{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
    Module      :  Data.Number.ER.RnToRm.UnitDom.ChebyshevBase.Polynom.Elementary
    Description :  (internal) elementary functions applied to polynomials  
    Copyright   :  (c) 2007-2008 Michal Konecny
    License     :  BSD3

    Maintainer  :  mik@konecny.aow.cz
    Stability   :  experimental
    Portability :  portable
    Internal module for "Data.Number.ER.RnToRm.UnitDom.ChebyshevBase.Polynom".
    Implementation of elementary functions applied to polynomials.
module Data.Number.ER.RnToRm.UnitDom.ChebyshevBase.Polynom.Elementary 

import Data.Number.ER.RnToRm.UnitDom.ChebyshevBase.Polynom.Basic
import Data.Number.ER.RnToRm.UnitDom.ChebyshevBase.Polynom.Eval
import Data.Number.ER.RnToRm.UnitDom.ChebyshevBase.Polynom.Field
import Data.Number.ER.RnToRm.UnitDom.ChebyshevBase.Polynom.Bounds

import qualified Data.Number.ER.Real.Approx as RA
import qualified Data.Number.ER.Real.Approx.Elementary as RAEL
import qualified Data.Number.ER.Real.Base as B
import Data.Number.ER.Real.Approx.Interval
import Data.Number.ER.Real.Arithmetic.Elementary
import qualified Data.Number.ER.Real.DomainBox as DBox
import Data.Number.ER.Real.DomainBox (VariableID(..), DomainBox, DomainIntBox)
import Data.Number.ER.BasicTypes
import Data.Number.ER.Misc

import qualified Data.Map as Map

    Approximate the pointwise square root of a polynomial 
    by another polynomial from below and from above. 
chplSqrt ::
    (B.ERRealBase b, RealFrac b, DomainBox box varid Int, Ord box) => 
    Int {-^ maximum polynomial degree -} -> 
    EffortIndex {-^  ?? -} -> 
    ERChebPoly box b ->
    (ERChebPoly box b, ERChebPoly box b)
chplSqrt maxDegree ix p =
    error "ERChebPoly: chplSqrt: not implemented yet"

    Approximate the pointwise exponential of a polynomial 
    by another polynomial from below and from above. 
chplExp ::
    (B.ERRealBase b, RealFrac b, DomainBox box varid Int, Ord box) => 
    Int {-^ maximum polynomial degree -} -> 
    EffortIndex {-^ minimum approx Taylor degree -} -> 
    ERChebPoly box b ->
    (ERChebPoly box b, ERChebPoly box b)
chplExp maxDegree ix p =
--    unsafePrint
--    ( 
--        "chplExp:" ++ 
--        "\n expM = " ++ show expM ++
--        "\n upperB = " ++ show upperB ++
--        "\n lowerB = " ++ show lowerB ++
--        "\n a_int = " ++ show a_int ++
--        "\n expNear0Dn pNear0Dn = " ++ show (expNear0Dn pNear0Dn) ++
--        "\n chplPow maxDegree (expNear0Up pNear0Up) 2000 = " ++ show (chplPow maxDegree (expNear0Up pNear0Up) 2000)
--    ) 
--    $ 
    (expDownwards, expUpwards + valueAtRDnNeg + (chplConst expRUp))
    expUpwards =
        (chplConst expMUp) * (chplPow maxDegree (expNear0Up pNear0Up) a_int) 
    expDownwards =
        (chplConst expMDn) * (chplPow maxDegree (expNear0Dn pNear0Dn) a_int) 
    upperB = chplUpperBoundAffine ix p 
    lowerB = - (chplUpperBoundAffine ix (- p))
    m = (upperB + lowerB) / 2
    r = (upperB - lowerB) / 2 
    expMUp = erintv_right expM 
    expMDn = erintv_left expM
    expM =
        erExp_R ix (ERInterval m m)
    pNear0Up = (p - (chplConst m)) * (chplConst $ recip a_base)
    pNear0Dn = - (((-p) + (chplConst m)) * (chplConst $ recip a_base))
    a_base = fromInteger a_int
    a_int = max 1 $ floor r -- could this be too high?
    expNear0Up p0 =
        expAux p0 1 (B.setGranularity coeffGr 1)
    expNear0Dn p0 =
        negate $ expAux p0 1 (B.setGranularity coeffGr (-1))
    expAux p0 nextDegree thisCoeff
            | nextDegree > taylorDegree =
                chplConst thisCoeff
            | otherwise =
                snd $ chplReduceDegree maxDegree $
                (chplConst thisCoeff) + p0 * (expAux p0 (nextDegree + 1) nextCoeff)
            nextCoeff = 
                thisCoeff / (fromInteger nextDegree)
    taylorDegree = 1 + 2 * (ix `div` 6)
    coeffGr = effIx2gran $ 10 + 3 * taylorDegree
    expRUp = erintv_right expR
    expR = erExp_R ix (ERInterval r r)
    valueAtRDnNeg = 
        expAux (chplConst r) 1 (B.setGranularity coeffGr (-1))

