-- Andreas, 2012-09-26 disable projection-likeness for recursive functions -- {-# OPTIONS -v tc.proj.like:100 #-} module ProjectionLikeRecursive where open import Common.Prelude open import Common.Equality if_then_else_ : {A : Set} → Bool → A → A → A if true then t else e = t if false then t else e = e infixr 5 _∷_ _∷′_ data Vec (n : Nat) : Set where [] : {p : n ≡ 0} → Vec n _∷_ : {m : Nat}{p : n ≡ suc m} → Nat → Vec m → Vec n null : {n : Nat} → Vec n → Bool null [] = true null xs = false -- last is considered projection-like last : (n : Nat) → Vec n → Nat -- last 0 xs = zero --restoring this line removes proj.-likeness and passes the file last n [] = zero last n (x ∷ xs) = if (null xs) then x else last _ xs -- breaks if projection-like translation is not removing the _ in the rec. call []′ : Vec zero []′ = [] {p = refl} _∷′_ : {n : Nat} → Nat → Vec n → Vec (suc n) x ∷′ xs = _∷_ {p = refl} x xs three = last 3 (1 ∷′ 2 ∷′ 3 ∷′ []′) test : three ≡ 3 test = refl -- Error: Incomplete pattern matching -- when checking that the expression refl has type three ≡ 3