoice    dataconName funs fs hs
          iC <- [d| instance (Monad $(varT mL), Monad $(varT mR), Eq $(varT xL), $(varT mL) ~ $(varT mR) {- , VG.Vector $(varT vG) ($(varT rL),$(varT rR)) -} )
                      => ProductCombining $(return lType) $(return rType) where
                          type SigCombining $(return lType) $(return rType) = $(return sigPType)
                          (***) = undefined
                           - (***) = $(return $ LamE psC $ LetE dsC bC)
                           - -}
                          {-# Inline (***) #-}
          return $ iB -- ++ iC

-- | Returns the 'Name' of the monad variable.

getMonadName :: [TyVarBndr] -> Maybe Name
getMonadName = go
  where go [] = Nothing
        go (KindedTV m (AppT (AppT ArrowT StarT) StarT) : _) = Just m
        go (_ : xs) = go xs

-- | Returns the 'Name's of the objective function variables, as well as
-- the name of the objective function itself.

getObjectiveNames :: [VarStrictType] -> Maybe (Name,Name,Name,Name)
getObjectiveNames = go
  where go [] = Nothing
        go ( (hName , _ , (AppT (AppT ArrowT (AppT (AppT (ConT streamName) (VarT mS)) (VarT x))) (AppT (VarT mR) (VarT r)))) : xs)
          | streamName == ''Stream && mS == mR = Just (hName,mS,x,r)
          | otherwise             = go xs
        go ( _ : xs) = go xs

-- * Constructions for the different algebra types.

-- | The left algebra type. Assumes that in @choice :: Stream m x -> m r@
-- we have that @x ~ r@.

buildLeftType :: Name -> (Name, Name, Name) -> (Name, Name) -> [TyVarBndr] -> Type
buildLeftType tycon (m, x, r) (mL, xL) = foldl AppT (ConT tycon) . map (VarT . go)
  where go (PlainTV z)
          | z == m        = mL  -- correct monad name
          | z == x        = xL  -- point to new x type
          | z == r        = xL  -- stream and return type are the same
          | otherwise     = z   -- everything else can stay as is
        go (KindedTV z _) = go (PlainTV z)

-- | Here, we do not set any restrictions on the types @m@ and @r@.

buildRightType :: Name -> (Name, Name, Name) -> (Name, Name, Name) -> [TyVarBndr] -> Type
buildRightType tycon (m, x, r) (mR, xR, rR) = foldl AppT (ConT tycon) . map (VarT . go)
  where go (PlainTV z)
          | z == m    = mR  -- have discovered a monadic type
          | z == x    = xR  -- have discovered a type that is equal to the stream type (and hence we have a synvar type)
          | z == r    = rR  -- have discovered a type that is equal to the result type (for @<||@) equal to the stream type, hence synvar
          | otherwise = z   -- this is a terminal or a terminal stack (we don't care)
        go (KindedTV z _) = go (PlainTV z)

-- | Build up the type for backtracking. We want laziness in the right
-- return type. Hence, we have @AppT ListT (VarT xR)@ ; i.e. we want to
-- return results in a list.

buildSigBacktrackingType :: Name -> (Name, Name, Name) -> (Name) -> (Name, Name, Name) -> [TyVarBndr] -> Type
buildSigBacktrackingType tycon (m, x, r) (xL) (mR, xR, rR) = foldl AppT (ConT tycon) . map go
  where go (PlainTV z)
          | z == m    = VarT mR
          | z == x    = (AppT (AppT (TupleT 2) (VarT xL)) (AppT ListT (VarT xR)))
          | z == r    = VarT rR
          | otherwise = VarT z
        go (KindedTV z _) = go (PlainTV z)

-- | Build up the type for backtracking. We want laziness in the right
-- return type. Hence, we have @AppT ListT (VarT xR)@.

buildSigCombiningType :: Name -> Name -> (Name, Name, Name) -> (Name, Name, Name) -> (Name, Name, Name) -> [TyVarBndr] -> TypeQ
buildSigCombiningType tycon vG (m, x, r) (mL, xL, rL) (mR, xR, rR) = foldl appT (conT tycon) . map go
  where go (PlainTV z)
          | z == m    = varT mR
          | z == x    = [t| ($(varT xL) , $(varT xR)) |]
          | z == r    = [t| V.Vector ($(varT rL) , $(varT rR)) |]
          | otherwise = varT z
        go (KindedTV z _) = go (PlainTV z)

-- *

-- | Build up attribute and choice function. Here, we actually bind the
-- left and right algebra to @l@ and @r@.

