{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Agda.Compiler.Epic.Forcing where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State

import Data.Char
import Data.List hiding (sort)
import Data.Maybe

import Agda.Syntax.Common
import qualified Agda.Syntax.Internal as I
import Agda.Syntax.Literal
import Agda.Syntax.Position(noRange)
import Agda.Syntax.Internal(Tele(..), Telescope, Term, Abs(..), unAbs, absName, Type, Args, QName, unEl)
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad
import Agda.TypeChecking.Rules.LHS.Problem (FlexibleVars, defaultFlexibleVar)
import Agda.TypeChecking.Rules.LHS.Unify
import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute
  (applySubst, apply, wkS, raiseS, dropS, (++#), TelV(..))
import qualified Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute as S
import Agda.TypeChecking.Pretty as P
import Agda.TypeChecking.Reduce
import Agda.TypeChecking.Telescope
import Agda.Utils.List
import Agda.Utils.Monad
import Agda.Utils.Size
import qualified Agda.Utils.HashMap as HM

import Agda.Compiler.Epic.AuxAST
import Agda.Compiler.Epic.CompileState
import Agda.Compiler.Epic.Epic
import Agda.Compiler.Epic.Interface
import qualified Agda.Compiler.Epic.FromAgda as FA

#include "../../undefined.h"
import Agda.Utils.Impossible

-- | Returns how many parameters a datatype has
dataParameters :: QName -> Compile TCM Nat
dataParameters = lift . dataParametersTCM

-- | Returns how many parameters a datatype has
dataParametersTCM :: QName -> TCM Nat
dataParametersTCM name = do
    m <- (gets (sigDefinitions . stImports))
    return $ maybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ (defnPars . theDef) (HM.lookup name m)
    defnPars :: Defn -> Nat
    defnPars (Datatype {dataPars = p}) = p
    defnPars (Record   {recPars  = p}) = p
    defnPars d                         = 0 -- error (show d) -- __IMPOSSIBLE__ -- Not so sure about this.

report n s = do
  lift $ reportSDoc "epic.forcing" n s

piApplyM' :: Type -> Args -> TCM Type
piApplyM' t as = do
 {- reportSDoc "" 10 $ vcat
    [ text "piApplyM'"
    , text "type: " <+> prettyTCM t
    , text "args: " <+> prettyTCM as
  piApplyM t as

{- |
insertTele i xs t tele
  tele := Gamma ; (i : T as) ; Delta
  n    := parameters T
  xs'  := xs `apply` (take n as)
  ( Gamma ; xs' ; Delta[i := t] --note that Delta still reference Gamma correctly
  , T as ^ (size xs')

we raise the type since we have added xs' new bindings before Gamma, and as can
only bind to Gamma.
insertTele ::(QName, Args) -> Int        -- ^ ABS `pos` in tele
            -> Maybe Type -- ^ If Just, it is the type to insert patterns from
                          --   is nothing if we only want to delete a binding.
            -> Term       -- ^ Term to replace at pos
            -> Telescope  -- ^ The telescope `tele` where everything is at
            -> Compile TCM ( Telescope -- Resulting telescope
                           , ( Telescope
                             , Type -- The type at pos in tele
                             , Type -- The return Type of the inserted type
insertTele x 0 ins term (ExtendTel t to) = do
    t' <- lift $ normalise t
    report 12 $ vcat
      [ text "t' :" <+> prettyTCM t'
      , text "term:" <+> prettyTCM term
      , text "to:"   <+> prettyTCM (unAbs to)
    (st, arg) <- case I.unEl . unDom $ t' of
            I.Def st es -> return (st, fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ I.allApplyElims es)
            s          -> do
              report 10 $ vcat
                [ text "ERROR!!!"
                , text "found: " <+> (text . show) s
                , text "ins"     <+> (prettyTCM . fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__) ins
              return x
    -- Apply the parameters of the type of t
    -- Because: parameters occurs in the type of constructors but are not bound by it.
    pars <- dataParameters st
    report 10 $ text "apply in insertTele"
    TelV ctele ctyp <- lift $ telView =<< maybe (return $ unDom t')
                            (`piApplyM'` genericTake pars arg) ins
--                            (`piApplyM'` take (fromIntegral pars) arg) ins
    () <- if length (take (fromIntegral pars) arg) == fromIntegral pars
        then return ()
        else __IMPOSSIBLE__
    when (genericLength arg < pars) __IMPOSSIBLE__
    -- we deal with absBody to directly since we remove t
    return ( ctele +:+  (S.subst term $ S.raiseFrom 1 (size ctele) (unAbs to))
           , (ctele, S.raise (size ctele) $ unDom t , ctyp)
    -- Append the telescope, we raise since we add a new binding and all the previous
    -- bindings need to be preserved
    (+:+) :: Telescope -> Telescope -> Telescope
    EmptyTel       +:+ t2 = t2
    ExtendTel t t1 +:+ t2 = ExtendTel t (Abs (absName t1) $ unAbs t1 +:+ {-raise 1-} t2 )
-- This case is impossible since we are trying to split a variable outside the tele
insertTele x n ins term EmptyTel = __IMPOSSIBLE__
insertTele er n ins term (ExtendTel x xs) = do
    (xs', typ) <- insertTele er (n - 1) ins term (unAbs xs)
    return (ExtendTel x $ Abs (absName xs) xs' , typ)

