{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, CPP, DeriveDataTypeable, DeriveFunctor, DeriveFoldable, DeriveTraversable #-}
module Agda.TypeChecking.CompiledClause where

import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.Foldable (Foldable)
import Data.Traversable (Traversable)

import Agda.Syntax.Common
import Agda.Syntax.Internal
import Agda.Syntax.Literal

import Agda.Utils.Pretty
import Agda.Utils.Impossible
#include "../undefined.h"

type key :-> value = Map key value

data WithArity c = WithArity { arity :: Int, content :: c }
  deriving (Typeable, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

data Case c = Branches
  { conBranches    :: QName :-> WithArity c -- ^ Map from constructor names to their arity and the case subtree
  , litBranches    :: Literal :-> c         -- ^ Map from literal to case subtree
  , catchAllBranch :: Maybe c               -- ^ (Possibly additional) catch-all clause
  deriving (Typeable, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

data CompiledClauses
  = Case Int (Case CompiledClauses)
    -- ^ @Case n bs@ stands for a match on the @n@-th argument
    -- (counting from zero) with @bs@ as the case branches.
  | Done [Arg String] Term
    -- ^ @Done xs b@ stands for the body @b@ where the @xs@ contains hiding
    --   and name suggestions for the free variables. This is needed to build
    --   lambdas on the right hand side for partial applications which can
    --   still reduce.
  | Fail
    -- ^ Absurd case.
  deriving (Typeable)

emptyBranches = Branches Map.empty Map.empty Nothing
litCase l x = Branches Map.empty (Map.singleton l x) Nothing
conCase c x = Branches (Map.singleton c x) Map.empty Nothing
catchAll x  = Branches Map.empty Map.empty (Just x)

instance Monoid c => Monoid (WithArity c) where
 mempty = WithArity __IMPOSSIBLE__ mempty
 mappend (WithArity n1 c1) (WithArity n2 c2)
  | n1 == n2  = WithArity n1 $ mappend c1 c2
  | otherwise = __IMPOSSIBLE__   -- arity must match!

instance Monoid m => Monoid (Case m) where
  mempty = Branches Map.empty Map.empty Nothing
  mappend (Branches cs  ls  m)
          (Branches cs' ls' m') =
    Branches (Map.unionWith mappend cs cs')
             (Map.unionWith mappend ls ls')
             (mappend m m')

instance Pretty a => Show (Case a) where
  show = show . pretty
instance Show CompiledClauses where
  show = show . pretty

instance Pretty a => Pretty (WithArity a) where
  pretty = pretty . content

instance Pretty a => Pretty (Case a) where
  prettyPrec p (Branches cs ls m) =
    mparens (p > 0) $ vcat $
      pr cs ++ pr ls ++ prC m
      prC Nothing = []
      prC (Just x) = [text "_ ->" <+> pretty x]
      pr m = [ sep [ text (show x ++ " ->")
                   , nest 2 $ pretty v ]
             | (x, v) <- Map.toList m ]

instance Pretty CompiledClauses where
  pretty (Done hs t) = text ("done" ++ show hs) <+> text (show t)
  pretty Fail        = text "fail"
  pretty (Case n bs) =
    sep [ text ("case " ++ show n ++ " of")
        , nest 2 $ pretty bs