-- Copyright 2019, Advise-Me project team. This file is distributed under 
-- the terms of the Apache License 2.0. For more information, see the files
-- "LICENSE.txt" and "NOTICE.txt", which are included in the distribution.
-- |
-- Maintainer  :  bastiaan.heeren@ou.nl
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable (depends on ghc)

module Domain.Math.Polynomial.LeastCommonMultiple
   ( lcmExpr, divisionExpr, noCommonFactor, equalFactors, testLCM
   , powerProductView
   ) where

import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ratio
import Domain.Math.Expr
import Domain.Math.Numeric.Views
import Domain.Math.Power.Views
import Ideas.Utils.TestSuite
import Ideas.Common.View
import Prelude hiding ((^))
import Test.QuickCheck

-- | Returns the least common multiple of two expressions.
lcmExpr :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr
lcmExpr a b = fromMaybe (a*b) $ do
   (ar, as) <- match powerProductView a
   (br, bs) <- match powerProductView b
   return $ build powerProductView (lcmR ar br, merge as bs)
   lcmR :: Rational -> Rational -> Rational
   lcmR r1 r2 =
      let f r = numerator r * denominator r
      in fromIntegral (lcm (f r1) (f r2))

   merge :: [(Expr, Integer)] -> [(Expr, Integer)] -> [(Expr, Integer)]
   merge = foldr op id
      op (e, n1) f ys =
         let n2   = fromMaybe 0 (lookup e ys)
             rest = filter ((/=e) . fst) ys
         in (e, n1 `max` n2) : f rest

-- | Only succeeds if there is no remainder
divisionExpr :: Expr -> Expr -> Maybe Expr
divisionExpr a b = do
   (ar, as) <- match powerProductView a
   (br, bs) <- match powerProductView b
   xs       <- as `without` bs
   return $ build powerProductView (ar/br, xs)
   without :: [(Expr, Integer)] -> [(Expr, Integer)] -> Maybe [(Expr, Integer)]
   without [] ys =
      guard (null ys) >> return []
   without ((e,n1):xs) ys =
      let n2   = fromMaybe 0 (lookup e ys)
          rest = filter ((/=e) . fst) ys
      in liftM ((e,n1-n2):) (without xs rest)

powerProductView :: View Expr (Rational, [(Expr, Integer)])
powerProductView = makeView f g
   f expr = do
      (b, xs) <- match productView expr
      let (r, ys) = collectPairs xs
      return (if b then -r else r, merge ys)

   g (r, xs) =
      build productView (False, fromRational r : map (build pvn) xs)

   pvn :: View Expr (Expr, Integer)
   pvn = powerView >>> second integerView

   collectPairs :: [Expr] -> (Rational, [(Expr, Integer)])
   collectPairs = foldr op (1, [])
      op e (r, xs) =
         let mr   = match rationalView e
             h r2 = (r*r2, xs)
             pair = fromMaybe (e,1) (match pvn e)
         in maybe (r, pair:xs) h mr

   merge :: [(Expr, Integer)] -> [(Expr, Integer)]
   merge [] = []
   merge xs@((e, _) : _) =
      let (xs1, xs2) = partition ((==e) . fst) xs
          n = sum (map snd xs1)
      in (e, n) : merge xs2

testLCM :: TestSuite
testLCM = suite "lcmExpr"
   [ useProperty "transitivity" $ f3 $ \a b c ->
        lcmExpr a (lcmExpr b c) ~= lcmExpr (lcmExpr a b) c
   , useProperty "commutativity" $ f2 $ \a b ->
        lcmExpr a b ~= lcmExpr b a
   , useProperty "idempotency" $ f1 $ \a ->
        lcmExpr a a ~= absExpr a
   , useProperty "zero" $ f1 $ \a ->
        lcmExpr a 0 ~= 0
   , useProperty "one" $ f1 $ \a ->
        lcmExpr a 1 ~= absExpr a
   , useProperty "sign" $ f2 $ \a b ->
        lcmExpr a b ~= lcmExpr (-a) b
   f1 g = liftM  g genExpr
   f2 g = liftM2 g genExpr genExpr
   f3 g = liftM3 g genExpr genExpr genExpr

   genExpr, genTerm, genAtom :: Gen Expr
   genExpr = do
      n  <- choose (0, 10)
      b  <- arbitrary
      xs <- replicateM n genTerm
      return $ build productView (b, xs)

   genTerm = frequency [(3, genAtom), (1, liftM fromInteger arbitrary)]

   genAtom = do
      v <- elements $ map Var ["a", "b", "c"]
      i <- choose (-10, 10)
      n <- choose (0, 10)
      p <- frequency [(3, return v), (1, return (v .+. fromInteger i))]
      frequency [(3, return p), (1, return (p^fromInteger n))]

   (~=)    = equalFactors
   absExpr = simplifyWith (first (const False)) productView

noCommonFactor :: Expr -> Expr -> Bool
noCommonFactor x y = lcmExpr x y `equalFactors` (x*y)

equalFactors :: Expr -> Expr -> Bool
equalFactors x y = f x == f y
 where f = simplifyWith (second sort) powerProductView