{-# LANGUAGE CPP                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

-- | Pattern matcher used in the reducer for clauses that
--   have not been compiled to case trees yet.

module Agda.TypeChecking.Patterns.Match where

import Prelude hiding (null)

import Data.Monoid
import Data.Traversable (traverse)

import Agda.Syntax.Common
import Agda.Syntax.Internal as I

import Agda.TypeChecking.Reduce
import Agda.TypeChecking.Reduce.Monad
import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad hiding (reportSDoc)
import Agda.TypeChecking.Pretty

import Agda.Utils.Functor (for, ($>))
import Agda.Utils.Monad
import Agda.Utils.Null
import Agda.Utils.Size
import Agda.Utils.Tuple

#include "undefined.h"
import Agda.Utils.Impossible

-- | If matching is inconclusive (@DontKnow@) we want to know whether
--   it is due to a particular meta variable.
data Match a = Yes Simplification [a]
             | No
             | DontKnow (Blocked ())
  deriving Functor

instance Null (Match a) where
  empty = Yes empty empty
  null (Yes simpl as) = null simpl && null as
  null _              = False

-- 'mappend' is UNUSED.
-- instance Monoid (Match a) where
--     mempty = Yes mempty []

--     Yes s us   `mappend` Yes s' vs        = Yes (s `mappend` s') (us ++ vs)
--     Yes _ _    `mappend` No               = No
--     Yes _ _    `mappend` DontKnow m       = DontKnow m
--     No         `mappend` _                = No

--     -- @NotBlocked (StuckOn e)@ means blocked by a variable.
--     -- In this case, no instantiation of
--     -- meta-variables will make progress.
--     DontKnow b `mappend` DontKnow b'      = DontKnow $ b `mappend` b'

--     -- One could imagine DontKnow _ `mappend` No = No, but would break the
--     -- equivalence to case-trees.
--     DontKnow m `mappend` _                = DontKnow m

-- | Instead of 'zipWithM', we need to use this lazy version
--   of combining pattern matching computations.

-- Andreas, 2014-05-08, see Issue 1124:
-- Due to a bug in TypeChecking.Patterns.Match
-- a failed match of (C n b) against (C O unit)
-- turned into (C n unit).
-- This was because all patterns were matched in
-- parallel, and evaluations of successfull matches
-- (and a record constructor like unit can always
-- be successfully matched) were returned, leading
-- to a reassembly of (C n b) as (C n unit) which is
-- illtyped.

-- Now patterns are matched left to right and
-- upon failure, no further matching is performed.

  :: forall p v . (p -> v -> ReduceM (Match Term, v))
  -> [p] -> [v] -> ReduceM (Match Term, [v])
foldMatch match = loop where
  loop :: [p] -> [v] -> ReduceM (Match Term, [v])
  loop ps0 vs0 = do
    case (ps0, vs0) of
      ([], []) -> return (empty, [])
      (p : ps, v : vs) -> do
        (r, v') <- match p v
        case r of
          No         -> return (No        , v' : vs)
          DontKnow m -> return (DontKnow m, v' : vs)
          Yes s us   -> do
            (r', vs') <- loop ps vs
            let vs1 = v' : vs'
            case r' of
              Yes s' us' -> return (Yes (s `mappend` s') (us ++ us'), vs1)
              No         -> return (No                              , vs1)
              DontKnow m -> return (DontKnow m                      , vs1)
      _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__

-- | @matchCopatterns ps es@ matches spine @es@ against copattern spine @ps@.
--   Returns 'Yes' and a substitution for the pattern variables
--   (in form of [Term]) if matching was successful.
--   Returns 'No' if there was a constructor or projection mismatch.
--   Returns 'DontKnow' if an argument could not be evaluated to
--   constructor form because of a blocking meta variable.
--   In any case, also returns spine @es@ in reduced form
--   (with all the weak head reductions performed that were necessary
--   to come to a decision).
matchCopatterns :: [I.NamedArg Pattern] -> [Elim] -> ReduceM (Match Term, [Elim])
matchCopatterns ps vs = do
  traceSDoc "tc.match" 50
    (vcat [ text "matchCopatterns"
          , nest 2 $ text "ps =" <+> fsep (punctuate comma $ map (prettyTCM . namedArg) ps)
          , nest 2 $ text "vs =" <+> fsep (punctuate comma $ map prettyTCM vs)
          ]) $ do
     -- Buggy, see issue 1124:
     -- mapFst mconcat . unzip <$> zipWithM' (matchCopattern . namedArg) ps vs
     foldMatch (matchCopattern . namedArg) ps vs

