{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}

-- | Stuff for sized types that does not require modules
--   "Agda.TypeChecking.Reduce" or "Agda.TypeChecking.Constraints"
--   (which import "Agda.TypeChecking.Monad").

module Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.SizedTypes where

import Control.Applicative

import Agda.Interaction.Options

import Agda.Syntax.Common
import Agda.Syntax.Internal

import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Base
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Options
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Builtin
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Signature
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.State
import Agda.TypeChecking.Positivity.Occurrence
import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute ()

import Agda.Utils.Except ( MonadError(catchError) )
import Agda.Utils.List
import Agda.Utils.Monad

#include "undefined.h"
import Agda.Utils.Impossible

-- * Testing for type 'Size'

-- | Result of querying whether size variable @i@ is bounded by another
--   size.
data BoundedSize
  =  BoundedLt Term -- ^ yes @i : Size< t@
  |  BoundedNo
     deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Check if a type is the 'primSize' type. The argument should be 'reduce'd.
isSizeType :: Type -> TCM (Maybe BoundedSize)
isSizeType v = isSizeTypeTest <*> pure v

isSizeTypeTest :: TCM (Type -> Maybe BoundedSize)
isSizeTypeTest =
  flip (ifM (optSizedTypes <$> pragmaOptions)) (return $ const Nothing) $ do
    (size, sizelt) <- getBuiltinSize
    let testType (Def d [])        | Just d == size   = Just BoundedNo
        testType (Def d [Apply v]) | Just d == sizelt = Just $ BoundedLt $ unArg v
        testType _                                    = Nothing
    return $ testType . ignoreSharing . unEl

getBuiltinDefName :: String -> TCM (Maybe QName)
getBuiltinDefName s = fromDef . fmap ignoreSharing <$> getBuiltin' s
    fromDef (Just (Def d [])) = Just d
    fromDef _                 = Nothing

getBuiltinSize :: TCM (Maybe QName, Maybe QName)
getBuiltinSize = do
  size   <- getBuiltinDefName builtinSize
  sizelt <- getBuiltinDefName builtinSizeLt
  return (size, sizelt)

isSizeNameTest :: TCM (QName -> Bool)
isSizeNameTest = ifM (optSizedTypes <$> pragmaOptions)
  (return $ const False)

isSizeNameTestRaw :: TCM (QName -> Bool)
isSizeNameTestRaw = do
  (size, sizelt) <- getBuiltinSize
  return $ (`elem` [size, sizelt]) . Just

-- | Test whether OPTIONS --sized-types and whether
--   the size built-ins are defined.
haveSizedTypes :: TCM Bool
haveSizedTypes = do
    Def _ [] <- ignoreSharing <$> primSize
    Def _ [] <- ignoreSharing <$> primSizeInf
    Def _ [] <- ignoreSharing <$> primSizeSuc
    optSizedTypes <$> pragmaOptions
  `catchError` \_ -> return False

-- | Add polarity info to a SIZE builtin.
builtinSizeHook :: String -> QName -> Type -> TCM ()
builtinSizeHook s q t = do
  when (s `elem` [builtinSizeLt, builtinSizeSuc]) $ do
    modifySignature $ updateDefinition q
      $ updateDefPolarity       (const [Covariant])
      . updateDefArgOccurrences (const [StrictPos])
  when (s == builtinSizeMax) $ do
    modifySignature $ updateDefinition q
      $ updateDefPolarity       (const [Covariant, Covariant])
      . updateDefArgOccurrences (const [StrictPos, StrictPos])
      . updateDefType           (const tmax)
    -- TODO: max : (i j : Size) -> Size< (suc (max i j))
    tmax =

-- * Constructors

-- | The sort of built-in types @SIZE@ and @SIZELT@.
sizeSort :: Sort
sizeSort = mkType 0

-- | The type of built-in types @SIZE@ and @SIZELT@.
sizeUniv :: Type
sizeUniv = sort $ sizeSort

-- | The built-in type @SIZE@ with user-given name.
sizeType_ :: QName -> Type
sizeType_ size = El sizeSort $ Def size []

-- | The built-in type @SIZE@.
sizeType :: TCM Type
sizeType = El sizeSort <$> primSize

-- | The name of @SIZESUC@.
sizeSucName :: TCM (Maybe QName)
sizeSucName = liftTCM $
  ifM (not . optSizedTypes <$> pragmaOptions) (return Nothing) $ do
    Def x [] <- ignoreSharing <$> primSizeSuc
    return $ Just x
  `catchError` \_ -> return Nothing

sizeSuc :: Nat -> Term -> TCM Term
sizeSuc n v | n < 0     = __IMPOSSIBLE__
            | n == 0    = return v
            | otherwise = do
  Def suc [] <- ignoreSharing <$> primSizeSuc
  return $ case iterate (sizeSuc_ suc) v !!! n of
             Nothing -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
             Just t  -> t

sizeSuc_ :: QName -> Term -> Term
sizeSuc_ suc v = Def suc [Apply $ defaultArg v]

-- | Transform list of terms into a term build from binary maximum.
sizeMax :: [Term] -> TCM Term
sizeMax vs = case vs of
  []  -> __IMPOSSIBLE__  -- we do not have a zero size
  [v] -> return v
  vs  -> do
    Def max [] <- primSizeMax
    return $ foldr1 (\ u v -> Def max $ map (Apply . defaultArg) [u,v]) vs

