{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
    Module      :  Data.Number.ER.RnToRm.UnitDom.ChebyshevBase.Polynom.Elementary
    Description :  (internal) elementary functions applied to polynomials  
    Copyright   :  (c) 2007-2008 Michal Konecny
    License     :  BSD3

    Maintainer  :  mik@konecny.aow.cz
    Stability   :  experimental
    Portability :  portable
    Internal module for "Data.Number.ER.RnToRm.UnitDom.ChebyshevBase.Polynom".
    Implementation of elementary functions applied to polynomials.
module Data.Number.ER.RnToRm.UnitDom.ChebyshevBase.Polynom.Elementary 

import Data.Number.ER.RnToRm.UnitDom.ChebyshevBase.Polynom.Basic
import Data.Number.ER.RnToRm.UnitDom.ChebyshevBase.Polynom.Eval
import Data.Number.ER.RnToRm.UnitDom.ChebyshevBase.Polynom.Field
import Data.Number.ER.RnToRm.UnitDom.ChebyshevBase.Polynom.Bounds

import qualified Data.Number.ER.Real.Approx as RA
import qualified Data.Number.ER.Real.Approx.Elementary as RAEL
import qualified Data.Number.ER.Real.Base as B
import Data.Number.ER.Real.Approx.Interval
import Data.Number.ER.Real.Arithmetic.Elementary
import qualified Data.Number.ER.Real.DomainBox as DBox
import Data.Number.ER.Real.DomainBox (VariableID(..), DomainBox, DomainIntBox)
import Data.Number.ER.BasicTypes
import Data.Number.ER.Misc

import qualified Data.Map as Map

    Approximate the pointwise square root of a polynomial 
    by another polynomial from below and from above. 
chplSqrt ::
    (B.ERRealBase b, RealFrac b, DomainBox box varid Int, Ord box) => 
    Int {-^ maximum polynomial degree -} -> 
    EffortIndex {-^  ?? -} -> 
    ERChebPoly box b ->
    (ERChebPoly box b, ERChebPoly box b)
chplSqrt maxDegree ix p =
    error "ERChebPoly: chplSqrt: not implemented yet"

    Approximate the pointwise exponential of a polynomial 
    by another polynomial from below and from above. 
chplExp ::
    (B.ERRealBase b, RealFrac b, DomainBox box varid Int, Ord box) => 
    Int {-^ maximum polynomial degree -} -> 
    EffortIndex {-^ minimum approx Taylor degree -} -> 
    ERChebPoly box b ->
    (ERChebPoly box b, ERChebPoly box b)
chplExp maxDegree ix p =
    (expDownwards, expUpwards + valueAtRDnNeg + (chplConst expRUp))
    expUpwards =
        (chplConst expMUp) * (chplPow maxDegree (expNear0Up pNear0Up) a_int) 
    expDownwards =
        (chplConst expMDn) * (chplPow maxDegree (expNear0Dn pNear0Dn) a_int) 
    upperB = chplUpperBoundAffine ix p 
    lowerB = - (chplUpperBoundAffine ix (- p))
    m = (upperB + lowerB) / 2
    r = (upperB - lowerB) / 2 
    expMUp = erintv_right expM 
    expMDn = erintv_left expM
    expM = erExp_R ix (ERInterval m m)
    pNear0Up = (p - (chplConst m)) * (chplConst $ recip a_base)
    pNear0Dn = - (((-p) + (chplConst m)) * (chplConst $ recip a_base))
    a_base = fromInteger a_int
    a_int = max 1 $ floor r -- could this be too high?
    expNear0Up p0 =
        expAux p0 1 (B.setGranularity coeffGr 1)
    expNear0Dn p0 =
        negate $ expAux p0 1 (B.setGranularity coeffGr (-1))
    expAux p0 nextDegree thisCoeff
            | nextDegree > taylorDegree =
                chplConst thisCoeff
            | otherwise =
                snd $ chplReduceDegree maxDegree $
                (chplConst thisCoeff) + p0 * (expAux p0 (nextDegree + 1) nextCoeff)
            nextCoeff = 
                thisCoeff / (fromInteger nextDegree)
    taylorDegree = 1 + 2 * (ix `div` 6)
    coeffGr = effIx2gran $ 10 + 3 * taylorDegree
    expRUp = erintv_right expR
    expR = erExp_R ix (ERInterval r r)
    valueAtRDnNeg = 
        expAux (chplConst r) 1 (B.setGranularity coeffGr (-1))

