{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
    Module      :  Control.ERNet.Foundations.Manager
    Description :  Abstraction of a distributed network manager.
    Copyright   :  (c) Michal Konecny
    License     :  BSD3

    Maintainer  :  mik@konecny.aow.cz
    Stability   :  experimental
    Portability :  portable

    Abstraction of a distributed manager for networked ER processes. 
    Its functions comprise:
    * initial process deployment
    * expansion of a process into a sub-network

    To be imported qualified, usually with the prefix MAN.
module Control.ERNet.Foundations.Manager where

import Control.ERNet.Foundations.Protocol 
import qualified Control.ERNet.Foundations.Event.Logger as LG 
import qualified Control.ERNet.Foundations.Channel as CH 
import Control.ERNet.Foundations.Process 

import Control.Concurrent.STM as STM

class (CH.ChannelForScheduler lg sIn sOut sInAnyProt sOutAnyProt) => 
    Manager man lg sIn sOut sInAnyProt sOutAnyProt
    | man -> lg sIn sOut sInAnyProt sOutAnyProt
    new :: ManagerName -> IO (man, ManagerID)
    connectNeighbour :: man -> ManagerID -> IO Bool
    runProcess ::
        man {-^ a manager that will deploy the process -} -> 
        ERProcess sInAnyProt sOutAnyProt 
                a process to be deployed; 
                it cannot have input channels 
             -} -> 
        IO lg

{-| A name given to a ditributed node by a programmer. -}
type ManagerName = String

    A globally unique name as a URL. 

    eg ernet://localhost:4176/miks-ivp-solver-master
    The port 4176 was unassigned when checked on
    on 2nd November 2008.
type ManagerID = String

    Run a process together with some queries on one of its output sockets.
runDialogue ::
    (Manager man lg sIn sOut sInAnyProt sOutAnyProt,
     QAProtocol q a) =>
    man ->
    ERProcess sInAnyProt sOutAnyProt 
            a process to be deployed and enquired; 
            it cannot have input channels 
         -} ->
    Int {-^ the output socket in the above process to use, numbered from 0 -} ->
    ChannelType {-^ type of the above output socket -} ->
    ((q -> IO a) -> IO ())
        {-^ Dialogue action that makes queries into this channel.
            The parameter is a query function that waits for the answer
            and returns it.
         -} ->
    Bool {-^ whether or not to wait until the dialogue is finished -} ->
    IO lg
runDialogue manager process sockN sockT dialogue waitForEnd =
    doneTV <- atomically $ newTVar False
    -- deploy a new process that contains the supplied dialogue:
    logger <- runProcess manager (initProcess doneTV)
    case waitForEnd of
        True ->
            atomically $
                done <- readTVar doneTV
                case done of
                    True -> return ()
                    False -> retry
        False -> return ()
    return logger
    initProcess doneTV =
        ERProcess "" (initDeploy doneTV) [] []
    initDeploy doneTV _ _ _ expandProcess =
            "ERNet.Foundations.Manager: runDialogue: initDeploy: "
            [] -- input sockets
            [] -- output sockets
                (process, ([], processOutSockNs)),
                (startProcess doneTV, ([sockN, startChN],[startChN]))
    processOutSockNs =
        snd $ unzip $ zip (erprocOutputTypes process) [0..]
    startChN = length processOutSockNs
    startProcess doneTV =
        ERProcess "S" (startDeploy doneTV) [sockT, chTUnit] [chTUnit]
    startDeploy doneTV _ [inCHA, startInCHA] [startOutCHA]  _ =
        -- create a dummy output socket that we pretend "initiated" the start query
        dummyLogger <- LG.new
        (_, dummyCHA) <- CH.new dummyLogger "NONE" 0 chTUnit
        dummyCH <- CH.castOutIO "ERNet.Foundations.Manager: runDialogue: startDeploy: dummyCH: " dummyCHA
        -- cast the sockets:
        inCH <- CH.castInIO "ERNet.Foundations.Manager: runDialogue: startDeploy: inCH: " inCHA
        startInCH <- CH.castInIO "ERNet.Foundations.Manager: runDialogue: startDeploy: startInCH: " startInCHA
        startOutCH <- CH.castOutIO "ERNet.Foundations.Manager: runDialogue: startDeploy: startOutCH: " startOutCHA
        let _ = [dummyCH, startOutCH]
        -- make a dummy query to itself on the start channel 
        -- (which formally causes all dialogue queries):
        startQryInId <- CH.makeQuery dummyCH 0 startInCH QAUnitQ
        (startQryOutId, _) <- CH.waitForQuery startOutCH 
        -- execute the dialogue:
        let doQueryGetAnswer q = do
            qryId <- CH.makeQuery startOutCH startQryOutId inCH q
            CH.waitForAnswer startOutCH startQryOutId inCH qryId 
        dialogue doQueryGetAnswer
        -- answer the start query to itself
        CH.answerQuery False startOutCH (startQryOutId, QAUnitA)
        CH.waitForAnswer dummyCH 0 startInCH startQryInId
        -- signal that dialogue is finished
        atomically $ writeTVar doneTV True