{-| The scope monad with operations.

module Agda.Syntax.Scope.Monad where

import Prelude hiding (mapM)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad hiding (mapM)
import Control.Monad.Writer hiding (mapM)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Traversable
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map

import Agda.Syntax.Common
import Agda.Syntax.Position
import Agda.Syntax.Fixity
import Agda.Syntax.Abstract.Name as A
import Agda.Syntax.Concrete as C
import Agda.Syntax.Scope.Base

import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Base
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.State
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Options

import Agda.Utils.Tuple
import Agda.Utils.Fresh
import Agda.Utils.Size
import Agda.Utils.List

#include "../../undefined.h"
import Agda.Utils.Impossible

-- * The scope checking monad

-- | To simplify interaction between scope checking and type checking (in
--   particular when chasing imports), we use the same monad.
type ScopeM = TCM

-- * Errors

notInScope :: C.QName -> ScopeM a
notInScope x = typeError $ NotInScope [x]

-- * General operations

getCurrentModule :: ScopeM A.ModuleName
getCurrentModule = setRange noRange . scopeCurrent <$> getScope

setCurrentModule :: A.ModuleName -> ScopeM ()
setCurrentModule m = modifyScopeInfo $ \s -> s { scopeCurrent = m }

withCurrentModule :: A.ModuleName -> ScopeM a -> ScopeM a
withCurrentModule new action = do
  old <- getCurrentModule
  setCurrentModule new
  x   <- action
  setCurrentModule old
  return x

getNamedScope :: A.ModuleName -> ScopeM Scope
getNamedScope m = do
  scope <- getScope
  case Map.lookup m (scopeModules scope) of
    Just s  -> return s
    Nothing -> do
      reportSLn "" 0 $ "ERROR: In scope\n" ++ show scope ++ "\nNO SUCH SCOPE " ++ show m

getCurrentScope :: ScopeM Scope
getCurrentScope = getNamedScope =<< getCurrentModule

-- | Create a new module with an empty scope
createModule :: A.ModuleName -> ScopeM ()
createModule m = do
  s <- getCurrentScope
  let parents = scopeName s : scopeParents s
  modifyScopes $ Map.insert m emptyScope { scopeName = m, scopeParents = parents }

-- | Apply a function to the scope info.
modifyScopeInfo :: (ScopeInfo -> ScopeInfo) -> ScopeM ()
modifyScopeInfo f = do
  scope <- getScope
  setScope $ f scope

-- | Apply a function to the scope map.
modifyScopes :: (Map A.ModuleName Scope -> Map A.ModuleName Scope) -> ScopeM ()
modifyScopes f = modifyScopeInfo $ \s -> s { scopeModules = f $ scopeModules s }

-- | Apply a function to the given scope.
modifyNamedScope :: A.ModuleName -> (Scope -> Scope) -> ScopeM ()
modifyNamedScope m f = modifyScopes $ Map.mapWithKey f'
    f' m' s | m' == m   = f s
            | otherwise = s

-- | Apply a function to the current scope.
modifyCurrentScope :: (Scope -> Scope) -> ScopeM ()
modifyCurrentScope f = do
  m <- getCurrentModule
  modifyNamedScope m f

-- | Apply a monadic function to the top scope.
modifyNamedScopeM :: A.ModuleName -> (Scope -> ScopeM Scope) -> ScopeM ()
modifyNamedScopeM m f = do
  s  <- getNamedScope m
  s' <- f s
  modifyNamedScope m (const s')

modifyCurrentScopeM :: (Scope -> ScopeM Scope) -> ScopeM ()
modifyCurrentScopeM f = do
  m <- getCurrentModule
  modifyNamedScopeM m f

-- | Apply a function to the public or private name space.
modifyCurrentNameSpace :: NameSpaceId -> (NameSpace -> NameSpace) -> ScopeM ()
modifyCurrentNameSpace acc f = modifyCurrentScope action
    action s = s { scopePublic   = pub $ scopePublic  s
                 , scopePrivate  = pri $ scopePrivate s
                 , scopeImported = imp $ scopeImported s
    (pub, pri, imp) = case acc of
      PublicNS   -> (f, id, id)
      PrivateNS  -> (id, f, id)
      ImportedNS -> (id, id, f)

