{-# LANGUAGE CPP, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances,

module Agda.Interaction.BasicOps where
{- TODO: The operations in this module should return Expr and not String,
         for this we need to write a translator from Internal to Abstract syntax.

import Control.Monad.Error
import Control.Monad.Reader
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe

import Agda.Interaction.Monad

import qualified Agda.Syntax.Concrete as C -- ToDo: Remove with instance of ToConcrete
import Agda.Syntax.Position
import Agda.Syntax.Abstract as A hiding (Open)
import Agda.Syntax.Common
import Agda.Syntax.Info(ExprInfo(..),MetaInfo(..))
import Agda.Syntax.Internal as I
import Agda.Syntax.Translation.InternalToAbstract
import Agda.Syntax.Translation.AbstractToConcrete
import Agda.Syntax.Translation.ConcreteToAbstract
import Agda.Syntax.Scope.Base
import Agda.Syntax.Fixity(Precedence(..))
import Agda.Syntax.Parser

import Agda.TypeChecker
import Agda.TypeChecking.Conversion
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad as M
import Agda.TypeChecking.MetaVars
import Agda.TypeChecking.Reduce
import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute
import Agda.TypeChecking.EtaContract (etaContract)
import Agda.TypeChecking.Coverage
import Agda.TypeChecking.Records
import Agda.TypeChecking.Pretty (prettyTCM)
import qualified Agda.TypeChecking.Pretty as TP

import Agda.Utils.Monad
import Agda.Utils.Pretty
import Agda.Utils.Permutation
import Agda.Utils.Size

#include "../undefined.h"
import Agda.Utils.Impossible

parseExprIn :: InteractionId -> Range -> String -> TCM Expr
parseExprIn ii rng s = do
    mId <- lookupInteractionId ii
    updateMetaVarRange mId rng
    mi  <- getMetaInfo <$> lookupMeta mId
    let pos = case rStart (getRange mi) of
                Just pos -> pos
                Nothing  -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
    e <- liftIO $ parsePosString exprParser pos s
    concreteToAbstract (clScope mi) e

giveExpr :: MetaId -> Expr -> TCM Expr
-- When translater from internal to abstract is given, this function might return
-- the expression returned by the type checker.
giveExpr mi e =
    do  mv <- lookupMeta mi
        withMetaInfo (getMetaInfo mv) $ metaTypeCheck' mi e mv

  where  metaTypeCheck' mi e mv =
            case mvJudgement mv of
		 HasType _ t  -> do
		    ctx <- getContextArgs
		    let t' = t `piApply` ctx
		    v	<- checkExpr e t'
		    case mvInstantiation mv of
			InstV v' ->
			  addConstraints =<< equalTerm t' v (v' `apply` ctx)
			_	 -> updateMeta mi v
		    reify v
		 IsSort _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__

give :: InteractionId -> Maybe Range -> Expr -> TCM (Expr,[InteractionId])
give ii mr e = liftTCM $ do
  mi <- lookupInteractionId ii
  mis <- getInteractionPoints
  r <- getInteractionRange ii
  updateMetaVarRange mi $ maybe r id mr
  giveExpr mi e `catchError` \err -> case errError err of
    PatternErr _ -> do
      err <- withInteractionId ii $ TP.text "Failed to give" TP.<+> prettyTCM e
      typeError $ GenericError $ show err
    _ -> throwError err
  removeInteractionPoint ii
  mis' <- getInteractionPoints
  return (e, mis' \\ mis)

addDecl :: Declaration -> TCM ([InteractionId])
addDecl d = do
  mis <- getInteractionPoints
  checkDecl d
  mis' <- getInteractionPoints
  return (mis' \\ mis)

