module Agda.TypeChecking.Constraints where

import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Applicative
import Data.List as List

import Agda.Syntax.Internal
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad
import Agda.TypeChecking.Errors
import Agda.TypeChecking.InstanceArguments
import Agda.TypeChecking.Pretty
import Agda.TypeChecking.Reduce
import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute
import Agda.TypeChecking.LevelConstraints

import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.TypeChecking.Rules.Term
import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.TypeChecking.Conversion
import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.TypeChecking.MetaVars
import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.TypeChecking.Empty

import Agda.Utils.Except ( MonadError(throwError) )
import Agda.Utils.Maybe
import Agda.Utils.Monad
import Agda.Utils.Pretty (prettyShow)

#include "undefined.h"
import Agda.Utils.Impossible

-- | Catches pattern violation errors and adds a constraint.
catchConstraint :: Constraint -> TCM () -> TCM ()
catchConstraint c v = liftTCM $
   catchError_ v $ \err ->
   case err of
        -- Not putting s (which should really be the what's already there) makes things go
        -- a lot slower (+20% total time on standard library). How is that possible??
        -- The problem is most likely that there are internal catchErrors which forgets the
        -- state. catchError should preserve the state on pattern violations.
       PatternErr{} -> addConstraint c
       _            -> throwError err

addConstraint :: Constraint -> TCM ()
addConstraint c = do
    pids <- asks envActiveProblems
    reportSDoc "tc.constr.add" 20 $ hsep
      [ text "adding constraint"
      , text (show pids)
      , prettyTCM c ]
    -- Need to reduce to reveal possibly blocking metas
    c <- reduce =<< instantiateFull c
    c' <- simpl c
    if (c /= c')
      then do
        reportSDoc "tc.constr.add" 20 $ text "  simplified:" <+> prettyTCM c'
        solveConstraint_ c'
      else addConstraint' c'
    -- the added constraint can cause IFS constraints to be solved
    unless (isIFSConstraint c) $
       wakeConstraints (isIFSConstraint . clValue . theConstraint)
    isIFSConstraint :: Constraint -> Bool
    isIFSConstraint FindInScope{} = True
    isIFSConstraint _ = False
    simpl :: Constraint -> TCM Constraint
    simpl c = do
      n <- genericLength <$> getContext
      let isLvl LevelCmp{} = True
          isLvl _          = False
      cs <- getAllConstraints
      lvls <- instantiateFull $ List.filter (isLvl . clValue . theConstraint) cs
      when (not $ List.null lvls) $ reportSDoc "tc.constr.add" 40 $ text "  simplifying using" <+> prettyTCM lvls
      return $ simplifyLevelConstraint n c lvls

-- | Don't allow the argument to produce any constraints.
noConstraints :: TCM a -> TCM a
noConstraints problem = liftTCM $ do
  (pid, x) <- newProblem problem
  cs <- getConstraintsForProblem pid
  unless (List.null cs) $ typeError $ UnsolvedConstraints cs
  return x

-- | Create a fresh problem for the given action.
newProblem :: TCM a -> TCM (ProblemId, a)
newProblem action = do
  pid <- fresh
  -- Don't get distracted by other constraints while working on the problem
  x <- nowSolvingConstraints $ solvingProblem pid action
  -- Now we can check any woken constraints
  return (pid, x)

newProblem_ :: TCM () -> TCM ProblemId
newProblem_ action = fst <$> newProblem action

ifNoConstraints :: TCM a -> (a -> TCM b) -> (ProblemId -> a -> TCM b) -> TCM b
ifNoConstraints check ifNo ifCs = do
  (pid, x) <- newProblem check
  ifM (isProblemSolved pid) (ifNo x) (ifCs pid x)

ifNoConstraints_ :: TCM () -> TCM a -> (ProblemId -> TCM a) -> TCM a
ifNoConstraints_ check ifNo ifCs = ifNoConstraints check (const ifNo) (\pid _ -> ifCs pid)

-- | @guardConstraint c blocker@ tries to solve @blocker@ first.
--   If successful without constraints, it moves on to solve @c@, otherwise it
--   adds a @Guarded c cs@ constraint
--   to the @blocker@-generated constraints @cs@.
guardConstraint :: Constraint -> TCM () -> TCM ()
guardConstraint c blocker =
  ifNoConstraints_ blocker (solveConstraint_ c) (addConstraint . Guarded c)

whenConstraints :: TCM () -> TCM () -> TCM ()
whenConstraints action handler =
  ifNoConstraints_ action (return ()) $ \pid -> do
    stealConstraints pid