-- | Set context precedence
setContextPrecedence :: Precedence -> ScopeM ()
setContextPrecedence p = modifyScopeInfo $ \s -> s { scopePrecedence = p }

getContextPrecedence :: ScopeM Precedence
getContextPrecedence = scopePrecedence <$> getScope

withContextPrecedence :: Precedence -> ScopeM a -> ScopeM a
withContextPrecedence p m = do
  p' <- getContextPrecedence
  setContextPrecedence p
  x <- m
  setContextPrecedence p'
  return x

getLocalVars :: ScopeM LocalVars
getLocalVars = scopeLocals <$> getScope

setLocalVars :: LocalVars -> ScopeM ()
setLocalVars vars = modifyScope $ \s -> s { scopeLocals = vars }

-- | Run a computation without changing the local variables.
withLocalVars :: ScopeM a -> ScopeM a
withLocalVars m = do
  vars <- getLocalVars
  x    <- m
  setLocalVars vars
  return x

-- * Names

-- | Create a fresh abstract name from a concrete name.
freshAbstractName :: Fixity -> C.Name -> ScopeM A.Name
freshAbstractName fx x = do
  i <- fresh
  return $ A.Name i x (getRange x) fx

-- | @freshAbstractName_ = freshAbstractName defaultFixity@
freshAbstractName_ :: C.Name -> ScopeM A.Name
freshAbstractName_ = freshAbstractName defaultFixity

-- | Create a fresh abstract qualified name.
freshAbstractQName :: Fixity -> C.Name -> ScopeM A.QName
freshAbstractQName fx x = do
  y <- freshAbstractName fx x
  m <- getCurrentModule
  return $ A.qualify m y

-- * Resolving names

data ResolvedName = VarName A.Name
                  | DefinedName AbstractName
                  | ConstructorName [AbstractName]
                  | UnknownName
  deriving (Show)

-- | Look up the abstract name referred to by a given concrete name.
resolveName :: C.QName -> ScopeM ResolvedName
resolveName x = do
  scope <- getScope
  let vars = map (C.QName -*- id) $ scopeLocals scope
  case lookup x vars of
    Just y  -> return $ VarName $ y { nameConcrete = unqualify x }
    Nothing -> case scopeLookup x scope of
      [] -> return UnknownName
      ds | all ((==ConName) . anameKind) ds ->
        return $ ConstructorName
               $ map (\d -> updateConcreteName d $ unqualify x) ds
      [d] -> return $ DefinedName $ updateConcreteName d (unqualify x)
      ds  -> typeError $ AmbiguousName x (map anameName ds)
  updateConcreteName :: AbstractName -> C.Name -> AbstractName
  updateConcreteName d@(AbsName { anameName = an@(A.QName { qnameName = qn }) }) x =
    d { anameName = an { qnameName = qn { nameConcrete = x } } }

-- | Look up a module in the scope.
resolveModule :: C.QName -> ScopeM AbstractModule
resolveModule x = do
  ms <- scopeLookup x <$> getScope
  case ms of
    [AbsModule m] -> return $ AbsModule (m `withRangesOfQ` x)
    []            -> typeError $ NoSuchModule x
    ms            -> typeError $ AmbiguousModule x (map amodName ms)

-- | Get the fixity of a name. The name is assumed to be in scope.
getFixity :: C.QName -> ScopeM Fixity
getFixity x = do
  r <- resolveName x
  case r of
    VarName y          -> return $ nameFixity y
    DefinedName d      -> return $ nameFixity $ qnameName $ anameName d
    ConstructorName ds
      | null fs        -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
      | allEqual fs    -> return $ head fs
      | otherwise      -> return defaultFixity
        fs = map (nameFixity . qnameName . anameName) ds
    UnknownName        -> __IMPOSSIBLE__

-- * Binding names

-- | Bind a variable. The abstract name is supplied as the second argument.
bindVariable :: C.Name -> A.Name -> ScopeM ()
bindVariable x y = do
  scope <- getScope
  setScope scope { scopeLocals = (x, y) : scopeLocals scope }

