{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable   #-}
    Module      :  Data.Number.ER.Real.Base
    Description :  arbitrary precision floating point numbers
    Copyright   :  (c) Michal Konecny
    License     :  BSD3

    Maintainer  :  mik@konecny.aow.cz
    Stability   :  experimental
    Portability :  portable

    This module defines an arbitrary precision floating point type and
    its operations.  It should be viewed more abstractly as an instance
    of 'B.ERRealBase' when used as interval endpoints.
module Data.Number.ER.Real.Base.Float

import qualified Data.Number.ER.ExtendedInteger as EI
import Data.Number.ER.PlusMinus
import Data.Number.ER.Misc
import Data.Number.ER.BasicTypes
import qualified Data.Number.ER.Real.Base as B

import Data.Ratio

import Data.Typeable
import Data.Generics.Basics
import Data.Binary
-- import BinaryDerive

--debugMsg = unsafePrint
debugMsg msg = id

A floating point number with a given but arbitrary precision represented by its 'Granularity'.

    * base: 2.
    * granularity specifies the bit-size of both the significand and the exponent  

    * special values: NaN, signed Infinity and signed Zero
    * no denormalised numbers
    * operations unify the granularity of their operands to the maximum 'Granularity'
    * Rounding is always towards +Infinity.  
      For field operations, the rounded result is as close as possible to the exact result.
data ERFloat =
    ERFloatNaN -- any number / bottom
            apfltGran :: Granularity -- >0
    | ERFloatInfty 
            apfltGran :: Granularity, -- >0
            apfltSign :: PlusMinus 
    | ERFloatZero
            apfltGran :: Granularity, -- >0
            apfltSign :: PlusMinus 
    | ERFloat
            -- represents:
            -- sign * (1 + (mant/2^gran)) * (2 ^ exp)
            apfltGran :: Granularity, -- >0  granularity
            apfltSign :: PlusMinus,
            apfltMant :: Integer, -- 0 .. (2^gran - 1)
            apfltExp :: Integer -- -2^gran..2^gran
    deriving (Typeable, Data)
zero = ERFloatZero 10 Plus
{- the following has been generated by BinaryDerive -}
instance Binary ERFloat where
  put (ERFloatNaN a) = putWord8 0 >> put a
  put (ERFloatInfty a b) = putWord8 1 >> put a >> put b
  put (ERFloatZero a b) = putWord8 2 >> put a >> put b
  put (ERFloat a b c d) = putWord8 3 >> put a >> put b >> put c >> put d
  get = do
    tag_ <- getWord8
    case tag_ of
      0 -> get >>= \a -> return (ERFloatNaN a)
      1 -> get >>= \a -> get >>= \b -> return (ERFloatInfty a b)
      2 -> get >>= \a -> get >>= \b -> return (ERFloatZero a b)
      3 -> get >>= \a -> get >>= \b -> get >>= \c -> get >>= \d -> return (ERFloat a b c d)
      _ -> fail "no parse"
{- the above has been generated by BinaryDerive -}
{-| normalisation

  * ensures that the components are within their regions
  * possibly turning the number into a zero or infinity
normaliseERFloat :: ERFloat -> ERFloat
normaliseERFloat flt@(ERFloat gr s m e) 
    | m < 0 = 
        normaliseERFloat $ 
        ERFloat gr s (2*m + grmax) (e - 1)
    | m >= grmax =
        normaliseERFloat $ 
        ERFloat gr s ((m - grmax + (rndCorr s)) `div` 2) (e + 1)
    | e > grmax =
        case s of
            Plus -> ERFloatInfty gr Plus
            Minus -> minERFloat gr -- round upwards!
    | e < -grmax = 
        case s of
            Plus -> ulpERFloat gr -- round upwards!
            Minus -> ERFloatZero gr Minus
    | otherwise = flt
    grmax = 2^gr
normaliseERFloat flt = flt

ulpERFloat gr =
    ERFloat gr Plus 0 (-2^gr)

