{-# LANGUAGE CPP                    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances   #-}

{-| Translation from "Agda.Syntax.Concrete" to "Agda.Syntax.Abstract". Involves scope analysis,
    figuring out infix operator precedences and tidying up definitions.
module Agda.Syntax.Translation.ConcreteToAbstract
    ( ToAbstract(..), localToAbstract
    , concreteToAbstract_
    , concreteToAbstract
    , NewModuleQName(..)
    , OldName(..)
    , TopLevel(..)
    , TopLevelInfo(..)
    , topLevelModuleName
    , AbstractRHS
    , NewModuleName, OldModuleName
    , NewName, OldQName
    , LeftHandSide, RightHandSide
    , PatName, APatName, LetDef, LetDefs
    ) where

import Prelude hiding (mapM, null)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Reader hiding (mapM)

import Data.Foldable (Foldable, traverse_)
import Data.Traversable (mapM, traverse)
import Data.List ((\\), nub, foldl')
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe

import Agda.Syntax.Concrete as C hiding (topLevelModuleName)
import Agda.Syntax.Concrete.Generic
import Agda.Syntax.Concrete.Operators
import Agda.Syntax.Abstract as A
import Agda.Syntax.Position
import Agda.Syntax.Literal
import Agda.Syntax.Common hiding (Arg, Dom, NamedArg, ArgInfo)
import qualified Agda.Syntax.Common as Common
import Agda.Syntax.Info
import Agda.Syntax.Concrete.Definitions as C
import Agda.Syntax.Fixity
import Agda.Syntax.Notation
import Agda.Syntax.Scope.Base
import Agda.Syntax.Scope.Monad

import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Base (TypeError(..), Call(..), typeError,
                                     TCErr(..), extendedLambdaName, fresh,
                                     freshName, freshName_, freshNoName)
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Benchmark (billTo, billTop, reimburseTop)
import qualified Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Benchmark as Bench
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Trace (traceCall, setCurrentRange)
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.State
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.MetaVars (registerInteractionPoint)
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Options
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Env (insideDotPattern, isInsideDotPattern)

import Agda.Interaction.FindFile (checkModuleName)
-- import Agda.Interaction.Imports  -- for type-checking in ghci
import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.Interaction.Imports (scopeCheckImport)
import Agda.Interaction.Options

import Agda.Utils.Except ( MonadError(catchError, throwError) )
import Agda.Utils.FileName
import Agda.Utils.Functor
import Agda.Utils.List
import Agda.Utils.Monad
import Agda.Utils.Null
import Agda.Utils.Pretty

#include "undefined.h"
import Agda.Utils.Impossible
import Agda.ImpossibleTest (impossibleTest)


-- notAModuleExpr e = typeError $ NotAModuleExpr e

notAnExpression :: C.Expr -> ScopeM A.Expr
notAnExpression e = typeError $ NotAnExpression e

nothingAppliedToHiddenArg :: C.Expr -> ScopeM A.Expr
nothingAppliedToHiddenArg e = typeError $ NothingAppliedToHiddenArg e

nothingAppliedToInstanceArg :: C.Expr -> ScopeM A.Expr
nothingAppliedToInstanceArg e = typeError $ NothingAppliedToInstanceArg e

notAValidLetBinding :: NiceDeclaration -> ScopeM a
notAValidLetBinding d = typeError $ NotAValidLetBinding d

-- Debugging

printLocals :: Int -> String -> ScopeM ()
printLocals v s = verboseS "scope.top" v $ do
  locals <- getLocalVars
  reportSLn "scope.top" v $ s ++ " " ++ show locals


annotateDecl :: ScopeM A.Declaration -> ScopeM A.Declaration
annotateDecl m = annotateDecls $ (:[]) <$> m

annotateDecls :: ScopeM [A.Declaration] -> ScopeM A.Declaration
annotateDecls m = do
  ds <- m
  s  <- getScope
  return $ ScopedDecl s ds

annotateExpr :: ScopeM A.Expr -> ScopeM A.Expr
annotateExpr m = do
  e <- m
  s <- getScope
  return $ ScopedExpr s e

expandEllipsis :: C.Pattern -> [C.Pattern] -> C.Clause -> C.Clause
expandEllipsis _ _ c@(C.Clause _ C.LHS{} _ _ _) = c
expandEllipsis p ps (C.Clause x (C.Ellipsis _ ps' eqs es) rhs wh wcs) =
  C.Clause x (C.LHS p (ps ++ ps') eqs es) rhs wh wcs

-- | Make sure that each variable occurs only once.
checkPatternLinearity :: [A.Pattern' e] -> ScopeM ()
checkPatternLinearity ps = unlessNull (duplicates xs) $ \ ys -> do
  typeError $ RepeatedVariablesInPattern ys
    xs = concatMap vars ps
    vars :: A.Pattern' e -> [C.Name]
    vars p = case p of
      A.VarP x               -> [nameConcrete x]
      A.ConP _ _ args        -> concatMap (vars . namedArg) args
      A.WildP _              -> []
      A.AsP _ x p            -> nameConcrete x : vars p
      A.DotP _ _             -> []
      A.AbsurdP _            -> []
      A.LitP _               -> []
      A.DefP _ _ args        -> concatMap (vars . namedArg) args
        -- Projection pattern, @args@ should be empty unless we have
        -- indexed records.
      A.ImplicitP _          -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
      A.PatternSynP _ _ args -> concatMap (vars . namedArg) args

-- | Compute the type of the record constructor (with bogus target type)
recordConstructorType :: [NiceDeclaration] -> C.Expr
recordConstructorType fields = build fs
    -- drop all declarations after the last field declaration
    fs = reverse $ dropWhile notField $ reverse fields

    notField NiceField{} = False
    notField _           = True

    -- Andreas, 2013-11-08
    -- Turn @open public@ into just @open@, since we cannot have an
    -- @open public@ in a @let@.  Fixes issue 532.
    build (NiceOpen r m dir@ImportDirective{ publicOpen = True }  : fs) =
      build (NiceOpen r m dir{ publicOpen = False } : fs)

    build (NiceModuleMacro r p x modapp open dir@ImportDirective{ publicOpen = True } : fs) =
      build (NiceModuleMacro r p x modapp open dir{ publicOpen = False } : fs)

    build (NiceField r f _ _ x (Common.Arg info e) : fs) =
        C.Pi [C.TypedBindings r $ Common.Arg info (C.TBind r [mkBoundName x f] e)] $ build fs
      where r = getRange x
    build (d : fs)                     = C.Let (getRange d) [notSoNiceDeclaration d] $
                                           build fs
    build []                           = C.SetN noRange 0 -- todo: nicer

-- | @checkModuleApplication modapp m0 x dir = return (modapp', renD, renM)@
--   @m0@ is the new (abstract) module name and
--   @x@ its concrete form (used for error messages).
  :: C.ModuleApplication
  -> ModuleName
  -> C.Name
  -> ImportDirective
  -> ScopeM (A.ModuleApplication, Ren A.QName, Ren ModuleName)

checkModuleApplication (C.SectionApp _ tel e) m0 x dir' =
  -- For the following, set the current module to be m0.
  withCurrentModule m0 $ do
    -- Check that expression @e@ is of the form @m args@.
    (m, args) <- parseModuleApplication e
    -- Scope check the telescope (introduces bindings!).
    tel' <- toAbstract tel
    -- Scope check the old module name and the module args.
    (m1, args') <- toAbstract (OldModuleName m, args)
    -- Drop constructors (OnlyQualified) if there are arguments. The record constructor
    -- isn't properly in the record module, so copying it will lead to badness.
    let noRecConstr | null args = id
                    | otherwise = removeOnlyQualified
    -- Copy the scope associated with m and take the parts actually imported.
    (s', (renM, renD)) <- copyScope m m0 . noRecConstr =<< getNamedScope m1
    s' <- applyImportDirectiveM (C.QName x) dir' s'
    -- Set the current scope to @s'@
    modifyCurrentScope $ const s'
    printScope "mod.inst" 20 "copied source module"
    reportSLn "scope.mod.inst" 30 $ "renamings:\n  " ++ show renD ++ "\n  " ++ show renM
    return ((A.SectionApp tel' m1 args'), renD, renM)

checkModuleApplication (C.RecordModuleIFS _ recN) m0 x dir' =
  withCurrentModule m0 $ do
    m1 <- toAbstract $ OldModuleName recN
    s <- getNamedScope m1
    (s', (renM, renD)) <- copyScope recN m0 s
    s' <- applyImportDirectiveM recN dir' s'
    modifyCurrentScope $ const s'

    printScope "mod.inst" 20 "copied record module"
    return ((A.RecordModuleIFS m1), renD, renM)

-- | @checkModuleMacro mkApply range access concreteName modapp open dir@
--   Preserves local variables.

  :: (ModuleInfo -> ModuleName -> A.ModuleApplication -> Ren A.QName -> Ren ModuleName -> a)
  -> Range
  -> Access
  -> C.Name
  -> C.ModuleApplication
  -> OpenShortHand
  -> ImportDirective
  -> ScopeM [a]
checkModuleMacro apply r p x modapp open dir = do
    notPublicWithoutOpen open dir

    m0 <- toAbstract (NewModuleName x)

    printScope "mod.inst" 20 "module macro"

    -- If we're opening, the import directive is applied to the open,
    -- otherwise to the module itself.
    let dir' = case open of
                DontOpen  -> dir
                DoOpen    -> defaultImportDir

    -- Restore the locals after module application has been checked.
    (modapp', renD, renM) <- withLocalVars $ checkModuleApplication modapp m0 x dir'
    bindModule p x m0
    printScope "mod.inst.copy.after" 20 "after copying"
    -- Andreas, 2014-09-02 openModule_ might shadow some locals!
    when (open == DoOpen) $
      openModule_ (C.QName x) dir
    printScope "mod.inst" 20 $ show open
    printScope "mod.inst" 10 $ "after stripping"
    return [ apply info (m0 `withRangesOf` [x]) modapp' renD renM ]
    info = ModuleInfo
             { minfoRange  = r
             , minfoAsName = Nothing
             , minfoAsTo   = renamingRange dir
             , minfoOpenShort = Just open
             , minfoDirective = Just dir

-- | The @public@ keyword must only be used together with @open@.

notPublicWithoutOpen :: OpenShortHand -> ImportDirective -> ScopeM ()
notPublicWithoutOpen DoOpen   dir = return ()
notPublicWithoutOpen DontOpen dir = when (publicOpen dir) $ typeError $
    "The public keyword must only be used together with the open keyword"

-- | Computes the range of all the \"to\" keywords used in a renaming
-- directive.

renamingRange :: ImportDirective -> Range
renamingRange = getRange . map renToRange . renaming


concreteToAbstract_ :: ToAbstract c a => c -> ScopeM a
concreteToAbstract_ x = toAbstract x

concreteToAbstract :: ToAbstract c a => ScopeInfo -> c -> ScopeM a
concreteToAbstract scope x = withScope_ scope (toAbstract x)

-- | Things that can be translated to abstract syntax are instances of this
--   class.
class ToAbstract concrete abstract | concrete -> abstract where
    toAbstract :: concrete -> ScopeM abstract

-- | This function should be used instead of 'toAbstract' for things that need
--   to keep track of precedences to make sure that we don't forget about it.
toAbstractCtx :: ToAbstract concrete abstract =>
                 Precedence -> concrete -> ScopeM abstract
toAbstractCtx ctx c = withContextPrecedence ctx $ toAbstract c

setContextCPS :: Precedence -> (a -> ScopeM b) ->
                 ((a -> ScopeM b) -> ScopeM b) -> ScopeM b
setContextCPS p ret f = do
  p' <- getContextPrecedence
  withContextPrecedence p $ f $ withContextPrecedence p' . ret

localToAbstractCtx :: ToAbstract concrete abstract =>
                     Precedence -> concrete -> (abstract -> ScopeM a) -> ScopeM a
localToAbstractCtx ctx c ret = setContextCPS ctx ret (localToAbstract c)

-- | This operation does not affect the scope, i.e. the original scope
--   is restored upon completion.
localToAbstract :: ToAbstract c a => c -> (a -> ScopeM b) -> ScopeM b
localToAbstract x ret = fst <$> localToAbstract' x ret

-- | Like 'localToAbstract' but returns the scope after the completion of the
--   second argument.
localToAbstract' :: ToAbstract c a => c -> (a -> ScopeM b) -> ScopeM (b, ScopeInfo)
localToAbstract' x ret = do
  scope <- getScope
  withScope scope $ ret =<< toAbstract x

instance (ToAbstract c1 a1, ToAbstract c2 a2) => ToAbstract (c1,c2) (a1,a2) where
  toAbstract (x,y) =
    (,) <$> toAbstract x <*> toAbstract y

instance (ToAbstract c1 a1, ToAbstract c2 a2, ToAbstract c3 a3) =>
         ToAbstract (c1,c2,c3) (a1,a2,a3) where
    toAbstract (x,y,z) = flatten <$> toAbstract (x,(y,z))
            flatten (x,(y,z)) = (x,y,z)

instance ToAbstract c a => ToAbstract [c] [a] where
    toAbstract = mapM toAbstract

instance ToAbstract c a => ToAbstract (Maybe c) (Maybe a) where
    toAbstract Nothing  = return Nothing
    toAbstract (Just x) = Just <$> toAbstract x

-- Names ------------------------------------------------------------------

newtype NewName a = NewName a
newtype OldQName  = OldQName C.QName
newtype OldName   = OldName C.Name
newtype PatName   = PatName C.QName

instance ToAbstract (NewName C.Name) A.Name where
  toAbstract (NewName x) = do
    y <- freshAbstractName_ x
    bindVariable x y
    return y

instance ToAbstract (NewName C.BoundName) A.Name where
  toAbstract (NewName BName{ boundName = x, bnameFixity = fx }) = do
    y <- freshAbstractName fx x
    bindVariable x y
    return y

nameExpr :: AbstractName -> A.Expr
nameExpr d = mk (anameKind d) $ anameName d
    mk DefName        x = A.Def x
    mk FldName        x = A.Proj x
    mk ConName        x = A.Con $ AmbQ [x]
    mk PatternSynName x = A.PatternSyn x
    mk QuotableName   x = A.App i (A.Quote i) (defaultNamedArg $ A.Def x)
      where i = ExprRange (getRange x)

instance ToAbstract OldQName A.Expr where
  toAbstract (OldQName x) = do
    qx <- resolveName x
    reportSLn "scope.name" 10 $ "resolved " ++ show x ++ ": " ++ show qx
    case qx of
      VarName x'          -> return $ A.Var x'
      DefinedName _ d     -> return $ nameExpr d
      FieldName     d     -> return $ nameExpr d
      ConstructorName ds  -> return $ A.Con $ AmbQ (map anameName ds)
      UnknownName         -> notInScope x
      PatternSynResName d -> return $ nameExpr d

data APatName = VarPatName A.Name
              | ConPatName [AbstractName]
              | PatternSynPatName AbstractName

instance ToAbstract PatName APatName where
  toAbstract (PatName x) = do
    reportSLn "scope.pat" 10 $ "checking pattern name: " ++ show x
    rx <- resolveName' [ConName, PatternSynName] x -- Andreas, 2013-03-21 ignore conflicting names which cannot be meant since we are in a pattern
    z  <- case (rx, x) of
      -- TODO: warn about shadowing
      (VarName y,       C.QName x)                          -> return $ Left x -- typeError $ RepeatedVariableInPattern y x
      (FieldName d,     C.QName x)                          -> return $ Left x
      (DefinedName _ d, C.QName x) | DefName == anameKind d -> return $ Left x
      (UnknownName,     C.QName x)                          -> return $ Left x
      (ConstructorName ds, _)                               -> return $ Right (Left ds)
      (PatternSynResName d, _)                              -> return $ Right (Right d)
      _                                                     ->
        typeError $ GenericError $
          "Cannot pattern match on " ++ show x ++ ", because it is not a constructor"
    case z of
      Left x  -> do
        reportSLn "scope.pat" 10 $ "it was a var: " ++ show x
        p <- VarPatName <$> toAbstract (NewName x)
        printLocals 10 "bound it:"
        return p
      Right (Left ds) -> do
        reportSLn "scope.pat" 10 $ "it was a con: " ++ show (map anameName ds)
        return $ ConPatName ds
      Right (Right d) -> do
        reportSLn "scope.pat" 10 $ "it was a pat syn: " ++ show (anameName d)
        return $ PatternSynPatName d

-- Should be a defined name.
instance ToAbstract OldName A.QName where
  toAbstract (OldName x) = do
    rx <- resolveName (C.QName x)
    case rx of
      DefinedName _ d -> return $ anameName d
      _               -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
        -- error $ show x ++ " - " ++ show rx

newtype NewModuleName      = NewModuleName      C.Name
newtype NewModuleQName     = NewModuleQName     C.QName
newtype OldModuleName      = OldModuleName      C.QName

freshQModule :: A.ModuleName -> C.Name -> ScopeM A.ModuleName
freshQModule m x = A.qualifyM m . mnameFromList . (:[]) <$> freshAbstractName_ x

checkForModuleClash :: C.Name -> ScopeM ()
checkForModuleClash x = do
  ms <- scopeLookup (C.QName x) <$> getScope
  unless (null ms) $ do
    reportSLn "scope.clash" 20 $ "clashing modules ms = " ++ show ms
    setCurrentRange (getRange x) $
      typeError $ ShadowedModule x $
                map ((`withRangeOf` x) . amodName) ms

instance ToAbstract NewModuleName A.ModuleName where
  toAbstract (NewModuleName x) = do
    checkForModuleClash x
    m <- getCurrentModule
    y <- freshQModule m x
    createModule False y
    return y

instance ToAbstract NewModuleQName A.ModuleName where
  toAbstract (NewModuleQName m) = toAbs noModuleName m
      toAbs m (C.QName x)  = do
        y <- freshQModule m x
        createModule False y
        return y
      toAbs m (C.Qual x q) = do
        m' <- freshQModule m x
        toAbs m' q

instance ToAbstract OldModuleName A.ModuleName where
  toAbstract (OldModuleName q) = amodName <$> resolveModule q

