-- {-# LANGUAGE CPP                        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances       #-}

module Agda.Termination.CallMatrix where

-- module Agda.Termination.CallMatrix
--   ( CallMatrix'(..), CallMatrix
--   , callMatrix
--   , CallComb(..)
--   , tests
--   ) where

import Data.List as List hiding (union, insert)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Foldable (Foldable)
import qualified Data.Foldable as Fold
import Data.Traversable (Traversable)
import qualified Data.Traversable as Trav

import Agda.Termination.CutOff
import Agda.Termination.Order as Order hiding (tests)
import Agda.Termination.SparseMatrix as Matrix hiding (tests)
import Agda.Termination.Semiring (HasZero(..), Semiring)
import qualified Agda.Termination.Semiring as Semiring

import Agda.Utils.Favorites (Favorites)
import qualified Agda.Utils.Favorites as Fav
import Agda.Utils.Monad
import Agda.Utils.PartialOrd hiding (tests)
import Agda.Utils.Pretty hiding ((<>))
import Agda.Utils.QuickCheck
import Agda.Utils.TestHelpers

--  * Call matrices

-- | Call matrix indices = function argument indices.
--   Machine integer 'Int' is sufficient, since we cannot index more arguments
--   than we have addresses on our machine.

type ArgumentIndex = Int

-- | Call matrices.
--   A call matrix for a call @f --> g@ has dimensions @ar(g) × ar(f)@.
--   Each column corresponds to one formal argument of caller @f@.
--   Each row corresponds to one argument in the call to @g@.
--   In the presence of dot patterns, a call argument can be related
--   to /several/ different formal arguments of @f@.
--   See e.g. @test/succeed/DotPatternTermination.agda@:
--   @
--     data D : Nat -> Set where
--       cz : D zero
--       c1 : forall n -> D n -> D (suc n)
--       c2 : forall n -> D n -> D n
--     f : forall n -> D n -> Nat
--     f .zero    cz        = zero
--     f .(suc n) (c1  n d) = f n (c2 n d)
--     f n        (c2 .n d) = f n d
--   @
--   Call matrices (without guardedness) are
--   @
--           -1 -1   n < suc n  and       n <  c1 n d
--            ?  =                   c2 n d <= c1 n d
--            = -1   n <= n     and  n < c2 n d
--            ? -1                   d < c2 n d
--   @
--   Here is a part of the original documentation for call matrices
--   (kept for historical reasons):
--   This datatype encodes information about a single recursive
--   function application. The columns of the call matrix stand for
--   'source' function arguments (patterns). The rows of the matrix stand for
--   'target' function arguments. Element @(i, j)@ in the matrix should
--   be computed as follows:
--     * 'Order.lt' (less than) if the @j@-th argument to the 'target'
--       function is structurally strictly smaller than the @i@-th
--       pattern.
--     * 'Order.le' (less than or equal) if the @j@-th argument to the
--       'target' function is structurally smaller than the @i@-th
--       pattern.
--     * 'Order.unknown' otherwise.

newtype CallMatrix' a = CallMatrix { mat :: Matrix ArgumentIndex a }
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, CoArbitrary, PartialOrd)

type CallMatrix = CallMatrix' Order

deriving instance NotWorse CallMatrix

instance HasZero a => Diagonal (CallMatrix' a) a where
  diagonal = diagonal . mat

-- | Call matrix multiplication and call combination.

class CallComb a where
  (>*<) :: (?cutoff :: CutOff) => a -> a -> a

-- | Call matrix multiplication.
--   @f --(m1)--> g --(m2)--> h@  is combined to @f --(m2 `mul` m1)--> h@
--   Note the reversed order of multiplication:
--   The matrix @c1@ of the second call @g-->h@ in the sequence
--   @f-->g-->h@ is multiplied with the matrix @c2@ of the first call.
--   Preconditions:
--   @m1@ has dimensions @ar(g) × ar(f)@.
--   @m2@ has dimensions @ar(h) × ar(g)@.
--   Postcondition:
--   @m1 >*< m2@ has dimensions @ar(h) × ar(f)@.

instance CallComb CallMatrix where
  CallMatrix m1 >*< CallMatrix m2 = CallMatrix $ mul orderSemiring m2 m1

-- | Call matrix addition = minimum = pick worst information.
addCallMatrices :: (?cutoff :: CutOff) => CallMatrix -> CallMatrix -> CallMatrix
addCallMatrices cm1 cm2 = CallMatrix $
  add (Semiring.add orderSemiring) (mat cm1) (mat cm2)

-- * Call matrix augmented with path information.

