{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module Network.AGI
    ( Digit(..)
    , ppDigit
    , ppEscapeDigits
    , digitsToInteger
    , AGI
    , run
    , fastAGI
    , runInternal
    , SoundType(..)
    , sendRecv
    , answer
    , hangUp
    , getData
    , RecordResult(..)
    , sayDigits
    , sayNumber
    , streamFile
    , waitForDigit
    , record
    ) where

import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception (finally)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Error
import Data.Char
import Data.Generics
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Word
import Network
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import System.IO
import System.Posix.Signals
import System.Random

data AGIEnv = AGIEnv { agiVars :: [(String, String)]
                     , agiInH :: Handle
                     , agiOutH :: Handle

newtype AGIT m a = AGI { runAGIT :: ReaderT AGIEnv m a }
    deriving (Monad, MonadIO, Functor, {- MonadError IOError, -} MonadReader AGIEnv)

type AGI = AGIT IO

-- |DTMF digits
data Digit
    = Pound
    | Star
    | Zero
    | One
    | Two
    | Three
    | Four
    | Five
    | Six
    | Seven
    | Eight
    | Nine
      deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Enum, Data, Typeable)

-- |convert a 'Digit' to its ASCII representation
ppDigit :: Digit -> Char
ppDigit Pound = '#'
ppDigit Star = '*'
ppDigit Zero = '0'
ppDigit One = '1'
ppDigit Two = '2'
ppDigit Three = '3'
ppDigit Four = '4'
ppDigit Five = '5'
ppDigit Six = '6'
ppDigit Seven = '7'
ppDigit Eight = '8'
ppDigit Nine = '9'

-- |convert a list of 'Digit's into a quoted string.
-- The quoted string format is used by many AGI commands
ppEscapeDigits :: [Digit] -> String
ppEscapeDigits digits = '"' : (map ppDigit digits  ++ "\"")

-- |convert a list of 'Digit's to an 'Integer'.
-- Will fail if the list is empty or contains * or #
digitsToInteger :: [Digit] -> Maybe Integer
digitsToInteger digits =
    case reads (map ppDigit digits) of
      [(i, [])] -> (Just i)
      _ -> Nothing

type Command = String
-- data Timeout =  Timeout Word (Maybe Word) -- ^ timeout, max digits

data SoundType = WAV | GSM
               deriving (Eq, Enum, Data, Typeable)

instance Show SoundType where
    show WAV = "wav"
    show GSM  = "gsm"

-- TODO: let user install a custom sipHUP handler (sigHUP is sent when the caller hangs ups)
-- |Top-level wrapper for single-shot AGI scripts.
-- Example:
-- @ main = run yourAGI Ignore @
run :: (MonadIO m) => AGIT m a -> Handler -> m a
run agi hupHandler =
    do liftIO $ installHandler sigHUP hupHandler Nothing
       runInternal agi stdin stdout

-- |Top-level for long running AGI scripts.
-- Example:
-- @ main = fastAGI Nothing yourAGI @
-- You should be sure to compile with -threaded. Note that 'yourAGI'
-- may be running simultaneously in multiple threads, so you will need
-- some concurrency control for shared data.
-- TODO: support a hang-up handler
-- TODO: ability to listen on a specific IP address
fastAGI :: Maybe PortID -> (HostName -> PortNumber -> AGI a) -> IO ()
fastAGI portId agi =
    do installHandler sigPIPE Ignore Nothing 
       s <- listenOn $ fromMaybe (PortNumber 4573) portId
       (forever $ (do (h, hostname, portNum) <- accept s
                      forkIO $ runInternal (agi hostname portNum) h h >> hClose h
                  )) `finally` (sClose s)

-- |runInternal - run an AGI script using the supplied Handles for input and output
-- You probably want 'run' or 'fastAGI'. This function is exposed so
-- that 3rd party libraries such as HAppS can easily add support for
-- FastAGI support.
-- TODO: support general method of handling extra arguments (query_string vs command-line arguments)
runInternal :: (MonadIO m) => AGIT m a -> Handle -> Handle -> m a
runInternal agi inh outh =
    do vars <- liftIO $ readAgiVars inh
       liftIO $ hSetBuffering inh  LineBuffering
       liftIO $ hSetBuffering outh LineBuffering
       runReaderT (runAGIT agi) (AGIEnv vars inh outh)

readAgiVars :: Handle -> IO [(String, String)]
readAgiVars inh = 
    do mAgiVar <- readAgiVar 
       case mAgiVar of
	    Nothing -> 
		return []
	    Just agiVar ->
		do rest <- readAgiVars inh
		   return (agiVar:rest)
    where readAgiVar :: IO (Maybe (String, String))
	  readAgiVar =
	      do l <- hGetLine inh
		 case l of
		      "" -> return Nothing
		      _ -> let (a,v) = break ((==) ':') l in
				       return (Just (a, dropWhile ((==) ' ') (tail v)))

