{-# LANGUAGE CPP, TupleSections #-}

module Agda.TypeChecking.Records where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow ((***))
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Function

import Agda.Syntax.Common
import qualified Agda.Syntax.Concrete.Name as C
import Agda.Syntax.Abstract.Name
import Agda.Syntax.Internal
import Agda.Syntax.Position
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad
import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute
import Agda.TypeChecking.Pretty
import Agda.TypeChecking.Reduce
import Agda.TypeChecking.Telescope
import Agda.TypeChecking.Datatypes
import Agda.Utils.Either
import Agda.Utils.List
import Agda.Utils.Maybe
import Agda.Utils.Monad
import qualified Agda.Utils.HashMap as HMap

#include "../undefined.h"
import Agda.Utils.Impossible

-- | Order the fields of a record construction.
--   Use the second argument for missing fields.
orderFields :: QName -> a -> [C.Name] -> [(C.Name, a)] -> TCM [a]
orderFields r def xs fs = do
  shouldBeNull (ys \\ nub ys) $ DuplicateFields . nub
  shouldBeNull (ys \\ xs)     $ TooManyFields r
  -- shouldBeNull (xs \\ ys)     $ TooFewFields r
  return $ order xs fs
    ys = map fst fs

    shouldBeNull [] err = return ()
    shouldBeNull xs err = typeError $ err xs

    -- invariant: the first list contains at least the fields of the second list
    order [] [] = []
    order [] _  = __IMPOSSIBLE__
    order (x : xs) ys = case lookup x (assocHoles ys) of
      Just (e, ys') -> e : order xs ys'
      Nothing       -> def : order xs ys

    assocHoles xs = [ (x, (v, xs')) | ((x, v), xs') <- holes xs ]

-- | The name of the module corresponding to a record.
recordModule :: QName -> ModuleName
recordModule = mnameFromList . qnameToList

-- | Get the definition for a record. Throws an exception if the name
--   does not refer to a record.
getRecordDef :: QName -> TCM Defn
getRecordDef r = do
  def <- theDef <$> getConstInfo r
  case def of
    Record{} -> return def
    _        -> typeError $ ShouldBeRecordType (El Prop $ Def r [])

-- | Get the field names of a record.
getRecordFieldNames :: QName -> TCM [Arg C.Name]
getRecordFieldNames r =
  map (fmap (nameConcrete . qnameName)) . recFields <$> getRecordDef r

-- | Find all records with at least the given fields.
findPossibleRecords :: [C.Name] -> TCM [QName]
findPossibleRecords fields = do
  defs <- (HMap.union `on` sigDefinitions) <$> getSignature <*> getImportedSignature
  let possible def = case theDef def of
        Record{ recFields = fs } -> Set.isSubsetOf given inrecord
          where inrecord = Set.fromList $ map (nameConcrete . qnameName . unArg) fs
        _ -> False
  return [ defName d | d <- HMap.elems defs, possible d ]
    given = Set.fromList fields

-- | Get the field types of a record.
getRecordFieldTypes :: QName -> TCM Telescope
getRecordFieldTypes r = recTel <$> getRecordDef r

-- | Get the field names belonging to a record type.
getRecordTypeFields :: Type -> TCM [Arg QName]
getRecordTypeFields t =
  case ignoreSharing $ unEl t of
    Def r _ -> do
      rDef <- theDef <$> getConstInfo r
      case rDef of
        Record { recFields = fields } -> return fields
        _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
    _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__

-- | Get the type of the record constructor.
getRecordConstructorType :: QName -> TCM Type
getRecordConstructorType r = recConType <$> getRecordDef r

-- | Returns the given record type's constructor name (with an empty
-- range).
getRecordConstructor :: QName -> TCM QName
getRecordConstructor r = killRange <$> recCon <$> getRecordDef r

-- | Check if a name refers to a record.
--   If yes, return record definition.
isRecord :: QName -> TCM (Maybe Defn)
isRecord r = do
  def <- theDef <$> getConstInfo r
  return $ case def of
    Record{} -> Just def
    _        -> Nothing

-- | Check if a name refers to an eta expandable record.
isEtaRecord :: QName -> TCM Bool
isEtaRecord r = maybe False recEtaEquality <$> isRecord r

-- | Check if a name refers to a record which is not coinductive.  (Projections are then size-preserving)
isInductiveRecord :: QName -> TCM Bool
isInductiveRecord r = maybe False (\ d -> recInduction d == Inductive || not (recRecursive d)) <$> isRecord r

-- | Check if a type is an eta expandable record and return the record identifier and the parameters.
isEtaRecordType :: Type -> TCM (Maybe (QName, Args))
isEtaRecordType a = case ignoreSharing $ unEl a of
  Def d ps -> ifM (isEtaRecord d) (return $ Just (d, ps)) (return Nothing)
  _        -> return Nothing

-- | Check if a name refers to a record constructor.
--   If yes, return record definition.
isRecordConstructor :: QName -> TCM (Maybe (QName, Defn))
isRecordConstructor c = do
  def <- theDef <$> getConstInfo c
  case def of
    Constructor{ conData = r } -> fmap (r,) <$> isRecord r
    _                          -> return Nothing

-- | Check if a constructor name is the internally generated record constructor.
isGeneratedRecordConstructor :: QName -> TCM Bool
isGeneratedRecordConstructor c = do
  def <- theDef <$> getConstInfo c
  case def of
    Constructor{ conData = r } -> do
      def <- theDef <$> getConstInfo r
      case def of
        Record{ recNamedCon = False } -> return True
        _                             -> return False
    _ -> return False

-- | Mark record type as unguarded.
--   No eta-expansion.  Projections do not preserve guardedness.
unguardedRecord :: QName -> TCM ()
unguardedRecord q = modifySignature $ updateDefinition q $ updateTheDef $ updateRecord
  where updateRecord r@Record{} = r { recEtaEquality = False, recRecursive = True }
        updateRecord _          = __IMPOSSIBLE__

-- | Mark record type as recursive.
--   Projections do not preserve guardedness.
recursiveRecord :: QName -> TCM ()
recursiveRecord q = modifySignature $ updateDefinition q $ updateTheDef $ updateRecord
  where updateRecord r@Record{} = r { recRecursive = True }
        updateRecord _          = __IMPOSSIBLE__

{-| Compute the eta expansion of a record. The first argument should be
    the name of a record type. Given

    @record R : Set where x : A; y : B; .z : C@

    and @r : R@, @etaExpand R [] r@ is @[R.x r, R.y r, DontCare]@
etaExpandRecord :: QName -> Args -> Term -> TCM (Telescope, Args)
etaExpandRecord r pars u = do
  Record{ recFields = xs, recTel = tel, recEtaEquality = eta } <- getRecordDef r
  unless eta __IMPOSSIBLE__ -- make sure we do not expand non-eta records
  let tel' = apply tel pars
  case ignoreSharing u of
    Con _ args -> return (tel', args)  -- Already expanded.
    _          -> do
      let xs' = map (fmap (\ x -> Def x [defaultArg u])) xs
      reportSDoc "tc.record.eta" 20 $ vcat
        [ text "eta expanding" <+> prettyTCM u <+> text ":" <+> prettyTCM r
        , nest 2 $ vcat
          [ text "tel' =" <+> prettyTCM tel'
          , text "args =" <+> prettyTCM xs'
      return (tel', xs')

