{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable   #-}
    Module      :  Data.Number.ER.Real.Approx.Interval
    Description :  safe interval arithmetic
    Copyright   :  (c) Michal Konecny
    License     :  BSD3

    Maintainer  :  mik@konecny.aow.cz
    Stability   :  experimental
    Portability :  portable

    This module defines an arbitrary precision interval type and
    most of its interval arithmetic operations.
module Data.Number.ER.Real.Approx.Interval 

import qualified Data.Number.ER.Real.Approx as RA
import qualified Data.Number.ER.Real.Approx.Elementary as RAEL
import qualified Data.Number.ER.Real.Base as B
import qualified Data.Number.ER.ExtendedInteger as EI

import Data.Number.ER.BasicTypes
import Data.Number.ER.Misc

import Data.Ratio

import Data.Typeable
import Data.Generics.Basics
import Data.Binary
--import BinaryDerive

    Type for arbitrary precision interval arithmetic.
data ERInterval base =
    ERIntervalEmpty -- ^ usually represents computation error (top element in the interval domain)
    | ERIntervalAny  -- ^ represents no knowledge of result (bottom element in the interval domain) 
    | ERInterval
        erintv_left :: base,
        erintv_right :: base
    deriving (Typeable, Data)
{- the following has been generated by BinaryDerive -}
instance (Binary a) => Binary (ERInterval a) where
  put ERIntervalEmpty = putWord8 0
  put ERIntervalAny = putWord8 1
  put (ERInterval a b) = putWord8 2 >> put a >> put b
  get = do
    tag_ <- getWord8
    case tag_ of
      0 -> return ERIntervalEmpty
      1 -> return ERIntervalAny
      2 -> get >>= \a -> get >>= \b -> return (ERInterval a b)
      _ -> fail "no parse"
{- the above has been generated by BinaryDerive -}
    convert to a normal form, ie:
    * no NaNs as endpoints
    * @l <= r@
    * no (-Infty, +Infty)
normaliseERInterval :: 
    (B.ERRealBase b) => 
    ERInterval b -> ERInterval b
normaliseERInterval (ERInterval minusInfty plusInfty) 
    | B.isPlusInfinity plusInfty && B.isPlusInfinity (- minusInfty) = 
normaliseERInterval (ERInterval nan1 nan2) 
    | B.isERNaN nan1 && B.isERNaN nan2 =
normaliseERInterval (ERInterval nan r) 
    | B.isERNaN nan = 
        ERInterval (- B.plusInfinity) r
normaliseERInterval (ERInterval l nan) 
    | B.isERNaN nan = 
        ERInterval l (B.plusInfinity)
normaliseERInterval (ERInterval l r)
    | l > r = ERIntervalEmpty
normaliseERInterval i = i

    erintvPrecision returns an approximation of the number of bits required
    to represent the mantissa of a normalised size of the interval:

  >  - log_2 ((r - l) / (1 + abs(r) + abs(l)))
    Notice that this is +Infty for singleton and empty intervals
    and -Infty for the whole real line.
erintvPrecision :: 
    (B.ERRealBase b) => 
    ERInterval b -> EI.ExtendedInteger
erintvPrecision (ERInterval l r) =
    - (B.getApproxBinaryLog $ (r - l)/(1 + abs(r) + abs(l)))
erintvPrecision ERIntervalEmpty = EI.PlusInfinity
erintvPrecision ERIntervalAny = EI.MinusInfinity

erintvGranularity :: 
    (B.ERRealBase b) => 
    ERInterval b -> Int
erintvGranularity ERIntervalAny = 0
erintvGranularity ERIntervalEmpty = 0
erintvGranularity (ERInterval l r) =
    min (B.getGranularity l) (B.getGranularity r)

{- syntactic comparisons -}

    a syntactic equality test
erintvEqualApprox :: 
    (B.ERRealBase b) => 
    ERInterval b -> ERInterval b -> Bool
erintvEqualApprox (ERInterval l1 r1) (ERInterval l2 r2) =
    l1 == l2 && r1 == r2
erintvEqualApprox ERIntervalEmpty ERIntervalEmpty = True
erintvEqualApprox ERIntervalAny ERIntervalAny = True
erintvEqualApprox _ _ = False

    a syntactic linear order
erintvCompareApprox :: 
    (B.ERRealBase b) => 
    ERInterval b -> ERInterval b -> Ordering
erintvCompareApprox ERIntervalEmpty ERIntervalEmpty = EQ
erintvCompareApprox ERIntervalEmpty _ = LT
erintvCompareApprox _ ERIntervalEmpty = GT
erintvCompareApprox ERIntervalAny ERIntervalAny = EQ
erintvCompareApprox ERIntervalAny _ = LT
erintvCompareApprox _ ERIntervalAny = GT
erintvCompareApprox (ERInterval l1 r1) (ERInterval l2 r2) =
    case compare l1 l2 of
        EQ -> compare r1 r2
        res -> res