    Approximate the pointwise integer power of a polynomial by another polynomial from above. 
chplPow ::
    (B.ERRealBase b, Integral i, DomainBox box varid Int, Ord box) => 
    Int {-^ maximum polynomial degree -} -> 
    ERChebPoly box b ->
    i ->
    ERChebPoly box b
chplPow maxDegree p n
    | n == 0 =
        chplConst 1
    | n == 1 =
    | even n =
        snd $ chplReduceDegree maxDegree $ powHalfN * powHalfN
    | odd n =
        snd $ chplReduceDegree maxDegree $ 
            p * 
            (snd $ chplReduceDegree maxDegree $
             powHalfN * powHalfN)
    powHalfN =
        chplPow maxDegree p halfN
    halfN = n `div` 2
    Approximate the pointwise natural logarithm of a polynomial 
    by another polynomial from below and from above. 
chplLog ::
    (B.ERRealBase b, RealFrac b, DomainBox box varid Int, Ord box) => 
    Int {-^ maximum polynomial degree -} -> 
    EffortIndex {-^  ?? -} -> 
    ERChebPoly box b ->
    (ERChebPoly box b, ERChebPoly box b)
chplLog maxDegree ix p =
    error "ERChebPoly: chplLog: not implemented yet"

    Approximate the pointwise sine of a polynomial 
    by another polynomial from below and from above. 
chplSineCosine ::
    (B.ERRealBase b, RealFrac b, DomainBox box varid Int, Ord box) =>
    Bool {-^ True iff sine, False iff cosine -} -> 
    Int {-^ maximum polynomial degree -} -> 
    EffortIndex {-^ minimum approx Taylor degree -} -> 
    ERChebPoly box b ->
    (ERChebPoly box b, ERChebPoly box b)
chplSineCosine isSine maxDegree ix p
    -- p - 2k*pi range within [-pi/2, pi/2]: 
    | ranfNear0 `RA.refines` plusMinusPiHalf =
--        unsafePrint
--        (
--            "ERChebPoly: chplSineCosine: [-pi/2, pi/2]: "
--            ++ "\n p = " ++ show p
--            ++ "\n ranf = " ++ show ranf
--            ++ "\n k = " ++ show k
--            ++ "\n ranfNear0 = " ++ show ranfNear0
--        ) $
        case isSine of
            True -> sineShifted (- k2pi)
            False -> cosineShifted (- k2pi)
    -- p - 2k*pi range within [0, pi]: 
    | (ranfNear0 - piHalf) `RA.refines` plusMinusPiHalf =
--        unsafePrint
--        (
--            "ERChebPoly: chplSineCosine: [0, pi]: "
--            ++ "\n p = " ++ show p
--            ++ "\n ranf = " ++ show ranf
--            ++ "\n k = " ++ show k
--            ++ "\n ranfNear0 = " ++ show ranfNear0
--        ) $
        case isSine of
            -- use sin(x) = cos(x - pi/2) and cos(x) = - sin(x - pi/2):
            True -> cosineShifted (- k2pi - piHalf)
            False -> sineShiftedNegated (- k2pi - piHalf)
    -- p - 2k*pi range within [-pi, 0]: 
    | (ranfNear0 + piHalf) `RA.refines` plusMinusPiHalf =
        case isSine of
            -- use sin(x) = - cos(x + pi/2) and cos(x) = sin(x + pi/2):
            True -> cosineShiftedNegated (-k2pi + piHalf)
            False -> sineShifted (-k2pi + piHalf)
    -- p - 2k*pi range within [pi/2, 3pi/2]: 
    | (ranfNear0 - pi) `RA.refines` plusMinusPiHalf =
        -- use sin(x) = - sin(x - pi) and cos(x) = - cos(x - pi)
        case isSine of
            True -> sineShiftedNegated (- k2pi - pi)
            False -> cosineShiftedNegated (- k2pi - pi)
    | otherwise = (chplConst (-1), chplConst 1)
--    (expDownwards, expUpwards + valueAtRDnNeg + (chplConst expRUp))
    ranfNear0 = ranf - k2pi 
    k2pi = k * 2 * pi
    plusMinusPiHalf = (-piHalfLO) RA.\/ piHalfLO
    pi = RAEL.pi ix  
    piHalf = pi / 2
    (piHalfLO, piHalfHI) = RA.bounds piHalf
    ranf = 
            (negate $ chplUpperBoundAffine 10 (-p)) 
            (chplUpperBoundAffine 10 p)
    k = 
        fromInteger $ floor $ 
            case (pi + ranf) / (2 * pi) of ERInterval lo hi -> lo
    sineShiftedNegated shift =
        boundsNegate $ sineShifted shift
    cosineShiftedNegated shift =
        boundsNegate $ cosineShifted shift

    boundsNegate (pLO, pHI) = (- pHI, - pLO)
    sineShifted shift =
        boundsAddErr shiftWidthB $ sineTaylor (p + shiftPoly) (ranf + shift)
        shiftPoly = chplConst shiftLOB
        ERInterval shiftLOB shiftHIB = shift
        shiftWidthB = shiftHIB - shiftLOB
    cosineShifted shift =
        boundsAddErr shiftWidthB $ cosineTaylor (p + shiftPoly) (ranf + shift)
        shiftPoly = chplConst shiftLOB
        ERInterval shiftLOB shiftHIB = shift
        shiftWidthB = shiftHIB - shiftLOB
    boundsAddErr errB (pLO, pHI) =
        (pLO `plusDown` (- errPoly), pHI + errPoly)
        errPoly = chplConst errB
    sineTaylor x xran =
        (sineDown, sineUp)
        sineUp =
            chplReduceDegreeUp maxDegree $ 
                x * sineUpTaylor + (chplConst sineUpErrorBound)
        (sineUpTaylor, sineUpErrorTermDegree, sineUpErrorTermCoeff) =
            taylorAux x 1 (B.setGranularity coeffGr 1)
        sineUpErrorBound =
            case sineUpErrorBoundRA of ERInterval lo hi -> hi
            sineUpErrorBoundRA =        
                (xranLargerEndpoint ^ (1 + sineUpErrorTermDegree)) * sineUpErrorTermCoeffRA
            sineUpErrorTermCoeffRA =
                abs $
                ERInterval sineUpErrorTermCoeff sineUpErrorTermCoeff
        sineDown = 
            negate $ chplReduceDegreeUp maxDegree $ 
                x * sineDownTaylorNeg + (chplConst $ sineDownErrorBound)
        (sineDownTaylorNeg, sineDownErrorTermDegree, sineDownErrorTermCoeff) =
            taylorAux x 1 (B.setGranularity coeffGr (-1))
        sineDownErrorBound =
            case sineDownErrorBoundRA of ERInterval lo hi -> hi
            sineDownErrorBoundRA =
                (xranLargerEndpoint ^ (1 + sineDownErrorTermDegree)) * sineDownErrorTermCoeffRA
            sineDownErrorTermCoeffRA =
                abs $
                ERInterval sineDownErrorTermCoeff sineDownErrorTermCoeff
        xranLargerEndpoint =        
            max (abs xranLO) (abs xranHI)
        (xranLO, xranHI) = RA.bounds xran
    cosineTaylor x xran =
--        unsafePrint
--        (
--            "ERChebPoly.Elementary: chplSineCosine: cosineTaylor: "
--            ++ "\n xran = " ++ show xran
--            ++ "\n cosineUpErrorBound = " ++ show cosineUpErrorBound
--            ++ "\n cosineUpErrorTermDegree = " ++ show cosineUpErrorTermDegree
--            ++ "\n cosineUpErrorTermCoeff = " ++ show cosineUpErrorTermCoeff
--            ++ "\n xranLargerEndpoint = " ++ show xranLargerEndpoint
--        )
        (cosineDown, cosineUp)
        cosineUp =
            chplReduceDegreeUp maxDegree $ 
                cosineUpTaylor + (chplConst cosineUpErrorBound)