minERFloat gr =
    ERFloat gr Minus (grmax - 1) grmax
    grmax = 2^gr

maxERFloat gr =
    ERFloat gr Plus (grmax - 1) grmax
    grmax = 2^gr

rndCorr Plus = 1
rndCorr Minus = 0

increaseERFloatExp e flt@(ERFloat gr s m eOld) =
    ERFloat gr s mNew e
    mNew = 
        -grmax + ((m + grmax +  (rndCorr s) * (ediff - 1)) `div` ediff)
                           --  .^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ round upwards
    grmax = 2^gr
    ediff = 2^(e - eOld) -- assuming e >= eOld
increaseERFloatExp _ flt = flt

decreaseERFloatExp e flt@(ERFloat gr s m eOld) =
    ERFloat gr s mNew e
    mNew = 
        -grmax + ediff * (m + grmax)
    grmax = 2^gr
    ediff = 2^(eOld - e) -- assuming e <= eOld
decreaseERFloatExp _ flt = flt

apFloatExponent :: ERFloat -> EI.ExtendedInteger

apFloatExponent (ERFloatInfty _ _) = EI.PlusInfinity
apFloatExponent (ERFloatZero _ _) = EI.MinusInfinity
apFloatExponent (ERFloatNaN _) = EI.PlusInfinity -- includes infinity
apFloatExponent flt = EI.Finite $ apfltExp flt

setERFloatGranularity ::
    Granularity -> ERFloat -> ERFloat
setERFloatGranularity gr flt@(ERFloat oldGr s m e) 
    | gr > 0 =
        normaliseERFloat $ ERFloat gr s newM e
    | otherwise =
    newM = 
        (m * (2^gr) 
          + ((rndCorr s)*(2^oldGr - 1))) -- round upwards!
        `div` (2^oldGr)
setERFloatGranularity gr f = f { apfltGran = gr } 
setERFloatMinGranularity ::
    Granularity -> ERFloat -> ERFloat
setERFloatMinGranularity gr flt
    | gr > oldGr = 
        setERFloatGranularity gr flt
    | otherwise = flt
    oldGr = apfltGran flt
apfltGranularity = apfltGran

{-^ see the documentation of 'ERRealBase.getBaseMaxRounding' -}
apfltGetMaxRounding ::
    ERFloat -> ERFloat
apfltGetMaxRounding f@(ERFloatNaN _) = f
apfltGetMaxRounding f@(ERFloatInfty _ _) = f
apfltGetMaxRounding (ERFloatZero gr _) =
    ERFloat gr Plus 0 (-(2^gr))
apfltGetMaxRounding (ERFloat gr s m e) =
    ERFloat gr Plus 0 (max (e - (toInteger gr)) (-(2^gr)))

instance Show ERFloat where
    show = showERFloat 6 True False
showERFloat numDigits showGran showComponents flt =
    showERF flt
    maybeGran gr
        | showGran = "{g=" ++ show gr ++ "}"
        | otherwise = ""
    showPM Plus = ""
    showPM Minus = "-"
    showERF (ERFloatNaN gr) = "NaN" ++ (maybeGran gr)  
    showERF (ERFloatZero gr pm) = showPM pm ++ "0.0" ++ (maybeGran gr)
    showERF (ERFloatInfty gr pm) = showPM pm ++ "oo" ++ (maybeGran gr)
    showERF f@(ERFloat gr s m e) =
        decimal ++ (maybeGran gr) ++ maybeComps
            | showComponents = "{val="++ show (s,m,e) ++ "}"
            | otherwise = ""
        decimal =
            showPM s
            ++ show digit1 ++ "." ++ (concat $ map show $ take numDigits digits)
            ++ (if dexp == 0 then "" else "e" ++ show dexp)
        (dexp, digit1 : digits) 
            | noLeadingZerosDexp == -1 =
                (0, 0 : noLeadingZeroDigits)
            | otherwise =
                (noLeadingZerosDexp, noLeadingZeroDigits)
        noLeadingZerosDexp = dexpBound - zerosCount
        (zerosCount, noLeadingZeroDigits) = 
            stripCountZeros 0 preDigits
        stripCountZeros prevZeros ds@(d : dsRest) 
            | d == 0 = stripCountZeros (prevZeros + 1) dsRest
            | otherwise = (prevZeros, ds)
        dexpBound -- upper bound of dexp: f/10^dexpBound < 1
            | e >= 0 = intLog 10 (2^e)
            | e < 0 = 2 - (intLog 10 (2^(-e)))
        preDigits =
            getDigits $ (abs $ setERFloatGranularity gran f) / (ten ^^ dexpBound)
        ten = setERFloatGranularity gran 10
        gran = 10 + (max (4 * numDigits) gr)
        getDigits ff =
            digit : digits
            digit :: Integer
            digit = truncate ff
            digits =
                getDigits ((ff - (fromInteger digit)) * ten)

