{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

module Agda.TypeChecking.Test.Generators where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.State
import qualified Data.List as List (sort, nub)

import Agda.Syntax.Position
import Agda.Syntax.Common as Common
import Agda.Syntax.Literal
import Agda.Syntax.Fixity
import Agda.Syntax.Internal as I
import qualified Agda.Syntax.Concrete.Name as C

import Agda.TypeChecking.Free
import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute

import Agda.Utils.QuickCheck hiding (Args)
import Agda.Utils.TestHelpers
import qualified Agda.Utils.VarSet as Set

#include "undefined.h"
import Agda.Utils.Impossible

data TermConfiguration = TermConf
      { tcDefinedNames     :: [QName]
      , tcConstructorNames :: [QName]
      , tcProjectionNames  :: [QName]
      , tcFreeVariables    :: [Nat]
      , tcLiterals         :: UseLiterals
      , tcFrequencies      :: Frequencies
      , tcFixSize          :: Maybe Int
        -- ^ Maximum size of the generated element. When @Nothing@ this value
        --   is initialized from the 'Test.QuickCheck.size' parameter.
      , tcIsType           :: Bool
        -- ^ When this is true no lambdas, literals, or constructors are
        --   generated
  deriving Show

data Frequencies = Freqs
      { hiddenFreqs :: HiddenFreqs
      , elimFreqs   :: ElimFreqs
      , sortFreqs   :: SortFreqs
      , termFreqs   :: TermFreqs
  deriving Show

data TermFreqs = TermFreqs
      { varFreq :: Int
      , defFreq :: Int
      , conFreq :: Int
      , litFreq  :: Int
      , sortFreq :: Int
      , lamFreq  :: Int
      , piFreq   :: Int
      , funFreq  :: Int
  deriving Show

data ElimFreqs = ElimFreqs
      { applyFreq :: Int
      , projFreq  :: Int
  deriving Show

data HiddenFreqs = HiddenFreqs
      { hiddenFreq    :: Int
      , notHiddenFreq :: Int
  deriving Show

data SortFreqs = SortFreqs
      { setFreqs :: [Int]
      , propFreq :: Int
  deriving Show

defaultFrequencies :: Frequencies
defaultFrequencies = Freqs
      { termFreqs   = TermFreqs   { varFreq = 24, defFreq = 8, conFreq = 8, litFreq = 1, sortFreq = 2, lamFreq = 10, piFreq = 5, funFreq = 5 }
      , elimFreqs   = ElimFreqs   { applyFreq = 9, projFreq = 1 }
      , hiddenFreqs = HiddenFreqs { hiddenFreq = 1, notHiddenFreq = 5 }
      , sortFreqs   = SortFreqs   { setFreqs = [3, 1], propFreq = 1 }

noProp :: TermConfiguration -> TermConfiguration
noProp conf = conf { tcFrequencies = fq { sortFreqs = sfq { propFreq = 0 } } }
    fq  = tcFrequencies conf
    sfq = sortFreqs fq

data UseLiterals = UseLit
      { useLitInt    :: Bool
      , useLitFloat  :: Bool
      , useLitString :: Bool
      , useLitChar   :: Bool
  deriving Show

noLiterals :: UseLiterals
noLiterals = UseLit False False False False

fixSizeConf :: Int -> TermConfiguration -> TermConfiguration
fixSizeConf n conf = conf { tcFixSize = Just n }

resizeConf :: (Int -> Int) -> TermConfiguration -> TermConfiguration
resizeConf f conf = conf { tcFixSize = fmap f $ tcFixSize conf}

decrConf :: TermConfiguration -> TermConfiguration
decrConf = resizeConf (flip (-) 1)

divConf :: TermConfiguration -> Int -> TermConfiguration
divConf conf k = resizeConf (`div` k) conf

isTypeConf :: TermConfiguration -> TermConfiguration
isTypeConf conf = conf { tcIsType = True }

isntTypeConf :: TermConfiguration -> TermConfiguration
isntTypeConf conf = conf { tcIsType = False }

extendConf :: TermConfiguration -> TermConfiguration
extendConf conf = conf { tcFreeVariables = 0 : map (1+) (tcFreeVariables conf) }

extendWithTelConf :: Telescope -> TermConfiguration -> TermConfiguration
extendWithTelConf tel conf = foldr (const extendConf) conf (telToList tel)

