module Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Options where

import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Maybe
import Text.PrettyPrint
import qualified Agda.Utils.IO.Locale as LocIO
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath

import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Base
import Agda.Interaction.Options
import Agda.Syntax.Abstract
import Agda.Utils.FileName
import Agda.Utils.Monad
import Agda.Utils.List
import Agda.Utils.Trie (Trie)
import qualified Agda.Utils.Trie as Trie

#include "../../undefined.h"
import Agda.Utils.Impossible

-- | Does the operation apply to the persistent options or only to the
-- pragma options? In the former case the pragma options are also
-- updated.

data Target = PersistentOptions | PragmaOptions

-- | Sets the command line options.
-- Ensures that the 'optInputFile' field contains an absolute path.
-- An empty list of include directories is interpreted as @["."]@.

  :: MonadTCM tcm
  => Target
  -> CommandLineOptions
  -> tcm ()
setCommandLineOptions target opts =
  case checkOpts opts of
    Left err   -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
    Right opts -> do
      opts <- case optInputFile opts of
        Nothing -> return opts
        Just f  -> do
          -- canonicalizePath seems to return absolute paths.
          f <- liftIO $ canonicalizePath f
          return (opts { optInputFile = Just f })
      let newOpts = opts { optIncludeDirs =
              case optIncludeDirs opts of
                [] -> ["."]
                is -> is
      case target of
        PersistentOptions ->
          modify $ \s -> s { stPersistentOptions = newOpts
                           , stPragmaOptions     = newOpts
        PragmaOptions ->
          modify $ \s -> s { stPragmaOptions     = newOpts

commandLineOptions :: MonadTCM tcm => tcm CommandLineOptions
commandLineOptions = liftTCM $ gets stPragmaOptions

setOptionsFromPragma :: MonadTCM tcm => Pragma -> tcm ()
setOptionsFromPragma (OptionsPragma xs) = do
    opts <- commandLineOptions
    case parsePragmaOptions xs opts of
	Left err    -> typeError $ GenericError err
	Right opts' -> setCommandLineOptions PragmaOptions opts'
setOptionsFromPragma _ = return ()

setOptionsFromPragmas :: MonadTCM tcm => [Pragma] -> tcm ()
setOptionsFromPragmas = foldr (>>) (return ()) . map setOptionsFromPragma

-- | Disable display forms.
enableDisplayForms :: MonadTCM tcm => tcm a -> tcm a
enableDisplayForms =
  local $ \e -> e { envDisplayFormsEnabled = True }

-- | Disable display forms.
disableDisplayForms :: MonadTCM tcm => tcm a -> tcm a
disableDisplayForms =
  local $ \e -> e { envDisplayFormsEnabled = False }

-- | Check if display forms are enabled.
displayFormsEnabled :: MonadTCM tcm => tcm Bool
displayFormsEnabled = asks envDisplayFormsEnabled

-- | Don't reify interaction points
dontReifyInteractionPoints :: MonadTCM tcm => tcm a -> tcm a
dontReifyInteractionPoints =
  local $ \e -> e { envReifyInteractionPoints = False }

shouldReifyInteractionPoints :: MonadTCM tcm => tcm Bool
shouldReifyInteractionPoints = asks envReifyInteractionPoints

-- | Gets the include directories.

getIncludeDirs :: MonadTCM tcm => tcm [AbsolutePath]
getIncludeDirs =
  map mkAbsolute . optIncludeDirs <$> commandLineOptions

-- | Makes the include directories absolute.
-- Relative directories are made absolute with respect to the given
-- path.

makeIncludeDirsAbsolute :: MonadTCM tcm => AbsolutePath -> tcm ()
makeIncludeDirsAbsolute root = do
  opts <- commandLineOptions
  setCommandLineOptions PersistentOptions $
    opts { optIncludeDirs =
             map (filePath root </>) $ optIncludeDirs opts }

setInputFile :: MonadTCM tcm => FilePath -> tcm ()
setInputFile file =
    do	opts <- commandLineOptions
	setCommandLineOptions PersistentOptions $
          opts { optInputFile = Just file }

-- | Should only be run if 'hasInputFile'.
getInputFile :: MonadTCM tcm => tcm FilePath
getInputFile =
    do	mf <- optInputFile <$> commandLineOptions
	case mf of
	    Just file	-> return file
	    Nothing	-> __IMPOSSIBLE__

hasInputFile :: MonadTCM tcm => tcm Bool
hasInputFile = isJust <$> optInputFile <$> commandLineOptions

proofIrrelevance :: MonadTCM tcm => tcm Bool
proofIrrelevance = optProofIrrelevance <$> commandLineOptions

hasUniversePolymorphism :: MonadTCM tcm => tcm Bool
hasUniversePolymorphism = optUniversePolymorphism <$> commandLineOptions

showImplicitArguments :: MonadTCM tcm => tcm Bool
showImplicitArguments = optShowImplicit <$> commandLineOptions

setShowImplicitArguments :: MonadTCM tcm => Bool -> tcm a -> tcm a
setShowImplicitArguments showImp ret = do
  opts <- commandLineOptions
  let imp = optShowImplicit opts
  setCommandLineOptions PersistentOptions $
    opts { optShowImplicit = showImp }
  x <- ret
  opts <- commandLineOptions
  setCommandLineOptions PersistentOptions $
    opts { optShowImplicit = imp }
  return x

ignoreInterfaces :: MonadTCM tcm => tcm Bool
ignoreInterfaces = optIgnoreInterfaces <$> commandLineOptions

positivityCheckEnabled :: MonadTCM tcm => tcm Bool
positivityCheckEnabled = not . optDisablePositivity <$> commandLineOptions

typeInType :: MonadTCM tcm => tcm Bool
typeInType = not . optUniverseCheck <$> commandLineOptions

getVerbosity :: MonadTCM tcm => tcm (Trie String Int)
getVerbosity = optVerbose <$> commandLineOptions

type VerboseKey = String

-- | Precondition: The level must be non-negative.
verboseS :: MonadTCM tcm => VerboseKey -> Int -> tcm () -> tcm ()
verboseS k n action | n < 0     = __IMPOSSIBLE__
                    | otherwise = do
    t <- getVerbosity
    let ks = wordsBy (`elem` ".:") k
	m  = maximum $ 0 : Trie.lookupPath ks t
    when (n <= m) action

reportS :: MonadTCM tcm => VerboseKey -> Int -> String -> tcm ()
reportS k n s = verboseS k n $ liftIO $ LocIO.putStr s

reportSLn :: MonadTCM tcm => VerboseKey -> Int -> String -> tcm ()
reportSLn k n s = verboseS k n $ liftIO $ LocIO.putStrLn s

reportSDoc :: MonadTCM tcm => VerboseKey -> Int -> tcm Doc -> tcm ()
reportSDoc k n d = verboseS k n $ liftIO . LocIO.print =<< d