  :: Choice
  -> Name
  -> [VarStrictType]
  -> [VarStrictType]
  -> [VarStrictType]
  -> Q Clause
genAlgProdFunctions choice conName allFunNames evalFunNames choiceFunNames = do
  let nonTermNames = nub . map getRuleResultType $ evalFunNames
  -- bind the l'eft and r'ight variable of the two algebras we want to join,
  -- also create unique names for the function names we shall bind later.
  nameL <- newName "l"
  varL  <- varP nameL
  fnmsL <- sequence $ replicate (length allFunNames) (newName "fnamL")
  nameR <- newName "r"
  varR  <- varP nameR
  fnmsR <- sequence $ replicate (length allFunNames) (newName "fnamR")
  -- bind the individual variables in the where part
  whereL <- valD (conP conName (map varP fnmsL)) (normalB $ varE nameL) []
  whereR <- valD (conP conName (map varP fnmsR)) (normalB $ varE nameR) []
  rce <- recConE conName
          $  zipWith3 (genChoiceFunction choice) (drop (length evalFunNames) fnmsL) (drop (length evalFunNames) fnmsR) choiceFunNames
          ++ zipWith3 (genAttributeFunction nonTermNames) fnmsL fnmsR evalFunNames
  -- build the function pairs
  -- to keep our sanity, lets print this stuff
  let cls = Clause [varL, varR] (NormalB rce) [whereL,whereR]
  return cls

-- | Simple wrapper for creating the choice fun expression.

  :: Choice
  -> Name
  -> Name
  -> VarStrictType
  -> Q (Name,Exp)
genChoiceFunction choice hL hR (name,_,t) = do
  exp <- choice hL hR
  return (name,exp)

-- | We take the left and right function name for one attribute and build
-- up the combined attribute function. Mostly a wrapper around
-- 'recBuildLampat' which does the main work.
-- TODO need fun names from @l@ and @r@

  :: [Name]
  -> Name
  -> Name
  -> VarStrictType
  -> Q (Name,Exp)
genAttributeFunction nts fL fR (name,_,t) = do
  (lamPat,funL,funR) <-recBuildLamPat nts fL fR (init $ getRuleSynVarNames nts t) -- @init@ since we don't want the result as a parameter
  let exp = LamE lamPat $ TupE [funL,funR]
  return (name,exp)

-- | Now things become trickly. We are given all non-terminal names (to
-- differentiate between a terminal (stack) and a syntactic variable; the
-- left and right function; and the arguments to this attribute function
-- (except the result parameter). We are given the latter as a result to an
-- earlier call to 'getRuleSynVarNames'.
-- We now look at each argument and determine wether it is a syntactic
-- variable. If so, then we actually have a tuple arguments @(x,ys)@ where
-- @x@ has to optimized value and @ys@ the backtracking list. The left
-- function receives just @x@ in this case. For the right function, things
-- are more complicated, since we have to flatten lists. See 'buildRns'.
-- Terminals are always given "as is" since we do not have a need for
-- tupled-up information as we have for syntactic variables.

  :: [Name]   -- ^ all non-terminal names
  -> Name     -- ^ left attribute function
  -> Name     -- ^ right attribute function
  -> [ArgTy Name]  -- ^ all arguments to the attribute function
  -> Q ([Pat], Exp, Exp)
recBuildLamPat nts fL' fR' ts = do
  -- here we just run through all arguments, either creating an @x@ and
  -- a @ys@ for a non-term or a @t@ for a term.
  -- ps <- sequence [ if t `elem` nts then tupP [newName "x" >>= varP, newName "ys" >>= varP] else (newName "t" >>= varP) | t<-ts]
  ps <- mapM argTyArgs ts
  let buildLfun f (SynVar (TupP [VarP v,_])) = appE f (varE v)
      buildLfun f (Term   (VarP v         )) = appE f (varE v)
      buildLfun f (StackedVars vs) =
        in  error "buildLfun: WRITE ME" -- appE f (varE $ mkName "foo")
  lamPat <- buildLamPat ps
  lfun <- buildLns (VarE fL') ps -- foldl buildLfun (varE fL') ps
  rfun <- buildRns (VarE fR') ps
  return (lamPat, lfun, rfun)