-- * Viewing and unviewing sizes

-- | A useful view on sizes.
data SizeView = SizeInf | SizeSuc Term | OtherSize Term

sizeView :: Term -> TCM SizeView
sizeView v = do
  Def inf [] <- ignoreSharing <$> primSizeInf
  Def suc [] <- ignoreSharing <$> primSizeSuc
  case ignoreSharing v of
    Def x []        | x == inf -> return SizeInf
    Def x [Apply u] | x == suc -> return $ SizeSuc (unArg u)
    _                          -> return $ OtherSize v

type Offset = Nat

-- | A deep view on sizes.
data DeepSizeView
  = DSizeInf
  | DSizeVar Nat Offset
  | DSizeMeta MetaId Elims Offset
  | DOtherSize Term
  deriving (Show)

data SizeViewComparable a
  = NotComparable
  | YesAbove DeepSizeView a
  | YesBelow DeepSizeView a
  deriving (Functor)

-- | @sizeViewComparable v w@ checks whether @v >= w@ (then @Left@)
--   or @v <= w@ (then @Right@).  If uncomparable, it returns @NotComparable@.
sizeViewComparable :: DeepSizeView -> DeepSizeView -> SizeViewComparable ()
sizeViewComparable v w = case (v,w) of
  (DSizeInf, _) -> YesAbove w ()
  (_, DSizeInf) -> YesBelow w ()
  (DSizeVar x n, DSizeVar y m) | x == y -> if n >= m then YesAbove w () else YesBelow w ()
  _ -> NotComparable

sizeViewSuc_ :: QName -> DeepSizeView -> DeepSizeView
sizeViewSuc_ suc v = case v of
  DSizeInf         -> DSizeInf
  DSizeVar i n     -> DSizeVar i (n + 1)
  DSizeMeta x vs n -> DSizeMeta x vs (n + 1)
  DOtherSize u     -> DOtherSize $ sizeSuc_ suc u

-- | @sizeViewPred k v@ decrements @v@ by @k@ (must be possible!).
sizeViewPred :: Nat -> DeepSizeView -> DeepSizeView
sizeViewPred 0 v = v
sizeViewPred k v = case v of
  DSizeInf -> DSizeInf
  DSizeVar  i    n | n >= k -> DSizeVar  i    (n - k)
  DSizeMeta x vs n | n >= k -> DSizeMeta x vs (n - k)
  _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__

-- | @sizeViewOffset v@ returns the number of successors or Nothing when infty.
sizeViewOffset :: DeepSizeView -> Maybe Offset
sizeViewOffset v = case v of
  DSizeInf         -> Nothing
  DSizeVar i n     -> Just n
  DSizeMeta x vs n -> Just n
  DOtherSize u     -> Just 0

-- | Remove successors common to both sides.
removeSucs :: (DeepSizeView, DeepSizeView) -> (DeepSizeView, DeepSizeView)
removeSucs (v, w) = (sizeViewPred k v, sizeViewPred k w)
  where k = case (sizeViewOffset v, sizeViewOffset w) of
              (Just  n, Just  m) -> min n m
              (Just  n, Nothing) -> n
              (Nothing, Just  m) -> m
              (Nothing, Nothing) -> 0

-- | Turn a size view into a term.
unSizeView :: SizeView -> TCM Term
unSizeView SizeInf       = primSizeInf
unSizeView (SizeSuc v)   = sizeSuc 1 v
unSizeView (OtherSize v) = return v

unDeepSizeView :: DeepSizeView -> TCM Term
unDeepSizeView v = case v of
  DSizeInf         -> primSizeInf
  DSizeVar i     n -> sizeSuc n $ var i
  DSizeMeta x us n -> sizeSuc n $ MetaV x us
  DOtherSize u     -> return u

-- * View on sizes where maximum is pulled to the top

type SizeMaxView = [DeepSizeView]

maxViewMax :: SizeMaxView -> SizeMaxView -> SizeMaxView
maxViewMax v w = case (v,w) of
  (DSizeInf : _, _) -> [DSizeInf]
  (_, DSizeInf : _) -> [DSizeInf]
  _                 -> foldr maxViewCons w v

-- | @maxViewCons v ws = max v ws@.  It only adds @v@ to @ws@ if it is not
--   subsumed by an element of @ws@.
maxViewCons :: DeepSizeView -> SizeMaxView -> SizeMaxView
maxViewCons _ [DSizeInf] = [DSizeInf]
maxViewCons DSizeInf _   = [DSizeInf]
maxViewCons v ws = case sizeViewComparableWithMax v ws of
  NotComparable  -> v:ws
  YesAbove _ ws' -> v:ws'
  YesBelow{}     -> ws

-- | @sizeViewComparableWithMax v ws@ tries to find @w@ in @ws@ that compares with @v@
--   and singles this out.
--   Precondition: @v /= DSizeInv@.
sizeViewComparableWithMax :: DeepSizeView -> SizeMaxView -> SizeViewComparable SizeMaxView
sizeViewComparableWithMax v ws = case ws of
  []     -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
  [w]    -> fmap (const []) $ sizeViewComparable v w
  (w:ws) -> case sizeViewComparable v w of
            NotComparable -> fmap (w:) $ sizeViewComparableWithMax v ws
            r  -> fmap (const ws) r

maxViewSuc_ :: QName -> SizeMaxView -> SizeMaxView
maxViewSuc_ suc = map (sizeViewSuc_ suc)

unMaxView :: SizeMaxView -> TCM Term
unMaxView vs = sizeMax =<< mapM unDeepSizeView vs