-- | Match a single copattern.
matchCopattern :: Pattern -> Elim -> ReduceM (Match Term, Elim)
matchCopattern (ProjP p) elim@(Proj q)
  | p == q    = return (Yes YesSimplification [], elim)
  | otherwise = return (No                      , elim)
matchCopattern ProjP{} Apply{}   = __IMPOSSIBLE__
matchCopattern _       Proj{}    = __IMPOSSIBLE__
matchCopattern p       (Apply v) = mapSnd Apply <$> matchPattern p v

matchPatterns :: [I.NamedArg Pattern] -> [I.Arg Term] -> ReduceM (Match Term, [I.Arg Term])
matchPatterns ps vs = do
  traceSDoc "tc.match" 50
    (vcat [ text "matchPatterns"
          , nest 2 $ text "ps =" <+> fsep (punctuate comma $ map (text . show) ps)
          , nest 2 $ text "vs =" <+> fsep (punctuate comma $ map prettyTCM vs)
          ]) $ do
     -- Buggy, see issue 1124:
     -- (ms,vs) <- unzip <$> zipWithM' (matchPattern . namedArg) ps vs
     -- return (mconcat ms, vs)
     foldMatch (matchPattern . namedArg) ps vs

-- | Match a single pattern.
matchPattern :: Pattern -> I.Arg Term -> ReduceM (Match Term, I.Arg Term)
matchPattern p u = case (p, u) of
  (ProjP{}, _            ) -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
  (VarP _ , arg@(Arg _ v)) -> return (Yes NoSimplification [v], arg)
  (DotP _ , arg@(Arg _ v)) -> return (Yes NoSimplification [v], arg)
  (LitP l , arg@(Arg _ v)) -> do
    w <- reduceB' v
    let arg' = arg $> ignoreBlocking w
    case ignoreSharing <$> w of
      NotBlocked _ (Lit l')
          | l == l'            -> return (Yes YesSimplification []    , arg')
          | otherwise          -> return (No                          , arg')
      NotBlocked _ (MetaV x _) -> return (DontKnow $ Blocked x ()     , arg')
      Blocked x _              -> return (DontKnow $ Blocked x ()     , arg')
      NotBlocked r t           -> return (DontKnow $ NotBlocked r' () , arg')
        where r' = stuckOn (Apply arg') r

  -- Case record pattern: always succeed!
  -- This case is necessary if we want to use the clauses before
  -- record pattern translation (e.g., in type-checking definitions by copatterns).
  (ConP con@(ConHead c _ ds) ConPatternInfo{conPRecord = Just{}} ps, arg@(Arg info v))
     -- precondition: con actually comes with the record fields
     | size ds == size ps -> mapSnd (Arg info . Con con) <$> do
         matchPatterns ps $ for ds $ \ d -> Arg info $ v `applyE` [Proj d]
           -- TODO: correct info for projected terms
     | otherwise -> __IMPOSSIBLE__

  -- Case data constructor pattern.
  (ConP c _ ps, Arg info v) ->
    do  w <- traverse constructorForm =<< reduceB' v
        -- Unfold delayed (corecursive) definitions one step. This is
        -- only necessary if c is a coinductive constructor, but
        -- 1) it does not hurt to do it all the time, and
        -- 2) whatInduction c sometimes crashes because c may point to
        --    an axiom at this stage (if we are checking the
        --    projection functions for a record type).
        w <- case ignoreSharing <$> w of
               NotBlocked r (Def f es) ->   -- Andreas, 2014-06-12 TODO: r == ReallyNotBlocked sufficient?
                 unfoldDefinitionE True reduceB' (Def f []) f es
                   -- reduceB is used here because some constructors
                   -- are actually definitions which need to be
                   -- unfolded (due to open public).
               _ -> return w
        w <- case w of
               NotBlocked r u -> unfoldCorecursion u  -- Andreas, 2014-06-12 TODO: r == ReallyNotBlocked sufficient?
               _ -> return w
        let v = ignoreBlocking w
            arg = Arg info v  -- the reduced argument
        case ignoreSharing <$> w of
          NotBlocked _ (Con c' vs)
            | c == c'               -> do
                (m, vs) <- yesSimplification <$> matchPatterns ps vs
                return (m, Arg info $ Con c' vs)
            | otherwise             -> return (No                          , arg)
          NotBlocked _ (MetaV x vs) -> return (DontKnow $ Blocked x ()     , arg)
          Blocked x _               -> return (DontKnow $ Blocked x ()     , arg)
          NotBlocked r _            -> return (DontKnow $ NotBlocked r' () , arg)
            where r' = stuckOn (Apply arg) r
-- ASR (08 November 2014). The type of the function could be
-- @(Match Term, [I.Arg Term]) -> (Match Term, [I.Arg Term])@.
yesSimplification :: (Match a, b) -> (Match a, b)
yesSimplification (Yes _ vs, us) = (Yes YesSimplification vs, us)
yesSimplification r              = r