-- TODO: restore fields in ConHead
mkCon c n = I.Con (I.ConHead c []) [ defaultArg $ I.Var (fromIntegral i) [] | i <- [n - 1, n - 2 .. 0] ]

unifyI :: Telescope -> FlexibleVars -> Type -> Args -> Args -> Compile TCM [Maybe Term]
unifyI tele flex typ a1 a2 = lift $ addCtxTel tele $ unifyIndices_ flex typ a1 a2

takeTele 0 _ = EmptyTel
takeTele n (ExtendTel t ts) = ExtendTel t $ Abs (absName ts) $ takeTele (n-1) (unAbs ts)
takeTele _ _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__

-- | Main function for removing pattern matching on forced variables
remForced :: [Fun] -> Compile TCM [Fun]
remForced fs = do
    defs <- lift (gets (sigDefinitions . stImports))
    forM fs $ \f -> case f of
        Fun{} -> case funQName f >>= flip HM.lookup defs of
            Nothing -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
            Just def -> do
                TelV tele _ <- lift $ telView (defType def)
                report 10 $ vcat
                  [ text "compiling fun" <+> (text . show) (funQName f)
                e <- forcedExpr (funArgs f) tele (funExpr f)
                report 10 $ vcat
                  [ text "compilied fun" <+> (text . show) (funQName f)
                  , text "before:" <+> (text . prettyEpic) (funExpr f)
                  , text "after:" <+> (text . prettyEpic) e
                return $ f { funExpr = e}
        EpicFun{} -> return f

-- | For a given expression, in a certain telescope (the list of Var) is a mapping
-- of variable name to the telescope.
forcedExpr :: [Var] -> Telescope -> Expr -> Compile TCM Expr
forcedExpr vars tele expr = case expr of
    Var _ -> return expr
    Lit _ -> return expr
    Lam x e -> Lam x <$> rec e -- necessary?
    Con t q es -> Con t q <$> mapM rec es
    App v es -> App v <$> mapM rec es
    If a b c -> If <$> rec a <*> rec b <*> rec c
    Let v e1 e2 -> Let v <$> rec e1 <*> rec e2
    Lazy e -> Lazy <$> rec e
    UNIT   -> return expr
    IMPOSSIBLE -> return expr
    Case v@(Var x) brs -> do
        let n = fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ elemIndex x vars
        (Case v <$>) . forM brs $ \ br -> case br of
            BrInt i e -> do
              (tele'', _) <-  insertTele __IMPOSSIBLE__ n Nothing (I.Lit (LitChar noRange (chr i))) tele
              BrInt i <$> forcedExpr (replaceAt n vars []) tele'' e

            Default e -> Default <$> rec e
            Branch t constr as e -> do
                typ <- getType constr
                forc <- getForcedArgs constr
                (tele'', (_, ntyp, ctyp)) <- insertTele __IMPOSSIBLE__ n (Just typ)
                                                        (mkCon constr (length as)) tele
                ntyp <- lift $ reduce ntyp
                ctyp <- lift $ reduce ctyp