    Approximate the pointwise integer power of a polynomial by another polynomial from above. 
chplPow ::
    (B.ERRealBase b, Integral i, DomainBox box varid Int, Ord box) => 
    Int {-^ maximum polynomial degree -} -> 
    ERChebPoly box b ->
    i ->
    ERChebPoly box b
chplPow maxDegree p n
    | n == 0 =
        chplConst 1
    | n == 1 =
    | even n =
        snd $ chplReduceDegree maxDegree $ powHalfN * powHalfN
    | odd n =
        snd $ chplReduceDegree maxDegree $ 
            p * 
            (snd $ chplReduceDegree maxDegree $
             powHalfN * powHalfN)
    powHalfN =
        chplPow maxDegree p halfN
    halfN = n `div` 2
    Approximate the pointwise natural logarithm of a polynomial 
    by another polynomial from below and from above. 
chplLog ::
    (B.ERRealBase b, RealFrac b, DomainBox box varid Int, Ord box) => 
    Int {-^ maximum polynomial degree -} -> 
    EffortIndex {-^  ?? -} -> 
    ERChebPoly box b ->
    (ERChebPoly box b, ERChebPoly box b)
chplLog maxDegree ix p =
    error "ERChebPoly: chplLog: not implemented yet"

    Approximate the pointwise sine of a polynomial 
    by another polynomial from below and from above.
    Assuming the polynomial range is [-pi/2, pi/2]. 
chplSine ::
    (B.ERRealBase b, RealFrac b, DomainBox box varid Int, Ord box) =>
    Int {-^ maximum polynomial degree -} -> 
    EffortIndex {-^ how hard to try (determines Taylor degree and granularity) -} -> 
    ERChebPoly box b ->
    (ERChebPoly box b, ERChebPoly box b)
chplSine maxDegree ix p =
--        unsafePrint
--        (
--            "ERChebPoly: sineTaylor: "
--            ++ "\n p = " ++ show p
--            ++ "\n ranLargerEndpoint = " ++ show ranLargerEndpoint
--            ++ "\n sineUp = " ++ show sineUp
--            ++ "\n sineDown = " ++ show sineDown
--        ) $
        (sineDown, sineUp)
        (sineDown, sineUp) =
            boundsAddErr sineErrorBound $
            chplThinTimesEncl maxDegree p (sineDownTaylor, sineUpTaylor) 
        ((sineDownTaylor, sineUpTaylor), 
         (sineErrorTermCoeffDown, sineErrorTermCoeffUp)) =
            sincosTaylorAux True (chplSquare maxDegree p) taylorDegree 1 (one, one)
        one = B.setGranularity coeffGr 1
        sineErrorBound =
            case sineErrorBoundRA of ERInterval lo hi -> hi
            sineErrorBoundRA =        
                (ranLargerEndpointRA ^ (sineErrorTermDegree)) * sineErrorTermCoeffRA
            sineErrorTermCoeffRA =
                ERInterval sineErrorTermCoeff sineErrorTermCoeff
            sineErrorTermCoeff =
                max (abs sineErrorTermCoeffDown) (abs sineErrorTermCoeffUp)
        ranLargerEndpointRA =
            ERInterval ranLargerEndpoint ranLargerEndpoint
        ranLargerEndpoint =
            max (abs ranLO) (abs ranHI)
        ranLO = negate $ chplUpperBoundAffine ix (-p)
        ranHI = chplUpperBoundAffine ix p
        taylorDegree = effIx2int $ ix `div` 3
        coeffGr = effIx2gran $ ix
boundsAddErr errB (pLO, pHI) =
    (pLO `plusDown` (- errPoly), pHI + errPoly)
    errPoly = chplConst errB
    Approximate the pointwise sine of a polynomial 
    by another polynomial from below and from above.
    Assuming the polynomial range is [-pi/2, pi/2]. 
chplCosine ::
    (B.ERRealBase b, RealFrac b, DomainBox box varid Int, Ord box) =>
    Int {-^ maximum polynomial degree -} -> 
    EffortIndex {-^ how hard to try (determines Taylor degree and granularity) -} -> 
    ERChebPoly box b ->
    (ERChebPoly box b, ERChebPoly box b)
chplCosine maxDegree ix p =
--        unsafePrint
--        (
--            "ERChebPoly: chplCosine: "
--            ++ "\n p = " ++ show p
--            ++ "\n ranLargerEndpoint = " ++ show ranLargerEndpoint
--            ++ "\n cosineUp = " ++ show cosineUp
--            ++ "\n cosineDown = " ++ show cosineDown
--        ) $
        (cosineDown, cosineUp)
        (cosineDown, cosineUp) =
            boundsAddErr cosineErrorBound $
            (cosineDownTaylor, cosineUpTaylor) 
        ((cosineDownTaylor, cosineUpTaylor), 
         (cosineErrorTermCoeffDown, cosineErrorTermCoeffUp)) =