{- semantic comparisons -}

    Compare for equality two intervals interpreted as approximations for
    2 single real numbers.  When equality or inequality cannot
    be established, return Nothing (ie bottom).
erintvEqualReals ::
    (B.ERRealBase b) =>
    ERInterval b ->
    ERInterval b ->
    Maybe Bool
erintvEqualReals ERIntervalEmpty _ = Nothing
erintvEqualReals _ ERIntervalEmpty = Nothing
erintvEqualReals ERIntervalAny _ = Nothing
erintvEqualReals _ ERIntervalAny = Nothing
erintvEqualReals (ERInterval l1 r1) (ERInterval l2 r2)
    | l1 == r1 && l2 == r2 && l1 == l2 = Just True
    | r1 < l2 || l1 > r2 = Just False
    | otherwise = Nothing

    Compare in natural order two intervals interpreted as approximations for
    2 single real numbers.  When equality or inequality cannot
    be established, return Nothing (ie bottom).
erintvCompareReals ::
    (B.ERRealBase b) =>
    ERInterval b ->
    ERInterval b ->
    Maybe Ordering
erintvCompareReals ERIntervalEmpty _ = Nothing
erintvCompareReals _ ERIntervalEmpty = Nothing
erintvCompareReals ERIntervalAny _ = Nothing
erintvCompareReals _ ERIntervalAny = Nothing
erintvCompareReals i1@(ERInterval l1 r1) i2@(ERInterval l2 r2)
    | r1 < l2 = Just LT
    | l1 > r2 = Just GT
    | l1 == r1 && l2 == r2 && l1 == l2 = Just EQ
    | otherwise = Nothing

    Compare in natural order two intervals interpreted as approximations for
    2 single real numbers.  When relaxed equality cannot
    be established nor disproved, return Nothing (ie bottom).
erintvLeqReals ::
    (B.ERRealBase b) =>
    ERInterval b ->
    ERInterval b ->
    Maybe Bool
erintvLeqReals ERIntervalEmpty _ = Nothing
erintvLeqReals _ ERIntervalEmpty = Nothing
erintvLeqReals ERIntervalAny _ = Nothing
erintvLeqReals _ ERIntervalAny = Nothing
erintvLeqReals i1@(ERInterval l1 r1) i2@(ERInterval l2 r2)
    | r1 <= l2 = Just True
    | l1 > r2 = Just False
    | otherwise = Nothing

    Default splitting:

    > [-Infty,+Infty] |-> [-Infty,0] [0,+Infty] 
    > [-Infty,x] |-> [-Infty,2*x-1] [2*x-1, x] (x <= 0)
    > [-Infty,x] |-> [-Infty,0] [0, x] (x > 0)
    > [x,+Infty] |-> [x,2*x+1] [2*x+1,+Infty]  (x => 0)
    > [x,+Infty] |-> [x,0] [0,+Infty]  (x < 0)
    > [x,y] |-> [x, (x+y)/2] [(x+y)/2, y]
    > empty |-> empty empty
erintvDefaultBisectPt ::
    (B.ERRealBase b) => 
    Granularity -> 
    (ERInterval b) ->
    (ERInterval b)
erintvDefaultBisectPt gran ERIntervalAny = 0
erintvDefaultBisectPt gran ERIntervalEmpty = ERIntervalEmpty
erintvDefaultBisectPt gran (ERInterval l r) =
    ERInterval m m
        | B.isPlusInfinity r =
            if l < 0 
                then 0
                else 2 * (B.setMinGranularity gran l) + 1
        | B.isPlusInfinity (-l) =
            if r > 0 
                then 0
                else 2 * (B.setMinGranularity gran r) - 1
        | otherwise =
             ((B.setMinGranularity gran l) + r)/2

