-- | Function for generating highlighted, hyperlinked HTML from Agda
-- sources.

module Agda.Interaction.Highlighting.HTML
  ( generateHTML
  ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad.State.Class

import Data.Function
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import qualified Data.Map    as Map
import qualified Data.List   as List

import System.FilePath
import System.Directory

import Text.XHtml.Strict

import Paths_Agda

import Agda.Interaction.Highlighting.Precise
import Agda.Interaction.Options

import qualified Agda.Syntax.Abstract as A
import qualified Agda.Syntax.Concrete as C
import Agda.Syntax.Common

import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad (TCM)
import qualified Agda.TypeChecking.Monad as TCM

import Agda.Utils.FileName (filePath)
import Agda.Utils.Lens
import qualified Agda.Utils.IO.UTF8 as UTF8
import Agda.Utils.Pretty
import Agda.Utils.Tuple

#include "undefined.h"
import Agda.Utils.Impossible

-- | The name of the default CSS file.

defaultCSSFile :: FilePath
defaultCSSFile = "Agda.css"

-- | Generates HTML files from all the sources which have been
--   visited during the type checking phase.
--   This function should only be called after type checking has
--   completed successfully.

generateHTML :: TCM ()
generateHTML = do
      options <- TCM.commandLineOptions

      -- There is a default directory given by 'defaultHTMLDir'
      let dir = optHTMLDir options
      liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True dir

      -- If the default CSS file should be used, then it is copied to
      -- the output directory.
      liftIO $ when (isNothing $ optCSSFile options) $ do
        cssFile <- getDataFileName defaultCSSFile
        copyFile cssFile (dir </> defaultCSSFile)

      TCM.reportSLn "html" 1 $ unlines
        [ ""
        , "Warning: HTML is currently generated for ALL files which can be"
        , "reached from the given module, including library files."

      -- Pull highlighting info from the state and generate all the
      -- web pages.
      mapM_ (\(m, h) -> generatePage dir m h) =<<
        map (mapSnd $ TCM.iHighlighting . TCM.miInterface) .
          Map.toList <$> TCM.getVisitedModules

-- | Converts module names to the corresponding HTML file names.

modToFile :: C.TopLevelModuleName -> FilePath
modToFile m = render (pretty m) <.> "html"

-- | Generates an HTML file with a highlighted, hyperlinked version of
-- the given module.

  :: FilePath              -- ^ Directory in which to create files.
  -> C.TopLevelModuleName  -- ^ Module to be highlighted.
  -> HighlightingInfo      -- ^ Syntax highlighting info for the module.
  -> TCM ()
generatePage dir mod highlighting = do
  mf <- Map.lookup mod <$> use TCM.stModuleToSource
  case mf of
    Nothing -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
    Just f  -> do
      contents <- liftIO $ UTF8.readTextFile $ filePath f
      css      <- maybe defaultCSSFile id . optCSSFile <$>
      let html = page css mod contents highlighting
      TCM.reportSLn "html" 1 $ "Generating HTML for " ++
                               render (pretty mod) ++
                               " (" ++ target ++ ")."
      liftIO $ UTF8.writeFile target (renderHtml html)
  where target = dir </> modToFile mod

-- | Constructs the web page, including headers.

page :: FilePath              -- ^ URL to the CSS file.
     -> C.TopLevelModuleName  -- ^ Module to be highlighted.
     -> String                -- ^ The contents of the module.
     -> CompressedFile        -- ^ Highlighting information.
     -> Html
page css modName contents info =
  header (thetitle << render (pretty modName)
          meta ! [ httpequiv "Content-Type"
                 , content "text/html; charset=UTF-8"
          meta ! [ httpequiv "Content-Style-Type"
                 , content "text/css"
          thelink noHtml ! [ href css
                           , rel "stylesheet"
                           , thetype "text/css"
  body << pre << code contents info

-- | Constructs the HTML displaying the code.

code :: String         -- ^ The contents of the module.
     -> CompressedFile -- ^ Highlighting information.
     -> Html
code contents info =
  mconcat $
  map (\(pos, s, mi) -> annotate pos mi (stringToHtml s)) $
  map (\cs -> case cs of
          (mi, (pos, _)) : _ ->
            (pos, map (snd . snd) cs, maybe mempty id mi)
          [] -> __IMPOSSIBLE__) $
  List.groupBy ((==) `on` fst) $
  map (\(pos, c) -> (IntMap.lookup pos infoMap, (pos, c))) $
  zip [1..] contents
  infoMap = toMap (decompress info)

  annotate :: Int -> Aspects -> Html -> Html
  annotate pos mi = anchor ! attributes
    attributes =
      [name (show pos)] ++
      maybe [] link (definitionSite mi) ++
      (case classes of
        [] -> []
        cs -> [theclass $ unwords cs])

    classes =
      maybe [] noteClasses (note mi)
      ++ otherAspectClasses (otherAspects mi)
      ++ maybe [] aspectClasses (aspect mi)

    aspectClasses (Name mKind op) = kindClass ++ opClass
      kindClass = maybe [] ((: []) . showKind) mKind

      showKind (Constructor Inductive)   = "InductiveConstructor"
      showKind (Constructor CoInductive) = "CoinductiveConstructor"
      showKind k                         = show k

      opClass = if op then ["Operator"] else []
    aspectClasses a = [show a]

    otherAspectClasses = map show

    -- Notes are not included.
    noteClasses s = []

    link (m, pos) = [href $ modToFile m ++ "#" ++ show pos]