            sincosTaylorAux True (chplSquare maxDegree p) taylorDegree 0 (one, one)
        one = B.setGranularity coeffGr 1
        cosineErrorBound =
            case cosineErrorBoundRA of ERInterval lo hi -> hi
            cosineErrorBoundRA =
                (ranLargerEndpointRA ^ (cosineErrorTermDegree)) * cosineErrorTermCoeffRA
            cosineErrorTermCoeffRA =
                ERInterval cosineErrorTermCoeff cosineErrorTermCoeff
            cosineErrorTermCoeff =
                max (abs cosineErrorTermCoeffDown) (abs cosineErrorTermCoeffUp)
        ranLargerEndpointRA =
            ERInterval ranLargerEndpoint ranLargerEndpoint
        ranLargerEndpoint =
            max (abs ranLO) (abs ranHI)
        ranLO = negate $ chplUpperBoundAffine ix (-p)
        ranHI = chplUpperBoundAffine ix p
        taylorDegree = effIx2int $ ix `div` 3
        coeffGr = effIx2gran $ ix
sincosTaylorAux ::
    (B.ERRealBase b, RealFrac b, DomainBox box varid Int, Ord box) =>
    Bool -> 
    (ERChebPoly box b, ERChebPoly box b) ->
    Int {-^ how far to go in the Taylor series -} ->
    Int {-^ degree of the term now being constructed -} ->
    (b,b) -> 
    ((ERChebPoly box b, ERChebPoly box b),
        Bounds for the series result and information about the first discarded term,
        from which some bound on the uniform error can be deduced.
sincosTaylorAux resultPositive pSquares@(pSquareDown, pSquareUp) 
        maxDegree thisDegree (thisCoeffDown, thisCoeffUp)
    | nextDegree > maxDegree =
--                unsafePrint
--                (
--                    "ERChebPoly: chplSine: taylorAux: "
--                    ++ "\n thisCoeff = " ++ show thisCoeff
--                    ++ "\n nextDegree = " ++ show nextDegree
--                )
        ((thisCoeffDownP, thisCoeffUpP), nextDegree, (nextCoeffDown, nextCoeffUp))
    | otherwise =
--                unsafePrint
--                (
--                    "ERChebPoly: chplSine: taylorAux: "
--                    ++ "\n thisCoeff = " ++ show thisCoeff
--                    ++ "\n nextDegree = " ++ show nextDegree
--                    ++ "\n errorTermCoeff = " ++ show errorTermCoeff
--                    ++ "\n errorTermDegree = " ++ show errorTermDegree
--                )
        ((resultDown, resultUp), errorTermDegree, errorTermCoeffs) 
    thisCoeffDownP = chplConst thisCoeffDown
    thisCoeffUpP = chplConst thisCoeffUp
                | resultPositive = 
                -- ie rest's ideal value is negative and thisCoeff is positive
                    chplReduceDegreeDown maxDegree $
                        thisCoeffDownP `plusDown` (pSquareUp `timesDown` restDown)
                | otherwise =
                -- ie rest's ideal value is positive and thisCoeff is negative
                    chplReduceDegreeDown maxDegree $
                        thisCoeffDownP `plusDown` (pSquareDown `timesDown` restDown)
                | resultPositive = 
                -- ie rest's ideal value is negative and thisCoeff is positive
                    chplReduceDegreeUp maxDegree $
                        thisCoeffUpP `plusUp` (pSquareDown `timesUp` restUp)
                | otherwise =
                -- ie rest's ideal value is positive and thisCoeff is negative
                    chplReduceDegreeUp maxDegree $
                        thisCoeffUpP `plusUp` (pSquareUp `timesUp` restUp)
    ((restDown, restUp), errorTermDegree, errorTermCoeffs) =
        sincosTaylorAux (not resultPositive) pSquares maxDegree nextDegree (nextCoeffDown, nextCoeffUp)
    nextDegree = thisDegree + 2
                | resultPositive = 
                    thisCoeffDown / nextCoeffDenominator -- positive / negative
                | otherwise = 
                    thisCoeffUp / nextCoeffDenominator -- negative / negative
                | resultPositive = 
                    thisCoeffUp `divDown` nextCoeffDenominator -- positive / negative
                | otherwise = 
                    thisCoeffDown `divDown` nextCoeffDenominator -- negative / negative
    nextCoeffDenominator =
        fromInteger $ toInteger $ negate $ nextDegree * (nextDegree - 1)
    divDown a b = negate $ a / (negate b) 