        (cosineUpTaylor, cosineUpErrorTermDegree, cosineUpErrorTermCoeff) =
            taylorAux x 0 (B.setGranularity coeffGr 1)
            | odd (cosineUpErrorTermDegree `div` 2) = 0
            | otherwise =
                case cosineUpErrorBoundRA of ERInterval lo hi -> hi
                cosineUpErrorBoundRA =        
                    (xranLargerEndpoint ^ (cosineUpErrorTermDegree)) * cosineUpErrorTermCoeffRA
                cosineUpErrorTermCoeffRA =
                    abs $
                    ERInterval cosineUpErrorTermCoeff cosineUpErrorTermCoeff
        cosineDown = 
            negate $ chplReduceDegreeUp maxDegree $ 
                cosineDownTaylorNeg + (chplConst $ cosineDownErrorBound)
        (cosineDownTaylorNeg, cosineDownErrorTermDegree, cosineDownErrorTermCoeff) =
            taylorAux x 0 (B.setGranularity coeffGr (-1))
            | even (cosineDownErrorTermDegree `div` 2) = 0
            | otherwise =
                case cosineDownErrorBoundRA of ERInterval lo hi -> hi
                cosineDownErrorBoundRA =
                    (xranLargerEndpoint ^ (cosineDownErrorTermDegree)) * cosineDownErrorTermCoeffRA
                cosineDownErrorTermCoeffRA =
                    abs $
                    ERInterval cosineDownErrorTermCoeff cosineDownErrorTermCoeff
        xranLargerEndpoint =        
            max (abs xranLO) (abs xranHI)
        (xranLO, xranHI) = RA.bounds xran
    taylorAux p0 thisDegree thisCoeff
            | nextDegree > taylorDegree =
--                unsafePrint
--                (
--                    "ERChebPoly: chplSine: taylorAux: "
--                    ++ "\n thisCoeff = " ++ show thisCoeff
--                    ++ "\n nextDegree = " ++ show nextDegree
--                )
                (chplConst thisCoeff, nextDegree, nextCoeff)
            | otherwise =
--                unsafePrint
--                (
--                    "ERChebPoly: chplSine: taylorAux: "
--                    ++ "\n thisCoeff = " ++ show thisCoeff
--                    ++ "\n nextDegree = " ++ show nextDegree
--                    ++ "\n errorTermCoeff = " ++ show errorTermCoeff
--                    ++ "\n errorTermDegree = " ++ show errorTermDegree
--                )
                (chplReduceDegreeUp maxDegree $
                    (chplConst thisCoeff) + p0 * p0 * rest,
                 errorTermDegree, errorTermCoeff) 
            (rest, errorTermDegree, errorTermCoeff) =
                taylorAux p0 nextDegree nextCoeff
            nextDegree = thisDegree + 2
            nextCoeff = 
                thisCoeff / (fromInteger $ negate $ nextDegree * (nextDegree - 1))
    taylorDegree = ix `div` 3
    coeffGr = effIx2gran $ ix