-- Expressions ------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Peel off 'C.HiddenArg' and represent it as an 'NamedArg'.
mkNamedArg :: C.Expr -> C.NamedArg C.Expr
mkNamedArg (C.HiddenArg   _ e) = Common.Arg (setHiding Hidden defaultArgInfo) e
mkNamedArg (C.InstanceArg _ e) = Common.Arg (setHiding Instance defaultArgInfo) e
mkNamedArg e                   = Common.Arg defaultArgInfo $ unnamed e

-- | Peel off 'C.HiddenArg' and represent it as an 'Arg', throwing away any name.
mkArg' :: C.ArgInfo -> C.Expr -> C.Arg C.Expr
mkArg' info (C.HiddenArg   _ e) = Common.Arg (setHiding Hidden info) $ namedThing e
mkArg' info (C.InstanceArg _ e) = Common.Arg (setHiding Instance info) $ namedThing e
mkArg' info e                   = Common.Arg (setHiding NotHidden info) e

-- | By default, arguments are @Relevant@.
mkArg :: C.Expr -> C.Arg C.Expr
mkArg e = mkArg' defaultArgInfo e

-- | Parse a possibly dotted C.Expr as A.Expr.  Bool = True if dotted.
toAbstractDot :: Precedence -> C.Expr -> ScopeM (A.Expr, Bool)
toAbstractDot prec e = do
    reportSLn "scope.irrelevance" 100 $ "toAbstractDot: " ++ (render $ pretty e)
    traceCall (ScopeCheckExpr e) $ case e of

      C.Dot _ e -> do
        e <- toAbstractCtx prec e
        return (e, True)

      C.RawApp r es -> do
        e <- parseApplication es
        toAbstractDot prec e

      C.Paren _ e -> toAbstractDot TopCtx e

      e -> do
        e <- toAbstractCtx prec e
        return (e, False)

-- | An argument @OpApp C.Expr@ to an operator can have binders,
--   in case the operator is some @syntax@-notation.
--   For these binders, we have to create lambda-abstractions.
toAbstractOpArg :: Precedence -> OpApp C.Expr -> ScopeM A.Expr
toAbstractOpArg ctx (Ordinary e)                 = toAbstractCtx ctx e
toAbstractOpArg ctx (SyntaxBindingLambda r bs e) = toAbstractLam r bs e ctx

-- | Translate concrete expression under at least one binder into nested
--   lambda abstraction in abstract syntax.
toAbstractLam :: Range -> [C.LamBinding] -> C.Expr -> Precedence -> ScopeM A.Expr
toAbstractLam r bs e ctx = do
  -- Translate the binders
  localToAbstract (map (C.DomainFull . makeDomainFull) bs) $ \ bs -> do
    -- Translate the body
    e <- toAbstractCtx ctx e
    -- We have at least one binder.  Get first @b@ and rest @bs@.
    caseList bs __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ \ b bs -> do
    return $ A.Lam (ExprRange r) b $ foldr mkLam e bs
    mkLam b e = A.Lam (ExprRange $ fuseRange b e) b e

-- | Scope check extended lambda expression.
scopeCheckExtendedLam :: Range -> [(C.LHS, C.RHS, WhereClause)] -> ScopeM A.Expr
scopeCheckExtendedLam r cs = do
  whenM isInsideDotPattern $
    typeError $ GenericError "Extended lambdas are not allowed in dot patterns"

  -- Find an unused name for the extended lambda definition.
  cname <- nextlamname r 0 extendedLambdaName
  name  <- freshAbstractName_ cname
  reportSLn "scope.extendedLambda" 10 $ "new extended lambda name: " ++ show name
  qname <- qualifyName_ name
  bindName PrivateAccess DefName cname qname

  -- Compose a function definition an scope check it.
    insertApp (C.RawAppP r es) = C.RawAppP r $ IdentP (C.QName cname) : es
    insertApp (C.IdentP q    ) = C.RawAppP r $ IdentP (C.QName cname) : [C.IdentP q]
      where r = getRange q
    insertApp _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__
    d = C.FunDef r [] defaultFixity' ConcreteDef TerminationCheck cname $
          for cs $ \ (lhs, rhs, wh) -> -- wh == NoWhere, see parser for more info
            C.Clause cname (mapLhsOriginalPattern insertApp lhs) rhs wh []
  scdef <- toAbstract d

  -- Create the abstract syntax for the extended lambda.
  case scdef of
    A.ScopedDecl si [A.FunDef di qname' NotDelayed cs] -> do
      setScope si  -- This turns into an A.ScopedExpr si $ A.ExtendedLam...
      return $ A.ExtendedLam (ExprRange r) di qname' cs
    _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__

    -- Get a concrete name that is not yet in scope.
    nextlamname :: Range -> Int -> String -> ScopeM C.Name
    nextlamname r i s = do
      let cname = C.Name r [Id $ stringToRawName $ s ++ show i]
      rn <- resolveName $ C.QName cname
      case rn of
        UnknownName -> return cname
        _           -> nextlamname r (i+1) s

instance ToAbstract C.Expr A.Expr where
  toAbstract e =
    traceCall (ScopeCheckExpr e) $ annotateExpr $ case e of

  -- Names
      Ident x -> toAbstract (OldQName x)

  -- Literals
      C.Lit l -> return $ A.Lit l

  -- Meta variables
      C.QuestionMark r n -> do
        scope <- getScope
        -- Andreas, 2014-04-06 create interaction point.
        ii <- registerInteractionPoint r n
        let info = MetaInfo
             { metaRange  = r
             , metaScope  = scope
             , metaNumber = n
             , metaNameSuggestion = ""
        return $ A.QuestionMark info ii
      C.Underscore r n -> do
        scope <- getScope
        return $ A.Underscore $ MetaInfo
                    { metaRange  = r
                    , metaScope  = scope
                    , metaNumber = maybe Nothing __IMPOSSIBLE__ n
                    , metaNameSuggestion = fromMaybe "" n

  -- Raw application
      C.RawApp r es -> do
        e <- reimburseTop Bench.Scoping $ billTo [Bench.Parsing, Bench.Operators] $
          parseApplication es
        toAbstract e

  -- Application
      C.App r e1 e2 -> do
        e1 <- toAbstractCtx FunctionCtx e1
        e2 <- toAbstractCtx ArgumentCtx e2
        return $ A.App (ExprRange r) e1 e2

  -- Operator application
      C.OpApp r op es -> toAbstractOpApp op es

  -- With application
      C.WithApp r e es -> do
        e  <- toAbstractCtx WithFunCtx e
        es <- mapM (toAbstractCtx WithArgCtx) es
        return $ A.WithApp (ExprRange r) e es

  -- Misplaced hidden argument
      C.HiddenArg _ _ -> nothingAppliedToHiddenArg e
      C.InstanceArg _ _ -> nothingAppliedToInstanceArg e

  -- Lambda
      C.AbsurdLam r h -> return $ A.AbsurdLam (ExprRange r) h

      C.Lam r bs e -> toAbstractLam r bs e TopCtx

  -- Extended Lambda
      C.ExtendedLam r cs -> scopeCheckExtendedLam r cs

  -- Relevant and irrelevant non-dependent function type

      C.Fun r e1 e2 -> do
        Common.Arg info (e0, dotted) <- traverse (toAbstractDot FunctionSpaceDomainCtx) $ mkArg e1
        info <- toAbstract info
        let e1 = Common.Arg ((if dotted then setRelevance Irrelevant else id) info) e0
        e2 <- toAbstractCtx TopCtx e2
        return $ A.Fun (ExprRange r) e1 e2

  -- Dependent function type
      e0@(C.Pi tel e) ->
        localToAbstract tel $ \tel -> do
        e    <- toAbstractCtx TopCtx e
        let info = ExprRange (getRange e0)
        return $ A.Pi info tel e

  -- Sorts
      C.Set _    -> return $ A.Set (ExprRange $ getRange e) 0
      C.SetN _ n -> return $ A.Set (ExprRange $ getRange e) n
      C.Prop _   -> return $ A.Prop $ ExprRange $ getRange e

  -- Let
      e0@(C.Let _ ds e) ->
        ifM isInsideDotPattern (typeError $ GenericError $ "Let-expressions are not allowed in dot patterns") $
        localToAbstract (LetDefs ds) $ \ds' -> do
        e        <- toAbstractCtx TopCtx e
        let info = ExprRange (getRange e0)
        return $ A.Let info ds' e

  -- Record construction
      C.Rec r fs  -> do
        let (xs, es) = unzip fs
        es <- toAbstractCtx TopCtx es
        return $ A.Rec (ExprRange r) $ zip xs es

  -- Record update
      C.RecUpdate r e fs -> do
        let (xs, es) = unzip fs
        e <- toAbstract e
        es <- toAbstractCtx TopCtx es
        return $ A.RecUpdate (ExprRange r) e $ zip xs es

  -- Parenthesis
      C.Paren _ e -> toAbstractCtx TopCtx e

  -- Pattern things
      C.Dot _ _  -> notAnExpression e
      C.As _ _ _ -> notAnExpression e
      C.Absurd _ -> notAnExpression e

  -- Impossible things
      C.ETel _  -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
      C.Equal{} -> typeError $ GenericError "Parse error: unexpected '='"