erintvBisect ::
    (B.ERRealBase b, RealFrac b) => 
    Granularity -> 
    (Maybe (ERInterval b)) ->
    (ERInterval b) ->
    (ERInterval b, ERInterval b)
erintvBisect gran maybePt i =
    (l RA.\/ m, m RA.\/ r)
    (l,r) = RA.bounds i
    m =
        case maybePt of
            Just m -> m
            Nothing -> erintvDefaultBisectPt gran i 

instance (B.ERRealBase b) => Eq (ERInterval b) where
    i1 == i2 =
        case erintvEqualReals i1 i2 of
            Nothing -> 
                error $
                     "ERInterval: Eq: comparing overlapping intervals:\n" ++
                    show i1 ++ "\n" ++
                    show i2
            Just b -> b

instance (B.ERRealBase b) => Ord (ERInterval b) where
    compare i1 i2 = 
        case erintvCompareReals i1 i2 of
            Nothing -> 
                error $ 
                    "ERInterval: Ord: comparing overlapping intervals:\n" ++
                    show i1 ++ "\n" ++
                    show i2
            Just r -> r
    {- max:
       (Default implementation is wrong in this case:
        eg compare is not defined for overlapping intervals.)
    max i1@(ERInterval l1 r1) i2@(ERInterval l2 r2) =
        normaliseERInterval $ ERInterval (max l1 l2) (max r1 r2)
    max ERIntervalEmpty _ = ERIntervalEmpty
    max _ ERIntervalEmpty = ERIntervalEmpty
    max ERIntervalAny ERIntervalAny = ERIntervalAny
    max ERIntervalAny (ERInterval l r) = ERInterval l B.plusInfinity
    max (ERInterval l r) ERIntervalAny = ERInterval l B.plusInfinity
    {- min: -}
    min i1@(ERInterval l1 r1) i2@(ERInterval l2 r2) =
        normaliseERInterval $ ERInterval (min l1 l2) (min r1 r2)
    min ERIntervalEmpty _ = ERIntervalEmpty
    min _ ERIntervalEmpty = ERIntervalEmpty
    min ERIntervalAny ERIntervalAny = ERIntervalAny
    min ERIntervalAny (ERInterval l r) = ERInterval (- B.plusInfinity) r
    min (ERInterval l r) ERIntervalAny = ERInterval (- B.plusInfinity) r
instance (B.ERRealBase b) => Show (ERInterval b) 
    show = erintvShow 6 True False
erintvShow numDigits showGran showComponents interval =
    showERI interval
    showERI ERIntervalEmpty = "[NONE]"
    showERI ERIntervalAny = "[ANY]"
    showERI (ERInterval l r) 
        | l == r = "<" ++ showBase l ++ ">"
        | otherwise = 
            "[" ++ showBase l ++ "," ++ showBase r ++ "]"
    showBase = B.showDiGrCmp numDigits showGran showComponents
instance (B.ERRealBase b) => Num (ERInterval b) where
    fromInteger n =
        normaliseERInterval $ ERInterval (fromInteger n) (fromInteger n)
    {- abs -}
    abs (ERInterval l r)
        | l < 0 && r > 0 = ERInterval 0 (max (-l) r)
        | r <= 0 = ERInterval (-r) (-l)
        | otherwise = ERInterval l r
    abs ERIntervalAny = ERInterval 0 B.plusInfinity
    abs ERIntervalEmpty = ERIntervalEmpty
    {- signum -}
    signum i@(ERInterval l r)
        | l < 0 && r > 0 = ERInterval (-1) 1 -- need many-valuedness via sequences of intervals
        | r < 0 = ERInterval (-1) (-1)
        | l > 0 = ERInterval 1 1
        | l == 0 && r == 0 = i
        | l == 0 = ERInterval 0 1
        | r == 0 = ERInterval (-1) 0
    signum ERIntervalAny = ERInterval (-1) 1
    signum ERIntervalEmpty = ERIntervalEmpty
    {- negate -}
    negate (ERInterval l r) = (ERInterval (-r) (-l))
    negate ERIntervalEmpty = ERIntervalEmpty
    negate ERIntervalAny = ERIntervalAny
    {- addition -}
    (ERInterval l1 r1) + (ERInterval l2 r2) =
        normaliseERInterval $
            (-((-l1) + (-l2))) -- reverse the rounding mode
            (r1 + r2)
    ERIntervalAny + i2 = ERIntervalAny
    i1 + ERIntervalAny = ERIntervalAny
    ERIntervalEmpty + i2 = ERIntervalEmpty
    i1 + ERIntervalEmpty = ERIntervalEmpty
    {- multiplication -}
    (ERInterval l1 r1) * (ERInterval l2 r2)
        | haveNan = ERIntervalAny
        | otherwise =
            normaliseERInterval $
            ERInterval minProd maxProd
        haveNan = or $ map B.isERNaN (prodsL ++ prodsR)
        minProd = foldl1 min prodsL
        maxProd = foldl1 max prodsR
        prodsL = [-((-l1) * l2), -((-l1) * r2), -((-r1) * l2), -((-r1) * r2)]
        prodsR = [l1 * l2, l1 * r2, r1 * l2, r1 * r2]
    ERIntervalAny * i2 = ERIntervalAny
    i1 * ERIntervalAny = ERIntervalAny
    ERIntervalEmpty * i2 = ERIntervalEmpty
    i1 * ERIntervalEmpty = ERIntervalEmpty