    Beware: cannot use List.elem with ERFloat because of
    the intensional nature of Eq (eg ERFloatNaN /= ERFloatNaN).
instance Eq ERFloat where
    (ERFloatNaN _) == _ = 
        -- error "cannot compare NaN"
    _ == (ERFloatNaN _) = 
        -- error "cannot compare NaN"
    (ERFloatZero _ _) == (ERFloatZero _ _) = True
    (ERFloatInfty _ pm1) == (ERFloatInfty _ pm2) = (pm1 == pm2)
    f1@(ERFloat gr1 s1 m1 e1) == f2@(ERFloat gr2 s2 m2 e2) 
        | gr1 < gr2 =
            (setERFloatGranularity gr2 f1) == f2
        | gr1 > gr2 =
            f1 == (setERFloatGranularity gr1 f2)
        | otherwise =
            s1 == s2 && m1 == m2 && e1 == e2
    _ == _ = False    

isERFloatNaN (ERFloatNaN _) = True
isERFloatNaN _ = False

instance Ord ERFloat where
    {- compare NaN -}
    compare _ (ERFloatNaN _) = 
        error "ERFloat: comparing NaN - aborting"
    compare (ERFloatNaN _) _ = 
        error "ERFloat: comparing NaN - aborting"
    {- compare infty -}
    compare (ERFloatInfty gr1 pm1) (ERFloatInfty gr2 pm2) =
        compare pm1 pm2
    compare _ (ERFloatInfty _ Plus) = LT
    compare _ (ERFloatInfty _ Minus) = GT
    compare (ERFloatInfty _ Plus) _ = GT
    compare (ERFloatInfty _ Minus) _ = LT
    {- compare zero -}
    compare (ERFloatZero gr1 pm1) (ERFloatZero gr2 pm2) = EQ
    compare (ERFloatZero _ _) (ERFloat _ Plus _ _) = LT
    compare (ERFloatZero _ _) (ERFloat _ Minus _ _) = GT
    compare (ERFloat _ Minus _ _) (ERFloatZero _ _) = LT
    compare (ERFloat _ Plus _ _) (ERFloatZero _ _) = GT
    {- compare regular -}
    compare (ERFloat _ Minus _ _) (ERFloat _ Plus _ _) = LT
    compare (ERFloat _ Plus _ _) (ERFloat _ Minus _ _) = GT
    compare (ERFloat gr1 Plus m1 e1) (ERFloat gr2 _ m2 e2) 
        | e1 < e2 = LT
        | e1 > e2 = GT
        | gr1 == gr2 = compare m1 m2
        | otherwise = compare ((2^gr2)*m1) ((2^gr1)*m2)
    compare f1@(ERFloat _ Minus _ _) f2@(ERFloat _ _ _ _) =
        compare (-f2) (-f1)
instance Num ERFloat where
    fromInteger n
        | n == 0 = ERFloatZero (B.defaultGranularity zero) Plus
        | n < 0 =
            normaliseERFloat $ ERFloat gr Minus m e
        | otherwise = 
            normaliseERFloat $ ERFloat gr Plus m e
        gr = fromInteger e
        e = max (toInteger (B.defaultGranularity zero)) $ (intLog 2 $ abs n) - 1
        m = (abs n) - 2^gr
    abs f@(ERFloatNaN _) = f
    abs f = f { apfltSign = Plus }
    signum f@(ERFloatNaN _) = f
    signum (ERFloatZero gr Plus) = setERFloatMinGranularity gr 1
    signum (ERFloatZero gr Minus) = setERFloatMinGranularity gr (-1)
    signum (ERFloatInfty gr Plus) = setERFloatMinGranularity gr 1
    signum (ERFloatInfty gr Minus) = setERFloatMinGranularity gr (-1)
    signum flt = 
        case apfltSign flt of { Plus -> 1; Minus -> -1 }
    negate (ERFloat gr s m e) = ERFloat gr (signNeg s) m e
    negate (ERFloatZero gr s) = ERFloatZero gr (signNeg s)
    negate (ERFloatInfty gr s) = ERFloatInfty gr (signNeg s)
