{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, ExistentialQuantification #-}
-- Copyright 2019, Advise-Me project team. This file is distributed under 
-- the terms of the Apache License 2.0. For more information, see the files
-- "LICENSE.txt" and "NOTICE.txt", which are included in the distribution.
-- |
-- Maintainer  :  bastiaan.heeren@ou.nl
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable (depends on ghc)
-- This module defines the data type that is used to describe the diagnosis of some solution to an exercise.
-- This information is then used to generate evidence during assessment.

module Recognize.Data.Attribute where

import Control.Arrow
import Data.List.NonEmpty
import Ideas.Common.Rewriting.Term
import Ideas.Text.XML hiding (Attribute)
import Domain.Math.Expr
import Domain.Math.Data.Relation
import Recognize.Data.Op
import Recognize.Data.RuleId

data Attribute =
    Expand Op -- ^ Expand a formula by a certain operation
  | Implicit Op -- ^ Implicitly expand a formula
  | Forget Op -- ^ Forgot to expand a formula
  | ForgetSym Symbol -- ^ Forgot to expand with a symbol
  | Normalized -- ^ Is a normalized expression
  | InvalidEquation -- 5 == 6
    Expr -- Left
    Expr -- Right
  | UnequalRelations -- 3x=40 | x = 40/2
    (Relation Expr) -- before relation
    (Relation Expr) -- after relation
  | Recovery -- ^ Recover a made mistake
  | NonMatchingParentheses -- ^ Incorrect placement of parentheses
  | IncorrectDistribution
  | IncorrectFactorization
  | InvertedFraction -- ^ expected: 5/6, provided: 6/5
  | InvalidCommutativity Symbol -- ^ expected: 5-6, provided: 6-5
  | AtomMixedUp  -- expected: 5 + 6, provided: 8 + 8
      Expr -- wrong
      Expr -- correct
  | Sloppiness
  | OperatorMixedUp -- expected: 5-6, provided: 5+6
     Symbol -- wrong
     Symbol -- correct
  | Misconception
     Concept -- wrong
     Concept -- correct
  | AsymmetricRelation
  | InequalityStrictness
  | Approximation
  | RoundingError
  | CommonMistake -- ^ defined per exercise
  | CapturedWildcard String Expr
  | PartialMatch Expr
  | MatchedBy Expr Expr
  | ARule -- Applied an ideas rule to some expression
      RuleId -- Matches an ideas rule
      (NonEmpty Expr) -- list expressions that rule is applied to
      Expr -- resulting expression
  | ARuleR -- Applied an ideas rule to some relation
      RuleId -- Matches an ideas rule
      (Relation Expr) -- relation that rule is applied to
      (Relation Expr) -- resulting relation
  | Label String
  | LabelE String Expr
  | FinalAnswer Expr
  | NExpr Expr -- ^ Expression that is a Number or Natural
  | Other String
 deriving (Eq, Show,Ord)

instance ToXML Attribute where
 toXML e = case e of
     Expand o                -> makeXML "expand" (text o)
     Implicit o              -> makeXML "implicit" (text o)
     Forget o                -> makeXML "forget" (text o)
     ForgetSym o             -> makeXML "forgetsym" (text o)
     InvalidCommutativity o  -> makeXML "invalidcommutativity" (text o)
     Normalized              -> makeXML "normalized" mempty
     (InvalidEquation e1 e2) -> makeXML "invalidequation" $ mconcat [element "left" [text e1], element "right" [text e2]]
     Recovery                -> makeXML "recovery" mempty
     NonMatchingParentheses  -> makeXML "nonmatchingparentheses" mempty
     IncorrectDistribution   -> makeXML "incorrectdistribution" mempty
     IncorrectFactorization  -> makeXML "incorrectfactorization" mempty
     InvertedFraction        -> makeXML "invertedfraction" mempty
     CapturedWildcard s e    -> makeXML "capturedwildcard" $ mconcat [element "wildcard" [text s],element "expr" [text e]]
     AtomMixedUp e1 e2       -> makeXML "atommixedup" $ mconcat [element "left" [text e1], element "right" [text e2]]
     Sloppiness              -> makeXML "sloppiness" mempty
     OperatorMixedUp w c     -> makeXML "operatormixedup" $ mconcat [element "wrong" [text w], element "correct" [text c]]
     Misconception w c       -> makeXML "misconception" $ mconcat [element "wrong" [text w], element "correct" [text c]]
     AsymmetricRelation      -> makeXML "asymmetricrelation" mempty
     InequalityStrictness    -> makeXML "inequalitystrictness" mempty
     RoundingError           -> makeXML "roundingerror" mempty
     CommonMistake           -> makeXML "commonmistake" mempty
     Approximation           -> makeXML "approximation" mempty
     Other s                 -> makeXML "other" (string s)

isMistake :: Attribute -> Bool
isMistake (InvalidEquation _ _)  = True
isMistake NonMatchingParentheses = True
isMistake (InvalidCommutativity _) = True
isMistake (ForgetSym _)          = True
isMistake IncorrectDistribution  = True
isMistake IncorrectFactorization = True
isMistake InvertedFraction       = True
isMistake (AtomMixedUp _ _)      = True
isMistake Sloppiness             = True
isMistake (OperatorMixedUp _ _)  = True
isMistake (Misconception _ _)    = True
isMistake AsymmetricRelation     = True
isMistake InequalityStrictness   = True
isMistake RoundingError          = True
isMistake CommonMistake          = True
isMistake _ = False

isApproximation :: Attribute -> Bool
isApproximation Approximation = True
isApproximation _ = False

isLabelAttr :: Attribute -> Bool
isLabelAttr (Label _) = True
isLabelAttr (LabelE _ _) = True
isLabelAttr _ = False

isCommonMistake :: Attribute -> Bool
isCommonMistake CommonMistake = True
isCommonMistake _ = False

data Concept = Area | Perimeter | Square | Triangle | Volume | Rectangle | HalfPerimeter
 deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)

infixl 7 <!

(<!) :: [(a, [Attribute])] -> Attribute -> [(a, [Attribute])]
xs <! a = second (a:) <$> xs