instance (B.ERRealBase b) => Fractional (ERInterval b) where
    fromRational rat =
        (fromInteger $ numerator rat)
        / (fromInteger $ denominator rat)
    {- division -}
    (ERInterval l1 r1) / (ERInterval l2 r2)
        | l2 < 0 && r2 > 0 = ERIntervalAny
        | haveNan = 
--            unsafePrint "ERInterval: /: haveNan" $ 
        | l2 == 0 && r2 > 0 && 1/l2 < 0 = -- minus 0
            (ERInterval l1 r1) / (ERInterval (-l2) r2) -- correct it to +0
        | r2 == 0 && l2 < 0 && 1/r2 > 0 = -- plus 0
            (ERInterval l1 r1) / (ERInterval l2 (-r2)) -- correct it to -0
        | otherwise =
            normaliseERInterval $
            ERInterval minDiv maxDiv
        haveNan = or $ map B.isERNaN (divsL ++ divsR)
        minDiv = foldl1 min divsL
        maxDiv = foldl1 max divsR
        divsL = [-(l1 / (-l2)), -(l1 / (-r2)), -(r1 / (-l2)), -(r1 / (-r2))]
        divsR = [l1 / l2, l1 / r2, r1 / l2, r1 / r2]
    ERIntervalAny / i2 = ERIntervalAny
    i1 / ERIntervalAny = ERIntervalAny
    ERIntervalEmpty / i2 = ERIntervalEmpty
    i1 / ERIntervalEmpty = ERIntervalEmpty
instance (B.ERRealBase b, RealFrac b) => RA.ERApprox (ERInterval b) where
    getPrecision i = erintvPrecision i
    getGranularity i = erintvGranularity i
    {- setMinGranularity -}
    setMinGranularity gr (ERInterval l r) =
        normaliseERInterval $
        (ERInterval (- (B.setMinGranularity gr (-l))) (B.setMinGranularity gr r))
    setMinGranularity _ i = i
    {- setGranularity -}
    setGranularity gr (ERInterval l r) =
        normaliseERInterval $
        (ERInterval (- (B.setGranularity gr (-l))) (B.setGranularity gr r))
    setGranularity _ i = i
    {- isDisjoint -}
    isDisjoint i1 i2 = RA.isEmpty $ i1 RA./\ i2
    {- bottomApprox -}  
    bottomApprox = ERIntervalAny
    {- emptyApprox -}  
    emptyApprox = ERIntervalEmpty
    {- isEmpty -}
    isEmpty ERIntervalEmpty = True
    isEmpty _ = False
    {- isBottom -}
    isBottom ERIntervalAny = True
    isBottom (ERInterval l r) =
        B.isPlusInfinity r && B.isPlusInfinity (-l)
    isBottom _ = False
    {- isExact -}
    isExact ERIntervalEmpty = False
    isExact ERIntervalAny = False
    isExact (ERInterval l r) = l == r
    {- isBounded -}
    isBounded ERIntervalEmpty = True
    isBounded ERIntervalAny = False
    isBounded (ERInterval l r) = 
        (- B.plusInfinity) < l && r < B.plusInfinity
    {- intersection -}
    ERIntervalEmpty /\ i = ERIntervalEmpty
    i /\ ERIntervalEmpty = ERIntervalEmpty
    ERIntervalAny /\ i = i
    i /\ ERIntervalAny = i
    (ERInterval l1 r1) /\ (ERInterval l2 r2) =
        normaliseERInterval $
        ERInterval (max l1 l2) (min r1 r2)
    {- intersectMeasureImprovement -}
    intersectMeasureImprovement _ ERIntervalEmpty i = (ERIntervalEmpty, 1)
    intersectMeasureImprovement _ i ERIntervalEmpty = (ERIntervalEmpty, 1)
    intersectMeasureImprovement _ ERIntervalAny i = (i, 1)
    intersectMeasureImprovement _ i ERIntervalAny = (i, 1)
    intersectMeasureImprovement ix i1 i2 =
        (isec, impr)
        isec = i1 RA./\ i2
            | 0 `RA.refines` isecWidth && 0 `RA.refines` i1Width = 1 -- 0 -> 0 is no improvement
            | otherwise = i1Width / isecWidth 
        i1Width = i1H - i1L
        isecWidth = isecH - isecL
        (isecL, isecH) = RA.bounds $ RA.setMinGranularity gran isec  
        (i1L, i1H) = RA.bounds $ RA.setMinGranularity gran i1
        gran = effIx2gran ix  
    {- refines -}
    refines _ ERIntervalAny = True
    refines ERIntervalEmpty _ = True
    refines ERIntervalAny _ = False
    refines _ ERIntervalEmpty = False
    refines (ERInterval l1 r1) (ERInterval l2 r2) =
        l2 <= l1 && r1 <= r2
    {- semantic comparisons -}
    equalReals = erintvEqualReals
    compareReals = erintvCompareReals
    leqReals = erintvLeqReals
    {- non-semantic comparisons -}
    equalApprox = erintvEqualApprox
    compareApprox = erintvCompareApprox
    {- conversion from Double -}
    double2ra d = 
        ERInterval b b
        b = B.fromDouble d
    {- formatting -}
    showApprox = erintvShow