-- | Wake up the constraints depending on the given meta.
wakeupConstraints :: MetaId -> TCM ()
wakeupConstraints x = do
  wakeConstraints (const True) -- (mentionsMeta x) -- TODO: needs fixing to cope with shared updates

-- | Wake up all constraints.
wakeupConstraints_ :: TCM ()
wakeupConstraints_ = do
  wakeConstraints (const True)

solveAwakeConstraints :: TCM ()
solveAwakeConstraints = solveAwakeConstraints' False

solveAwakeConstraints' :: Bool -> TCM ()
solveAwakeConstraints' force = do
    verboseS "profile.constraints" 10 $ liftTCM $ tickMax "max-open-constraints" . genericLength =<< getAllConstraints
    whenM ((force ||) . not <$> isSolvingConstraints) $ nowSolvingConstraints $ do
     -- solveSizeConstraints -- Andreas, 2012-09-27 attacks size constrs too early
    solve = do
      reportSDoc "tc.constr.solve" 10 $ hsep [ text "Solving awake constraints."
                                             , text . show . length =<< getAwakeConstraints
                                             , text "remaining." ]
      whenJustM takeAwakeConstraint $ \ c -> do
        withConstraint solveConstraint c

solveConstraint :: Constraint -> TCM ()
solveConstraint c = do
    verboseS "profile.constraints" 10 $ liftTCM $ tick "attempted-constraints"
    verboseBracket "tc.constr.solve" 20 "solving constraint" $ do
      pids <- asks envActiveProblems
      reportSDoc "tc.constr.solve" 20 $ text (show pids) <+> prettyTCM c
      solveConstraint_ c

solveConstraint_ :: Constraint -> TCM ()
solveConstraint_ (ValueCmp cmp a u v)       = compareTerm cmp a u v
solveConstraint_ (ElimCmp cmp a e u v)      = compareElims cmp a e u v
solveConstraint_ (TypeCmp cmp a b)          = compareType cmp a b
solveConstraint_ (TelCmp a b cmp tela telb) = compareTel a b cmp tela telb
solveConstraint_ (SortCmp cmp s1 s2)        = compareSort cmp s1 s2
solveConstraint_ (LevelCmp cmp a b)         = compareLevel cmp a b
solveConstraint_ c0@(Guarded c pid)         = do
  ifM (isProblemSolved pid) (solveConstraint_ c)
                            (addConstraint c0)
solveConstraint_ (IsEmpty r t)              = isEmptyType r t
solveConstraint_ (UnBlock m)                =
  ifM (isFrozen m) (addConstraint $ UnBlock m) $ do
    inst <- mvInstantiation <$> lookupMeta m
    reportSDoc "tc.constr.unblock" 15 $ text ("unblocking a metavar yields the constraint: " ++ show inst)
    case inst of
      BlockedConst t -> do
        reportSDoc "tc.constr.blocked" 15 $
          text ("blocked const " ++ prettyShow m ++ " :=") <+> prettyTCM t
        assignTerm m [] t
      PostponedTypeCheckingProblem cl unblock -> enterClosure cl $ \prob -> do
        ifNotM unblock (addConstraint $ UnBlock m) $ do
          tel <- getContextTelescope
          v   <- liftTCM $ checkTypeCheckingProblem prob
          assignTerm m (telToArgs tel) v
      -- Andreas, 2009-02-09, the following were IMPOSSIBLE cases
      -- somehow they pop up in the context of sized types
      -- already solved metavariables: should only happen for size
      -- metas (not sure why it does, Andreas?)
      InstV{} -> return ()
      InstS{} -> return ()
      -- Open (whatever that means)
      Open -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
      OpenIFS -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
solveConstraint_ (FindInScope m cands)      = findInScope m cands

checkTypeCheckingProblem :: TypeCheckingProblem -> TCM Term
checkTypeCheckingProblem p = case p of
  CheckExpr e t                  -> checkExpr e t
  CheckArgs eh ei r args t0 t1 k -> checkArguments' eh ei r args t0 t1 k
  CheckLambda args body target   -> checkPostponedLambda args body target