{- An adaptation of Edwin Brady and Kevin Hammond's paper Scrapping your inefficient engine ... -} {-# OPTIONS --type-in-type #-} module File2 where open import Bool open import Bot open import IO open import Fin open import Eq open import Nat open import Product open import String open import Unit open import Vec record Top : Set where constructor tt data Ty : Set where TyUnit : Ty TyBool : Ty TyLift : Set -> Ty TyHandle : Nat -> Ty interpTy : Ty -> Set interpTy TyUnit = Unit interpTy TyBool = Bool interpTy (TyLift A) = A interpTy (TyHandle n) = Fin n data Purpose : Set where Reading : Purpose Writing : Purpose getMode : Purpose -> String getMode Reading = "r" getMode Writing = "w" data FileState : Set where Open : Purpose -> FileState Closed : FileState postulate EpicFile : Set FileVec : Nat -> Set FileVec n = Vec FileState n data FileHandle : FileState -> Set where OpenFile : ∀{p} -> EpicFile -> FileHandle (Open p) ClosedFile : FileHandle Closed data Env : ∀{n} -> FileVec n -> Set where Empty : Env [] Extend : {n : Nat}{T : FileState}{G : FileVec n} -> (res : FileHandle T) -> Env G -> Env (T :: G) addEnd : ∀{n T}{G : FileVec n} -> Env G -> FileHandle T -> Env (snoc G T) addEnd Empty fh = Extend fh Empty addEnd (Extend x xs) fh = Extend x (addEnd xs fh) updateEnv : ∀{n T}{G : FileVec n} -> Env G -> (i : Fin n) -> (fh : FileHandle T) -> Env (G [ i ]= T) updateEnv (Extend x xs) fz e = Extend e xs updateEnv (Extend x xs) (fs n) e = Extend x (updateEnv xs n e) updateEnv Empty () e bound : ∀{n : Nat} -> Fin (S n) bound {Z} = fz bound {S n} = fs (bound {n}) {- data OpenH : ∀{n} -> Fin n -> Purpose -> FileVec n -> Set where nil : ∀{p n}{as : FileVec n} -> OpenH fz p (Open p :: as) suc : ∀{p n a}{as : FileVec n}{i : Fin n} -> OpenH i p as -> OpenH (fs i) p (a :: as) -} _==P_ : Purpose -> Purpose -> Set Reading ==P Reading = Top Reading ==P Writing = Bot Writing ==P Reading = Bot Writing ==P Writing = Top OpenH : ∀{n} -> Fin n -> Purpose -> FileVec n -> Set OpenH fz p (Open p' :: as) = p ==P p' OpenH fz p (Closed :: as) = Bot OpenH (fs i) p ( a :: as) = OpenH i p as getFile : ∀{n}{i : Fin n}{p : Purpose}{ts : FileVec n}{ope : OpenH i p ts} -> Env ts -> EpicFile getFile {Z} {()} env getFile {S y} {fz} (Extend (OpenFile y') y0) = y' getFile {S y} {fz} {ope = ()} (Extend ClosedFile y') getFile {S y} {fs y'} {ope = ope} (Extend res y0) = getFile {y} {y'} {ope = ope} y0 getPurpose : {n : Nat} -> Fin n -> FileVec n -> Purpose getPurpose f ts with ts ! f ... | Open p = p ... | Closed = Reading -- Should not happen right? FilePath : Set FilePath = String data File : ∀{n n'} -> FileVec n -> FileVec n' -> Ty -> Set where ACTION : ∀{a l}{ts : FileVec l} -> IO (interpTy a) -> File ts ts a RETURN : ∀{a l}{ts : FileVec l} -> interpTy a -> File ts ts a WHILE : ∀{l}{ts : FileVec l} -> File ts ts TyBool -> File ts ts TyUnit -> File ts ts TyUnit IF : ∀{a l}{ts : FileVec l} -> Bool -> File ts ts a -> File ts ts a -> File ts ts a BIND : ∀{a b l l' l''}{ts : FileVec l}{ts' : FileVec l'}{ts'' : FileVec l''} -> File ts ts' a -> (interpTy a -> File ts' ts'' b) -> File ts ts'' b OPEN : ∀{l}{ts : FileVec l} -> (p : Purpose) -> (fd : FilePath) -> File ts (snoc ts (Open p)) (TyHandle (S l)) CLOSE : ∀ {l}{ts : FileVec l} -> (i : Fin l) -> {p : OpenH i (getPurpose i ts) ts} -> File ts (ts [ i ]= Closed) TyUnit GETLINE : ∀ {l}{ts : FileVec l} -> (i : Fin l) -> {p : OpenH i Reading ts} -> File ts ts (TyLift String) EOF : ∀ {l}{ts : FileVec l} -> (i : Fin l) -> {p : OpenH i Reading ts} -> File ts ts TyBool PUTLINE : ∀ {l}{ts : FileVec l} -> (i : Fin l) -> (str : String) -> {p : OpenH i Writing ts} -> File ts ts TyUnit postulate while : IO Bool -> IO Unit -> IO Unit fopen : FilePath -> String -> IO EpicFile fclose : EpicFile -> IO Unit fread : EpicFile -> IO String feof : EpicFile -> IO Bool fwrite : EpicFile -> String -> IO Unit {-# COMPILED_EPIC while (add : Any, body : Any, u : Unit) -> Any = %while (add(u), body(u)) #-} {-# COMPILED_EPIC fopen (fp : String, mode : String, u : Unit) -> Ptr = foreign Ptr "fopen" (fp : String, mode : String) #-} {-# COMPILED_EPIC fclose (file : Ptr, u : Unit) -> Unit = foreign Int "fclose" (file : Ptr); unit #-} {-# COMPILED_EPIC fread (file : Ptr, u : Unit) -> Any = foreign Any "freadStr" (file : Ptr) #-} {-# COMPILED_EPIC feof (file : Ptr, u : Unit) -> Bool = foreign Int "feof" (file : Ptr) #-} {-# COMPILED_EPIC fwrite (file : Ptr, str : String, u : Unit) -> Unit = foreign Unit "fputStr" (file : Ptr, str : String) #-} fmap : {A B : Set} -> (A -> B) -> IO A -> IO B fmap f io = x <- io , return (f x) interp : ∀{n n' T}{ts : FileVec n}{ts' : FileVec n'} -> Env ts -> File ts ts' T -> IO (Env ts' × interpTy T) interp env (ACTION io) = fmap (_,_ env) io interp env (RETURN val) = return (env , val) interp env (WHILE add body) = while (fmap snd (interp env add)) (fmap snd (interp env body)) ,, return (env , unit) interp env (IF b t f) = if b then interp env t else interp env f interp env (BIND code k) = v <- interp env code , interp (fst v) (k (snd v)) interp env (OPEN p fpath) = fh <- fopen fpath (getMode p), return (addEnd env (OpenFile fh), bound) interp env (CLOSE i {p = p}) = fclose (getFile {_} {i} {ope = p} env) ,, return (updateEnv env i ClosedFile , unit) interp env (GETLINE i {p = p}) = fmap (_,_ env) (fread (getFile {_} {i} {ope = p} env)) interp env (EOF i {p = p}) = e <- feof (getFile {_} {i} {ope = p} env) , return (env , e) interp env (PUTLINE i str {p = p}) = fmap (_,_ env) ( fwrite (getFile {i = i} {ope = p} env) str ,, fwrite (getFile {i = i} {ope = p} env) "\n" ) printBool : Bool -> IO Unit printBool b = putStr (if b then "true" else "false") allClosed : (n : Nat) -> FileVec n allClosed Z = [] allClosed (S n) = Closed :: allClosed n cat : File [] (Closed :: []) TyUnit cat = BIND (OPEN Reading "hej") cont where cont : Fin 1 -> File (Open Reading :: []) (Closed :: []) TyUnit cont (fs ()) cont fz = BIND (WHILE (BIND (EOF fz) (\b -> RETURN (not b))) (BIND (GETLINE fz) (\str -> ACTION (putStrLn str)) ) ) (λ x → CLOSE fz) cat' : File [] (Closed :: []) TyUnit cat' = BIND (OPEN Reading "hej") (λ fz → BIND (WHILE (BIND (EOF fz) (λ b → RETURN (not b))) (BIND (GETLINE fz) (λ str → ACTION (putStrLn str)) ) ) (λ x' → CLOSE fz) ) main : IO Unit main = fmap snd (interp Empty cat)