-- | Bind a defined name. Must not shadow anything.
bindName :: Access -> KindOfName -> C.Name -> A.QName -> ScopeM ()
bindName acc kind x y = do
  r  <- resolveName (C.QName x)
  ys <- case r of
    DefinedName d      -> typeError $ ClashingDefinition (C.QName x) $ anameName d
    VarName z          -> typeError $ ClashingDefinition (C.QName x) $ A.qualify (mnameFromList []) z
    ConstructorName [] -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
    ConstructorName ds
      | kind == ConName && all ((==ConName) . anameKind) ds -> return [ AbsName y kind ]
      | otherwise -> typeError $ ClashingDefinition (C.QName x) $ anameName (head ds) -- TODO: head
    UnknownName        -> return [AbsName y kind]
  modifyCurrentScope $ addNamesToScope (localNameSpace acc) x ys

-- | Bind a module name.
bindModule :: Access -> C.Name -> A.ModuleName -> ScopeM ()
bindModule acc x m = modifyCurrentScope $
  addModuleToScope (localNameSpace acc) x (AbsModule m)

-- | Bind a qualified module name. Adds it to the imports field of the scope.
bindQModule :: Access -> C.QName -> A.ModuleName -> ScopeM ()
bindQModule acc q m = modifyCurrentScope $ \s ->
  s { scopeImports = Map.insert q m (scopeImports s) }

-- * Module manipulation operations

-- | Clear the scope of any no names.
stripNoNames :: ScopeM ()
stripNoNames = modifyScopes $ Map.map strip
    strip     = mapScope (\_ -> stripN) (\_ -> stripN)
    stripN m  = Map.filterWithKey (const . notNoName) m
    notNoName = not . isNoName

-- | @renamedCanonicalNames old new s@ returns a renaming replacing all
--   (abstract) names @old.m.x@ with @new.m.x@. Any other names are left
--   untouched.
renamedCanonicalNames :: ModuleName -> ModuleName -> Scope ->
                       ScopeM (Map A.QName A.QName, Map A.ModuleName A.ModuleName)
renamedCanonicalNames old new s = (,) <$> renamedNames names <*> renamedMods mods
    ns    = allThingsInScope s
    names = nsNames ns
    mods  = nsModules ns

    renamedNames ds = Map.fromList <$> zip xs <$> mapM renName xs
        xs = filter (`isInModule` old) $ map anameName $ concat $ Map.elems ds

    renamedMods ms = Map.fromList <$> zip xs <$> mapM renMod xs
        xs = filter (`isSubModuleOf` old) $ map amodName $ concat $ Map.elems ms

    -- Change a binding M.x -> old.M'.y to M.x -> new.M'.y
    renName :: A.QName -> ScopeM A.QName
    renName y = do
      i <- fresh
      return . qualifyQ new . dequalify
             $ y { qnameName = (qnameName y) { nameId = i } }
        dequalify = A.qnameFromList . drop (size old) . A.qnameToList

    -- Change a binding M.x -> old.M'.y to M.x -> new.M'.y
    renMod :: A.ModuleName -> ScopeM A.ModuleName
    renMod = return . qualifyM new . dequalify
        dequalify = A.mnameFromList . drop (size old) . A.mnameToList

type Ren a = Map a a
type Out = [Either (Ren A.ModuleName) (Ren A.QName)]
type WSM = WriterT Out ScopeM

-- | Create a new scope with the given name from an old scope. Renames
--   public names in the old scope to match the new name and returns the
--   renamings.
copyScope :: A.ModuleName -> Scope -> ScopeM (Scope, Ren A.ModuleName, Ren A.QName)
copyScope new s = do
  s0 <- getNamedScope new
  (s', rho) <- runWriterT $ mapScopeM copyD copyM s
  let s'' = s' { scopeName    = scopeName s0
               , scopeParents = scopeParents s0
  return (s'', modRenaming rho, defRenaming rho)
    new' = killRange new
    old  = scopeName s
    modRenaming rho = Map.unions [ m | Left m  <- rho ]
    defRenaming rho = Map.unions [ m | Right m <- rho ]

    copyM :: NameSpaceId -> ModulesInScope -> WSM ModulesInScope
    copyM ImportedNS ms = return ms
    copyM PrivateNS  _  = return Map.empty
    copyM PublicNS   ms = traverse (mapM $ onMod renMod) ms