    Approximate the pointwise natural logarithm of a polynomial 
    by another polynomial from below and from above. 
chplAtan ::
    (B.ERRealBase b, RealFrac b, DomainBox box varid Int, Ord box) => 
    Int {-^ maximum polynomial degree -} -> 
    EffortIndex {-^  ?? -} -> 
    ERChebPoly box b ->
    (ERChebPoly box b, ERChebPoly box b)
{- atan using Euler's series: 
    x / (1 + x^2) * (1 + t*2*1/(2*1 + 1)*(1 + t*2*2/(2*2 + 1)*(1 + ... (1 + t*2*n/(2*n+1)*(1 + ...)))))
    t = x^2/(1 + x^2)
    where the tail  (1 + t*2*n/(2*n+1)*(1 + ...)) is inside the interval:
    [1 + (x^2*2n/(2n + 1)), 1 + x^2]
chplAtan maxDegree ix p 
    | avoidingDivBy0 = 
--        unsafePrint
--        (
--            "ERChebPoly.Elementary: chplAtan: "
--             ++ "\n maxDegree = " ++ show maxDegree
--             ++ "\n p = " ++ show p
--             ++ "\n pSquareDn = " ++ show pSquareDn
--             ++ "\n pSquareUp = " ++ show pSquareUp
--             ++ "\n pOverPSquarePlus1Dn = " ++ show pOverPSquarePlus1Dn
--             ++ "\n pOverPSquarePlus1Up = " ++ show pOverPSquarePlus1Up
--             ++ "\n preresDn = " ++ show preresDn
--             ++ "\n preresUp = " ++ show preresUp
--             ++ "\n resDn = " ++ show resDn
--             ++ "\n resUp = " ++ show resUp
--        )
        (resDn, resUp)
    | otherwise =
        (chplConst (-2), chplConst 2) -- this is always safe...    
    avoidingDivBy0 = 
        (chplUpperBoundAffine ix (- pSquarePlus1Dn) < 0)
        (chplUpperBoundAffine ix (- pSquarePlus1Up) < 0)
    resDn = 
        negate $
        chplMaxUp maxDegree 
            (chplReduceDegreeUp maxDegree $ 
                pOverPSquarePlus1DnNeg `timesUp` preresDn) -- beware: pOverPSquarePlus1Dn can be negative
            (chplReduceDegreeUp maxDegree $
                pOverPSquarePlus1DnNeg `timesUp` preresUp)
        pOverPSquarePlus1DnNeg = negate pOverPSquarePlus1Dn
    resUp = 
        chplMaxUp maxDegree 
            (chplReduceDegreeUp maxDegree $
                pOverPSquarePlus1Up `timesUp` preresDn) -- beware: pOverPSquarePlus1Up can be negative
            (chplReduceDegreeUp maxDegree $
                pOverPSquarePlus1Up `timesUp` preresUp)
    (preresDn, preresUp) = seriesDnUp termsCount 2
    termsCount = max 0 $ ix `div` 3
    gran = effIx2gran ix
    seriesDnUp termsCount coeffBase 
        | termsCount > 0 =
             chplReduceDegreeDown maxDegree $
             1 `plusDown` 
