Agda2> (agda2-status-action "") (agda2-info-action "*Type-checking*" "" nil) (agda2-highlight-clear) (agda2-info-action "*Type-checking*" "Checking GiveInSpiteOfUnsolvedIrr (GiveInSpiteOfUnsolvedIrr.agda).\n" t) (agda2-verbose "instance search for solution of irrelevant meta\n_36\n:\n{M : Set} {.op : M → M → M} → (λ x → x) ≡ .op ?0\n") (agda2-verbose "instance search for solution of irrelevant meta\n_36\n:\n{M : Set} {.op : M → M → M} → (λ x → x) ≡ .op ?0\n") (agda2-verbose "instance search for solution of irrelevant meta\n_36\n:\n{M : Set} {.op : M → M → M} → (λ x → x) ≡ .op ?0\n") (agda2-info-action "*Type-checking*" "Finished GiveInSpiteOfUnsolvedIrr.\n" t) (agda2-status-action "") (agda2-info-action "*All Goals*" "?0 : M\n?1 : (λ x → x) ≡ .op ?0\n?2 : {M : Set} {op : M → M → M} → MC M op → MC M op → MC M op\n" nil) ((last . 1) . (agda2-goals-action '(0 1 2))) Agda2> (agda2-give-action 1 "funExt ?") (agda2-status-action "") (agda2-info-action "*All Goals*" "?0 : M\n?2 : {M : Set} {op : M → M → M} → MC M op → MC M op → MC M op\n?3 : (x : M) → x ≡ .op ?0 x\n" nil) ((last . 1) . (agda2-goals-action '(0 3 2))) Agda2>