{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ScopedTypeVariables, FlexibleInstances #-}
module Agda.Interaction.GhcTop
    ( mimicGHCi
    ) where

import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad.Error
import Control.Monad.State

import System.Directory
import System.Environment
import System.IO

import Agda.Utils.Pretty
import Agda.Utils.String

import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad

import Agda.Interaction.Response
import Agda.Interaction.InteractionTop
import Agda.Interaction.EmacsCommand
import Agda.Interaction.Highlighting.Emacs


-- | 'mimicGHCi' is a fake ghci interpreter for the Emacs frontend
--   and for interaction tests.
--   'mimicGHCi' reads the Emacs frontend commands from stdin,
--   interprets them and print the result into stdout.

mimicGHCi :: TCM ()
mimicGHCi = do

    liftIO $ do
      hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
      hSetEncoding  stdout utf8
      hSetEncoding  stdin  utf8

    modify $ \st -> st { stInteractionOutputCallback =
                           liftIO . putStrLn . show <=< lispifyResponse }

    opts <- commandLineOptions
    _ <- interact' `runCommandM` initCommandState { optionsOnReload = opts }
    return ()

    interact' :: CommandM ()
    interact' = do
        liftIO $ putStr "Agda2> "
        b <- liftIO isEOF
        if b then return () else do
            r <- liftIO getLine
            _ <- return $! length r     -- force to read the full input line
            case dropWhile (==' ') r of
                ""  -> return ()
                ('-':'-':_) -> return ()
                _ -> case listToMaybe $ reads r of
                    Just (x, "")  -> runInteraction x
                    Just (_, rem) -> liftIO $ putStrLn $ "not consumed: " ++ rem
                    _ ->             liftIO $ putStrLn $ "cannot read: " ++ r

-- | Convert Response to an elisp value for the interactive emacs frontend.

lispifyResponse :: Response -> TCM (Lisp String)
lispifyResponse (Resp_HighlightingInfo info modFile) =
  lispifyHighlightingInfo info modFile
lispifyResponse (Resp_DisplayInfo info) = return $ case info of
    Info_CompilationOk -> f "The module was successfully compiled." "*Compilation result*"
    Info_Constraints s -> f s "*Constraints*"
    Info_AllGoals s -> f s "*All Goals*"
    Info_Auto s -> f s "*Auto*"
    Info_Error s -> f s "*Error*"

    Info_NormalForm s -> f (render s) "*Normal Form*"   -- show?
    Info_InferredType s -> f (render s) "*Inferred Type*"
    Info_CurrentGoal s -> f (render s) "*Current Goal*"
    Info_GoalType s -> f (render s) "*Goal type etc.*"
    Info_ModuleContents s -> f (render s) "*Module contents*"
    Info_Context s -> f (render s) "*Context*"
    Info_Intro s -> f (render s) "*Intro*"
  where f content bufname = display_info' False bufname content
lispifyResponse Resp_ClearHighlighting = return $ L [ A "agda2-highlight-clear" ]
lispifyResponse Resp_ClearRunningInfo = return $ clearRunningInfo
lispifyResponse (Resp_RunningInfo s) = return $ displayRunningInfo $ s ++ "\n"
lispifyResponse (Resp_Status s)
    = return $ L [ A "agda2-status-action"
                 , A (quote $ intercalate "," $ catMaybes [checked, showImpl])
    boolToMaybe b x = if b then Just x else Nothing

    checked  = boolToMaybe (sChecked               s) "Checked"
    showImpl = boolToMaybe (sShowImplicitArguments s) "ShowImplicit"

lispifyResponse (Resp_JumpToError f p) = return $ lastTag 3 $
  L [ A "agda2-goto", Q $ L [A (quote f), A ".", A (show p)] ]
lispifyResponse (Resp_InteractionPoints is) = return $ lastTag 1 $
  L [A "agda2-goals-action", Q $ L $ map showNumIId is]
lispifyResponse (Resp_GiveAction ii s)
    = return $ L [A "agda2-give-action", showNumIId ii, A s']
    s' = case s of
        Give_String str -> quote str
        Give_Paren      -> "'paren"
        Give_NoParen    -> "'no-paren"
lispifyResponse (Resp_MakeCaseAction cs) = return $ lastTag 2 $
  L [A "agda2-make-case-action", Q $ L $ map (A . quote) cs]
lispifyResponse (Resp_MakeCase cmd pcs) = return $ lastTag 2 $
  L [A cmd, Q $ L $ map (A . quote) pcs]
lispifyResponse (Resp_SolveAll ps) = return $ lastTag 2 $
  L [A "agda2-solveAll-action", Q . L $ concatMap prn ps]
    prn (ii,e)= [showNumIId ii, A $ quote $ show e]

-- | Adds a \"last\" tag to a response.

lastTag :: Integer -> Lisp String -> Lisp String
lastTag n r = Cons (Cons (A "last") (A $ show n)) r

-- | Show an iteraction point identifier as an elisp expression.

showNumIId :: InteractionId -> Lisp String
showNumIId = A . tail . show