    copyD :: NameSpaceId -> NamesInScope -> WSM NamesInScope
    copyD ImportedNS ds = return ds
    copyD PrivateNS  _  = return Map.empty
    copyD PublicNS   ds = traverse (mapM $ onName renName) ds

    onMod f m = do
      x <- f $ amodName m
      return m { amodName = x }

    onName f d = do
      x <- f $ anameName d
      return d { anameName = x }

    -- Change a binding M.x -> old.M'.y to M.x -> new.M'.y
    renName :: A.QName -> WSM A.QName
    renName x = do
      i <- lift fresh
      let y = qualifyQ new' . dequalify
            $ x { qnameName = (qnameName x) { nameId = i } }
      tell [Right $ Map.singleton x y]
      return y
        dequalify = A.qnameFromList . drop (size old) . A.qnameToList

    -- Change a binding M.x -> old.M'.y to M.x -> new.M'.y
    renMod :: A.ModuleName -> WSM A.ModuleName
    renMod x = do

      -- Create the name of the new module
      let y = qualifyM new' $ dequalify x
      tell [Left $ Map.singleton x y]

      -- We need to copy the contents of included modules recursively
      (s, renM, renD) <- lift $ do
        createModule y
        s0 <- getNamedScope x
        withCurrentModule y $ copyScope y s0
      lift $ modifyNamedScope y (const s)
      tell [Left renM, Right renD]
      return y
        dequalify = A.mnameFromList . drop (size old) . A.mnameToList

-- | Apply an importdirective and check that all the names mentioned actually
--   exist.
applyImportDirectiveM :: C.QName -> ImportDirective -> Scope -> ScopeM Scope
applyImportDirectiveM m dir scope = do
  xs <- filterM doesntExist names
  reportSLn "scope.import.apply" 20 $ "non existing names: " ++ show xs
  case xs of
    []  -> return $ applyImportDirective dir scope
    _   -> typeError $ ModuleDoesntExport m xs
    names :: [ImportedName]
    names = map renFrom (renaming dir) ++ case usingOrHiding dir of
      Using  xs -> xs
      Hiding xs -> xs

    doesntExist (ImportedName x) =
      case Map.lookup x (allNamesInScope scope :: ThingsInScope AbstractName) of
        Just _  -> return False
        Nothing -> return True
    doesntExist (ImportedModule x) =
      case Map.lookup x (allNamesInScope scope :: ThingsInScope AbstractModule) of
        Just _  -> return False
        Nothing -> return True

-- | Open a module.
openModule_ :: C.QName -> ImportDirective -> ScopeM ()
openModule_ cm dir = do
  current <- getCurrentModule
  m <- amodName <$> resolveModule cm
  let ns = namespace current m
  s <- setScopeAccess ns <$> 
        (applyImportDirectiveM cm dir . restrictPrivate =<< getNamedScope m)
  checkForClashes (scopeNameSpace ns s)
  modifyCurrentScope (`mergeScope` s)
    namespace m0 m1
      | not (publicOpen dir)  = PrivateNS
      | m1 `isSubModuleOf` m0 = PublicNS
      | otherwise             = ImportedNS

    -- Only checks for clashes that would lead to the same
    -- name being exported twice from the module.
    checkForClashes new
      | not (publicOpen dir) = return ()
      | otherwise = do

        old <- allThingsInScope . restrictPrivate <$> (getNamedScope =<< getCurrentModule)

        let defClashes = Map.toList $ Map.intersectionWith (,) (nsNames new) (nsNames old)
            modClashes = Map.toList $ Map.intersectionWith (,) (nsModules new) (nsModules old)

            realClash (_, ([x],[y])) = x /= y
            realClash _              = True

            defClash (_, (qs0, qs1)) =
              any ((/= ConName) . anameKind) (qs0 ++ qs1)

            (f & g) x = f x && g x

        case filter (realClash & defClash) defClashes of
          (x, (_, q:_)):_ -> typeError $ ClashingDefinition (C.QName x) (anameName q)
          _               -> return ()
        case filter realClash modClashes of
          (_, (m0:_, m1:_)):_ -> typeError $ ClashingModule (amodName m0) (amodName m1)
          _                   -> return ()