                (pSquareOverPSquarePlus1Dn -- >=0 
                    `timesDown` (chplConst coeffDn) -- >=0 
                    `timesDown` restDn -- >=0
             chplReduceDegreeUp maxDegree $
             1 `plusUp`
                (pSquareOverPSquarePlus1Up -- >=0 
                    `timesUp` (chplConst coeffUp) -- >=0 
                    `timesUp` restUp -- >=0
        | otherwise =
             1 `plusDown` (pSquareDn `timesDown` (chplConst coeffDn)) -- both >=0
             1 `plusUp` pSquareUp
        (restDn, restUp) = seriesDnUp (termsCount - 1) (coeffBase + 2)
        coeffUp = coeffBaseB / (coeffBaseB `plusDown` 1)
        coeffDn = negate $ coeffBaseB / (negate $ coeffBaseB `plusUp` 1)
        coeffBaseB = B.setMinGranularity gran $ fromInteger coeffBase
    (pSquareDn, pSquareUp) = chplSquare maxDegree p
    pSquarePlus1Dn = pSquareDn `plusDown` 1
    pSquarePlus1Up = pSquareUp `plusUp` 1
    recipPSquarePlus1Dn = chplRecipDn maxDegree ix pSquarePlus1Up
    recipPSquarePlus1Up = chplRecipUp maxDegree ix pSquarePlus1Dn
--        -- safely compute the square of an enclosure:
--        pSquareDn = chplMinDn m pUpTDnpUp (chplMinDn m pDnTDnpUp pDnTDnpDn)
--        pSquareUp = chplMaxUp m pUpTUppUp (chplMaxUp m pDnTUppUp pDnTUppDn) 
--        pUpTDnpUp = pUp `timesDown` pUp
--        pDnTDnpUp = pDn `timesDown` pUp
--        pDnTDnpDn = pDn `timesDown` pDn
--        pUpTUppUp = pUp `timesUp` pUp
--        pDnTUppUp = pDn `timesUp` pUp
--        pDnTUppDn = pDn `timesUp` pDn
--        mMinus1 = m - 1
    pSquareOverPSquarePlus1Up = 
        pSquareUp `timesUp` recipPSquarePlus1Up -- both >=0
    pSquareOverPSquarePlus1Dn = 
        pSquareDn `timesDown` recipPSquarePlus1Dn -- both >=0 (one enclosure may dip below 0, not a problem)
--        negate $
--        chplMaxUp maxDegree
--            (pSquareDnNeg `timesUp` recipPSquarePlus1Up) -- beware: pSquareDn may dip below 0
--            (pSquareDnNeg `timesUp` recipPSquarePlus1Dn)
--        where
--        pSquareDnNeg = negate pSquareDn
    pOverPSquarePlus1Up =
        chplMaxUp maxDegree 
            (p `timesUp` recipPSquarePlus1Up)
            (p `timesUp` recipPSquarePlus1Dn) -- beware: p can be negative
    pOverPSquarePlus1Dn =
        negate $
        chplMaxUp maxDegree
            (pn `timesUp` recipPSquarePlus1Up) -- beware: pn can be positive
            (pn `timesUp` recipPSquarePlus1Dn)
        pn = negate p