                if null (forced forc as)
                  then Branch t constr as <$> forcedExpr (replaceAt n vars as) tele'' e
                  else do
                    -- unify the telescope type with the return type of the constructor
                    unif <- case (unEl ntyp, unEl ctyp) of
                        (I.Def st es1, I.Def st' es2) | st == st' -> do
                            let a1 = fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ I.allApplyElims es1
                            let a2 = fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ I.allApplyElims es2
                            typPars <- dataParameters st
                            setType <- getType st
                            report 10 $ vcat
                              [ text "ntyp:" <+> prettyTCM ntyp
                              , text "ctyp:" <+> prettyTCM ctyp
                            unifyI (takeTele (n + length as) tele'')
                                   (map defaultFlexibleVar [0 .. n + length as])
                                   (setType `apply` take typPars a1)
                                   (drop typPars a1)
                                   (drop typPars a2)
                        _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
                        lower = wkS (-1) . dropS 1
                        subT 0 tel = let ss = [fromMaybe (I.Var n []) t
                                                | (n , t) <- zip [0..] unif] ++#
                                              raiseS (length unif)
                                      in (applySubst ss tel, lower ss)
                        subT n (ExtendTel a t) = let
                               (tb' , ss) = subT (n - 1) (unAbs t)
                            in (ExtendTel a $ Abs (absName t) tb', lower ss)
                        subT _ _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__
                        (tele'''', _) = subT (n + length as) tele''
                    report 10 $ nest 2 $ vcat
                      [ text "remforced"
                      , text "tele=" <+> prettyTCM tele''
                      , text "tele'=" <+> prettyTCM tele''''
                      , text "unif=" <+> (text . show) unif
                      , text "forced=" <+> (text . show) (forced forc as)
                      , text "constr" <+> prettyTCM constr
                    -- replace all forced variables found using the unification
                    Branch t constr as <$>
                        replaceForced (replaceAt n vars as, reverse $ take n vars ++ as)
                                      (tele'''') (forced forc as) unif e
    _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
    rec = forcedExpr vars tele

-- | replace the forcedVar with pattern matching from the outside.
replaceForced :: ([Var],[Var]) -> Telescope -> [Var] -> [Maybe I.Term] -> Expr -> Compile TCM Expr
replaceForced (vars,_) tele [] _ e = forcedExpr vars tele e
replaceForced (vars,uvars) tele (fvar : fvars) unif e = do
    let n = fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ elemIndex fvar uvars
    mpos <- findPosition n unif
    case mpos of
        Nothing -> case fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ unif !!! n of
            Nothing | fvar `notElem` fv e ->
              replaceForced (vars, uvars) tele fvars unif e
            Nothing -> do
              report 10 $ vcat
                [ text "failure comming!"
                , text "unif" <+> (text . show) unif
                , text "n" <+> (text . show) n
                , text "fvar" <+> (text fvar)
                , text "fv" <+> (text . show) (fv e)
            Just t  -> do
                v <- newName
                te <- FA.substTerm uvars t
                subst fvar v <$> replaceForced (vars, uvars)
                                               tele fvars unif (Let v te e)
        Just (pos , term) -> do
            (build, v) <- buildTerm (fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ uvars !!! pos) n term
            build . subst fvar v <$> replaceForced (vars, uvars) tele fvars unif
    sub fvar v = map $ \x -> if x == fvar then v else x

-- | Given a term containg the forced var, dig out the variable by inserting
-- the proper case-expressions.
buildTerm :: Var -> Nat -> Term -> Compile TCM (Expr -> Expr, Var)
buildTerm var idx (I.Var i _) | idx == i = return (id, var)
buildTerm var idx (I.Con con args) = do
    let c = I.conName con
    vs <- replicateM (length args) newName
    (pos , arg) <- fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ <$> findPosition idx (map (Just . unArg) args)
    (fun2 , v) <- buildTerm (fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ vs !!! pos) idx arg
    tag <- getConstrTag c
    let fun1 e = casee (Var var) [Branch tag c vs e]
    return (fun1 . fun2 , v)
buildTerm _ _ _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__

-- | Find the location where a certain Variable index is by searching the constructors
--   aswell. i.e find a term that can be transformed into a pattern that contains the
--   same value the index. This fails if no such term is present.
findPosition :: Nat -> [Maybe I.Term] -> Compile TCM (Maybe (Nat, I.Term))
findPosition var ts = (listToMaybe . catMaybes <$>) . forM (zip [0..] ts) $ \ (n, mt) -> do
    ifM (maybe (return False) pred mt)
        (return (Just (n, fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ mt)))
        (return Nothing)
    pred :: Term -> Compile TCM Bool
    pred t = case t of
      I.Var i _ | var == i -> return True
      I.Con c args         -> do
          forc <- getForcedArgs $ I.conName c
          or <$> mapM (pred . unArg) (notForced forc args)
      _                  -> return False