refine :: InteractionId -> Maybe Range -> Expr -> TCM (Expr,[InteractionId])
-- If constants has a fixed arity, then it might be better to do
-- exact refinement.
refine ii mr e =
    do  mi <- lookupInteractionId ii
        mv <- lookupMeta mi
        let range = maybe (getRange mv) id mr
        let scope = M.getMetaScope mv
        tryRefine 10 range scope e
  where tryRefine :: Int -> Range -> ScopeInfo -> Expr -> TCM (Expr,[InteractionId])
        tryRefine nrOfMetas r scope e = try nrOfMetas e
           where try 0 e = throwError (strMsg "Can not refine")
                 try n e = give ii (Just r) e `catchError` (\_ -> try (n-1) (appMeta e))
                 appMeta :: Expr -> Expr
                 appMeta e =
                      let metaVar = QuestionMark
				  $ Agda.Syntax.Info.MetaInfo
				    { Agda.Syntax.Info.metaRange = r
                                    , Agda.Syntax.Info.metaScope = scope { scopePrecedence = ArgumentCtx }
				    , metaNumber = Nothing
                      in App (ExprRange $ r) e (Arg NotHidden $ unnamed metaVar)
                 --ToDo: The position of metaVar is not correct
                 --ToDo: The fixity of metavars is not correct -- fixed? MT

refineExact :: InteractionId -> Maybe Range -> Expr -> TCM (Expr,[InteractionId])
refineExact ii mr e =
    do  mi <- lookupInteractionId ii
        mv <- lookupMeta mi
        let range = maybe (getRange mv) id mr
        let scope = M.getMetaScope mv
        (_,t) <- withMetaInfo (getMetaInfo mv) $ inferExpr e
        let arityt = arity t

        tryRefine 10 range scope e
  where tryRefine :: Int -> Range -> ScopeInfo -> Expr -> TCM (Expr,[InteractionId])
        tryRefine nrOfMetas r scope e = try nrOfMetas e
           where try 0 e = throwError (strMsg "Can not refine")
                 try n e = give ii (Just r) e `catchError` (\_ -> try (n-1) (appMeta e))
                 appMeta :: Expr -> Expr
                 appMeta e =
                      let metaVar = QuestionMark $ Agda.Syntax.Info.MetaInfo {Agda.Syntax.Info.metaRange = r,
                                                 Agda.Syntax.Info.metaScope = scope}
                      in App (ExprRange $ r) NotHidden e metaVar
                 --ToDo: The position of metaVar is not correct

abstract :: InteractionId -> Maybe Range -> TCM (Expr,[InteractionId])
abstract ii mr

refineExact :: InteractionId -> Expr -> TCM (Expr,[InteractionId])
refineExact ii e =

{-| Evaluate the given expression in the current environment -}
evalInCurrent :: Expr -> TCM Expr
evalInCurrent e =
    do  t <- newTypeMeta_
	v <- checkExpr e t
	v' <- etaContract =<< normalise v
	reify v'

evalInMeta :: InteractionId -> Expr -> TCM Expr
evalInMeta ii e =
   do 	m <- lookupInteractionId ii
	mi <- getMetaInfo <$> lookupMeta m
	withMetaInfo mi $
	    evalInCurrent e

data Rewrite =  AsIs | Instantiated | HeadNormal | Normalised

--rewrite :: Rewrite -> Term -> TCM Term
rewrite AsIs	     t = return t
rewrite Instantiated t = return t   -- reify does instantiation
rewrite HeadNormal   t = etaContract =<< reduce t
rewrite Normalised   t = etaContract =<< normalise t

data OutputForm a b
      = OfType b a | CmpInType Comparison a b b
      | JustType b | CmpTypes Comparison b b
                   | CmpTeles Comparison b b
      | JustSort b | CmpSorts Comparison b b
      | Guard (OutputForm a b) [OutputForm a b]
      | Assign b a | TypedAssign b a a
      | IsEmptyType a

-- | A subset of 'OutputForm'.

data OutputForm' a b = OfType' { ofName :: b
                               , ofExpr :: a

outputFormId :: OutputForm a b -> b
outputFormId o = case o of
  OfType i _        -> i
  CmpInType _ _ i _ -> i
  JustType i        -> i
  CmpTypes _ i _    -> i
  CmpTeles _ i _    -> i
  JustSort i        -> i
  CmpSorts _ i _    -> i
  Guard o _         -> outputFormId o
  Assign i _        -> i
  TypedAssign i _ _ -> i
  IsEmptyType _     -> __IMPOSSIBLE__   -- Should never be used on IsEmpty constraints

