-- We need to look at irrelevant variables in meta instantiation occurs check. -- Here's why. module Issue483 where data _==_ {A : Set}(x : A) : A → Set where refl : x == x data ⊥ : Set where resurrect : .⊥ → ⊥ resurrect () data D : Set where c : (x : ⊥) → (.(y : ⊥) → x == resurrect y) → D d : D d = c _ (λ y → refl) -- this should leave an unsolved meta! An error is too harsh. {- -- Cannot instantiate the metavariable _21 to resurrect _ since it -- contains the variable y which is not in scope of the metavariable -- when checking that the expression refl has type _21 == resurrect _ -} ¬d : D → ⊥ ¬d (c x _) = x oops : ⊥ oops = ¬d d