{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}

-- | Strict tries (based on "Data.Map.Strict" and "Agda.Utils.Maybe.Strict").

module Agda.Utils.Trie
  ( Trie
  , empty, singleton, insert, insertWith, union, unionWith, adjust, delete
  , toList, toAscList
  , lookupPath
  ) where

import Prelude hiding (Maybe(..), maybe)
import qualified Prelude as Lazy

import Data.Function
import Data.Functor
import Data.List (nubBy, sortBy, isPrefixOf)
#if MIN_VERSION_containers(0,5,0)
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map

import Test.QuickCheck

import Agda.Utils.List (mcons)
import Agda.Utils.Maybe.Strict

-- | Finite map from @[k]@ to @v@.
--   With the strict 'Maybe' type, 'Trie' is also strict in 'v'.
data Trie k v = Trie !(Maybe v) !(Map k (Trie k v))
  deriving Show

-- | Empty trie.
empty :: Trie k v
empty = Trie Nothing Map.empty

-- | Singleton trie.
singleton :: [k] -> v -> Trie k v
singleton []     !v = Trie (Just v) Map.empty
singleton (x:xs) !v = Trie Nothing $ Map.singleton x (singleton xs v)

-- | Left biased union.
--   @union = unionWith (\ new old -> new)@.
union :: (Ord k) => Trie k v -> Trie k v -> Trie k v
union = unionWith const

-- | Pointwise union with merge function for values.
unionWith :: (Ord k) => (v -> v -> v) -> Trie k v -> Trie k v -> Trie k v
unionWith f (Trie v ss) (Trie w ts) =
  Trie (unionMaybeWith f v w) (Map.unionWith (unionWith f) ss ts)

-- | Insert.  Overwrites existing value if present.
--   @insert = insertWith (\ new old -> new)@
insert :: (Ord k) => [k] -> v -> Trie k v -> Trie k v
insert k v t = union (singleton k v) t

-- | Insert with function merging new value with old value.
insertWith :: (Ord k) => (v -> v -> v) -> [k] -> v -> Trie k v -> Trie k v
insertWith f k v t = unionWith f (singleton k v) t

-- | Delete value at key, but leave subtree intact.
delete :: Ord k => [k] -> Trie k v -> Trie k v
delete path = adjust path (const Nothing)

-- | Adjust value at key, leave subtree intact.
adjust :: Ord k => [k] -> (Maybe v -> Maybe v) -> Trie k v -> Trie k v
adjust path f t@(Trie v ts) =
  case path of
    -- case: found the value we want to adjust: adjust it!
    []                                 -> Trie (f v) ts
    -- case: found the subtrie matching the first key: adjust recursively
    k : ks | Lazy.Just s <- Map.lookup k ts -> Trie v $ Map.insert k (adjust ks f s) ts
    -- case: subtrie not found: leave trie untouched
    _ -> t

-- | Convert to ascending list.
toList :: Ord k => Trie k v -> [([k],v)]
toList = toAscList

-- | Convert to ascending list.
toAscList :: Ord k => Trie k v -> [([k],v)]
toAscList (Trie mv ts) = maybeToList (([],) <$> mv) ++
  [ (k:ks, v)
  | (k,  t) <- Map.toAscList ts
  , (ks, v) <- toAscList t

-- | Collect all values along a given path.
lookupPath :: Ord k => [k] -> Trie k v -> [v]
lookupPath xs (Trie v cs) = case xs of
    []     -> maybeToList v
    x : xs -> maybeToList v ++ Lazy.maybe [] (lookupPath xs) (Map.lookup x cs)

-- Tests ------------------------------------------------------------------

newtype Key = Key Int
  deriving (Eq, Ord)

newtype Val = Val Int
  deriving (Eq)

newtype Model = Model [([Key], Val)]
  deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Show Key where
  show (Key x) = show x

instance Show Val where
  show (Val x) = show x

instance Arbitrary Key where
  arbitrary = elements $ map Key [1..2]
  shrink (Key x) = Key <$> shrink x

instance Arbitrary Val where
  arbitrary = elements $ map Val [1..3]
  shrink (Val x) = Val <$> shrink x

instance Arbitrary Model where
  arbitrary = Model <$> arbitrary
  shrink (Model xs) = Model <$> shrink xs

modelToTrie :: Model -> Trie Key Val
modelToTrie (Model xs) = foldr (uncurry insert) empty xs

modelPath :: [Key] -> Model -> [Val]
modelPath ks (Model xs) =
  map snd
  $ sortBy (compare `on` length . fst)
  $ nubBy ((==) `on` fst)
  $ filter (flip isPrefixOf ks . fst) xs

prop_path :: [Key] -> Model -> Property
prop_path ks m =
  collect (length $ modelPath ks m) $
  lookupPath ks (modelToTrie m) == modelPath ks m