-- |send an AGI Command, and return the Response
-- this function provides the low-level send/receive functionality.
sendRecv :: (MonadIO m) => Command -> AGIT m String
sendRecv cmd =
    do inh  <- liftM agiInH  $ ask
       outh <- liftM agiOutH $ ask
       liftIO $ do hPutStrLn inh cmd
                   hGetLine outh


Answers channel if not already in answer state. 
failure: 200 result=-1 
success: 200 result=0 
-- |'answer' channel if not already in answer state
answer :: (MonadIO m) => AGIT m Bool -- ^ True on success, False on failure
answer =
    do res <- sendRecv "ANSWER"
       return $ parseResult (pResult >> pSuccessFailure) res
 Usage: HANGUP [<channelname>] 

Hangs up the specified channel. 
If no channel name is given, hangs up the current channel. 
failure: 200 result=-1 
success: 200 result=1 
-- |hangUp the specified channel
hangUp :: (MonadIO m) 
       => Maybe String -- ^ channel to hangup, or current channel if not specified
       -> AGIT m Bool
hangUp mChannel =
    do res <- sendRecv ("HANGUP" ++ (maybe "" (' ' :) mChannel))
       return $ parseResult (pResult >> ((char '1' >> return True) <|> (string "-1" >> return False))) res

Usage: GET DATA <file to be streamed> [timeout] [max digits]

failure: 200 result=-1 
timeout: 200 result=<digits> (timeout) 
success: 200 result=<digits> 
<digits> is the digits pressed. 


-- TODO: does digit include # and * ?
-- |play a file and return and digits pressed
-- See also: 'streamFile'
getData :: (MonadIO m)
        => FilePath -- ^ file to stream
        -> Maybe Integer -- ^ timout in ms after keypress (default: 2000 ms)
        -> Maybe Integer -- ^ max
        -> AGIT m (Maybe ([Digit], Bool)) -- ^ Nothing on failure, Just (digits, timeout) on success
getData fp mTimeout mMaxDigits =
    let cmd =
	    "GET DATA " ++ fp ++
                        case (mTimeout, mMaxDigits) of
                          (Nothing, Nothing) -> ""
                          (Just timeout, Nothing) ->  show timeout
                          (Nothing, Just maxDigits) -> " 2000 " ++ show maxDigits
                          (Just timeout, Just maxDigits) -> " " ++ show timeout ++" "++ show maxDigits

      do res <- sendRecv cmd
         return $ parseResult p res
               p = do pResult
                      (try pFail >> return Nothing) <|> (pDigitsWithTimeout >>= return . Just)
               pFail = string "-1"
Usage: RECORD FILE <filename> <format> <escape digits> <timeout> [offset samples] [BEEP] [s=<silence>]

failure to write: 200 result=-1 (writefile) 
failure on waitfor: 200 result=-1 (waitfor) endpos=<offset> 
hangup: 200 result=0 (hangup) endpos=<offset> 
interrrupted: 200 result=<digit> (dtmf) endpos=<offset> 
timeout: 200 result=0 (timeout) endpos=<offset> 
random error: 200 result=<error> (randomerror) endpos=<offset> 
<offset> is the end offset in the file being recorded. 
<digit> is the ascii code for the digit pressed. 
<error> ????? 

data RecordResult 
    = FailureToWrite
    | FailureOnWaitFor
    | HangUp
    | Interrupted Digit
    | Timeout
    | RandomError String
      deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable)