    negate f@(ERFloatNaN _) = f
    {- addition -}
    f1 + f2 -- ensure equal granularity:
        | gr1 > gr2 = f1 + (setERFloatGranularity gr1 f2)
        | gr1 < gr2 = (setERFloatGranularity gr2 f1) + f2 
        gr1 = apfltGran f1
        gr2 = apfltGran f2
    f@(ERFloatNaN _) + _ = f
    _ + f@(ERFloatNaN _) = f
    (ERFloatZero _ _) + f = f
    f + (ERFloatZero _ _) = f
    (ERFloatInfty gr Plus) + (ERFloatInfty _ Minus) =
        debugMsg ("ERFloat: infty - infty -> NaN\n") $ 
        ERFloatNaN gr
    (ERFloatInfty gr Minus) + (ERFloatInfty _ Plus) = 
        debugMsg ("ERFloat: -infty + infty -> NaN\n") $ 
        ERFloatNaN gr
    f@(ERFloatInfty gr s) + _ = f
    _ + f@(ERFloatInfty gr s) = f
    f1@(ERFloat gr s1 m1 e1) + f2@(ERFloat _ s2 m2 e2)
        -- equalise the exponents: 
        | e1 < e2 = f1 + (decreaseERFloatExp e1 f2)
        | e1 > e2 = (decreaseERFloatExp e2 f1) + f2
        -- ensure positive comes before negative: 
        | s1 == Minus && s2 == Plus = 
            f2 + f1
        -- opposite signs:
        | s1 == Plus && s2 == Minus && m1 == m2 =
            ERFloatZero gr Plus
        | s1 == Plus && s2 == Minus && m1 > m2 =
            normaliseERFloat $
            ERFloat gr s1 (m1 - m2 - 2^gr) e1
        | s1 == Plus && s2 == Minus && m1 < m2 =
            normaliseERFloat $
            ERFloat gr s2 (m2 - m1 - 2^gr) e1
        -- equal signs:
        | otherwise =
            normaliseERFloat $
            ERFloat gr s1 (m1 + m2 + 2^gr) e1
    {- multiplication -}
    -- ensure equal granularity:
    f1 * f2
        | gr1 > gr2 = f1 * (setERFloatGranularity gr1 f2)
        | gr1 < gr2 = (setERFloatGranularity gr2 f1) * f2 
        gr1 = apfltGran f1
        gr2 = apfltGran f2
    -- NaN:
    f@(ERFloatNaN _) * _ = f
    _ * f@(ERFloatNaN _) = f
    -- Infty
    (ERFloatInfty gr _) * (ERFloatZero _ _) = 
        debugMsg ("ERFloat: infty * 0 -> NaN\n") $ 
        ERFloatNaN gr
    (ERFloatZero gr _) * (ERFloatInfty _ _) = 
        debugMsg ("ERFloat: 0 * infty -> NaN\n") $ 
        ERFloatNaN gr
    f * (ERFloatInfty gr s) = ERFloatInfty gr $ signMult s (apfltSign f)
    (ERFloatInfty gr s) * f = ERFloatInfty gr $ signMult s (apfltSign f)
    -- Zero
    (ERFloatZero gr s) * f = ERFloatZero gr $ signMult s (apfltSign f)
    f * (ERFloatZero gr s) = ERFloatZero gr $ signMult s (apfltSign f)
    -- regular
    f1@(ERFloat gr s1 m1 e1) * f2@(ERFloat _ s2 m2 e2) =
        normaliseERFloat $
        ERFloat gr s mNew (e1 + e2)
        s = signMult s1 s2
        mNew = 
            m1 + m2 
            + ((m1 * m2 + (rndCorr s) * (2^gr - 1)) 
               `div` 2^gr)
instance Fractional ERFloat where
    fromRational rat = 
--        error "ERFloat: fromRational cannot be implemented reliably: use apfloatFromRational instead"
        (fromInteger $ numerator rat) 
        / (fromInteger $ denominator rat)
    f1 / f2 
        | gr1 > gr2 = f1 / (setERFloatGranularity gr1 f2)
