    Module      :  Data.Number.ER.Real.LinearSolver
    Description :  arbitrary precision piece-wise something function enclosures
    Copyright   :  (c) Jan Duracz, Michal Konecny
    License     :  BSD3

    Maintainer  :  mik@konecny.aow.cz
    Stability   :  experimental
    Portability :  portable

    A simple validated solver for systems of linear equations with
    interval coefficients.  It uses a naive splitting approach and is
    therefore very slow.
module Data.Number.ER.Real.Arithmetic.LinearSolver 

import qualified Data.Number.ER.Real.Approx as RA 
import qualified Data.Number.ER.BasicTypes.DomainBox as DBox
import Data.Number.ER.BasicTypes.DomainBox (VariableID(..), DomainBox, DomainBoxMappable, DomainIntBox)
import Data.Number.ER.BasicTypes

import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
--import qualified Data.Map as Map

-- the following is code for unit testing 

import Data.Number.ER.Real.DefaultRepr 

eq1 :: (Box IRA, IRA)
eq1 = (mkBox [1,2,1], 2)
eq2 = (mkBox [2,4,2], 4)
eq3 = (mkBox [2,4,4], 5)
eqs = [eq1,eq2,eq3]

box = mkBox $ replicate 3 $ (-1)RA.\/1  
x1 = (-13/16)RA.\/(-3/4) :: IRA
x2 = (5/16)RA.\/(3/8) :: IRA
tol = 2^^(-20) :: IRA

mkBox :: [IRA] -> Box IRA
mkBox iras = Map.fromList $ zip [1..] iras

linearSolver ::
    (RA.ERIntApprox ira, 
     DomainIntBox box varid ira,
     DomainBoxMappable box box varid ira ira) =>
    [(box, ira)] 
        {-^ the equations; 
            each equation has coefficients of linear terms 
              + constant term -} ->
    box {-^ the domain of the variables -} ->
    ira {-^ an upper bound on the size of an acceptable solution box -} ->
    Maybe box 
            A box containing at least one solution within the domain; 
            Nothing if there is no solution. 
linearSolver eqns domBox tolerance =
    linearSolver' eqns [domBox] tolerance
linearSolver' eqns [] tolerance = 
linearSolver' eqns (b:bs) tolerance
    | not $ evalEqns b eqns = -- no solutions in the box
        linearSolver' eqns bs tolerance
    | belowTolerance = 
        Just b
    | otherwise = 
        linearSolver' eqns (splitBox b ++ bs) tolerance
    belowTolerance =
        and $ map (\d -> width d `RA.ltSingletons` tolerance) $ DBox.elems b

evalEqns box eqns =
    and $ map (evalEqn box) eqns
    returns true iff there exists a solution to the equation in the box
evalEqn box (expr,cons) = 
    cons `RA.refines` (evalExpr expr box)
    evalExpr expr box = sum $ DBox.elems $ DBox.intersectionWith (*) expr box

    returns the list of (two) boxes resulting from splitting the widest edge 
    of the box in half
splitBox box =
    [DBox.insert k (iLg RA.\/ iMg) box, 
     DBox.insert k (iMg RA.\/ iRg) box]
    iMg = (iLg+iRg)/2
    iLg = incrementGranularity iL
    iRg = incrementGranularity iR
    (iL,iR) = RA.bounds i
    i = DBox.lookup "ER: LinearSolver: splitBox: " k box
    k = widestVar box
    incrementGranularity x =
        RA.setMinGranularityOuter (RA.getGranularity x + 1) x

widestVar box =
    fst $ DBox.bestSplit box

width i =
    snd $ RA.bounds (iR-iL)
    (iL,iR) = RA.bounds i