-- | Translating Agda types to Haskell types. Used to ensure that imported
--   Haskell functions have the right type.

module Agda.Compiler.HaskellTypes where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Error
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)

import Agda.Syntax.Common
import Agda.Syntax.Internal
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Builtin
import Agda.TypeChecking.Pretty
import Agda.TypeChecking.Reduce
import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute
import Agda.TypeChecking.Free

#include "../undefined.h"
import Agda.Utils.Impossible

type HaskellKind = String

hsStar :: HaskellKind
hsStar = "*"

hsKFun :: HaskellKind -> HaskellKind -> HaskellKind
hsKFun k l = "(" ++ k ++ " -> " ++ l ++ ")"

hsFun :: HaskellKind -> HaskellKind -> HaskellKind
hsFun a b = "(" ++ a ++ " -> " ++ b ++ ")"

hsUnit :: HaskellType
hsUnit = "()"

hsVar :: Name -> HaskellType
hsVar x = "x" ++ concatMap encode (show x)
    okChars = ['a'..'z'] ++ ['A'..'Y'] ++ "_'"
    encode 'Z' = "ZZ"
    encode c
      | c `elem` okChars = [c]
      | otherwise        = "Z" ++ show (fromEnum c)

hsApp :: String -> [HaskellType] -> HaskellType
hsApp d [] = d
hsApp d as = "(" ++ unwords (d : as) ++ ")"

hsForall :: String -> HaskellType -> HaskellType
hsForall x a = "(forall " ++ x ++ ". " ++ a ++ ")"

notAHaskellKind :: Type -> TCM a
notAHaskellKind a = do
  err <- fsep $ pwords "The type" ++ [prettyTCM a] ++
                pwords "cannot be translated to a Haskell kind."
  typeError $ GenericError $ show err

notAHaskellType :: Type -> TCM a
notAHaskellType a = do
  err <- fsep $ pwords "The type" ++ [prettyTCM a] ++
                pwords "cannot be translated to a Haskell type."
  typeError $ GenericError $ show err

getHsType :: QName -> TCM HaskellType
getHsType x = do
  d <- compiledHaskell . defCompiledRep <$> getConstInfo x
  case d of
    Just (HsType t)   -> return t
    Just (HsDefn t c) -> return hsUnit
    _                 -> notAHaskellType (El Prop $ Def x [])

getHsVar :: Nat -> TCM HaskellCode
getHsVar i = hsVar <$> nameOfBV i

isHaskellKind :: Type -> TCM Bool
isHaskellKind a =
  (const True <$> haskellKind a) `catchError` \_ -> return False

haskellKind :: Type -> TCM HaskellKind
haskellKind a = do
  a <- reduce a
  case unEl a of
    Sort _  -> return hsStar
    Pi a b  -> hsKFun <$> haskellKind (unDom a) <*> underAbstraction a b haskellKind
    Def d _ -> do
      d <- compiledHaskell . defCompiledRep <$> getConstInfo d
      case d of
        Just (HsType t) -> return hsStar
        _               -> notAHaskellKind a
    _       -> notAHaskellKind a

-- | Note that @Inf a b@, where @Inf@ is the INFINITY builtin, is
-- translated to @<translation of b>@ (assuming that all coinductive
-- builtins are defined).
-- Note that if @haskellType@ supported universe polymorphism then the
-- special treatment of INFINITY might not be needed.

haskellType :: Type -> TCM HaskellType
haskellType t = fromType t
    err      = notAHaskellType t
    fromArgs = mapM (fromTerm . unArg)
    fromType = fromTerm . unEl
    fromTerm v = do
      v   <- unSpine <$> reduce v
      reportSLn "compile.haskell.type" 50 $ "toHaskellType " ++ show v
      kit <- liftTCM coinductionKit
      case v of
        Var x es -> do
          let args = fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es
          hsApp <$> getHsVar x <*> fromArgs args
        Def d es | Just d == (nameOfInf <$> kit) ->
          case es of
            [Apply a, Apply b] -> fromTerm (unArg b)
            _                  -> err
        Def d es -> do
          let args = fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es
          hsApp <$> getHsType d <*> fromArgs args
        Pi a b ->
          if isBinderUsed b  -- Andreas, 2012-04-03.  Q: could we rely on Abs/NoAbs instead of again checking freeness of variable?
          then underAbstraction a b $ \b ->
            hsForall <$> getHsVar 0 <*>
              (hsFun <$> fromType (unDom a) <*> fromType b)
          else hsFun <$> fromType (unDom a) <*> fromType (absApp b __IMPOSSIBLE__)
        Con c args -> hsApp <$> getHsType (conName c) <*> fromArgs args
        Lam{}      -> err
        Level{}    -> return hsUnit
        Lit{}      -> return hsUnit
        Sort{}     -> return hsUnit
        Shared p   -> fromTerm $ derefPtr p
        MetaV{}    -> err
        DontCare{} -> err