makeConfiguration :: [RawName] -> [RawName] -> [RawName] -> [Nat] -> TermConfiguration
makeConfiguration ds cs ps vs = TermConf
  { tcDefinedNames     = defs
  , tcConstructorNames = cons
  , tcProjectionNames  = projs
  , tcFreeVariables    = List.sort $ List.nub vs
  , tcFrequencies      = defaultFrequencies
  , tcLiterals         = noLiterals
  , tcFixSize          = Nothing
  , tcIsType           = False
    (defs, cons, projs) = flip evalState 0 $ do
      (,,) <$> mapM mkName ds <*> mapM mkName cs <*> mapM mkName ps

    tick     = do x <- get; put (x + 1); return x
    mkName s = do
      n <- tick
      return $ QName { qnameModule = MName []
                     , qnameName   = Name
                        { nameId          = NameId n 1
                        , nameConcrete    = C.Name noRange [C.Id s]
                        , nameBindingSite = noRange
                        , nameFixity      = defaultFixity'

class GenC a where
  genC :: TermConfiguration -> Gen a

newtype YesType a   = YesType   { unYesType :: a     }
newtype NoType  a   = NoType    { unNoType  :: a     }
newtype VarName     = VarName   { unVarName :: Nat   }
newtype DefName     = DefName   { unDefName :: QName }
newtype ConName     = ConName   { unConName :: ConHead }
newtype ProjName    = ProjName  { unProjName :: QName }
newtype SizedList a = SizedList { unSizedList :: [a] }

fixSize :: TermConfiguration -> Gen a -> Gen a
fixSize conf g = sized $ \n -> resize (maybe n id $ tcFixSize conf) g

instance GenC a => GenC (SizedList a) where
  genC conf = do
    n <- fixSize conf natural
    SizedList <$> vectorOf n (genC $ divConf conf n)

instance GenC a => GenC [a] where
  genC conf = do
    n <- natural
    vectorOf n $ genC $ divConf conf n

instance (GenC a, GenC b) => GenC (a, b) where
  genC conf = (,) <$> genC conf2 <*> genC conf2
      conf2 = divConf conf 2

instance GenC Range where
  genC _ = return noRange

instance GenC Hiding where
  genC conf = frequency [ (hideF, return Hidden), (nohideF, return NotHidden) ]
      HiddenFreqs {hiddenFreq = hideF, notHiddenFreq = nohideF } =
        hiddenFreqs $ tcFrequencies conf

instance (GenC c, GenC a) => GenC (Common.Arg c a) where
  genC conf = (\ (h, a) -> Arg (setHiding h defaultArgInfo) a) <$> genC conf

instance (GenC c, GenC a) => GenC (Common.Dom c a) where
  genC conf = (\ (h, a) -> Dom (setHiding h defaultArgInfo) a) <$> genC conf

instance GenC a => GenC (Abs a) where
  genC conf = Abs x <$> genC (extendConf conf)
    where x = stringToArgName "x"

instance GenC a => GenC (Elim' a) where
  genC conf = frequency [ (applyF, Apply <$> genC conf)
                        , (projF, Proj . unProjName <$> genC conf) ]
      ElimFreqs {applyFreq = applyF, projFreq = projF } =
        elimFreqs $ tcFrequencies conf

instance GenC DefName where
  genC conf = DefName  <$> do elements $ tcDefinedNames conf

instance GenC ProjName where
  genC conf = ProjName <$> do elements $ tcProjectionNames conf

genArgs :: TermConfiguration -> Gen Args
genArgs conf = unSizedList <$> genC (isntTypeConf conf)

genElims :: TermConfiguration -> Gen Elims
genElims conf = unSizedList <$> genC (isntTypeConf conf)

instance GenC Sort where
  genC conf = frequency $
    (propF, return Prop) :
    zip setFs (map (return . mkType) [0..])
      freq f = f $ tcFrequencies conf
      setFs = freq (setFreqs . sortFreqs)
      propF = freq (propFreq . sortFreqs)

instance GenC Char where
  genC _ = elements [' '..'~'] -- TODO

instance GenC Double where
  genC _ = arbitrary

instance GenC Integer where
  genC _ = arbitrary

instance GenC Literal where
  genC conf = oneof (concat $ zipWith gen useLits
              [ uncurry LitInt    <$> genC conf
              , uncurry LitFloat  <$> genC conf
              , uncurry LitString <$> genC conf
              , uncurry LitChar   <$> genC conf
      useLits = map ($ tcLiterals conf) [ useLitInt, useLitFloat, useLitString, useLitChar ]