buildLamPat :: [ArgTy Pat] -> Q [Pat]
buildLamPat = mapM go where
  go (SynVar      p ) = return p
  go (Term        p ) = return p
  go (StackedVars ps) = build ps
  build :: [ArgTy Pat] -> Q Pat
  build = foldl (\s v -> [p| $(s) :. $(return v) |]) [p|Z|] . map get
  get :: ArgTy Pat -> Pat
  get (SynVar p) = p
  get (Term   p) = p

-- | Look at the argument type and build the capturing variables. In
-- particular captures synvar arguments with a 2-tuple @(x,ys)@.

argTyArgs :: ArgTy Name -> Q (ArgTy Pat)
argTyArgs (SynVar n) = SynVar <$> tupP [newName "x" >>= varP , newName "ys" >>= varP]
argTyArgs (Term n)          = Term <$> (newName "t" >>= varP)
argTyArgs (StackedTerms _)  = Term <$> (newName "t" >>= varP) -- !!!
argTyArgs (StackedVars vs)  = StackedVars <$> mapM argTyArgs vs
argTyArgs NilVar            = Term <$> (newName "t" >>= varP)
argTyArgs (Result _)        = error "argTyArgs: should not receive @Result@"

  :: Exp
  -> [ArgTy Pat]
  -> ExpQ
buildLns f' ps = foldl go (return f') ps
  where go :: ExpQ -> ArgTy Pat -> ExpQ
        go f (SynVar      (TupP [VarP v,_])) = appE f (varE v)
        go f (Term        (VarP v         )) = appE f (varE v)
        go f (StackedVars vs               ) = appE f (build vs)
        build :: [ArgTy Pat] -> ExpQ
        build = foldl (\s v -> [| $(s) :. $(varE v) |]) [|Z|] . map get
        get (SynVar (TupP [VarP v,_])) = v
        get (Term   (VarP t)         ) = t

-- |
-- @
-- [ f x | x <- xs ]
-- CompE [BindS (VarP x) (VarE xs), NoBindS (AppE (VarE f) (VarE x))]
-- @

  :: Exp
--  -> [Name]
  -> [ArgTy Pat]
  -> ExpQ
buildRns f' ps = do
  -- get all synvars, shallow or deep and create a new name to bind
  -- individual parts to.
  sy :: M.Map Pat Name <- M.fromList <$> (mapM (\s -> newName "y" >>= \y -> return (s,y)) $ concatMap flattenSynVars ps)
  -- bind them for the right part of the list expression (even though they
  -- are left in @CompE@. We don't use @sy@ directly to keep the order in
  -- which the comprehensions run.
  let rs = map (\k@(TupP [_,VarP v]) -> BindS (VarP $ sy M.! k) (VarE v)) $ concatMap flattenSynVars ps
  let go :: ExpQ -> ArgTy Pat -> ExpQ
      go f (SynVar      k       ) = appE f (varE $ sy M.! k) -- needed like this, because we need the @y@ in @y <- ys@
      go f (Term        (VarP v)) = appE f (varE v)
      go f (StackedVars vs      ) = appE f (foldl build [|Z|] vs)
      build :: ExpQ -> ArgTy Pat -> ExpQ
      build s (SynVar k       ) = [| $(s) :. $(varE $ sy M.! k) |]
      build s (Term   (VarP v)) = [| $(s) :. $(varE v)          |]
  funApp <- foldl go (return f') ps
  return . CompE $ rs ++ [NoBindS funApp]