chplRecipDn m i = fst . chplRecip m i
chplRecipUp m i = snd . chplRecip m i

    Approximate the pointwise cosine of a polynomial 
    by another polynomial from below and from above
    using the tau method    
    as described in [Mason & Handscomb 2003, p 62]. 
chplRecip ::
    (B.ERRealBase b, RealFrac b, DomainBox box varid Int, Ord box) => 
    Int {-^ maximum polynomial degree -} -> 
    EffortIndex {-^ minimum approx degree -} -> 
    ERChebPoly box b ->
    (ERChebPoly box b, ERChebPoly box b)
chplRecip maxDegree ix p@(ERChebPoly pCoeffs)
    | pIsConst = 
        (chplConst $ - (recip (- pConst)), chplConst $ recip pConst)
    | upperB < 0 = -- range negative
        (\(lo, hi) -> (-hi, -lo)) $ chplRecip maxDegree ix (negate p)
    | lowerB > 0 = -- range positive
--        unsafePrint
--        (
--            "ERChebPoly: chplRecip: "
--            ++ "\n k = " ++ show k
--            ++ "\n lowerB = " ++ show lowerB
--            ++ "\n tau = " ++ (show $ recip tauInv)
--        )
        (resDn, resUp)
    | otherwise = -- cannot establish 0 freedom
        error $
             "ERChebPoly: chplRecip: "
             ++ "cannot deal with estimated range " ++ show ranp
             ++ "of polynomial: \n" ++ show p 
    ranp = ERInterval lowerB upperB
    lowerB = - (chplUpperBoundAffine ix (- p))
    upperB = chplUpperBoundAffine ix p
    (pIsConst, pConst) = 
        case chplGetConst p of
            Nothing -> (False, error "ChebyshevBase.Polynom.Elementary.chplRecip")
            Just coeff -> (True, coeff)
    tauDegree = effIx2int (max 2 $ ix `div` 3)
    coeffGr = effIx2gran $ ix
    -- translate p to have range above 1:
    k = intLogUp 2 $ ceiling (1/lowerB) -- 2^k * lowerB >= 1
    upperBtr = upperB * 2^k -- upper bound of translated poly
    (pAbove1Dn, pAbove1Up) = -- p multiplied by 2^k; range in [1,upperBtr]    
        chplScale (2^k) p
    -- translate T_1 to domain [0, upperBtr] and apply it to (pAbove1 - 1):
    -- T'_1 = nu * (p - 1) - 1
    trT1Dn = 
        (chplScaleDown nuLOB (pAbove1Dn - 1)) - 1
    trT1Up =
        (chplScaleUp nuHIB (pAbove1Up - 1)) - 1
    nu = recip nuInv -- auxiliary constant
    ERInterval nuLOB nuHIB = nu
    nuInv = (RA.setMinGranularity coeffGr (ERInterval upperBtr upperBtr)) / 2
    nuPlus1 = nu + 1
    nuInvPlus1 = nuInv + 1
    nuInvDiv2 = nuInv / 2
    -- define such translated T_i's for all i >= 0:
    trTis =
        map (mapPair (chplReduceDegreeDown maxDegree, chplReduceDegreeUp maxDegree)) $ 
            chebyEvalTsRoundDownUp trT1Dn 
    -- construct the result from interval coefficients:
    resDn =
        chplScaleDown (2^k) $
            (-tauAbsUpPoly) `plusDown` 
                (chplScaleUp tauAbsDnB $
                    sumDown $
                        (- errPoly) : (zipWith scaleDn cis trTis))
    resUp =
        chplScaleUp (2^k) $
            (tauAbsUpPoly) `plusUp` 
                (chplScaleUp tauAbsUpB $
                    sumUp $
                        (errPoly) : (zipWith scaleUp cis trTis))
    scaleDn c (trTDn, trTUp) 
        | r >= 0 = chplScaleDown r trTDn
        | otherwise = chplScaleDown r trTUp
        r = c * tauSign
    scaleUp c (trTDn, trTUp) 
        | r >= 0 = chplScaleUp r trTUp
        | otherwise = chplScaleUp r trTDn
        r = c * tauSign
    tauAbsUpPoly = chplConst $ tauAbsUpB
    tauSign = 
        case RA.compareReals tauInv 0 of
            Just GT -> 1
            Just LT -> -1
    ERInterval tauAbsDnB tauAbsUpB = abs $ recip tauInv
    cis =
        map (\(ERInterval lo hi) -> hi) c0n 
    errPoly = chplConst err
    err =
        foldl1 plusUp $
            map (\(ERInterval lo hi) -> hi - lo) c0n
    -- work out the coefficients in interval arithmetic using the tau method:
    c0n = c0 : c1n
    tauInv = c0 * nuInvPlus1 + c1 * nuInvDiv2
    c0 = - c1 * nuPlus1 - c2/2
    (c1 : c2 : _) = c1n
    c1n = reverse $ take n $ csRev
    n = tauDegree
    csRev =
        cn : cnM1 : (csAux cn cnM1)
        cn = 1
        cnM1 = - 2 * nuPlus1
    csAux cn cnM1 =
        cnM2 : (csAux cnM1 cnM2)
        cnM2 = - cn - 2 * nuPlus1 * cnM1