instance Functor (OutputForm a) where
    fmap f (OfType e t)           = OfType (f e) t
    fmap f (JustType e)           = JustType (f e)
    fmap f (JustSort e)           = JustSort (f e)
    fmap f (CmpInType cmp t e e') = CmpInType cmp t (f e) (f e')
    fmap f (CmpTypes cmp e e')    = CmpTypes cmp (f e) (f e')
    fmap f (CmpTeles cmp e e')    = CmpTeles cmp (f e) (f e')
    fmap f (CmpSorts cmp e e')    = CmpSorts cmp (f e) (f e')
    fmap f (Guard o os)           = Guard (fmap f o) (fmap (fmap f) os)
    fmap f (Assign m e)           = Assign (f m) e
    fmap f (TypedAssign m e a)    = TypedAssign (f m) e a
    fmap f (IsEmptyType a)        = IsEmptyType a

instance Reify Constraint (OutputForm Expr Expr) where
    reify (ValueCmp cmp t u v)   = CmpInType cmp <$> reify t <*> reify u <*> reify v
    reify (TypeCmp cmp t t')     = CmpTypes cmp <$> reify t <*> reify t'
    reify (TelCmp  cmp t t')     = CmpTeles cmp <$> (ETel <$> reify t) <*> (ETel <$> reify t')
    reify (SortCmp cmp s s')     = CmpSorts cmp <$> reify s <*> reify s'
    reify (Guarded c cs) = do
	o  <- reify c
	os <- mapM (withConstraint reify) cs
	return $ Guard o os
    reify (UnBlock m) = do
        mi <- mvInstantiation <$> lookupMeta m
        case mi of
          BlockedConst t -> do
            e  <- reify t
            m' <- reify (MetaV m [])
            return $ Assign m' e
          PostponedTypeCheckingProblem cl -> enterClosure cl $ \(e, a, _) -> do
            a  <- reify a
            m' <- reify (MetaV m [])
            return $ TypedAssign m' e a
          Open{}  -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
          InstS{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
          InstV{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
    reify (IsEmpty a) = IsEmptyType <$> reify a

showComparison :: Comparison -> String
showComparison CmpEq  = " = "
showComparison CmpLeq = " =< "

instance (Show a,Show b) => Show (OutputForm a b) where
    show (OfType e t)           = show e ++ " : " ++ show t
    show (JustType e)           = "Type " ++ show e
    show (JustSort e)           = "Sort " ++ show e
    show (CmpInType cmp t e e') = show e ++ showComparison cmp ++ show e' ++ " : " ++ show t
    show (CmpTypes  cmp t t')   = show t ++ showComparison cmp ++ show t'
    show (CmpTeles  cmp t t')   = show t ++ showComparison cmp ++ show t'
    show (CmpSorts cmp s s')    = show s ++ showComparison cmp ++ show s'
    show (Guard o os)           = show o ++ "  if  " ++ show os
    show (Assign m e)           = show m ++ " := " ++ show e
    show (TypedAssign m e a)    = show m ++ " := " ++ show e ++ " : " ++ show a
    show (IsEmptyType a)        = "Is empty: " ++ show a

instance (ToConcrete a c, ToConcrete b d) =>
         ToConcrete (OutputForm a b) (OutputForm c d) where
    toConcrete (OfType e t) = OfType <$> toConcrete e <*> toConcrete t
    toConcrete (JustType e) = JustType <$> toConcrete e
    toConcrete (JustSort e) = JustSort <$> toConcrete e
    toConcrete (CmpInType cmp t e e') =
             CmpInType cmp <$> toConcrete t <*> toConcrete e <*> toConcrete e'
    toConcrete (CmpTypes cmp e e') = CmpTypes cmp <$> toConcrete e <*> toConcrete e'
    toConcrete (CmpTeles cmp e e') = CmpTeles cmp <$> toConcrete e <*> toConcrete e'
    toConcrete (CmpSorts cmp e e') = CmpSorts cmp <$> toConcrete e <*> toConcrete e'
    toConcrete (Guard o os) = Guard <$> toConcrete o <*> toConcrete os
    toConcrete (Assign m e) = Assign <$> toConcrete m <*> toConcrete e
    toConcrete (TypedAssign m e a) = TypedAssign <$> toConcrete m <*> toConcrete e <*> toConcrete a
    toConcrete (IsEmptyType a) = IsEmptyType <$> toConcrete a

instance (Pretty a, Pretty b) => Pretty (OutputForm' a b) where
  pretty (OfType' e t) = pretty e <+> text ":" <+> pretty t

instance (ToConcrete a c, ToConcrete b d) =>
            ToConcrete (OutputForm' a b) (OutputForm' c d) where
  toConcrete (OfType' e t) = OfType' <$> toConcrete e <*> toConcrete t

