    Module      :  Data.Number.ER.RnToRm.UnitDom.Base.Tests.Properties.Common
    Description :  (testing) generating polynomials for tests
    Copyright   :  (c) 2007-2008 Michal Konecny
    License     :  BSD3

    Maintainer  :  mik@konecny.aow.cz
    Stability   :  experimental
    Portability :  portable
    Auxiliary functions for use in test for polynomial enclosure arithmetic.
module Data.Number.ER.RnToRm.UnitDom.Base.Tests.Properties.Common 

import Data.Number.ER.RnToRm.UnitDom.Base.Tests.Generate

import qualified Data.Number.ER.RnToRm.UnitDom.Base as UFB
import Data.Number.ER.RnToRm.UnitDom.Base ((+^),(-^),(*^))

import Data.Number.ER.Real.Approx.Tests.Reporting

import qualified Data.Number.ER.Real.Base as B
import qualified Data.Number.ER.BasicTypes.DomainBox as DBox
import Data.Number.ER.BasicTypes.DomainBox (VariableID(..), DomainBox, DomainBoxMappable, DomainIntBox)
import Data.Number.ER.Misc

import qualified Data.Number.ER.Real.Approx as RA

fbAtKeyPointsCanBeLeq ::
    (UFB.ERUnitFnBase boxb boxra varid b ra fb, Show boxra, Show testId) => 
    String {-^ report file name -} ->
    testId {-^ item to identify the random input given to the test -} ->
    fb ->
    fb ->
fbAtKeyPointsCanBeLeq reportFileName testId fb1 fb2 =
    and $ map testPoint points
    points = getKeyPoints (fb1 +^ fb2)
    testPoint point 
        | lower1 <= upper2 =
            unsafeERTestReport reportFileName
                (testId, point, val1, val2) $
        | otherwise =
                "Failure at point = " ++ (show point)
            ) $
        val1 = UFB.evalApprox point fb1
        val2 = UFB.evalApprox point fb2
        (lower1, upper1) = UFB.raEndpoints fb1 val1 
        (lower2, upper2) = UFB.raEndpoints fb1 val2
getKeyPoints fb =
    getKeyPointsForVars $ UFB.getVariables fb
getKeyPointsForVars vars =
    points = map DBox.fromList $ allCombinations $ varDomPoints
    varDomPoints = map (\v -> (v,[-1,0,1])) vars

fbAtKeyPointsPointwiseBinaryDownUpConsistent ::
    (UFB.ERUnitFnBase boxb boxra varid b ra fb, Show boxra, Show testId) => 
    String {-^ report file name -} ->
    testId {-^ item to identify the random input given to the test -} ->
    (ra -> ra -> ra) -> 
    fb -> fb ->
    (fb, fb) ->
fbAtKeyPointsPointwiseBinaryDownUpConsistent reportFileName testId raOp fb1 fb2 (resLow, resHigh) =
    and $ map testPoint points
    points = getKeyPoints (fb1 +^ fb2)
    testPoint point 
        | ok =
            unsafeERTestReport reportFileName
                (testId, point, raOpAtPoint, resAtPoint) $
        | otherwise =
                "fbAtKeyPointsPointwiseBinaryDownUpConsistent failed:"
                ++ "\n point = " ++ show point
                ++ "\n raOpAtPoint = " ++ show raOpAtPoint
                ++ "\n resAtPoint = " ++ show resAtPoint
        ok = not $ RA.isDisjoint resAtPoint raOpAtPoint
        resAtPoint = valLow RA.\/ valHigh 
        resAtPointLow = fst $ UFB.raEndpoints fb1 $ valLow 
        resAtPointHigh = snd $ UFB.raEndpoints fb1 $ valHigh
        valLow = UFB.evalApprox point resLow
        valHigh = UFB.evalApprox point resHigh
        raOpAtPoint= raOp fb1AtPoint fb2AtPoint 
        fb1AtPoint = UFB.evalApprox point fb1
        fb2AtPoint = UFB.evalApprox point fb2

enclRestrictRange ix md ms (Nothing, Nothing) preEncl = (True, preEncl)
enclRestrictRange ix md ms (maybeLower, maybeUpper) preEncl =
    (succeeded, fbEncl)
    succeeded = lowerSucceeded && upperSucceeded
    lowerSucceeded =
        case maybeLower of
            Nothing -> True
            Just lower -> lower < pLowerBound 
    upperSucceeded =
        case maybeUpper of
            Nothing -> True
            Just upper -> pUpperBound < upper
    (pLowerBound, pUpperBound) = UFB.boundsEncl ix fbEncl
    fbEncl =
        case (maybeLower, maybeUpper) of
            (Just lowerB, Nothing) ->
                case lowerB < preLowerBoundB of
                    True -> preEncl -- enclosure already in the range
                    False -> -- a shift needed to get above the lower bound
                        UFB.addEncl md ms (b2encl $ lowerB - preLowerBoundB + sepB) preEncl
            (Nothing, Just upperB) ->
                case preUpperBoundB < upperB of
                    True -> preEncl -- enclosure already in the range
                    False -> -- a shift needed to get below the upper bound
                        UFB.addEncl md ms (b2encl $ upperB - preUpperBoundB - sepB) preEncl
            (Just lowerB, Just upperB) ->
                case lowerB < preLowerBoundB && preUpperBoundB < upperB of
                    True -> preEncl -- enclosure already in the range
                    _ -> 
                        case preWidthB + sepB <= widthB of
                            True -> -- no scaling needed, only shifting by a constant to the centre of the range
                                UFB.addEncl md ms 
                                    (b2encl $ lowerB - preLowerBoundB + (preWidthB - widthB)/2) 
                            _ -> -- full affine transformation needed
                                UFB.addEncl md ms
                                    (b2encl $ lowerB + sepB) $
                                    UFB.multiplyEncl md ms -- scale preEncl so that it fits inside the range
                                        (b2encl $ widthB / saferPreWidthB) $
                                        UFB.addEncl md ms -- shift preEncl so that it is non-negative and as close to 0 as safely possible
                                            (b2encl $ sepB - preLowerBoundB)
                widthB = upperB - lowerB
                saferPreWidthB = preWidthB + 2 * sepB
    sepB = preWidthB / 1000000
    preWidthB = preUpperBoundB - preLowerBoundB
    (preLowerBoundB, preUpperBoundB) = UFB.boundsEncl ix preEncl