      gen True  g = [g]
      gen False g = []

instance GenC Telescope where
  genC conf = do
    n <- fixSize conf natural
    let confs = take n $ iterate extendConf (divConf conf n)
    telFromList <$> mapM genC confs

instance GenC Type where
  genC conf = El <$> genC conf <*> genC (isTypeConf conf)

instance GenC Term where
  genC conf = case tcFixSize conf of
      Nothing -> sized $ \n -> genC $ fixSizeConf n conf
      Just n | n <= 0    -> genLeaf
             | otherwise -> frequency
        [ (varF, genVar $ genElims conf)
        , (defF, genDef $ genElims conf)
        , (conF, genCon $ genArgs conf)
        , (litF,  Lit <$> genC conf)
        , (sortF, Sort <$> genC conf)
        , (lamF,  genLam)
        , (piF,   genPi)
      defs    = tcDefinedNames conf
      cons    = tcConstructorNames conf
      vars    = tcFreeVariables conf
      freq f  = f $ tcFrequencies conf
      isType  = tcIsType conf
      useLits = map ($ tcLiterals conf) [ useLitInt, useLitFloat, useLitString, useLitChar ]

      varF  | null vars = 0
            | otherwise = freq (varFreq . termFreqs)
      defF  | null defs = 0
            | otherwise = freq (defFreq . termFreqs)
      conF  | null cons || isType = 0
            | otherwise           = freq (conFreq . termFreqs)
      litF  | or useLits && not isType = freq (litFreq . termFreqs)
            | otherwise             = 0
      lamF  | isType    = 0
            | otherwise = freq (lamFreq  . termFreqs)
      sortF = freq (sortFreq . termFreqs)
      piF   = freq (piFreq   . termFreqs)

      genLam :: Gen Term
      genLam = Lam <$> (flip setHiding defaultArgInfo <$> genC conf) <*> genC (isntTypeConf $ decrConf conf)

      genPi :: Gen Term
      genPi = uncurry Pi <$> genC conf

      genVar, genDef :: Gen Elims -> Gen Term
      genVar args = Var <$> elements vars <*> args
      genDef args = Def <$> elements defs <*> args

      genCon :: Gen Args -> Gen Term
      genCon args = Con <$> ((\ c -> ConHead c Inductive []) <$> elements cons) <*> args

      genLeaf :: Gen Term
      genLeaf = frequency
        [ (varF, genVar $ return [])
        , (defF, genDef $ return [])
        , (conF, genCon $ return [])
        , (litF,  Lit  <$> genC conf)
        , (sortF, Sort <$> genC conf)

-- | Only generates default configurations. Names and free variables varies.
genConf :: Gen TermConfiguration
genConf = do
  ds <- listOf $ elements defs
  cs <- listOf $ elements cons
  ps <- listOf1 $ elements projs
  vs <- listOf natural
  return $ makeConfiguration ds cs ps vs
    defs = [ stringToRawName [c] | c <- ['a'..'n'] ++ ['r'..'z'] ]
    cons = [ stringToRawName [c] | c <- ['A'..'Z'] ]
    projs= [ stringToRawName [c] | c <- ['o'..'q'] ]

instance Arbitrary TermConfiguration where
  arbitrary   = genConf

-- Shrinking --------------------------------------------------------------

class ShrinkC a b | a -> b where
  shrinkC  :: TermConfiguration -> a -> [b]
  noShrink :: a -> b

instance ShrinkC a b => ShrinkC (YesType a) b where
  shrinkC conf (YesType x) = shrinkC (isTypeConf conf) x
  noShrink (YesType x) = noShrink x

instance ShrinkC a b => ShrinkC (NoType a) b where
  shrinkC conf (NoType x) = shrinkC (isntTypeConf conf) x
  noShrink (NoType x) = noShrink x

instance ShrinkC a b => ShrinkC [a] [b] where
  noShrink        = map noShrink
  shrinkC conf xs = noShrink (removeChunks xs) ++ shrinkOne xs
    -- Code stolen from Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary
    removeChunks xs = rem (length xs) xs
      rem 0 _  = []
      rem 1 _  = [[]]
      rem n xs = xs1
               : xs2
               : ( [ xs1' ++ xs2 | xs1' <- rem n1 xs1, not (null xs1') ]
             `ilv` [ xs1 ++ xs2' | xs2' <- rem n2 xs2, not (null xs2') ]
        n1  = n `div` 2
        xs1 = take n1 xs
        n2  = n - n1
        xs2 = drop n1 xs

