Error: Choose at most one: input file or --interaction. Agda Usage: agda [OPTIONS...] [FILE] -V --version show version number -? --help show this help -I --interactive start in interactive mode --interaction for use with the Emacs mode -c --compile compile program using the MAlonzo backend (experimental) --epic compile program using the Epic backend --js compile program using the JS backend --compile-dir=DIR directory for compiler output (default: the project root) --ghc-flag=GHC-FLAG give the flag GHC-FLAG to GHC when compiling using MAlonzo --epic-flag=EPIC-FLAG give the flag EPIC-FLAG to Epic when compiling using Epic --test run internal test suite --vim generate Vim highlighting files --latex generate LaTeX with highlighted source code --latex-dir=DIR directory in which LaTeX files are placed (default: latex) --html generate HTML files with highlighted source code --dependency-graph=FILE generate a Dot file with a module dependency graph --html-dir=DIR directory in which HTML files are placed (default: html) --css=URL the CSS file used by the HTML files (can be relative) --ignore-interfaces ignore interface files (re-type check everything) -i DIR --include-path=DIR look for imports in DIR --no-forcing disable the forcing optimisation --safe disable postulates, unsafe OPTION pragmas and primTrustMe --show-implicit show implicit arguments when printing --show-irrelevant show irrelevant arguments when printing -v N --verbose=N set verbosity level to N --allow-unsolved-metas allow unsolved meta variables (only needed in batch mode) --no-positivity-check do not warn about not strictly positive data types --no-termination-check do not warn about possibly nonterminating code --termination-depth=N allow termination checker to count decrease/increase upto N (default N=1) --no-coverage-check do not warn about possibly incomplete pattern matches --type-in-type ignore universe levels (this makes Agda inconsistent) --sized-types use sized types (inconsistent with coinduction) --injective-type-constructors enable injective type constructors (makes Agda anti-classical and possibly inconsistent) --guardedness-preserving-type-constructors treat type constructors as inductive constructors when checking productivity --no-universe-polymorphism disable universe polymorphism --universe-polymorphism enable universe polymorphism (default) --no-irrelevant-projections disable projection of irrelevant record fields --experimental-irrelevance enable potentially unsound irrelevance features (irrelevant levels, irrelevant data matching) --without-K disable the K rule (maybe) --copatterns enable definitions by copattern matching Plugins: