-- This module introduces built-in types and primitive functions. module Introduction.Built-in where {- Agda supports four built-in types : - integers, - floating point numbers, - characters, and - strings. Note that strings are not defined as lists of characters (as is the case in Haskell). To use the built-in types they first have to be bound to Agda types. The reason for this is that there are no predefined names in Agda. -} -- To be able to use the built-in types we first introduce a new set for each -- built-in type. postulate Int : Set Float : Set Char : Set String : Set -- We can then bind the built-in types to these new sets using the BUILTIN -- pragma. {-# BUILTIN INTEGER Int #-} {-# BUILTIN FLOAT Float #-} {-# BUILTIN CHAR Char #-} {-# BUILTIN STRING String #-} pi : Float pi = 3.141593 forAll : Char forAll = '∀' hello : String hello = "Hello World!" -- There are no integer literals. Instead there are natural number literals. To -- use these you have to tell the type checker which type to use for natural -- numbers. data Nat : Set where zero : Nat suc : Nat -> Nat {-# BUILTIN NATURAL Nat #-} {-# BUILTIN SUC suc #-} {-# BUILTIN ZERO zero #-} -- Now we can define fortyTwo : Nat fortyTwo = 42 -- To anything interesting with values of the built-in types we need functions -- to manipulate them. To this end Agda provides a set of primitive functions. -- To gain access to a primitive function one simply declares it. For instance, -- the function for floating point addition is called primFloatPlus. See below -- for a complete list of primitive functions. At the moment the name that you -- bring into scope is always the name of the primitive function. In the future -- we might allow a primitive function to be introduced with any name. module FloatPlus where -- We put it in a module to prevent it from clashing with -- the plus function in the complete list of primitive -- functions below. primitive primFloatPlus : Float -> Float -> Float twoPi = primFloatPlus pi pi -- Some primitive functions returns elements of non-primitive types. For -- instance, the integer comparison functions return booleans. To be able to -- use these functions we have to explain which type to use for booleans. data Bool : Set where false : Bool true : Bool {-# BUILTIN BOOL Bool #-} {-# BUILTIN TRUE true #-} {-# BUILTIN FALSE false #-} module FloatLess where primitive primFloatLess : Float -> Float -> Bool -- There are functions to convert a string to a list of characters, so we need -- to say which list type to use. data List (A : Set) : Set where nil : List A _::_ : A -> List A -> List A {-# BUILTIN LIST List #-} {-# BUILTIN NIL nil #-} {-# BUILTIN CONS _::_ #-} module StringToList where primitive primStringToList : String -> List Char -- Below is a partial version of the complete list of primitive -- functions. primitive -- Integer functions primIntegerPlus : Int -> Int -> Int primIntegerMinus : Int -> Int -> Int primIntegerTimes : Int -> Int -> Int primIntegerDiv : Int -> Int -> Int -- partial primIntegerMod : Int -> Int -> Int -- partial primIntegerEquality : Int -> Int -> Bool primIntegerLess : Int -> Int -> Bool primIntegerAbs : Int -> Nat primNatToInteger : Nat -> Int primShowInteger : Int -> String -- Floating point functions primIntegerToFloat : Int -> Float primFloatPlus : Float -> Float -> Float primFloatMinus : Float -> Float -> Float primFloatTimes : Float -> Float -> Float primFloatDiv : Float -> Float -> Float primFloatLess : Float -> Float -> Bool primRound : Float -> Int primFloor : Float -> Int primCeiling : Float -> Int primExp : Float -> Float primLog : Float -> Float -- partial primSin : Float -> Float primShowFloat : Float -> String -- Character functions primCharEquality : Char -> Char -> Bool primIsLower : Char -> Bool primIsDigit : Char -> Bool primIsAlpha : Char -> Bool primIsSpace : Char -> Bool primIsAscii : Char -> Bool primIsLatin1 : Char -> Bool primIsPrint : Char -> Bool primIsHexDigit : Char -> Bool primToUpper : Char -> Char primToLower : Char -> Char primCharToNat : Char -> Nat primNatToChar : Nat -> Char -- partial primShowChar : Char -> String -- String functions primStringToList : String -> List Char primStringFromList : List Char -> String primStringAppend : String -> String -> String primStringEquality : String -> String -> Bool primShowString : String -> String