  -- Quoting
      C.QuoteGoal _ x e -> do
        x' <- toAbstract (NewName x)
        e' <- toAbstract e
        return $ A.QuoteGoal (ExprRange $ getRange e) x' e'
      C.QuoteContext _ x e -> do
        x' <- toAbstract (NewName x)
        e' <- toAbstract e
        return $ A.QuoteContext (ExprRange $ getRange e) x' e'
      C.Quote r -> return $ A.Quote (ExprRange r)
      C.QuoteTerm r -> return $ A.QuoteTerm (ExprRange r)
      C.Unquote r -> return $ A.Unquote (ExprRange r)

      C.Tactic r e es -> do
        g  <- freshName r "g"
        let re = ExprRange (getRange e)
        e : es <- toAbstract (e : es)
        let tac = A.App re e (defaultNamedArg $ A.Var g)
        return $ A.QuoteGoal (ExprRange r) g $ foldl (A.App re) (A.Unquote re) (map defaultNamedArg $ tac : es)

  -- DontCare
      C.DontCare e -> A.DontCare <$> toAbstract e

instance ToAbstract C.LamBinding A.LamBinding where
  toAbstract (C.DomainFree info x) = A.DomainFree <$> toAbstract info <*> toAbstract (NewName x)
  toAbstract (C.DomainFull tb)     = A.DomainFull <$> toAbstract tb

makeDomainFull :: C.LamBinding -> C.TypedBindings
makeDomainFull (C.DomainFull b)      = b
makeDomainFull (C.DomainFree info x) =
  C.TypedBindings r $ Common.Arg info $ C.TBind r [x] $ C.Underscore r Nothing
  where r = getRange x

instance ToAbstract C.TypedBindings A.TypedBindings where
  toAbstract (C.TypedBindings r bs) = A.TypedBindings r <$> toAbstract bs

instance ToAbstract C.TypedBinding A.TypedBinding where
  toAbstract (C.TBind r xs t) = do
    t' <- toAbstractCtx TopCtx t
    xs' <- toAbstract (map NewName xs)
    return $ A.TBind r xs' t'
  toAbstract (C.TLet r ds) = do
    ds' <- toAbstract (LetDefs ds)
    return $ A.TLet r ds'

-- | Scope check a module (top level function).
  :: Range
  -> Access
  -> C.Name
  -> C.Telescope
  -> ScopeM [A.Declaration]
  -> ScopeM [A.Declaration]
scopeCheckNiceModule r p name tel checkDs
  | telHasOpenStmsOrModuleMacros tel = do
      -- Andreas, 2013-12-10:
      -- If the module telescope contains open statements
      -- or module macros (Issue 1299),
      -- add an extra anonymous module around the current one.
      -- Otherwise, the open statements would create
      -- identifiers in the parent scope of the current module.
      -- But open statements in the module telescope should
      -- only affect the current module!
      scopeCheckNiceModule noRange p noName_ [] $

  | otherwise = do
    -- The actual workhorse:
    scopeCheckNiceModule_ = do

      -- Check whether we are dealing with an anonymous module.
      -- This corresponds to a Coq/LEGO section.
      (name, p, open) <- do
        if isNoName name then do
          (i :: NameId) <- fresh
          return (C.NoName (getRange name) i, PrivateAccess, True)
         else return (name, p, False)

      -- Check and bind the module, using the supplied check for its contents.
      aname <- toAbstract (NewModuleName name)
      ds <- snd <$> do
        scopeCheckModule r (C.QName name) aname tel checkDs
      bindModule p name aname

      -- If the module was anonymous open it public.
      when open $
        openModule_ (C.QName name) $
          defaultImportDir { publicOpen = True }
      return ds

-- | Check whether a telescope has open declarations or module macros.
telHasOpenStmsOrModuleMacros :: C.Telescope -> Bool
telHasOpenStmsOrModuleMacros = any yesBinds
    yesBinds (C.TypedBindings _ tb) = yesBind $ unArg tb
    yesBind C.TBind{}     = False
    yesBind (C.TLet _ ds) = any yes ds
    yes C.ModuleMacro{}   = True
    yes C.Open{}          = True
    yes C.Import{}        = __IMPOSSIBLE__
    yes (C.Mutual   _ ds) = any yes ds
    yes (C.Abstract _ ds) = any yes ds
    yes (C.Private  _ ds) = any yes ds
    yes _                 = False

telHasLetStms :: C.Telescope -> Bool
telHasLetStms = any isLetBinds
    isLetBinds (C.TypedBindings _ tb) = isLetBind $ unArg tb
    isLetBind C.TBind{} = False
    isLetBind C.TLet{}  = True

-- | We for now disallow let-bindings in @data@ and @record@ telescopes.
--   This due "nested datatypes"; there is no easy interpretation of
--   @
--      data D (A : Set) (open M A) (b : B) : Set where
--        c : D (A × A) b → D A b
--   @
--   where @B@ is brought in scope by @open M A@.

class EnsureNoLetStms a where
  ensureNoLetStms :: a -> ScopeM ()

{- From ghc 7.2, there is LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures
  default ensureNoLetStms :: Foldable t => t a -> ScopeM ()
  ensureNoLetStms = traverse_ ensureNoLetStms

instance EnsureNoLetStms C.TypedBinding where
  ensureNoLetStms tb =
    case tb of
      C.TLet{}  -> typeError $ IllegalLetInTelescope tb
      C.TBind{} -> return ()

instance EnsureNoLetStms a => EnsureNoLetStms (LamBinding' a) where
  ensureNoLetStms = traverse_ ensureNoLetStms

instance EnsureNoLetStms a => EnsureNoLetStms (TypedBindings' a) where
  ensureNoLetStms = traverse_ ensureNoLetStms

instance EnsureNoLetStms a => EnsureNoLetStms [a] where
  ensureNoLetStms = traverse_ ensureNoLetStms

-- | Returns the scope inside the checked module.
  :: Range
  -> C.QName                 -- ^ The concrete name of the module.
  -> A.ModuleName            -- ^ The abstract name of the module.
  -> C.Telescope             -- ^ The module telescope.
  -> ScopeM [A.Declaration]  -- ^ The code for checking the module contents.
  -> ScopeM (ScopeInfo, [A.Declaration])
scopeCheckModule r x qm tel checkDs = do
  printScope "module" 20 $ "checking module " ++ show x
  -- Andreas, 2013-12-10: Telescope does not live in the new module
  -- but its parent, so check it before entering the new module.
  -- This is important for Nicolas Pouillard's open parametrized modules
  -- statements inside telescopes.
  res <- withLocalVars $ do
    tel <- toAbstract tel
    withCurrentModule qm $ do
      -- pushScope m
      -- qm <- getCurrentModule
      printScope "module" 20 $ "inside module " ++ show x
      ds    <- checkDs
      scope <- getScope
      return (scope, [ A.Section info (qm `withRangesOfQ` x) tel ds ])

  -- Binding is done by the caller
  printScope "module" 20 $ "after module " ++ show x
  return res
    info = ModuleInfo r noRange Nothing Nothing Nothing

-- | Temporary data type to scope check a file.
data TopLevel a = TopLevel
  { topLevelPath           :: AbsolutePath
    -- ^ The file path from which we loaded this module.
  , topLevelTheThing       :: a
    -- ^ The file content.

data TopLevelInfo = TopLevelInfo
        { topLevelDecls :: [A.Declaration]
        , outsideScope  :: ScopeInfo
        , insideScope   :: ScopeInfo

-- | The top-level module name.

topLevelModuleName :: TopLevelInfo -> A.ModuleName
topLevelModuleName topLevel = scopeCurrent (insideScope topLevel)

-- | Top-level declarations are always
--   @
--     (import|open)*         -- a bunch of possibly opened imports
--     module ThisModule ...  -- the top-level module of this file
--   @
instance ToAbstract (TopLevel [C.Declaration]) TopLevelInfo where
    toAbstract (TopLevel file ds) =
      -- A file is a bunch of preliminary decls (imports etc.)
      -- plus a single module decl.
      case splitAt (length ds - 1) ds of
        (outsideDecls, [C.Module r m0 tel insideDecls]) -> do
          -- If the module name is _ compute the name from the file path
          m <- if isNoName m0
                then return $ C.QName $ C.Name noRange [Id $ stringToRawName $ rootName file]
                else do
                -- Andreas, 2014-03-28  Issue 1078
                -- We need to check the module name against the file name here.
                -- Otherwise one could sneak in a lie and confuse the scope
                -- checker.
                  checkModuleName (C.toTopLevelModuleName m0) file
                  return m0
          setTopLevelModule m
          am           <- toAbstract (NewModuleQName m)
          -- Scope check the declarations outside
          outsideDecls <- toAbstract outsideDecls
          (insideScope, insideDecls) <- scopeCheckModule r m am tel $
             toAbstract insideDecls
          outsideScope <- getScope
          return $ TopLevelInfo (outsideDecls ++ insideDecls) outsideScope insideScope
        _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__