  -- helper function for the argument build-up
  let go :: [ArgTy Pat] -> [Name]
      go [] = []
      go ((SynVar      k       ):ks) = sy M.! k  : go ks
      go ((Term        (VarP v)):ks) = v         : go ks -- should also cover StackedTerms, NilVar ! (because we build this earlier in @argTypArgs@)
      go ((StackedVars ls      ):ks) = (error "here") : go ks -- need to work more
  -- more verbose build-up of the arguments for @funApp@.
  let xs = go ps
  -- function application
  funApp <- noBindS $ foldl (\g z -> appE g (varE z)) (return f) xs
  return . CompE $ rs ++ [funApp]
buildRns f ps = do
  ys <- sequence [ newName "y" | TupP [_,VarP v] <- ps ]
  let vs = zipWith (\y v -> (BindS (VarP y) (VarE v))) ys [ v | TupP [_,VarP v] <- ps ]
  let xs = go ps ys
  ff <- noBindS $ foldl (\g z -> appE g (varE z)) (return f) xs
  return $ CompE $ vs ++ [ff]
  where go [] [] = []
        go (VarP v : gs) ys     = v : go gs ys  -- keep terminal binders
        go (TupP _ : gs) (v:ys) = v : go gs ys  -- insert new binders
        go as bs = error $ show ("not done?", as, bs)

-- | Type for backtracking functions.
-- Not too interesting, mostly to keep track of @choice@.

type Choice = Name -> Name -> Q Exp

-- | Build up the backtracking choice function. This choice function will
-- backtrack based on the first result, then return only the second.
-- TODO it should be (only?) this function we will need to modify to build
-- all algebra products.
-- @ysM@ can't be unboxed, as @snd@ of each element is a list, lazily
-- consumed. We build up @ysM@ as this makes fusion happen. Of course, this
-- is a boxed vector and not as efficient, but we gain the ability to have
-- lazily created backtracking from this!
-- This means strict optimization AND lazy backtracking

buildBacktrackingChoice :: Choice
buildBacktrackingChoice hL' hR' =
  [| \xs -> do        -- first, create a boxed, mutable vector from the results
               ysM <- streamToVector xs -- VGM.unstream xs :: m (VM.MVector s (t1,[t2]))
                      -- apply first choice
               hFres <- $(varE hL') $ SM.map fst $ vectorToStream ysM
                     -- second choice on snd elements, then concat'ed up
                     -- TODO good candidate for rewriting into flatten
                     -- operation!
                - $(varE hR') $ SM.concatMap (SM.fromList . snd) $ SM.filter ((hFres==) . fst) $ vectorToStream ysM
               $(varE hR') $ SM.fromList $ concatMap snd $ filter ((hFres==) . fst) $ V.toList ysM

buildCombiningChoice :: Choice
buildCombiningChoice hL' hR' =
  [| \xs -> do       -- first, create a boxed, mutable vector from the results
               --ys <- streamToVector xs
               --      -- apply first choice
               --fs <- $(varE hL') $ SM.map fst $ vectorToStream ys
               --      -- generate a vector of vectors, one for each
               --      -- surviving @f@
               --vs <- V.forM fs $ \f -> do
               --        -- keep only those @ys@ that have @f@
               --        let as = V.filter ((f==) . fst) ys
               --        -- apply @hR'@ to those, but only to the @snd@
               --        -- elements
               --        bs <- streamToVector =<< $(varE hR') $ SM.map snd $ vectorToStream $ as
               --        -- return the combined result, with @f@ attached.
               --        return $ V.map (\z -> (f,z)) bs
                - $ V.concat $ V.toList vs
               -- TODO we should return a @newtype Many x = forall (G.Vector v x) => Many { v x }
               -- Together with a closed type family, this gives us a good
               -- way to encode that we have classified DP

-- | Transform a monadic stream monadically into a vector.
-- TODO Improve code!

streamToVector :: (Monad m) => SM.Stream m x -> m (V.Vector x)
streamToVector xs = do
  l <- SM.toList xs
  let v = V.fromList l
  return v
{-# Inline streamToVector #-}

-- | Transform a vector into a monadic stream.
-- TODO improve code!

vectorToStream :: (Monad m) => V.Vector x -> SM.Stream m x
vectorToStream = SM.fromList . V.toList
{-# Inline vectorToStream #-}

