-- | Rules of the type @X → ε@ denote termination of parsing if @X@ is empty. module ADP.Fusion.PointL.Term.Epsilon where import Data.Proxy import Data.Strict.Tuple import qualified Data.Vector.Fusion.Stream.Monadic as S import GHC.Exts import Data.PrimitiveArray import ADP.Fusion.Core import ADP.Fusion.Core.Term.Epsilon import ADP.Fusion.PointL.Core type instance LeftPosTy (IStatic d) (Epsilon Global) (PointL I) = IStatic d type instance LeftPosTy (IStatic d) (Epsilon Local) (PointL I) = IVariable d -- to actually allow local epsilons to work, IStatic does additional static controls --type instance LeftPosTy (IVariable d) Epsilon (PointL I) = IVariable d type instance LeftPosTy (OStatic d) (Epsilon Global) (PointL O) = OStatic d instance forall pos posLeft m ls i lg . ( TermStream m (Z:.pos) (TermSymbol M (Epsilon lg)) (Elm (Term1 (Elm ls (PointL i))) (Z :. PointL i)) (Z:.PointL i) , posLeft ~ LeftPosTy pos (Epsilon lg) (PointL i) , TermStaticVar pos (Epsilon lg) (PointL i) , MkStream m posLeft ls (PointL i) ) ⇒ MkStream m pos (ls :!: (Epsilon lg)) (PointL i) where mkStream Proxy (ls :!: Epsilon) grd us is = S.map (\(ss,ee,ii) -> ElmEpsilon ii ss) . addTermStream1 (Proxy ∷ Proxy pos) (Epsilon @lg) us is $ mkStream (Proxy ∷ Proxy posLeft) ls (termStaticCheck (Proxy ∷ Proxy pos) (Epsilon @lg) us is grd) us (termStreamIndex (Proxy ∷ Proxy pos) (Epsilon @lg) is) {-# Inline mkStream #-} instance ( TermStreamContext m ps ts s x0 i0 is (PointL I) ) ⇒ TermStream m (ps:.IStatic d) (TermSymbol ts (Epsilon lg)) s (is:.PointL I) where termStream Proxy (ts:|Epsilon) (us:..LtPointL u) (is:.PointL i) = S.map (\(TState s ii ee) -> let RiPlI k = getIndex (getIdx s) (Proxy :: PRI is (PointL I)) in TState s (ii:.:RiPlI k) (ee:.())) . termStream (Proxy ∷ Proxy ps) ts us is {-# Inline termStream #-} {- instance ( TermStreamContext m ps ts s x0 i0 is (PointL I) ) ⇒ TermStream m (ps:.IVariable d) (TermSymbol ts Epsilon) s (is:.PointL I) where termStream Proxy (ts:|Epsilon) (us:..LtPointL u) (is:.PointL i) = S.map (\(TState s ii ee) -> let RiPlI k = getIndex (getIdx s) (Proxy :: PRI is (PointL I)) in TState s (ii:.:RiPlI k) (ee:.())) . termStream (Proxy ∷ Proxy ps) ts us is {-# Inline termStream #-} -} instance ( TermStreamContext m ps ts s x0 i0 is (PointL O) ) => TermStream m (ps:.OStatic d) (TermSymbol ts (Epsilon lg)) s (is:.PointL O) where termStream Proxy (ts:|Epsilon) (us:..LtPointL u) (is:.PointL i) = S.map (\(TState s ii ee) -> let io = getIndex (getIdx s) (Proxy :: PRI is (PointL O)) in TState s (ii:.:io) (ee:.())) . termStream (Proxy ∷ Proxy ps) ts us is {-# Inline termStream #-} -- | We assume that @ε / Epsilon@ is ever only the single symbol (maybe apart -- from @- / Deletion@) on a tape. Hence The instance is only active in -- @IStatic 0@ cases. instance TermStaticVar (IStatic 0) (Epsilon Global) (PointL I) where termStreamIndex Proxy Epsilon (PointL i ) = PointL i termStaticCheck Proxy Epsilon _ (PointL (I# i)) grd = (i ==# 0#) `andI#` grd {-# Inline [0] termStreamIndex #-} {-# Inline [0] termStaticCheck #-} instance TermStaticVar (IStatic 0) (Epsilon Local) (PointL I) where termStreamIndex Proxy Epsilon (PointL i ) = PointL i -- | Local epsilons are *always* possible. termStaticCheck Proxy Epsilon _ (PointL (I# i)) grd = grd {-# Inline termStreamIndex #-} {-# Inline termStaticCheck #-} instance TermStaticVar (OStatic 0) (Epsilon Global) (PointL O) where termStreamIndex Proxy Epsilon (PointL i ) = PointL i -- | -- -- TODO Consider this as a potential bug: we do *not* check that the upper -- bound @us@ (which we not even hand over to termStaticCheck but should) is -- equal to the current index @i@. HERE this ends up not being a bug because -- @Epsilon@ keeps the positional system at @OStatic@ and does not move to -- @ORightOf@ or anything, and in correct epsilon rules, everything is fine. -- -- We even end up being correct with @X -> whatever epsilon@ because epsilon -- is neutral ... -- -- TODO But we should probably statically assert that epsilon is the only -- symbol on the r.h.s. of whatever we write ... termStaticCheck Proxy Epsilon (LtPointL (I# u)) (PointL (I# i)) grd = (u ==# i) `andI#` grd {-# Inline [0] termStreamIndex #-} {-# Inline [0] termStaticCheck #-} instance TermStaticVar (OStatic 0) (Epsilon Local) (PointL O) where termStreamIndex Proxy Epsilon (PointL i ) = PointL i termStaticCheck Proxy Epsilon (LtPointL (I# u)) (PointL (I# i)) grd = grd {-# Inline [0] termStreamIndex #-} {-# Inline [0] termStaticCheck #-}