-- | runs Syntax.Concrete.Definitions.niceDeclarations on main module
niceDecls :: [C.Declaration] -> ScopeM [NiceDeclaration]
niceDecls ds = case runNice $ niceDeclarations ds of
  Left e   -> throwError $ Exception (getRange e) (show e)
  Right ds -> return ds

instance ToAbstract [C.Declaration] [A.Declaration] where
  toAbstract ds = do
    -- don't allow to switch off termination checker in --safe mode
    ds <- ifM (optSafe <$> commandLineOptions) (mapM noNoTermCheck ds) (return ds)
    toAbstract =<< niceDecls ds
    noNoTermCheck (C.Pragma (C.TerminationCheckPragma r NoTerminationCheck)) =
      typeError $ SafeFlagNoTerminationCheck
    noNoTermCheck (C.Pragma (C.TerminationCheckPragma r NonTerminating)) =
      typeError $ SafeFlagNonTerminating
    noNoTermCheck (C.Pragma (C.TerminationCheckPragma r Terminating)) =
      typeError $ SafeFlagTerminating
    noNoTermCheck d = return d

newtype LetDefs = LetDefs [C.Declaration]
newtype LetDef = LetDef NiceDeclaration

instance ToAbstract LetDefs [A.LetBinding] where
  toAbstract (LetDefs ds) =
    concat <$> (toAbstract =<< map LetDef <$> niceDecls ds)

instance ToAbstract LetDef [A.LetBinding] where
    toAbstract (LetDef d) =
        case d of
            NiceMutual _ _ d@[C.FunSig _ fx _ instanc info _ x t, C.FunDef _ _ _ abstract _ _ [cl]] ->
                do  when (abstract == AbstractDef) $ do
                      typeError $ GenericError $ "abstract not allowed in let expressions"
                    when (instanc == InstanceDef) $ do
                      typeError $ GenericError $ "Using instance is useless here, let expressions are always eligible for instance search."
                    e <- letToAbstract cl
                    t <- toAbstract t
                    x <- toAbstract (NewName $ mkBoundName x fx)
                    info <- toAbstract info
                    return [ A.LetBind (LetRange $ getRange d) info x t e ]

            -- irrefutable let binding, like  (x , y) = rhs
            NiceFunClause r PublicAccess ConcreteDef termCheck d@(C.FunClause lhs@(C.LHS p [] [] []) (C.RHS rhs) NoWhere) -> do
              mp  <- setCurrentRange (getRange p) $ (Right <$> parsePattern p) `catchError` (return . Left)
              case mp of
                Right p -> do
                  rhs <- toAbstract rhs
                  p   <- toAbstract p
                  checkPatternLinearity [p]
                  p   <- toAbstract p
                  return [ A.LetPatBind (LetRange r) p rhs ]
                -- It's not a record pattern, so it should be a prefix left-hand side
                Left err ->
                  case definedName p of
                    Nothing -> throwError err
                    Just x  -> toAbstract $ LetDef $ NiceMutual r termCheck
                      [ C.FunSig r defaultFixity' PublicAccess NotInstanceDef defaultArgInfo termCheck x (C.Underscore (getRange x) Nothing)
                      , C.FunDef r __IMPOSSIBLE__ __IMPOSSIBLE__ ConcreteDef __IMPOSSIBLE__ __IMPOSSIBLE__
                        [C.Clause x lhs (C.RHS rhs) NoWhere []]
                    definedName (C.IdentP (C.QName x)) = Just x
                    definedName C.IdentP{}             = Nothing
                    definedName (C.RawAppP _ (p : _))  = definedName p
                    definedName (C.ParenP _ p)         = definedName p
                    definedName C.WildP{}              = Nothing   -- for instance let _ + x = x in ... (not allowed)
                    definedName C.AbsurdP{}            = Nothing
                    definedName C.AsP{}                = Nothing
                    definedName C.DotP{}               = Nothing
                    definedName C.LitP{}               = Nothing
                    definedName C.QuoteP{}             = Nothing
                    definedName C.HiddenP{}            = __IMPOSSIBLE__
                    definedName C.InstanceP{}          = __IMPOSSIBLE__
                    definedName C.RawAppP{}            = __IMPOSSIBLE__
                    definedName C.AppP{}               = __IMPOSSIBLE__
                    definedName C.OpAppP{}             = __IMPOSSIBLE__

            -- You can't open public in a let
            NiceOpen r x dirs | not (C.publicOpen dirs) -> do
              m       <- toAbstract (OldModuleName x)
              openModule_ x dirs
              let minfo = ModuleInfo
                    { minfoRange  = r
                    , minfoAsName = Nothing
                    , minfoAsTo   = renamingRange dirs
                    , minfoOpenShort = Nothing
                    , minfoDirective = Just dirs
              return [A.LetOpen minfo m]

            NiceModuleMacro r p x modapp open dir | not (C.publicOpen dir) ->
              -- Andreas, 2014-10-09, Issue 1299: module macros in lets need
              -- to be private
              checkModuleMacro LetApply r PrivateAccess x modapp open dir

            _   -> notAValidLetBinding d
            letToAbstract (C.Clause top clhs@(C.LHS p [] [] []) (C.RHS rhs) NoWhere []) = do
                p    <- parseLHS top p
                localToAbstract (snd $ lhsArgs p) $ \args ->
                (x, args) <- do
                  res <- setCurrentRange (getRange p) $ parseLHS top p
                  case res of
                    C.LHSHead x args -> return (x, args)
                    C.LHSProj{} -> typeError $ GenericError $ "copatterns not allowed in let bindings"

                localToAbstract args $ \args ->
                    do  rhs <- toAbstract rhs
                        foldM lambda rhs (reverse args)  -- just reverse because these DomainFree
            letToAbstract _ = notAValidLetBinding d

            -- Named patterns not allowed in let definitions
            lambda e (Common.Arg info (Named Nothing (A.VarP x))) =
                    return $ A.Lam i (A.DomainFree info x) e
                    i = ExprRange (fuseRange x e)
            lambda e (Common.Arg info (Named Nothing (A.WildP i))) =
                do  x <- freshNoName (getRange i)
                    return $ A.Lam i' (A.DomainFree info x) e
                    i' = ExprRange (fuseRange i e)
            lambda _ _ = notAValidLetBinding d

newtype Blind a = Blind { unBlind :: a }

instance ToAbstract (Blind a) (Blind a) where
  toAbstract = return

-- The only reason why we return a list is that open declarations disappears.
-- For every other declaration we get a singleton list.
instance ToAbstract NiceDeclaration A.Declaration where

  toAbstract d = annotateDecls $
    traceCall (ScopeCheckDeclaration d) $
    case d of

  -- Axiom (actual postulate)
    C.Axiom r f p i rel x t -> do
      -- check that we do not postulate in --safe mode
      clo <- commandLineOptions
      when (optSafe clo) (typeError (SafeFlagPostulate x))
      -- check the postulate
      toAbstractNiceAxiom A.NoFunSig d

  -- Fields
    C.NiceField r f p a x t -> do
      unless (p == PublicAccess) $ typeError $ GenericError "Record fields can not be private"
      -- Interaction points for record fields have already been introduced
      -- when checking the type of the record constructor.
      -- To avoid introducing interaction points (IP) twice, we turn
      -- all question marks to underscores.  (See issue 1138.)
      let maskIP (C.QuestionMark r _) = C.Underscore r Nothing
          maskIP e                     = e
      t' <- toAbstractCtx TopCtx $ mapExpr maskIP t
      y  <- freshAbstractQName f x
      irrProj <- optIrrelevantProjections <$> pragmaOptions
      unless (isIrrelevant t && not irrProj) $
        -- Andreas, 2010-09-24: irrelevant fields are not in scope
        -- this ensures that projections out of irrelevant fields cannot occur
        -- Ulf: unless you turn on --irrelevant-projections
        bindName p FldName x y
      return [ A.Field (mkDefInfo x f p a r) y t' ]

  -- Primitive function
    PrimitiveFunction r f p a x t -> do
      t' <- toAbstractCtx TopCtx t
      y  <- freshAbstractQName f x
      bindName p DefName x y
      return [ A.Primitive (mkDefInfo x f p a r) y t' ]

  -- Definitions (possibly mutual)
    NiceMutual r termCheck ds -> do
      ds' <- toAbstract ds
      -- We only termination check blocks that do not have a measure.
      return [ A.Mutual (MutualInfo termCheck r) ds' ]

    C.NiceRecSig r f a x ls t -> do
      ensureNoLetStms ls
      withLocalVars $ do
        ls' <- toAbstract (map makeDomainFull ls)
        x'  <- freshAbstractQName f x
        bindName a DefName x x'
        t' <- toAbstract t
        return [ A.RecSig (mkDefInfo x f a ConcreteDef r) x' ls' t' ]

    C.NiceDataSig r f a x ls t -> withLocalVars $ do
        printScope "scope.data.sig" 20 ("checking DataSig for " ++ show x)
        ensureNoLetStms ls
        ls' <- toAbstract (map makeDomainFull ls)
        x'  <- freshAbstractQName f x
        {- -- Andreas, 2012-01-16: remember number of parameters
        bindName a (DataName (length ls)) x x' -}
        bindName a DefName x x'
        t' <- toAbstract t
        return [ A.DataSig (mkDefInfo x f a ConcreteDef r) x' ls' t' ]
  -- Type signatures
    C.FunSig r f p i rel tc x t -> toAbstractNiceAxiom A.FunSig (C.Axiom r f p i rel x t)
  -- Function definitions
    C.FunDef r ds f a tc x cs -> do
        printLocals 10 $ "checking def " ++ show x
        (x',cs) <- toAbstract (OldName x,cs)
        let delayed = NotDelayed
        -- (delayed, cs) <- translateCopatternClauses cs -- TODO
        return [ A.FunDef (mkDefInfo x f PublicAccess a r) x' delayed cs ]