b2encl b = UFB.constEncl (b,b)
enclAtKeyPointsPointwiseBinaryInnerInOuter ::
    (UFB.ERUnitFnBaseEncl boxb boxra varid b ra fb, Show boxra, Show testId) => 
    String {-^ report file name -} ->
    testId {-^ item to identify the random input given to the test -} ->
    (ra -> ra -> ra)
        {-^ this real approx operation has to return an *inner* approximation of the exact result set, 
            ie each number that the approximation supports is in the maximal extension -} ->
    (fb, fb) {-^ enclosure of argument 1 -} ->
    (fb, fb) {-^ enclosure of argument 2 -} ->
    (fb, fb) {-^ alleged enclosure of result -} ->
        reportFileName testId
        p1Encl@(p1LowNeg, p1High) p2Encl@(p2LowNeg, p2High) resEncl =
    and $ map testPoint points
    points = getKeyPoints (p1High +^ p2High +^ p1LowNeg +^ p2LowNeg)
    testPoint point 
        | result =
            unsafeERTestReport reportFileName
                (testId, point, p1OpInnerP2AtPoint, resAtPoint) $
        | otherwise = 
                "enclAtKeyPointsPointwiseBinaryInnerInOuter failed"
                ++ "\n point = " ++ show point
                ++ "\n p1AtPoint = " ++ show p1AtPoint
                ++ "\n p2AtPoint = " ++ show p2AtPoint
                ++ "\n p1OpInnerP2AtPoint = " ++ show p1OpInnerP2AtPoint
                ++ "\n resAtPoint = " ++ show resAtPoint
            ) $
        result = p1OpInnerP2AtPoint `RA.refines` resAtPoint
        p1OpInnerP2AtPoint = p1AtPoint `raOpInner` p2AtPoint
        resAtPoint = UFB.evalEncl point resEncl
--        resAtPoint = p1OpInnerP2AtPoint -- for dummy testing that never <<loop>>s
        p1AtPoint =  UFB.evalEnclInner point p1Encl
        p2AtPoint = UFB.evalEnclInner point p2Encl

enclAtKeyPointsPointwiseUnaryInnerInOuter ::
    (UFB.ERUnitFnBaseEncl boxb boxra varid b ra fb, Show boxra, Show testId) => 
    String {-^ report file name -} ->
    testId {-^ item to identify the random input given to the test -} ->
    (ra -> ra)
        {-^ this real approx operation has to return an inner approximation of the exact result set, 
            ie each number that the approximation supports is in the maximal extension -} ->
    (fb, fb) {-^ enclosure of argument -} ->
    (fb, fb) {-^ alleged enclosure of result -} ->
        reportFileName testId
        fbEncl@(pLowNeg, pHigh) resEncl =
    and $ map testPoint points
    points = getKeyPoints (pHigh +^ pLowNeg)
    testPoint point 
        | result =
            unsafeERTestReport reportFileName
                (testId, point, opInnerPAtPoint, resAtPoint) $
        | otherwise = 
                "enclAtKeyPointsPointwiseUnaryInnerInOuter failed"
                ++ "\n point = " ++ show point
                ++ "\n pAtPoint = " ++ show pAtPoint
                ++ "\n opInnerPAtPoint = " ++ show opInnerPAtPoint
                ++ "\n resAtPoint = " ++ show resAtPoint
            ) $
        result = opInnerPAtPoint `RA.refines` resAtPoint
        opInnerPAtPoint = raOpInner pAtPoint
        resAtPoint = UFB.evalEncl point resEncl
        pAtPoint = 
--            normaliseERInterval $ 
            UFB.evalEnclInner point fbEncl

enclAtKeyPointsConsistent ::
    (UFB.ERUnitFnBaseEncl boxb boxra varid b ra fb, Show boxra, Show testId) => 
    String {-^ report file name -} ->
    testId {-^ item to identify the random input given to the test -} ->
    (boxra -> ra)
        {-^ this operation has to return an inner approximation of the exact result set, 
            ie each number that the approximation supports is a solution in the maximal extension -} ->
    [varid] {-^ variables to test over -} ->
    (fb, fb) {-^ alleged enclosure of result -} ->
        reportFileName testId
        opInner allVars resEncl@(resLowNeg, resHigh) =
    and $ map testPoint points
    points = getKeyPointsForVars allVars
    testPoint point 
        | result =
            unsafeERTestReport reportFileName
                (testId, point, opInnerAtPoint, resAtPoint) $
        | otherwise = 
                "enclAtKeyPointsConsistent failed"
                ++ "\n point = " ++ show point
                ++ "\n opInnerAtPoint = " ++ show opInnerAtPoint
                ++ "\n resAtPoint = " ++ show resAtPoint
            ) $
        result = opInnerAtPoint `RA.refines` resAtPoint
        opInnerAtPoint = opInner point
        resAtPoint = UFB.evalEncl point resEncl