module Agda.TypeChecking.CompiledClause.Compile where

import Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.List (genericReplicate, nubBy)
import Data.Function

import Agda.Syntax.Common
import Agda.Syntax.Internal
import Agda.TypeChecking.CompiledClause
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad
import Agda.TypeChecking.RecordPatterns
import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute
import Agda.TypeChecking.Pretty
import Agda.Utils.List

import Agda.Utils.Impossible
#include "../../undefined.h"

compileClauses ::
  Bool -- ^ Translate record patterns?
  -> [Clause] -> TCM CompiledClauses
compileClauses translate cs = do
  cs <- if translate then
          mapM translateRecordPatterns cs
          return cs
  return $ compile [(clausePats c, clauseBody c) | c <- cs]

type Cl  = ([Arg Pattern], ClauseBody)
type Cls = [Cl]

compile :: Cls -> CompiledClauses
compile cs = case nextSplit cs of
  Just n  -> Case n $ fmap compile $ splitOn n cs
  Nothing -> case map getBody cs of
    -- It's possible to get more than one clause here due to
    -- catch-all expansion.
    Just t : _  -> Done (map (fmap name) $ fst $ head cs) t
    Nothing : _ -> Fail
    []          -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
    name (VarP x) = x
    name (DotP _) = "_"
    name ConP{} = __IMPOSSIBLE__
    name LitP{} = __IMPOSSIBLE__
    getBody (_, b) = body b
    body (Bind b)   = body (absBody b)
    body (Body t)   = Just t
    body NoBody     = Nothing

nextSplit :: Cls -> Maybe Int
nextSplit [] = __IMPOSSIBLE__
nextSplit ((ps, _):_) = mhead [ n | (a, n) <- zip ps [0..], isPat (unArg a) ]
    isPat VarP{} = False
    isPat DotP{} = False
    isPat ConP{} = True
    isPat LitP{} = True

splitOn :: Int -> Cls -> Case Cls
splitOn n cs = mconcat $ map (fmap (:[]) . splitC n) $ expandCatchAlls n cs

splitC :: Int -> Cl -> Case Cl
splitC n (ps, b) = case unArg p of
  ConP c _ qs -> conCase c (ps0 ++ qs ++ ps1, b)
  LitP l      -> litCase l (ps0 ++ ps1, b)
  _           -> catchAll (ps, b)
    (ps0, p, ps1) = extractNthElement' n ps

-- Expand catch-alls that appear before actual matches.
expandCatchAlls :: Int -> Cls -> Cls
expandCatchAlls n cs = case cs of
  _            | all (isCatchAll . nth . fst) cs -> cs
  (ps, b) : cs | not (isCatchAll (nth ps)) -> (ps, b) : expandCatchAlls n cs
               | otherwise -> map (expand ps b) expansions ++ (ps, b) : expandCatchAlls n cs
  _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
    isCatchAll (Arg _ _ ConP{}) = False
    isCatchAll (Arg _ _ LitP{}) = False
    isCatchAll _      = True
    nth qs = p
      where (_, p, _) = extractNthElement' n qs

    classify (LitP l)     = Left l
    classify (ConP c _ _) = Right c
    classify _            = __IMPOSSIBLE__

    -- All non-catch-all patterns following this one (at position n).
    -- These are the cases the wildcard needs to be expanded into.
    expansions = nubBy ((==) `on` classify)
               . map unArg
               . filter (not . isCatchAll)
               . map (nth . fst) $ cs

    expand ps b q =
      case q of
        ConP c _ qs' -> (ps0 ++ [defaultArg $ ConP c Nothing (genericReplicate m $ defaultArg $ VarP "_")] ++ ps1,
                         substBody n' m (Con c (map var [m - 1, m - 2..0])) b)
          where m = fromIntegral $ length qs'
        LitP l -> (ps0 ++ [defaultArg $ LitP l] ++ ps1, substBody n' 0 (Lit l) b)
        _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
        (ps0, _, ps1) = extractNthElement' n ps

        n' = countVars ps0
        countVars = sum . map (count . unArg)
        count VarP{}        = 1
        count (ConP _ _ ps) = countVars ps
        count DotP{}        = 1   -- dot patterns are treated as variables in the clauses
        count _             = 0

        var x = defaultArg $ Var x []

substBody :: Int -> Integer -> Term -> ClauseBody -> ClauseBody
substBody _ _ _ NoBody = NoBody
substBody 0 m v b = case b of
  Bind   b -> foldr (.) id (genericReplicate m (Bind . Abs "_")) $ subst v (absBody $ raise m b)
  _        -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
substBody n m v b = case b of
  Bind b   -> Bind $ fmap (substBody (n - 1) m v) b
  _        -> __IMPOSSIBLE__