  -- Uncategorized function clauses
    C.NiceFunClause r acc abs termCheck (C.FunClause lhs rhs wcls) ->
      typeError $ GenericError $
        "Missing type signature for left hand side " ++ show lhs
    C.NiceFunClause{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__

  -- Data definitions
    C.DataDef r f a x pars cons -> withLocalVars $ do
        printScope "scope.data.def" 20 ("checking DataDef for " ++ show x)
        ensureNoLetStms pars
        -- Check for duplicate constructors
        do let cs   = map conName cons
               dups = nub $ cs \\ nub cs
               bad  = filter (`elem` dups) cs
           unless (distinct cs) $
             setCurrentRange (getRange bad) $
                typeError $ DuplicateConstructors dups

        pars <- toAbstract pars
        DefinedName p ax <- resolveName (C.QName x)
        let x' = anameName ax
        -- Create the module for the qualified constructors
        checkForModuleClash x -- disallow shadowing previously defined modules
        let m = mnameFromList $ qnameToList x'
        createModule True m
        bindModule p x m  -- make it a proper module
        cons <- toAbstract (map (ConstrDecl NoRec m a p) cons)
        -- Open the module
        -- openModule_ (C.QName x) defaultImportDir{ publicOpen = True }
        printScope "data" 20 $ "Checked data " ++ show x
        return [ A.DataDef (mkDefInfo x f PublicAccess a r) x' pars cons ]
        conName (C.Axiom _ _ _ _ _ c _) = c
        conName _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__

  -- Record definitions (mucho interesting)
    C.RecDef r f a x ind cm pars fields -> do
      ensureNoLetStms pars
      withLocalVars $ do
        -- Check that the generated module doesn't clash with a previously
        -- defined module
        checkForModuleClash x
        pars   <- toAbstract pars
        DefinedName p ax <- resolveName (C.QName x)
        let x' = anameName ax
        -- We scope check the fields a first time when putting together
        -- the type of the constructor.
        contel <- toAbstract $ recordConstructorType fields
        m0     <- getCurrentModule
        let m = A.qualifyM m0 $ mnameFromList $ (:[]) $ last $ qnameToList x'
        printScope "rec" 15 "before record"
        createModule False m
        -- We scope check the fields a second time, as actual fields.
        afields <- withCurrentModule m $ do
          afields <- toAbstract fields
          printScope "rec" 15 "checked fields"
          return afields
        bindModule p x m
        cm' <- mapM (\(ThingWithFixity c f) -> bindConstructorName m c f a p YesRec) cm
        printScope "rec" 15 "record complete"
        return [ A.RecDef (mkDefInfo x f PublicAccess a r) x' ind cm' pars contel afields ]

    NiceModule r p a x@(C.QName name) tel ds ->
      traceCall (ScopeCheckDeclaration $ NiceModule r p a x tel []) $ do
        scopeCheckNiceModule r p name tel $ toAbstract ds

    NiceModule _ _ _ m@C.Qual{} _ _ ->
      typeError $ GenericError $ "Local modules cannot have qualified names"

    NiceModuleMacro r p x modapp open dir ->
      checkModuleMacro Apply r p x modapp open dir

    NiceOpen r x dir -> do
      m <- toAbstract (OldModuleName x)
      printScope "open" 20 $ "opening " ++ show x
      openModule_ x dir
      printScope "open" 20 $ "result:"
      let minfo = ModuleInfo
            { minfoRange     = r
            , minfoAsName    = Nothing
            , minfoAsTo      = renamingRange dir
            , minfoOpenShort = Nothing
            , minfoDirective = Just dir
      return [A.Open minfo m]

    NicePragma r p -> do
      ps <- toAbstract p
      return $ map (A.Pragma r) ps

    NiceImport r x as open dir -> traceCall (SetRange r) $ do
      notPublicWithoutOpen open dir

      -- First scope check the imported module and return its name and
      -- interface. This is done with that module as the top-level module.
      -- This is quite subtle. We rely on the fact that when setting the
      -- top-level module and generating a fresh module name the generated
      -- name will be exactly the same as the name generated when checking
      -- the imported module.
      (m, i) <- withCurrentModule noModuleName $ withTopLevelModule x $ do
        m <- toAbstract $ NewModuleQName x
        printScope "import" 10 "before import:"
        (m, i) <- scopeCheckImport m
        printScope "import" 10 $ "scope checked import: " ++ show i
        -- We don't want the top scope of the imported module (things happening
        -- before the module declaration)
        return (m, Map.delete noModuleName i)

      -- Merge the imported scopes with the current scopes
      modifyScopes $ \ ms -> Map.unionWith mergeScope (Map.delete m ms) i

      -- Bind the desired module name to the right abstract name.
      case as of
        Nothing -> bindQModule PrivateAccess x m
        Just y  -> bindModule PrivateAccess (asName y) m

      printScope "import" 10 "merged imported sig:"

      -- Open if specified, otherwise apply import directives
      let (name, theAsSymbol, theAsName) = case as of
            Nothing -> (x,                  noRange,   Nothing)
            Just a  -> (C.QName (asName a), asRange a, Just (asName a))
      case open of
        DoOpen   -> void $ toAbstract [ C.Open r name dir ]
        -- If not opening, import directives are applied to the original scope.
        DontOpen -> modifyNamedScopeM m $ applyImportDirectiveM x dir
      let minfo = ModuleInfo
            { minfoRange     = r
            , minfoAsName    = theAsName
            , minfoAsTo      = getRange (theAsSymbol, renamingRange dir)
            , minfoOpenShort = Just open
            , minfoDirective = Just dir
      return [ A.Import minfo m ]

    NiceUnquoteDecl r fx p a tc x e -> do
      y <- freshAbstractQName fx x
      bindName p QuotableName x y
      e <- toAbstract e
      rebindName p DefName x y
      let mi = MutualInfo tc r
      return [A.UnquoteDecl mi (mkDefInfo x fx p a r) y e]

    NicePatternSyn r fx n as p -> do
      reportSLn "scope.pat" 10 $ "found nice pattern syn: " ++ show r

      y <- freshAbstractQName fx n
      bindName PublicAccess PatternSynName n y
      defn@(as, p) <- withLocalVars $ do
         p  <- toAbstract =<< toAbstract =<< parsePatternSyn p
         checkPatternLinearity [p]
         as <- (traverse . mapM) (unVarName <=< resolveName . C.QName) as
         as <- (map . fmap) unBlind <$> toAbstract ((map . fmap) Blind as)
         return (as, p)
      modifyPatternSyns (Map.insert y defn)
      return [A.PatternSynDef y as p]   -- only for highlighting
      where unVarName (VarName a) = return a
            unVarName _           = typeError $ UnusedVariableInPatternSynonym

      -- checking postulate or type sig. without checking safe flag
      toAbstractNiceAxiom funSig (C.Axiom r f p i info x t) = do
        t' <- toAbstractCtx TopCtx t
        y  <- freshAbstractQName f x
        info <- toAbstract info
        bindName p DefName x y
        return [ A.Axiom funSig (mkDefInfoInstance x f p ConcreteDef i r) info y t' ]
      toAbstractNiceAxiom _ _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__

data IsRecordCon = YesRec | NoRec
data ConstrDecl = ConstrDecl IsRecordCon A.ModuleName IsAbstract Access C.NiceDeclaration

bindConstructorName :: ModuleName -> C.Name -> Fixity'-> IsAbstract ->
                       Access -> IsRecordCon -> ScopeM A.QName
bindConstructorName m x f a p record = do
  -- The abstract name is the qualified one
  y <- withCurrentModule m $ freshAbstractQName f x
  -- Bind it twice, once unqualified and once qualified
  bindName p' ConName x y
  withCurrentModule m $ bindName p'' ConName x y
  return y
    -- An abstract constructor is private (abstract constructor means
    -- abstract datatype, so the constructor should not be exported).
    p' = case a of
           AbstractDef -> PrivateAccess
           _           -> p
    p'' = case (a, record) of
            (AbstractDef, _) -> PrivateAccess
            (_, YesRec)      -> OnlyQualified   -- record constructors aren't really in the record module
            _                -> PublicAccess

instance ToAbstract ConstrDecl A.Declaration where
  toAbstract (ConstrDecl record m a p (C.Axiom r f _ i info x t)) = do -- rel==Relevant
    t' <- toAbstractCtx TopCtx t
    -- The abstract name is the qualified one
    -- Bind it twice, once unqualified and once qualified
    y <- bindConstructorName m x f a p record
    info <- toAbstract info
    printScope "con" 15 "bound constructor"
    return $ A.Axiom NoFunSig (mkDefInfoInstance x f p ConcreteDef i r) info y t'

  toAbstract _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__    -- a constructor is always an axiom