--ToDo: Move somewhere else
instance ToConcrete InteractionId C.Expr where
    toConcrete (InteractionId i) = return $ C.QuestionMark noRange (Just i)
instance ToConcrete MetaId C.Expr where
    toConcrete (MetaId i) = return $ C.Underscore noRange (Just i)

judgToOutputForm :: Judgement a c -> OutputForm a c
judgToOutputForm (HasType e t) = OfType e t
judgToOutputForm (IsSort s)    = JustSort s

--- Printing Operations
getConstraint :: Int -> TCM (OutputForm Expr Expr)
getConstraint ci =
    do  cc <- lookupConstraint ci
        cc <- reduce cc
        withConstraint reify cc

getConstraints :: TCM [OutputForm C.Expr C.Expr]
getConstraints = liftTCM $ do
    cs <- mapM (withConstraint (abstractToConcrete_ <.> reify)) =<< reduce =<< M.getConstraints
    ss <- mapM toOutputForm =<< getSolvedInteractionPoints
    return $ ss ++ cs
    toOutputForm (ii, mi, e) = do
      mv <- getMetaInfo <$> lookupMeta mi
      withMetaInfo mv $ do
        let m = QuestionMark $ MetaInfo noRange emptyScopeInfo (Just $ fromIntegral ii)
        abstractToConcrete_ $ Assign m e

getSolvedInteractionPoints :: TCM [(InteractionId, MetaId, Expr)]
getSolvedInteractionPoints = do
  is <- getInteractionPoints
  concat <$> mapM solution is
    solution i = do
      m  <- lookupInteractionId i
      mv <- lookupMeta m
      withMetaInfo (getMetaInfo mv) $ do
        args  <- getContextArgs
        scope <- getScope
        let sol v = do e <- reify v; return [(i, m, ScopedExpr scope e)]
            unsol = return []
        case mvInstantiation mv of
          InstV{}                        -> sol (MetaV m args)
          InstS{}                        -> sol (Sort $ MetaS m args)
          Open{}                         -> unsol
          BlockedConst{}                 -> unsol
          PostponedTypeCheckingProblem{} -> unsol

typeOfMetaMI :: Rewrite -> MetaId -> TCM (OutputForm Expr MetaId)
typeOfMetaMI norm mi =
     do mv <- lookupMeta mi
	withMetaInfo (getMetaInfo mv) $
	  rewriteJudg mv (mvJudgement mv)
    rewriteJudg mv (HasType i t) = do
      t <- rewrite norm t
      vs <- getContextArgs
      OfType i <$> reify (t `piApply` vs)
    rewriteJudg mv (IsSort i)    = return $ JustSort i

typeOfMeta :: Rewrite -> InteractionId -> TCM (OutputForm Expr InteractionId)
typeOfMeta norm ii =
     do mi <- lookupInteractionId ii
        out <- typeOfMetaMI norm mi
        return $ fmap (\_ -> ii) out

typeOfMetas :: Rewrite -> TCM ([OutputForm Expr InteractionId],[OutputForm Expr MetaId])
-- First visible metas, then hidden
typeOfMetas norm = liftTCM $
    do	ips <- getInteractionPoints
        js <- mapM (typeOfMeta norm) ips
        hidden <- hiddenMetas
        return $ (js,hidden)
   where hiddenMetas =    --TODO: Change so that it uses getMetaMI above
            do is <- getInteractionMetas
	       store <- Map.filterWithKey (openAndImplicit is) <$> getMetaStore
               let mvs = Map.keys store
               mapM (typeOfMetaMI norm) mvs
               openAndImplicit is x (MetaVar _ _ _ M.Open _)		 = x `notElem` is
	       openAndImplicit is x (MetaVar _ _ _ (M.BlockedConst _) _) = True
	       openAndImplicit _ _ _					 = False