-- | The fields should be eta contracted already.
--   We can eta constract if all fields @f = ...@ are irrelevant
--   or the corresponding projection @f = f v@ of the same value @v@,
--   but we need at least one relevant field to find the value @v@.
etaContractRecord :: QName -> QName -> Args -> TCM Term
etaContractRecord r c args = do
  Record{ recPars = npars, recFields = xs } <- getRecordDef r
  let check :: Arg Term -> Arg QName -> Maybe (Maybe Term)
      check a ax = do
      -- @a@ is the constructor argument, @ax@ the corr. record field name
        -- skip irrelevant record fields by returning DontCare
        case (argRelevance a, ignoreSharing $ unArg a) of
          (Irrelevant, _) -> Just Nothing
          -- if @a@ is the record field name applied to a single argument
          -- then it passes the check
          (_, Def f [arg]) | unArg ax == f
                         -> Just $ Just $ unArg arg
          _              -> Nothing
      fallBack = return (Con c args)
  case compare (length args) (length xs) of
    LT -> fallBack       -- Not fully applied
    GT -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ -- Too many arguments. Impossible.
    EQ -> do
      case zipWithM check args xs of
        Just as -> case [ a | Just a <- as ] of
          (a:as) ->
            if all (a ==) as
              then do
                reportSDoc "tc.record.eta" 15 $ vcat
                  [ text "record" <+> prettyTCM (Con c args)
                  , text "is eta-contracted to" <+> prettyTCM a
                return a
              else fallBack
          _ -> fallBack -- just irrelevant terms
        _ -> fallBack  -- a Nothing

-- | Is the type a hereditarily singleton record type? May return a
-- blocking metavariable.
-- Precondition: The name should refer to a record type, and the
-- arguments should be the parameters to the type.
isSingletonRecord :: QName -> Args -> TCM (Either MetaId Bool)
isSingletonRecord r ps = mapRight isJust <$> isSingletonRecord' False r ps

isSingletonRecordModuloRelevance :: QName -> Args -> TCM (Either MetaId Bool)
isSingletonRecordModuloRelevance r ps = mapRight isJust <$> isSingletonRecord' True r ps

-- | Return the unique (closed) inhabitant if exists.
--   In case of counting irrelevance in, the returned inhabitant
--   contains garbage.
isSingletonRecord' :: Bool -> QName -> Args -> TCM (Either MetaId (Maybe Term))
isSingletonRecord' regardIrrelevance r ps = do
  def <- getRecordDef r
  emap (Con $ recCon def) <$> check (recTel def `apply` ps)
  check :: Telescope -> TCM (Either MetaId (Maybe [Arg Term]))
  check EmptyTel            = return $ Right $ Just []
  check (ExtendTel arg@(Dom h Irrelevant _) tel) | regardIrrelevance =
    underAbstraction arg tel $ \ tel ->
      emap (Arg h Irrelevant garbage :) <$> check tel
  check (ExtendTel arg@(Dom h r t) tel) = do
    isSing <- isSingletonType' regardIrrelevance t
    case isSing of
      Left mid       -> return $ Left mid
      Right Nothing  -> return $ Right Nothing
      Right (Just v) -> underAbstraction arg tel $ \ tel ->
        emap (Arg h r v :) <$> check tel
  garbage :: Term
  garbage = Sort Prop

-- | Check whether a type has a unique inhabitant and return it.
--   Can be blocked by a metavar.
isSingletonType :: Type -> TCM (Either MetaId (Maybe Term))
isSingletonType = isSingletonType' False

-- | Check whether a type has a unique inhabitant (irrelevant parts ignored).
--   Can be blocked by a metavar.
isSingletonTypeModuloRelevance :: (MonadTCM tcm) => Type -> tcm (Either MetaId Bool)
isSingletonTypeModuloRelevance t = liftTCM $ do
  mapRight isJust <$> isSingletonType' True t

isSingletonType' :: Bool -> Type -> TCM (Either MetaId (Maybe Term))
isSingletonType' regardIrrelevance t = do
    TelV tel t <- telView t
    t <- reduceB $ unEl t
    case ignoreSharing <$> t of
      Blocked m _            -> return (Left m)
      NotBlocked (MetaV m _) -> return (Left m)
      NotBlocked (Def r ps)  ->
        ifM (isNothing <$> isRecord r) (return $ Right Nothing) $ do
          emap (abstract tel) <$> isSingletonRecord' regardIrrelevance r ps
      _ -> return (Right Nothing)

-- | Auxiliary function.
emap :: (a -> b) -> Either c (Maybe a) -> Either c (Maybe b)
emap = mapRight . fmap