instance ToAbstract C.Pragma [A.Pragma] where
    toAbstract (C.ImpossiblePragma _) = impossibleTest
    toAbstract (C.OptionsPragma _ opts) = return [ A.OptionsPragma opts ]
    toAbstract (C.RewritePragma _ x) = do
      e <- toAbstract $ OldQName x
      case e of
        A.Def x          -> return [ A.RewritePragma x ]
        A.Proj x         -> return [ A.RewritePragma x ]
        A.Con (AmbQ [x]) -> return [ A.RewritePragma x ]
        A.Con x          -> fail $ "REWRITE used on ambiguous name " ++ show x
        _       -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
    toAbstract (C.CompiledTypePragma _ x hs) = do
      e <- toAbstract $ OldQName x
      case e of
        A.Def x -> return [ A.CompiledTypePragma x hs ]
        _       -> fail $ "Bad compiled type: " ++ show x  -- TODO: error message
    toAbstract (C.CompiledDataPragma _ x hs hcs) = do
      e <- toAbstract $ OldQName x
      case e of
        A.Def x -> return [ A.CompiledDataPragma x hs hcs ]
        _       -> fail $ "Not a datatype: " ++ show x  -- TODO: error message
    toAbstract (C.CompiledPragma _ x hs) = do
      e <- toAbstract $ OldQName x
      y <- case e of
            A.Def x -> return x
            A.Proj x -> return x -- TODO: do we need to do s.th. special for projections? (Andreas, 2014-10-12)
            A.Con _ -> fail "Use COMPILED_DATA for constructors" -- TODO
            _       -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
      return [ A.CompiledPragma y hs ]
    toAbstract (C.CompiledExportPragma _ x hs) = do
      e <- toAbstract $ OldQName x
      y <- case e of
            A.Def x -> return x
            _       -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
      return [ A.CompiledExportPragma y hs ]
    toAbstract (C.CompiledEpicPragma _ x ep) = do
      e <- toAbstract $ OldQName x
      y <- case e of
            A.Def x -> return x
            _       -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
      return [ A.CompiledEpicPragma y ep ]
    toAbstract (C.CompiledJSPragma _ x ep) = do
      e <- toAbstract $ OldQName x
      y <- case e of
            A.Def x -> return x
            A.Proj x -> return x
            A.Con (AmbQ [x]) -> return x
            A.Con x -> fail ("COMPILED_JS used on ambiguous name " ++ show x)
            _       -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
      return [ A.CompiledJSPragma y ep ]
    toAbstract (C.StaticPragma _ x) = do
        e <- toAbstract $ OldQName x
        y <- case e of
            A.Def x -> return x
            _       -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
        return [ A.StaticPragma y ]
    toAbstract (C.BuiltinPragma _ b e) = do
        e <- toAbstract e
        return [ A.BuiltinPragma b e ]
    toAbstract (C.ImportPragma _ i) = do
      addHaskellImport i
      return []
    toAbstract (C.EtaPragma _ x) = do
      e <- toAbstract $ OldQName x
      case e of
        A.Def x -> return [ A.EtaPragma x ]
        _       -> fail "Bad ETA pragma"
    -- Termination checking pragmes are handled by the nicifier
    toAbstract C.TerminationCheckPragma{} = __IMPOSSIBLE__

instance ToAbstract C.Clause A.Clause where
    toAbstract (C.Clause top C.Ellipsis{} _ _ _) = fail "bad '...'" -- TODO: errors message
    toAbstract (C.Clause top lhs@(C.LHS p wps eqs with) rhs wh wcs) = withLocalVars $ do
      -- Andreas, 2012-02-14: need to reset local vars before checking subclauses
      vars <- getLocalVars
      let wcs' = for wcs $ \ c -> do
           setLocalVars vars
           return $ expandEllipsis p wps c
      lhs' <- toAbstract (LeftHandSide top p wps)
      printLocals 10 "after lhs:"
      let (whname, whds) = case wh of
            NoWhere        -> (Nothing, [])
            AnyWhere ds    -> (Nothing, ds)
            SomeWhere m ds -> (Just m, ds)
      if not (null eqs)
        then do
          rhs <- toAbstract =<< toAbstractCtx TopCtx (RightHandSide eqs with wcs' rhs whds)
          return $ A.Clause lhs' rhs []
        else do
          -- the right hand side is checked inside the module of the local definitions
          (rhs, ds) <- whereToAbstract (getRange wh) whname whds $
                        toAbstractCtx TopCtx (RightHandSide eqs with wcs' rhs [])
          rhs <- toAbstract rhs
          return $ A.Clause lhs' rhs ds

whereToAbstract :: Range -> Maybe C.Name -> [C.Declaration] -> ScopeM a -> ScopeM (a, [A.Declaration])
whereToAbstract _ _ [] inner = do
  x <- inner
  return (x, [])
whereToAbstract r whname whds inner = do
  m <- maybe (nameConcrete <$> freshNoName noRange) return whname
  m <- if (maybe False isNoName whname)
       then do
         (i :: NameId) <- fresh
         return (C.NoName (getRange m) i)
       else return m
  let acc = maybe PrivateAccess (const PublicAccess) whname  -- unnamed where's are private
  let tel = []
  old <- getCurrentModule
  am  <- toAbstract (NewModuleName m)
  (scope, ds) <- scopeCheckModule r (C.QName m) am tel $ toAbstract whds
  setScope scope
  x <- inner
  setCurrentModule old
  bindModule acc m am
  -- Issue 848: if the module was anonymous (module _ where) open it public
  when (maybe False isNoName whname) $
    openModule_ (C.QName m) $
      defaultImportDir { publicOpen = True }
  return (x, ds)

data RightHandSide = RightHandSide
  { rhsRewriteEqn :: [C.RewriteEqn]  -- ^ @rewrite e@ (many)
  , rhsWithExpr   :: [C.WithExpr]    -- ^ @with e@ (many)
  , rhsSubclauses :: [ScopeM C.Clause] -- ^ the subclauses spawned by a with (monadic because we need to reset the local vars before checking these clauses)
  , rhs           :: C.RHS
  , rhsWhereDecls :: [C.Declaration]

data AbstractRHS = AbsurdRHS'
                 | WithRHS' [A.Expr] [ScopeM C.Clause]  -- ^ The with clauses haven't been translated yet
                 | RHS' A.Expr
                 | RewriteRHS' [A.Expr] AbstractRHS [A.Declaration]

qualifyName_ :: A.Name -> ScopeM A.QName
qualifyName_ x = do
  m <- getCurrentModule
  return $ A.qualify m x

withFunctionName :: String -> ScopeM A.QName
withFunctionName s = do
  NameId i _ <- fresh
  qualifyName_ =<< freshName_ (s ++ show i)

instance ToAbstract AbstractRHS A.RHS where
  toAbstract AbsurdRHS'            = return A.AbsurdRHS
  toAbstract (RHS' e)              = return $ A.RHS e
  toAbstract (RewriteRHS' eqs rhs wh) = do
    auxs <- replicateM (length eqs) $ withFunctionName "rewrite-"
    rhs  <- toAbstract rhs
    return $ RewriteRHS auxs eqs rhs wh
  toAbstract (WithRHS' es cs) = do
    aux <- withFunctionName "with-"
    A.WithRHS aux es <$> do toAbstract =<< sequence cs

instance ToAbstract RightHandSide AbstractRHS where
  toAbstract (RightHandSide eqs@(_:_) es cs rhs wh) = do
    eqs <- toAbstractCtx TopCtx eqs
                 -- TODO: remember named where
    (rhs, ds) <- whereToAbstract (getRange wh) Nothing wh $
                  toAbstract (RightHandSide [] es cs rhs [])
    return $ RewriteRHS' eqs rhs ds
  toAbstract (RightHandSide [] [] (_ : _) _ _)        = __IMPOSSIBLE__
  toAbstract (RightHandSide [] (_ : _) _ (C.RHS _) _) = typeError $ BothWithAndRHS
  toAbstract (RightHandSide [] [] [] rhs [])          = toAbstract rhs
  toAbstract (RightHandSide [] es cs C.AbsurdRHS [])  = do
    es <- toAbstractCtx TopCtx es
    return $ WithRHS' es cs
  -- TODO: some of these might be possible
  toAbstract (RightHandSide [] (_ : _) _ C.AbsurdRHS (_ : _)) = __IMPOSSIBLE__
  toAbstract (RightHandSide [] [] [] (C.RHS _) (_ : _))       = __IMPOSSIBLE__
  toAbstract (RightHandSide [] [] [] C.AbsurdRHS (_ : _))     = __IMPOSSIBLE__

instance ToAbstract C.RHS AbstractRHS where
    toAbstract C.AbsurdRHS = return $ AbsurdRHS'
    toAbstract (C.RHS e)   = RHS' <$> toAbstract e

data LeftHandSide = LeftHandSide C.Name C.Pattern [C.Pattern]

instance ToAbstract LeftHandSide A.LHS where
    toAbstract (LeftHandSide top lhs wps) =
      traceCall (ScopeCheckLHS top lhs) $ do
        lhscore <- parseLHS top lhs
        reportSLn "scope.lhs" 5 $ "parsed lhs: " ++ show lhscore
        printLocals 10 "before lhs:"
        -- error if copattern parsed but no --copatterns option
        haveCoPats <- optCopatterns <$> pragmaOptions
        unless haveCoPats $
          case lhscore of
            C.LHSHead x ps -> return ()
            C.LHSProj{} -> typeError $ NeedOptionCopatterns
        -- scope check patterns except for dot patterns
        lhscore <- toAbstract lhscore
        reportSLn "scope.lhs" 5 $ "parsed lhs patterns: " ++ show lhscore
        wps  <- toAbstract =<< mapM parsePattern wps
        checkPatternLinearity $ lhsCoreAllPatterns lhscore ++ wps
        printLocals 10 "checked pattern:"
        -- scope check dot patterns
        lhscore <- toAbstract lhscore
        reportSLn "scope.lhs" 5 $ "parsed lhs dot patterns: " ++ show lhscore
        wps     <- toAbstract wps
        printLocals 10 "checked dots:"
        return $ A.LHS (LHSRange $ getRange (lhs, wps)) lhscore wps