        []     `ilv` ys     = ys
        xs     `ilv` []     = xs
        (x:xs) `ilv` (y:ys) = x : y : (xs `ilv` ys)

    shrinkOne []     = []
    shrinkOne (x:xs) = [ x' : noShrink xs | x'  <- shrinkC conf x ]
                    ++ [ noShrink x : xs' | xs' <- shrinkOne xs ]

instance (ShrinkC a a', ShrinkC b b') => ShrinkC (a, b) (a', b') where
  noShrink (x, y) = (noShrink x, noShrink y)
  shrinkC conf (x, y) =
    [ (x', noShrink y) | x' <- shrinkC conf x ] ++
    [ (noShrink x, y') | y' <- shrinkC conf y ]

instance ShrinkC VarName Nat where
  shrinkC conf (VarName x) = [ y | y <- tcFreeVariables conf, y < x ]
  noShrink = unVarName

instance ShrinkC DefName QName where
  shrinkC conf (DefName c) = takeWhile (/= c) $ tcDefinedNames conf
  noShrink = unDefName

instance ShrinkC ConName ConHead where
  shrinkC conf (ConName (ConHead{conName = c})) = map (\ c -> ConHead c Inductive []) $ takeWhile (/= c) $ tcConstructorNames conf
  noShrink = unConName

instance ShrinkC Literal Literal where
  shrinkC _ (LitInt _ 0) = []
  shrinkC conf l         = LitInt noRange 0 : case l of
      LitInt    r n -> LitInt    r <$> shrink n
      LitString r s -> LitString r <$> shrinkC conf s
      LitChar   r c -> LitChar   r <$> shrinkC conf c
      LitFloat  r x -> LitFloat  r <$> shrink x
      LitQName  r x -> []
  noShrink = id

instance ShrinkC Char Char where
  shrinkC _ 'a' = []
  shrinkC _ _   = ['a']
  noShrink = id

instance ShrinkC Hiding Hiding where
  shrinkC _ Hidden    = [NotHidden]
  shrinkC _ Instance  = [Instance]
  shrinkC _ NotHidden = []
  noShrink = id

instance ShrinkC a b => ShrinkC (Abs a) (Abs b) where
  shrinkC conf (NoAbs s x) = NoAbs s <$> shrinkC conf x
  shrinkC conf (Abs   s x) = Abs s <$> shrinkC (extendConf conf) x
  noShrink = fmap noShrink

instance ShrinkC a b => ShrinkC (I.Arg a) (I.Arg b) where
  shrinkC conf (Arg info x) = (\ (h,x) -> Arg (setHiding h info) x) <$> shrinkC conf (argInfoHiding info, x)
  noShrink = fmap noShrink

instance ShrinkC a b => ShrinkC (I.Dom a) (I.Dom b) where
  shrinkC conf (Dom info x) = (\ (h,x) -> Dom (setHiding h info) x) <$> shrinkC conf (argInfoHiding info, x)
  noShrink = fmap noShrink

instance ShrinkC a b => ShrinkC (Blocked a) (Blocked b) where
  shrinkC conf (Blocked m x)    = Blocked m <$> shrinkC conf x
  shrinkC conf (NotBlocked r x) = NotBlocked r <$> shrinkC conf x
  noShrink = fmap noShrink

instance ShrinkC a b => ShrinkC (Elim' a) (Elim' b) where
  shrinkC conf (Apply a) = Apply <$> shrinkC conf a
  shrinkC conf (Proj  p) = []
  noShrink = fmap noShrink

