-- Copyright 2019, Advise-Me project team. This file is distributed under 
-- the terms of the Apache License 2.0. For more information, see the files
-- "LICENSE.txt" and "NOTICE.txt", which are included in the distribution.
-- |
-- Maintainer  :  bastiaan.heeren@ou.nl
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable (depends on ghc)

module Domain.Logic.InverseRules
   ( inverseDeMorganOr, inverseDeMorganAnd
   , inverseAndOverOr, inverseOrOverAnd
   , inverseIdempOr, inverseIdempAnd
   , inverseRules
   ) where

-- Note: the generalized rules do not take AC-unification into account,
-- and perhaps they should.
import Control.Monad
import Domain.Logic.Formula
import Domain.Logic.Utils
import Ideas.Common.Library

-- Inverse rules

-- generalized (works for multiple terms)
inverseDeMorganOr :: Rule SLogic
inverseDeMorganOr = siblingOf groupDeMorgan $
   makeListRule "InvDeMorganOr" $ \p -> do
      (leftCtx, xs, rightCtx) <- split3 (conjunctions p)
      guard (length xs > 1)
      ys <- mapM isComplementM xs
      return (ands (leftCtx ++ Not (ors ys) : rightCtx))

-- generalized (works for multiple terms)
inverseDeMorganAnd :: Rule SLogic
inverseDeMorganAnd = siblingOf groupDeMorgan $
   makeListRule "InvDeMorganAnd" $ \p -> do
      (leftCtx, xs, rightCtx) <- split3 (disjunctions p)
      guard (length xs > 1)
      ys <- mapM isComplementM xs
      return (ors (leftCtx ++ Not (ands ys) : rightCtx))

isComplementM :: Monad m => SLogic -> m SLogic
isComplementM = maybe (fail "not a complement") return . isComplement

inverseAndOverOr :: Rule SLogic
inverseAndOverOr = siblingOf groupDistribution $
   makeSimpleRule "InvAndOverOr" $ \p -> do
      let xs = disjunctions p
      guard (length xs > 1)
      do pairs <- mapM isAndHead xs
         let (as, ys) = unzip pairs
         guard (allSame as)
         return (head as :&&: ors ys)
       `mplus` do
         pairs <- mapM isAndLast xs
         let (ys, as) = unzip pairs
         guard (allSame as)
         return (ors ys :&&: head as)

inverseOrOverAnd :: Rule SLogic
inverseOrOverAnd = siblingOf groupDistribution $
   makeSimpleRule "InvOrOverAnd" $ \p -> do
      let xs = conjunctions p
      guard (length xs > 1)
      do pairs <- mapM isOrHead xs
         let (as, ys) = unzip pairs
         guard (allSame as)
         return (head as :||: ands ys)
       `mplus` do
         pairs <- mapM isOrLast xs
         let (ys, as) = unzip pairs
         guard (allSame as)
         return (ands ys :||: head as)

inverseIdempOr :: Rule SLogic
inverseIdempOr = siblingOf groupIdempotency $
   makeListRule "InvIdempOr" $ \p -> do
      (leftCtx, xs, rightCtx) <- split3 (disjunctions p)
      return (ors (leftCtx ++ xs ++ xs ++ rightCtx))

inverseIdempAnd :: Rule SLogic
inverseIdempAnd = siblingOf groupIdempotency $
   makeListRule "InvIdempAnd" $ \p -> do
      (leftCtx, xs, rightCtx) <- split3 (conjunctions p)
      return (ands (leftCtx ++ xs ++ xs ++ rightCtx))

isAndHead, isAndLast, isOrHead, isOrLast :: SLogic -> Maybe (SLogic, SLogic)
isAndHead = useHead (:&&:) . conjunctions
isAndLast = useLast (:&&:) . conjunctions
isOrHead  = useHead (:||:) . disjunctions
isOrLast  = useLast (:||:) . disjunctions

useHead, useLast :: (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> Maybe (a, a)
useHead op (x:xs) | not (null xs) =
   Just (x, foldr1 op xs)
useHead _ _ = Nothing

useLast op = fmap (\(x, y) -> (y, x)) . useHead (flip op) . reverse

allSame :: Eq a => [a] -> Bool
allSame []     = True
allSame (x:xs) = all (==x) xs

-- see GeneralizedRules (but no check for |ys1| > 1)
split3 :: [a] -> [([a], [a], [a])]
split3 as =
   [ (xs, ys1, ys2)
   | (xs, ys) <- split as
   , (ys1, ys2) <- split ys