-- does not check pattern linearity
instance ToAbstract C.LHSCore (A.LHSCore' C.Expr) where
    toAbstract (C.LHSHead x ps) = do
        x    <- withLocalVars $ setLocalVars [] >> toAbstract (OldName x)
        args <- toAbstract ps
        return $ A.LHSHead x args
    toAbstract (C.LHSProj d ps1 l ps2) = do
        qx <- resolveName d
        d  <- case qx of
                FieldName d -> return $ anameName d
                UnknownName -> notInScope d
                _           -> typeError $ GenericError $
                  "head of copattern needs to be a field identifier, but "
                  ++ show d ++ " isn't one"
        args1 <- toAbstract ps1
        l     <- toAbstract l
        args2 <- toAbstract ps2
        return $ A.LHSProj d args1 l args2

instance ToAbstract c a => ToAbstract (C.Arg c) (A.Arg a) where
    toAbstract (Common.Arg info e) =
        Common.Arg <$> toAbstract info <*> toAbstractCtx (hiddenArgumentCtx $ getHiding info) e

instance ToAbstract c a => ToAbstract (Named name c) (Named name a) where
    toAbstract (Named n e) = Named n <$> toAbstract e

{- DOES NOT WORK ANYMORE with pattern synonyms
instance ToAbstract c a => ToAbstract (A.LHSCore' c) (A.LHSCore' a) where
    toAbstract = mapM toAbstract

instance ToAbstract (A.LHSCore' C.Expr) (A.LHSCore' A.Expr) where
    toAbstract (A.LHSHead f ps)             = A.LHSHead f <$> mapM toAbstract ps
    toAbstract (A.LHSProj d ps lhscore ps') = A.LHSProj d <$> mapM toAbstract ps
      <*> mapM toAbstract lhscore <*> mapM toAbstract ps'

instance ToAbstract c a => ToAbstract (A.NamedArg c) (A.NamedArg a) where
    toAbstract (Common.Arg info c) = liftM2 Common.Arg (return info) (toAbstract c)

instance ToAbstract C.ArgInfo A.ArgInfo where
    toAbstract info = do cs <- mapM toAbstract $ argInfoColors info
                         return $ info { argInfoColors = cs }

-- Patterns are done in two phases. First everything but the dot patterns, and
-- then the dot patterns. This is because dot patterns can refer to variables
-- bound anywhere in the pattern.

instance ToAbstract (A.Pattern' C.Expr) (A.Pattern' A.Expr) where
    toAbstract (A.VarP x)             = return $ A.VarP x
    toAbstract (A.ConP i ds as)       = A.ConP i ds <$> mapM toAbstract as
    toAbstract (A.DefP i x as)        = A.DefP i x <$> mapM toAbstract as
    toAbstract (A.WildP i)            = return $ A.WildP i
    toAbstract (A.AsP i x p)          = A.AsP i x <$> toAbstract p
    toAbstract (A.DotP i e)           = A.DotP i <$> insideDotPattern (toAbstract e)
    toAbstract (A.AbsurdP i)          = return $ A.AbsurdP i
    toAbstract (A.LitP l)             = return $ A.LitP l
    toAbstract (A.ImplicitP i)        = return $ A.ImplicitP i
    toAbstract (A.PatternSynP i x as) = A.PatternSynP i x <$> mapM toAbstract as

instance ToAbstract C.Pattern (A.Pattern' C.Expr) where

    toAbstract p@(C.IdentP x) = do
        px <- toAbstract (PatName x)
        case px of
            VarPatName y        -> return $ VarP y
            ConPatName ds       -> return $ ConP (ConPatInfo False $ PatRange (getRange p))
                                                 (AmbQ $ map anameName ds)
            PatternSynPatName d -> return $ PatternSynP (PatRange (getRange p))
                                                        (anameName d) []

    toAbstract (AppP (QuoteP _) p)
      | IdentP x <- namedArg p,
        getHiding p == NotHidden = do
      e <- toAbstract (OldQName x)
      let quoted (A.Def x) = return x
          quoted (A.Proj x) = return x
          quoted (A.Con (AmbQ [x])) = return x
          quoted (A.Con (AmbQ xs))  = typeError $ GenericError $ "quote: Ambigous name: " ++ show xs
          quoted (A.ScopedExpr _ e) = quoted e
          quoted _                  = typeError $ GenericError $ "quote: not a defined name"
      A.LitP . LitQName (getRange x) <$> quoted e

    toAbstract (QuoteP r) =
      typeError $ GenericError "quote must be applied to an identifier"

    toAbstract p0@(AppP p q) = do
        (p', q') <- toAbstract (p,q)
        case p' of
            ConP i x as        -> return $ ConP (i {patInfo = info}) x (as ++ [q'])
            DefP _ x as        -> return $ DefP info x (as ++ [q'])
            PatternSynP _ x as -> return $ PatternSynP info x (as ++ [q'])
            _                  -> typeError $ InvalidPattern p0
            r = getRange p0
            info = PatSource r $ \pr -> if appBrackets pr then ParenP r p0 else p0

    toAbstract p0@(OpAppP r op ps) = do
        p <- toAbstract (IdentP op)
        ps <- toAbstract ps
        case p of
          ConP        i x as -> return $ ConP (i {patInfo = info}) x
                                    (as ++ ps)
          DefP        _ x as -> return $ DefP info x
                                    (as ++ ps)
          PatternSynP _ x as -> return $ PatternSynP info x
                                    (as ++ ps)
          _                  -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
            r    = getRange p0
            info = PatSource r $ \pr -> if appBrackets pr then ParenP r p0 else p0

    -- Removed when parsing
    toAbstract (HiddenP _ _)   = __IMPOSSIBLE__
    toAbstract (InstanceP _ _) = __IMPOSSIBLE__
    toAbstract (RawAppP _ _)   = __IMPOSSIBLE__

    toAbstract p@(C.WildP r)    = return $ A.WildP (PatSource r $ const p)
    toAbstract (C.ParenP _ p)   = toAbstract p
    toAbstract (C.LitP l)       = return $ A.LitP l
    toAbstract p0@(C.AsP r x p) = typeError $ NotSupported "@-patterns"
      {- do
        x <- toAbstract (NewName x)
        p <- toAbstract p
        return $ A.AsP info x p
            info = PatSource r $ \_ -> p0
    -- we have to do dot patterns at the end
    toAbstract p0@(C.DotP r e) = return $ A.DotP info e
        where info = PatSource r $ \_ -> p0
    toAbstract p0@(C.AbsurdP r) = return $ A.AbsurdP info
        where info = PatSource r $ \_ -> p0

-- | Turn an operator application into abstract syntax. Make sure to record the
-- right precedences for the various arguments.
toAbstractOpApp :: C.QName -> [C.NamedArg (OpApp C.Expr)] -> ScopeM A.Expr
toAbstractOpApp op es = do
    -- Get the notation for the operator.
    f  <- getFixity op
    let parts = notation . oldToNewNotation $ (op, f)
    -- We can throw away the @BindingHoles@, since binders
    -- have been preprocessed into @OpApp C.Expr@.
    let nonBindingParts = filter (not . isBindingHole) parts
    -- We should be left with as many holes as we have been given args @es@.
    -- If not, crash.
    unless (length (filter isAHole nonBindingParts) == length es) __IMPOSSIBLE__
    -- Translate operator and its arguments (each in the right context).
    op <- toAbstract (OldQName op)
    foldl' app op <$> left (theFixity f) nonBindingParts es
    -- Build an application in the abstract syntax, with correct Range.
    app e arg = A.App (ExprRange (fuseRange e arg)) e (setArgColors [] arg)

    -- Translate an argument (inside @C.NamedArg . OpApp@).
    toAbsOpArg cxt = traverse $ traverse $ toAbstractOpArg cxt

    -- The hole left to the first @IdPart@ is filled with an expression in @LeftOperandCtx@.
    left f (IdPart _ : xs) es = inside f xs es
    left f (_ : xs) (e : es) = do
        e  <- toAbsOpArg (LeftOperandCtx f) e
        es <- inside f xs es
        return (e : es)
    left f (_  : _)  [] = __IMPOSSIBLE__
    left f []        _  = __IMPOSSIBLE__

    -- The holes in between the @IdPart@s is filled with an expression in @InsideOperandCtx@.
    inside f [x]          es    = right f x es
    inside f (IdPart _ : xs) es = inside f xs es
    inside f (_  : xs) (e : es) = do
        e  <- toAbsOpArg InsideOperandCtx e
        es <- inside f xs es
        return (e : es)
    inside _ (_ : _) [] = __IMPOSSIBLE__
    inside _ []         _  = __IMPOSSIBLE__

    -- The hole right of the last @IdPart@ is filled with an expression in @RightOperandCtx@.
    right _ (IdPart _)  [] = return []
    right f _          [e] = do
        e <- toAbsOpArg (RightOperandCtx f) e
        return [e]
    right _ _     _  = __IMPOSSIBLE__