-- Gives a list of names and corresponding types.

contextOfMeta :: InteractionId -> Rewrite -> TCM [OutputForm' Expr Name]
contextOfMeta ii norm = do
  info <- getMetaInfo <$> (lookupMeta =<< lookupInteractionId ii)
  let localVars = map ctxEntry . envContext . clEnv $ info
  withMetaInfo info $ gfilter visible <$> reifyContext localVars
  where gfilter p = catMaybes . map p
        visible (OfType x y) | show x /= "_" = Just (OfType' x y)
                             | otherwise     = Nothing
	visible _	     = __IMPOSSIBLE__
        reifyContext xs = reverse <$> zipWithM out [1..] xs

        out i (Arg h (x, t)) = escapeContext i $ do
          t' <- reify =<< rewrite norm t
          return $ OfType x t'

{-| Returns the type of the expression in the current environment -}
typeInCurrent :: Rewrite -> Expr -> TCM Expr
typeInCurrent norm e =
    do 	(_,t) <- inferExpr e
        v <- rewrite norm t
        reify v

typeInMeta :: InteractionId -> Rewrite -> Expr -> TCM Expr
typeInMeta ii norm e =
   do 	m <- lookupInteractionId ii
	mi <- getMetaInfo <$> lookupMeta m
	withMetaInfo mi $
	    typeInCurrent norm e

withInteractionId :: InteractionId -> TCM a -> TCM a
withInteractionId i ret = do
  m <- lookupInteractionId i
  withMetaId m ret

withMetaId :: MetaId -> TCM a -> TCM a
withMetaId m ret = do
  info <- lookupMeta m
  withMetaInfo (mvInfo info) ret

-- The intro tactic

-- Returns the terms (as strings) that can be
-- used to refine the goal. Uses the coverage checker
-- to find out which constructors are possible.
introTactic :: InteractionId -> TCM [String]
introTactic ii = do
  mi <- lookupInteractionId ii
  mv <- lookupMeta mi
  withMetaInfo (getMetaInfo mv) $ case mvJudgement mv of
    HasType _ t -> do
        t <- normalise =<< piApply t <$> getContextArgs
        case unEl t of
          I.Def d _ -> do
            def <- getConstInfo d
            case theDef def of
              Datatype{} -> introData t
              Record{}   -> introRec d
              _          -> return []
          _ -> case telView t of
            TelV EmptyTel _ -> return []
            TelV tel _      -> introFun tel
     `catchError` \_ -> return []
    _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
    conName [Arg _ (I.ConP c _)] = [c]
    conName [_]                = []
    conName _                  = __IMPOSSIBLE__

    showTCM v = show <$> prettyTCM v

    introFun tel = addCtxTel tel' $ do
        imp <- showImplicitArguments
        let okHiding h = imp || h == NotHidden
        vars <- mapM showTCM [ Arg h (I.Var i [])
                             | (h, i) <- zip hs $ reverse [0..n - 1]
                             , okHiding h
        return [ unwords $ ["λ"] ++ vars ++ ["→", "?"] ]
        n = size tel
        hs   = map argHiding $ telToList tel
        tel' = telFromList [ fmap makeName b | b <- telToList tel ]
        makeName ("_", t) = ("x", t)
        makeName (x, t)   = (x, t)

    introData t = do
      let tel  = telFromList [Arg NotHidden ("_", t)]
          perm = idP 1
          pat  = [Arg NotHidden (I.VarP "c")]
      r <- split tel perm pat 0
      case r of
        Left err -> return []
        Right cs -> mapM showTCM $ concatMap (conName . scPats) cs

    introRec d = do
      hfs <- getRecordFieldNames d
      fs <- ifM showImplicitArguments
            (return $ map snd hfs)
            (return [ f | (NotHidden, f) <- hfs ])
        [ concat $
            "record " :
            zipWith (\c f -> unwords [c, show f, "= ?"])
                    ("{":repeat ";") fs ++
            [" }"]