    Approximate the pointwise cosine of a polynomial 
    by another polynomial from below and from above
    using the tau method    
    as described in [Mason & Handscomb 2003, p 62]. 
chplRecip ::
    (B.ERRealBase b, RealFrac b, DomainBox box varid Int, Ord box) => 
    Int {-^ maximum polynomial degree -} -> 
    EffortIndex {-^ minimum approx degree -} -> 
    ERChebPoly box b ->
    (ERChebPoly box b, ERChebPoly box b)
chplRecip maxDegree ix p
    | upperB < 0 = -- range negative
        (\(lo, hi) -> (-hi, -lo)) $ chplRecip maxDegree ix (negate p)
    | lowerB > 0 = -- range positive
--        unsafePrint
--        (
--            "ERChebPoly: chplRecip: "
--            ++ "\n k = " ++ show k
--            ++ "\n lowerB = " ++ show lowerB
--            ++ "\n tau = " ++ (show $ recip tauInv)
--        )
        (resDn, resUp)
    | otherwise = -- cannot establish 0 freedom
        error $
             "ERChebPoly: chplRecip: "
             ++ "cannot deal with estimated range " ++ show ranp
             ++ "of polynomial: \n" ++ show p 
    ranp = ERInterval lowerB upperB
    lowerB = - (chplUpperBoundAffine ix (- p))
    upperB = chplUpperBoundAffine ix p
    tauDegree = effIx2int (ix `div` 3)
    coeffGr = effIx2gran $ ix
    -- translate p to have range above 1:
    k = intLogUp 2 $ ceiling (1/lowerB) -- 2^k * lowerB >= 1
    upperBtr = upperB * 2^k -- upper bound of translated poly
    (pAbove1Dn, pAbove1Up) = -- p multiplied by 2^k; range in [1,upperBtr]    
        chplScale (2^k) p
    -- translate T_1 to domain [0, upperBtr] and apply it to (pAbove1 - 1):
    -- T'_1 = nu * (p - 1) - 1
    trT1Dn = 
        (chplScaleDown nuLOB (pAbove1Dn - 1)) - 1
    trT1Up =
        (chplScaleUp nuHIB (pAbove1Up - 1)) - 1
    nu = recip nuInv -- auxiliary constant
    ERInterval nuLOB nuHIB = nu
    nuInv = (RA.setMinGranularity coeffGr (ERInterval upperBtr upperBtr)) / 2
    nuPlus1 = nu + 1
    nuInvPlus1 = nuInv + 1
    nuInvDiv2 = nuInv / 2
    -- define such translated T_i's for all i >= 0:
    trTis =
        map (mapPair (chplReduceDegreeDown maxDegree, chplReduceDegreeUp maxDegree)) $ 
            chebyEvalTsRoundDownUp trT1Dn 
    -- construct the result from interval coefficients:
    resDn =
        chplScaleDown (2^k) $
            (-tauAbsUpPoly) `plusDown` 
                (chplScaleUp tauAbsDnB $
                    sumDown $
                        (- errPoly) : (zipWith scaleDn cis trTis))
    resUp =
        chplScaleUp (2^k) $
            (tauAbsUpPoly) `plusUp` 
                (chplScaleUp tauAbsUpB $
                    sumUp $
                        (errPoly) : (zipWith scaleUp cis trTis))
    scaleDn c (trTDn, trTUp) 
        | r >= 0 = chplScaleDown r trTDn
        | otherwise = chplScaleDown r trTUp
        r = c * tauSign
    scaleUp c (trTDn, trTUp) 
        | r >= 0 = chplScaleUp r trTUp
        | otherwise = chplScaleUp r trTDn
        r = c * tauSign
    tauAbsUpPoly = chplConst $ tauAbsUpB
    tauSign = 
        case RA.compareReals tauInv 0 of
            Just GT -> 1
            Just LT -> -1
    ERInterval tauAbsDnB tauAbsUpB = abs $ recip tauInv
    cis =
        map (\(ERInterval lo hi) -> hi) c0n 
    errPoly = chplConst err
    err =
        foldl1 plusUp $
            map (\(ERInterval lo hi) -> hi - lo) c0n
    -- work out the coefficients in interval arithmetic using the tau method:
    c0n = c0 : c1n
    tauInv = c0 * nuInvPlus1 + c1 * nuInvDiv2
    c0 = - c1 * nuPlus1 - c2/2
    (c1 : c2 : _) = c1n
    c1n = reverse $ take n $ csRev
    n = tauDegree
    csRev =
        cn : cnM1 : (csAux cn cnM1)
        cn = 1
        cnM1 = - 2 * nuPlus1
    csAux cn cnM1 =
        cnM2 : (csAux cnM1 cnM2)
        cnM2 = - cn - 2 * nuPlus1 * cnM1