-- | Gets the names used in the evaluation function. This returns one
-- 'Name' for each variable.
-- In case of @TupleT 0@ the type is @()@ and there isn't a name to go with
-- it. We just @mkName "()"@ a name, but this might be slightly dangerous?
-- (Not really sure if it indeed is)
-- With @AppT _ _@ we have a multidim terminal and produce another hackish
-- name to be consumed above.
-- @
-- AppT (AppT ArrowT (AppT (AppT (ConT Data.Array.Repa.Index.:.) (AppT (AppT (ConT Data.Array.Repa.Index.:.) (ConT Data.Array.Repa.Index.Z)) (VarT c_1627675270))) (VarT c_1627675270))) (VarT x_1627675265)
-- @

getRuleSynVarNames :: [Name]-> Type -> [ArgTy Name] -- [Name]
getRuleSynVarNames nts t' = go t' where
  go t
    | VarT x <- t                          = [Result x]
    | AppT (AppT ArrowT (VarT x)  ) y <- t = (if x `elem` nts then SynVar x else Term x) : go y
    | AppT (AppT ArrowT (TupleT 0)) y <- t = NilVar : go y
    | AppT (AppT ArrowT s         ) y <- t = stacked s : go y
    | otherwise                            = error $ "getRuleSynVarNames error: " ++ show t ++ "    in:    " ++ show t'
  stacked s = if null [ () | SynVar _ <- xs ] then StackedTerms xs else StackedVars xs
    where xs = reverse $ stckd s
          stckd (ConT z) | z == ''Z = []
          stckd (AppT a (TupleT 0)) = NilVar : stckd a
          stckd (AppT a (VarT x)  ) = (if x `elem` nts then SynVar x else Term x) : stckd a
          stckd (AppT (ConT c) a  ) | c == ''(:.) = stckd a
          stckd err = error $ "stckd" ++ show err

(AppT (AppT (ConT Data.PrimitiveArray.Index.Class.:.)
            (AppT (AppT (ConT Data.PrimitiveArray.Index.Class.:.)
                        (ConT Data.PrimitiveArray.Index.Class.Z)
                  (VarT x_1627774371)
      (TupleT 0)

getRuleSynVarNames nts t' = undefined where -- go t' where
  go t
    | VarT x <- t = [x]
    | AppT (AppT ArrowT (VarT x  )) y <- t = x : go y   -- this is a single-dim variable, return the name that the incoming data is bound to (not necessarily syntactic)
    | AppT (AppT ArrowT (AppT _ _)) y <- t = mkName "[]" : go y   -- this captures that we have a multi-dim terminal.
    | AppT (AppT ArrowT (TupleT 0)) y <- t = mkName "()" : go y   -- this case captures things like @nil :: () -> x@ for rules like @nil <<< Epsilon@.
    | otherwise            = error $ "getRuleSynVarNames error: " ++ show t ++ "    in:    " ++ show t'

data ArgTy x
  -- | This @SynVar@ spans the full column of tapes; i.e. it is a normal
  -- syntactic variable.
  = SynVar { synVarName :: x }
  -- | We have just a single-tape grammar and as such just
  -- a single-dimensional terminal. We call this term, because
  -- @StackedTerms@ will be rewritten to just @Term@!
  | Term { termName :: x }
  -- | We have a multi-tape grammar with a stack of just terminals. We
  -- normally can ignore the contents in the functions above, but keep them
  -- anyway.
  | StackedTerms { stackedTerms :: [ArgTy x] }
  -- | We have a multi-tape grammar, but the stack contains a mixture of
  -- @ArgTy@s.
  | StackedVars { stackedVars :: [ArgTy x] }
  -- | A single-dim @()@ case
  | NilVar
  -- | The result type name
  | Result { result :: x }
  deriving (Show,Eq)

unpackArgTy :: Show x => ArgTy x -> x
unpackArgTy = go
  where go (SynVar x) = x
        go (Term   x) = x
        go (Result x) = x
        go err        = error $ "unpackArgTy " ++ show err

-- | Get all synvars, even if deep in a stack

flattenSynVars :: ArgTy x -> [x]
flattenSynVars (SynVar x)       = [x]
flattenSynVars (StackedVars xs) = concatMap flattenSynVars xs
flattenSynVars _                = []