-- |record channel to a file
record :: (MonadIO m)
       => FilePath -- ^ record to this file
       -> SoundType -- ^ |GSM \| WAV|
       -> [Digit] -- ^ stop recording if one of these digits is entered
       -> Maybe Integer -- ^ maximum record time in milliseconds, -1 for no timeout
       -> Maybe Integer -- ^ offset samples
       -> Bool -- ^ beep to indicate recording has begun
       -> Maybe Integer -- ^ stop recording if this many seconds of silence passes
       -> AGIT m (RecordResult, Integer) -- ^ exit condition, endpos=offset
record fp soundType escapeDigits length offset beep silence =
    do res <- sendRecv $ ("RECORD FILE " ++ fp ++ " " ++ show soundType ++ " " ++ 
                          ppEscapeDigits escapeDigits ++ " " ++  (maybe "-1" show length) ++  
                          (maybe "" (\o -> ' ': show o) offset) ++ 
                          (if beep then " beep" else "") ++
                          (maybe "" (\s -> " s=" ++ show s) silence))
       return $ parseResult p res

p = pResult >> (pFailureToWrite <|> pFailureOnWaitFor <|> pHangUp <|> pInterrupted <|> pTimeout <|> pRandomError)
      pFailureToWrite = 
          do try (string "-1 (writefile)") >> return (FailureToWrite, 0)
      pFailureOnWaitFor = 
          do try (string "-1 (waitfor)")
             ep <- pEndPos
             return (FailureOnWaitFor, ep)
      pHangUp =
          do try (string "0 (hangup)" <|> string "-1 (hangup)")
             ep <- pEndPos
             return (HangUp, ep)
      pInterrupted = try $
          do digit <- pAsciiDigit
             string "(dtmf)"
             ep <- pEndPos
             return (Interrupted digit, ep)
      pTimeout =
          do try (string "0 (timeout)")
             ep <- pEndPos
             return (Timeout, ep)
      pRandomError = try $
          do error <- manyTill anyChar (try (string " (randomerror)"))
             ep <- pEndPos
             return (RandomError error, ep)

 Usage: SAY DIGITS <number> <escape digits>

Say a given digit string, returning early if any of the given DTMF digits are received on the channel. 

SAY DIGITS 5551212 "125#" 

The digits five, five, five, one, two, one, two will be spoken out, If durning the speech, the DTMF keys 1, 2, 5 or # are pressed it will stop the playback. 
failure: 200 result=-1 
success: 200 result=0 
digit pressed: 200 result=<digit> 
<digit> is the ascii code for the digit pressed. 

-- |say the given digit string
sayDigits :: (MonadIO m)
          => [Digit] -- ^ digits to say
          -> [Digit] -- ^ digits which can stop playback
          -> AGIT m (Maybe (Maybe Digit)) -- ^ Nothing on error, Just Nothing on success. Just (Just <digit>) if interrupted.
sayDigits digits escapeDigits =
    do res <- sendRecv $ "SAY DIGITS " ++ map ppDigit digits ++ " " ++ ppEscapeDigits escapeDigits
       return $ parseResult p res
      p = do pResult
             (string "-1" >> return Nothing) <|> (string "0" >> return (Just Nothing)) <|> (pAsciiDigit >>= return . Just . Just)

SAY NUMBER <number> <escape digits>

Say a given number, returning early if any of the given DTMF digits are received on the channel. 

 SAY NUMBER 1234 "1*#" 

The number one thousand two hundred and thirty four will be spoken, and if the DTMFs 1, * or # is pressed during the speach it will be terminated. 
failure: 200 result=-1 
success: 200 result=0 
digit pressed: 200 result=<digit> 
<digit> is the ascii code for the digit pressed. 
-- | 'sayNumber' says the specified number
sayNumber :: (MonadIO m)
          => Integer -- ^ number to say
          -> [Digit] -- ^ return early if any of these digits are received
          -> AGIT m (Maybe (Maybe Digit)) -- ^ Nothing on failure, Just Nothing on success, Just (Just <digit>) if key is pressed
sayNumber number escapeDigits =
    do res <- sendRecv ("SAY NUMBER " ++ show number ++ " " ++ ppEscapeDigits escapeDigits)
       return $ parseResult p res
      p = do pResult
             (string "-1" >> return Nothing) <|> (string "0" >> return (Just Nothing)) <|> (pAsciiDigit >>= return . Just . Just)

Usage: STREAM FILE <filename> <escape digits> [sample offset] 

Send the given file, allowing playback to be interrupted by the given digits, if any. 
Use double quotes for the digits if you wish none to be permitted. 
If sample offset is provided then the audio will seek to sample offset before play starts. 
Remember, the file extension must not be included in the filename. 
failure: 200 result=-1 endpos=<sample offset> 
failure on open: 200 result=0 endpos=0 
success: 200 result=0 endpos=<offset> 
digit pressed: 200 result=<digit> endpos=<offset> 
<offset> is the stream position streaming stopped. If it equals <sample offset> there was probably an error. 
<digit> is the ascii code for the digit pressed. 
STREAM FILE is known to behave inconsistently, especially when used in conjuction with other languages, i.e. Set(LANGUAGE()=xy). 
Workaround: Use EXEC PLAYBACK instead. 