-- see GeneralizedRules
split :: [a] -> [([a], [a])]
split xs = map (`splitAt` xs) [0 .. length xs]

-- More inverse rules

inverseRules :: [Rule SLogic]
inverseRules =
   [ invDefImpl, invDefEquiv, invDoubleNeg -- , invIdempOr, invIdempAnd
   , invTrueAnd, invNotTrue, invFalseOr, invNotFalse
   -- , invDistrAnd, invDistrOr
   -- , invAbsorpOr, invAbsorpAnd, invTrueOr, invComplOr, invFalseAnd
   -- , invComplAnd, invDistrAnd, invDistrOr

invDefImpl :: Rule SLogic
invDefImpl = siblingOf groupImplication $ rewriteRule "DefImpl.inv" $
   \x y -> Not x :||: y  :~>  x :->: y

invDefEquiv :: Rule SLogic
invDefEquiv = siblingOf groupEquivalence $ rewriteRule "DefEquiv.inv" $
   \x y -> (x :&&: y) :||: (Not x :&&: Not y)  :~>  x :<->: y

invDoubleNeg :: Rule SLogic
invDoubleNeg = siblingOf groupDoubleNegation $ rewriteRule "NotNot.inv" $
   \x -> x  :~>  Not (Not x)

invIdempOr :: Rule SLogic
invIdempOr = siblingOf groupIdempotency $ rewriteRule "IdempOr.inv" $
   \x -> x  :~>  x :||: x

invIdempAnd :: Rule SLogic
invIdempAnd = siblingOf groupIdempotency $ rewriteRule "IdempAnd.inv" $
   \x -> x :~> x :&&: x

invTrueAnd :: Rule SLogic
invTrueAnd = siblingOf groupTrueConjunction $ rewriteRules "TrueZeroAnd.inv"
   [ \x -> x  :~>  T :&&: x
   , \x -> x  :~>  x :&&: T

invNotTrue :: Rule SLogic
invNotTrue = siblingOf groupNotTrue $ rewriteRule "NotTrue.inv" $
   F  :~>  Not T

invFalseOr :: Rule SLogic
invFalseOr = siblingOf groupFalseDisjunction $ rewriteRules "FalseZeroOr.inv"
   [ \x -> x  :~>  F :||: x
   , \x -> x  :~>  x :||: F

invNotFalse :: Rule SLogic
invNotFalse = siblingOf groupNotFalse $ rewriteRule "NotFalse.inv" $
   T  :~> Not F

invDistrAnd :: Rule SLogic
invDistrAnd = siblingOf groupDistribution $ rewriteRules "AndOverOr.inv"
   [ \x y z -> (x :&&: y) :||: (x :&&: z)  :~>  x :&&: (y :||: z)
   , \x y z -> (x :&&: z) :||: (y :&&: z)  :~>  (x :||: y) :&&: z

invDistrOr :: Rule SLogic
invDistrOr = siblingOf groupDistribution $ rewriteRules "OrOverAnd.inv"
   [ \x y z -> (x :||: y) :&&: (x :||: z)  :~>  x :||: (y :&&: z)
   , \x y z -> (x :||: z) :&&: (y :||: z)  :~>  (x :&&: y) :||: z

{- TO DO: fix code below
proofInvRule :: String -> Rule SLogic -> Rule SLogic
proofInvRule = makeInvRule equalLogicA

invAbsorpOr, invAbsorpAnd, invTrueOr, invComplOr, invFalseAnd,
   invComplAnd, invDistrAnd, invDistrOr :: Rule SLogic
invAbsorpOr  = proofInvRule "AbsorpOr.inv" ruleAbsorpOr
invAbsorpAnd = proofInvRule "AbsorpAnd.inv" ruleAbsorpAnd
invTrueOr    = proofInvRule "TrueZeroOr.inv" ruleTrueOr
invComplOr   = proofInvRule "ComplOr.inv" ruleComplOr
invFalseAnd  = proofInvRule "FalseZeroAnd.inv" ruleFalseAnd
invComplAnd  = proofInvRule "ComplAnd.inv" ruleComplAnd
invDistrAnd  = proofInvRule "AndOverOr.inv" ruleDistrAnd -- see GeneralizedRules
invDistrOr   = proofInvRule "OrOverAnd.inv" ruleDistrOr  -- see GeneralizedRules