        | gr1 < gr2 = (setERFloatGranularity gr2 f1) / f2
        gr1 = apfltGran f1
        gr2 = apfltGran f2
    f@(ERFloatNaN _) / _ = f
    f1 / f2 =
        case apfltSign f1 of
            Plus -> f1 * (recip f2)
            Minus -> (- f1) * (recip (- f2)) -- rounding upwards!
    recip f@(ERFloatNaN _) = f
    recip (ERFloatZero gr s) = ERFloatInfty gr s
    recip (ERFloatInfty gr s) = ERFloatZero gr s
    recip (ERFloat gr s m e) =
        normaliseERFloat $
        ERFloat gr s mNew (-e)
        mNew = 
            (- grmax * m 
             + (rndCorr s) * (grmax + m -1)) -- rounding upwards!
            (grmax + m)
        grmax = 2^gr
apfloatFromRational ::
    Granularity -> Rational -> ERFloat
apfloatFromRational gran rat = 
    (setERFloatMinGranularity gran (fromInteger $ numerator rat)) 
        / (fromInteger $ denominator rat)
instance Real ERFloat where
    toRational (ERFloat gr s m e) =
        case s of
            Plus -> r
            Minus -> -r
        r = (eOn2R) * (1 + mR/(grOn2R))
        mR = toRational m
        eOn2R = toRational $ 2 ^^ e
        grOn2R = toRational $ 2 ^ gr
    toRational (ERFloatZero _ _) = 0
    toRational f = 
        error $ "cannot covert " ++ show f ++ " to a rational" 
instance RealFrac ERFloat where
    properFraction (ERFloatNaN _) = 
        error "no integral part in ERFloatNaN"
    properFraction (ERFloatZero _ _) =
        (0, 0)
    properFraction (ERFloatInfty _ _) =
        error "no integral part in ERFloatInfty"
    properFraction f@(ERFloat gr s m e) 
        | e < 0 = (0, f)
        | s == Plus =
            (n, frac)
        | s == Minus =
            (-n, frac)
        n = fromInteger $ 2^e + (m*(2^e) `div` 2^gr)
        frac = f - (fromInteger $ toInteger n)
instance B.ERRealBase ERFloat
    defaultGranularity _ = 10
    getApproxBinaryLog = apFloatExponent
    getGranularity = apfltGran
    setMinGranularity = setERFloatMinGranularity
    setGranularity = setERFloatGranularity
    getMaxRounding = apfltGetMaxRounding
    isERNaN (ERFloatNaN _) = True
    isERNaN _ = False
    erNaN = ERFloatNaN (B.defaultGranularity zero)
    isPlusInfinity (ERFloatInfty _ Plus) = True
    isPlusInfinity _ = False
    plusInfinity = ERFloatInfty (B.defaultGranularity zero) Plus    
    fromDouble d
        | isNaN d = ERFloatNaN (B.defaultGranularity zero)
        | otherwise = (fromRational . toRational) d
    toDouble (ERFloatInfty _ s) = signToNum s * (1/0)
    toDouble (ERFloatNaN _) = 0/0
    toDouble flt =
        (fromInteger $ numerator rat) / (fromInteger $ denominator rat)
        rat = toRational flt
    fromFloat f
        | isNaN f = ERFloatNaN (B.defaultGranularity zero)
        | otherwise = (fromRational . toRational) f
    toFloat (ERFloatInfty _ s) = signToNum s * (1/0) 
    toFloat (ERFloatNaN _) = 0/0
    toFloat flt =
        (fromInteger $ numerator rat) / (fromInteger $ denominator rat)
        rat = toRational flt
    showDiGrCmp = showERFloat