-- |playback the specified file, can be interupted by the given digits.
-- See also: 'getData'
streamFile :: (MonadIO m)
           => FilePath -- ^ file to stream
           -> [Digit] -- ^ escape digits
           -> Maybe Integer -- ^ sample offset
           -> AGIT m (Either Integer (Maybe Digit, Integer)) -- ^ On failure: Left <endpos>. On success: Right (Maybe Digit, <endpos>)
streamFile filePath escapeDigits mSampleOffset =
    do res <- sendRecv $ "STREAM FILE " ++ filePath ++ " " ++ ppEscapeDigits escapeDigits ++ (maybe "" (\so -> ' ' :  show so) mSampleOffset)
       return $ parseResult p res
      p = 
          do pResult
             pFailure <|> pFailureOnOpen <|> pSuccess <|> pSuccessWithDigit
      pFailure =
          do string "-1"
             ep <- pEndPos
             return (Left ep)
      pFailureOnOpen = try $
          do string "0 endpos=0"
             return (Left 0)
      pSuccess = try $
          do string "0"
             ep <- pEndPos
             return (Right (Nothing, ep))
      pSuccessWithDigit = try $
          do d <- pAsciiDigit
             ep <- pEndPos
             return (Right ((Just d), ep))

Usage: WAIT FOR DIGIT <timeout> 

Waits up to <timeout> milliseconds for channel to receive a DTMF digit. 
Use -1 for the <timeout> value if you desire the call to block indefinitely. 
failure: 200 result=-1 
timeout: 200 result=0 
success: 200 result=<digit> 
<digit> is the ascii code for the digit received. 

-- |wait for channel to receive a DTMF digit. 
-- See also: 'getData' for multiple digits
waitForDigit :: (MonadIO m)
             => Integer -- ^ timeout in milliseconds, -1 to block indefinitely
             -> AGIT m (Maybe (Maybe Digit)) -- ^ |Nothing| on error, |Just Nothing| on timeout, |Just (Just <digit>)| on success
waitForDigit timeout =
    do res <- sendRecv $ "WAIT FOR DIGIT " ++ show timeout
       return $ parseResult p res
      p = do pResult
             (string "-1" >> return Nothing) <|> (string "0" >> return (Just Nothing)) <|> (pAsciiDigit >>= return . Just . Just)

-- * Result Parsers
parseResult p res = 
    case parse p res res of
      (Left e) -> error (show e) -- throwError (userError (show e))
      (Right r) -> r

-- |parse 0 as True, -1 as failure
pSuccessFailure :: CharParser () Bool
pSuccessFailure =
    (char '0' >> return True) <|> (string "-1" >> return False)

-- |parse '200 result='
pResult :: CharParser () String
pResult = string "200 result="

-- |parse a block of zero or more ' ' and '\t' characters (but not '\n')
pSpace :: CharParser () String
pSpace = many (tab <|> char ' ')

pDigitsWithTimeout =
    do digits <- many pDigit
       to <- (string "(timeout)" >> return True) <|> return False
       return (digits, to)

pDigit :: CharParser () Digit
pDigit =
    (char '#' >> return Pound) <|>
    (char '*' >> return Star) <|>
    (char '0' >> return Zero) <|>
    (char '1' >> return One) <|>
    (char '2' >> return Two) <|>
    (char '3' >> return Three) <|>
    (char '4' >> return Four) <|>
    (char '5' >> return Five) <|>
    (char '6' >> return Six) <|>
    (char '7' >> return Seven) <|>
    (char '8' >> return Eight) <|>
    (char '9' >> return Nine)

pAsciiDigit :: CharParser () Digit
pAsciiDigit =
    do ds <- many1 digit
       case ds of
         "35" -> return Pound
         "42" -> return Star
         "48" -> return Zero
         "49" -> return One
         "50" -> return Two
         "51" -> return Three
         "52" -> return Four
         "53" -> return Five
         "54" -> return Six
         "55" -> return Seven
         "56" -> return Eight
         "57" -> return Nine
         _ -> pzero <?> "The ascii character code " ++ ds ++ " (" ++ [chr (read ds)] ++ ") does not correspond to a digit on the keypad"

pEndPos :: CharParser () Integer
pEndPos =
    do string "endpos="
       ds <- many1 digit
       return (read ds)