instance (B.ERRealBase b, RealFrac b) => RA.ERIntApprox (ERInterval b)
    doubleBounds ERIntervalAny = (- infinity, infinity)
        infinity = 1/0
    doubleBounds ERIntervalEmpty = 
        error "SuiteERInterval: iraDoubleBounds: empty interval"
    doubleBounds (ERInterval l r) =
        (B.toDouble l, B.toDouble r) 
    floatBounds ERIntervalAny = (- infinity, infinity)
        infinity = 1/0
    floatBounds ERIntervalEmpty = 
        error "SuiteERInterval: iraFloatBounds: empty interval"
    floatBounds (ERInterval l r) =
        (B.toFloat l, B.toFloat r) 
    integerBounds ERIntervalAny = (- infinity, infinity)
        infinity = EI.PlusInfinity
    integerBounds ERIntervalEmpty = 
        error "SuiteERInterval: iraIntegerBounds: empty interval"
    integerBounds (ERInterval l r) = 
        (- (mkEI (- l)), mkEI r)
        mkEI f 
            | B.isPlusInfinity f = EI.PlusInfinity
            | B.isPlusInfinity (-f) = EI.MinusInfinity
            | otherwise = ceiling f
    defaultBisectPt dom = erintvDefaultBisectPt  (RA.getGranularity dom + 1) dom
    bisectDomain maybePt dom = 
        erintvBisect (RA.getGranularity dom + 1) maybePt dom
    {- \/ -}
    ERIntervalEmpty \/ i = i
    i \/ ERIntervalEmpty = i
    ERIntervalAny \/ _ = ERIntervalAny
    _ \/ ERIntervalAny = ERIntervalAny
    (ERInterval l1 r1) \/ (ERInterval l2 r2) =
        normaliseERInterval $
        ERInterval (min l1 l2) (max r1 r2)
    {- RA.bounds -}
    bounds ERIntervalAny = 
        (ERInterval (-B.plusInfinity) (-B.plusInfinity), 
         ERInterval B.plusInfinity B.plusInfinity)
    bounds ERIntervalEmpty = (ERIntervalEmpty, ERIntervalEmpty)
    bounds (ERInterval l r) = 
        (ERInterval l l, ERInterval r r)

instance (B.ERRealBase b, RealFrac b) => RAEL.ERApproxElementary (ERInterval b)
-- all operations here have appropriate default implementations