-- | Call matrix augmented with path information.

data CallMatrixAug cinfo = CallMatrixAug
  { augCallMatrix :: CallMatrix -- ^ The matrix of the (composed call).
  , augCallInfo   :: cinfo      -- ^ Meta info, like call path.
  deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Diagonal (CallMatrixAug cinfo) Order where
  diagonal = diagonal . augCallMatrix

instance PartialOrd (CallMatrixAug cinfo) where
  comparable m m' = comparable (augCallMatrix m) (augCallMatrix m')

instance NotWorse (CallMatrixAug cinfo) where
  c1 `notWorse` c2 = augCallMatrix c1 `notWorse` augCallMatrix c2

-- | Augmented call matrix multiplication.

instance Monoid cinfo => CallComb (CallMatrixAug cinfo) where
  CallMatrixAug m1 p1 >*< CallMatrixAug m2 p2 =
    CallMatrixAug (m1 >*< m2) (mappend p1 p2)

-- | Non-augmented call matrix.

noAug :: Monoid cinfo => CallMatrix -> CallMatrixAug cinfo
noAug m = CallMatrixAug m mempty

-- * Sets of incomparable call matrices augmented with path information.

newtype CMSet cinfo = CMSet { cmSet :: Favorites (CallMatrixAug cinfo) }
  deriving (Show, Arbitrary, CoArbitrary, Monoid)

-- | Call matrix set product is the Cartesian product.

instance Monoid cinfo => CallComb (CMSet cinfo) where
  CMSet as >*< CMSet bs = CMSet $ Fav.fromList $
    [ a >*< b | a <- Fav.toList as, b <- Fav.toList bs ]

-- | An empty call matrix set.

empty :: CMSet cinfo
empty = mempty
-- empty = CMSet $ Fav.empty

-- | Call matrix is empty?

null ::  CMSet cinfo -> Bool
null (CMSet as) = Fav.null as

-- | A singleton call matrix set.

singleton :: CallMatrixAug cinfo -> CMSet cinfo
singleton = CMSet . Fav.singleton

-- | Insert into a call matrix set.

insert :: CallMatrixAug cinfo -> CMSet cinfo -> CMSet cinfo
insert a (CMSet as) = CMSet $ Fav.insert a as

-- | Union two call matrix sets.

union :: CMSet cinfo -> CMSet cinfo -> CMSet cinfo
union = mappend
-- union (CMSet as) (CMSet bs) = CMSet $ Fav.union as bs

-- | Convert into a list of augmented call matrices.

toList :: CMSet cinfo -> [CallMatrixAug cinfo]
toList (CMSet as) = Fav.toList as

-- * Printing

instance Pretty CallMatrix where
  pretty (CallMatrix m) = pretty m

instance Pretty cinfo => Pretty (CallMatrixAug cinfo) where
  pretty (CallMatrixAug m cinfo) = pretty cinfo $$ pretty m

instance Pretty cinfo => Pretty (CMSet cinfo) where
  pretty = vcat . punctuate newLine . map pretty . toList
    where newLine = text "\n"

-- * Generators and tests

-- ** CallMatrix

instance Arbitrary CallMatrix where
  arbitrary = callMatrix =<< arbitrary

-- | Generates a call matrix of the given size.

callMatrix :: Size ArgumentIndex -> Gen CallMatrix
callMatrix sz = CallMatrix <$> matrix sz

-- ** CallMatrixAug

instance Arbitrary cinfo => Arbitrary (CallMatrixAug cinfo) where
  arbitrary = CallMatrixAug <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary

instance CoArbitrary cinfo => CoArbitrary (CallMatrixAug cinfo) where
  coarbitrary (CallMatrixAug m info) = coarbitrary m . coarbitrary info

-- * All tests

tests :: IO Bool
tests = runTests "Agda.Termination.CallMatrix"
  where ?cutoff = DontCutOff -- CutOff 2  -- don't cut off in tests!

-- RETIRED:  LONG OUTDATED call matrix invariant

-- -- | In a call matrix at most one element per row may be different
-- -- from 'unknown'.

-- callMatrixInvariant :: CallMatrix -> Bool
-- callMatrixInvariant (CallMatrix m) =
--   matrixInvariant m &&
--   all ((<= 1) . length . filter (/= unknown)) (toLists m)

-- prop_Arbitrary_CallMatrix = callMatrixInvariant

-- -- | Generates a call matrix of the given size.

-- callMatrix :: Size ArgumentIndex -> Gen CallMatrix
-- callMatrix sz = do
--   m <- matrixUsingRowGen sz rowGen
--   return $ CallMatrix { mat = m }
--   where
--   rowGen :: ArgumentIndex -> Gen [Order]
--   rowGen 0 = return []
--   rowGen n = do
--     x <- arbitrary
--     i <- choose (0, n - 1)
--     return $ genericReplicate i unknown ++ [x] ++
--              genericReplicate (n - 1 - i) unknown

-- prop_callMatrix sz =
--   forAll (callMatrix sz) $ \cm ->
--     callMatrixInvariant cm
--     &&
--     size (mat cm) == sz

-- prop_cmMul sz =
--   forAll natural $ \c2 ->
--   forAll (callMatrix sz) $ \cm1 ->
--   forAll (callMatrix $ Size { rows = cols sz, cols = c2 }) $ \cm2 ->
--     callMatrixInvariant (cm1 >*< cm2)

-- tests :: IO Bool
-- tests = runTests "Agda.Termination.CallMatrix"
--   [ quickCheck' callMatrixInvariant
--   , quickCheck' prop_Arbitrary_CallMatrix
--   , quickCheck' prop_callMatrix
--   , quickCheck' prop_cmMul
--   ]
--   where ?cutoff = DontCutOff -- CutOff 2  -- don't cut off in tests!