-- Andreas 2010-09-21: simplify? since Sort Prop is no longer abused as DontCare
instance ShrinkC Sort Sort where
  shrinkC conf Prop = []
  shrinkC conf s = Prop : case s of
    Type n     -> [] -- No Level instance yet -- Type <$> shrinkC conf n
    Prop       -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
    Inf        -> []
    SizeUniv   -> []
    DLub s1 s2 -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
  noShrink = id

instance ShrinkC Telescope Telescope where
  shrinkC conf EmptyTel          = []
  shrinkC conf (ExtendTel a tel) =
    killAbs tel : (uncurry ExtendTel <$> shrinkC conf (a, tel))
  noShrink = id

instance ShrinkC Type Type where
  shrinkC conf (El s t) = uncurry El <$> shrinkC conf (s, YesType t)
  noShrink = id

instance ShrinkC Term Term where
  shrinkC conf (DontCare _)  = []
  shrinkC conf (Sort Prop) = []
  shrinkC conf t           = filter validType $ case ignoreSharing t of
    Var i es     -> map unArg (argsFromElims es) ++
                    (uncurry Var <$> shrinkC conf (VarName i, NoType es))
    Def d es     -> map unArg (argsFromElims es) ++
                    (uncurry Def <$> shrinkC conf (DefName d, NoType es))
    Con c args   -> map unArg args ++
                    (uncurry Con <$> shrinkC conf (ConName c, NoType args))
    Lit l        -> Lit <$> shrinkC conf l
    Level l      -> [] -- TODO
    Lam info b   -> killAbs b : ((\(h,x) -> Lam (setHiding h defaultArgInfo) x)
                                 <$> shrinkC conf (argInfoHiding info, b))
    Pi a b       -> unEl (unDom a) : unEl (killAbs b) :
                    (uncurry Pi <$> shrinkC conf (a, b))
    Sort s       -> Sort <$> shrinkC conf s
    MetaV m es   -> map unArg (argsFromElims es) ++
                    (MetaV m <$> shrinkC conf (NoType es))
    DontCare _   -> []
    Shared{}     -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
    ExtLam _ _   -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
      validType t
        | not (tcIsType conf) = True
        | otherwise         = case t of
            Con _ _ -> False
            Lam _ _ -> False
            Lit _         -> False
            _     -> True
  noShrink = id

killAbs :: KillVar a => Abs a -> a
killAbs (Abs   _ x) = killVar 0 x
killAbs (NoAbs _ x) = x

class KillVar a where
  killVar :: Nat -> a -> a

instance KillVar Term where
  killVar i t = case ignoreSharing t of
    Var j args | j == i    -> DontCare (Var j [])
               | j >  i    -> Var (j - 1) $ killVar i args
               | otherwise -> Var j       $ killVar i args
    Def c args             -> Def c       $ killVar i args
    Con c args             -> Con c       $ killVar i args
    Lit l                  -> Lit l
    Level l                -> Level l -- TODO
    Sort s                 -> Sort s
    Lam h b                -> Lam h       $ killVar i b
    Pi a b                 -> uncurry Pi  $ killVar i (a, b)
    MetaV m args           -> MetaV m     $ killVar i args
    DontCare mv            -> DontCare    $ killVar i mv
    Shared{}               -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
    ExtLam _ _             -> __IMPOSSIBLE__

instance KillVar Type where
  killVar i (El s t) = El s $ killVar i t

instance KillVar Telescope where
  killVar i EmptyTel          = EmptyTel
  killVar i (ExtendTel a tel) = uncurry ExtendTel $ killVar i (a, tel)

instance KillVar a => KillVar (Elim' a) where
  killVar i = fmap (killVar i)

instance KillVar a => KillVar (I.Arg a) where
  killVar i = fmap (killVar i)

instance KillVar a => KillVar (I.Dom a) where
  killVar i = fmap (killVar i)

instance KillVar a => KillVar (Abs a) where
  killVar i = fmap (killVar (i + 1))

instance KillVar a => KillVar [a] where
  killVar i = map (killVar i)

instance KillVar a => KillVar (Maybe a) where
  killVar i = fmap (killVar i)

instance (KillVar a, KillVar b) => KillVar (a, b) where
  killVar i (x, y) = (killVar i x, killVar i y)

-- Tests ------------------------------------------------------------------

isWellScoped :: Free a => TermConfiguration -> a -> Bool
isWellScoped conf t = allVars (freeVars t) `Set.isSubsetOf` Set.fromList (tcFreeVariables conf)

-- | Check that the generated terms don't have any out of scope variables.
prop_wellScopedVars :: TermConfiguration -> Property
prop_wellScopedVars conf =
  forAllShrink (genC conf) (shrinkC conf) $ \t ->
  isWellScoped conf (t :: Term)