{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}

-- | Functions for abstracting terms over other terms.
module Agda.TypeChecking.Abstract where

import Control.Monad
import Data.Function

import Agda.Syntax.Common hiding (Arg, Dom, NamedArg)
import qualified Agda.Syntax.Common as Common
import Agda.Syntax.Internal

import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute

import Agda.Utils.List (splitExactlyAt)
import Agda.Utils.Impossible

#include "undefined.h"

piAbstractTerm :: Term -> Type -> Type -> Type
piAbstractTerm v a b = fun a (abstractTerm v b)
    fun a b = El s $ Pi (defaultDom a) $ mkAbs "w" b
      where s = (sLub `on` getSort) a b

-- | @isPrefixOf u v = Just es@ if @v == u `applyE` es@.
class IsPrefixOf a where
  isPrefixOf :: a -> a -> Maybe Elims

instance IsPrefixOf Elims where
  isPrefixOf us vs = do
    (vs1, vs2) <- splitExactlyAt (length us) vs
    guard $ us == vs1
    return vs2

instance IsPrefixOf Args where
  isPrefixOf us vs = do
    (vs1, vs2) <- splitExactlyAt (length us) vs
    guard $ us == vs1
    return $ map Apply vs2

instance IsPrefixOf Term where
  isPrefixOf u v =
    case (ignoreSharing u, ignoreSharing v) of
      (Var   i us, Var   j vs) | i == j  -> us `isPrefixOf` vs
      (Def   f us, Def   g vs) | f == g  -> us `isPrefixOf` vs
      (Con   c us, Con   d vs) | c == d  -> us `isPrefixOf` vs
      (MetaV x us, MetaV y vs) | x == y  -> us `isPrefixOf` vs
      (u, v) -> guard (u == v) >> return []

class AbstractTerm a where
  -- | @subst u . abstractTerm u == id@
  abstractTerm :: Term -> a -> a

instance AbstractTerm Term where
  abstractTerm u v | Just es <- u `isPrefixOf` v = Var 0 $ absT es
                   | otherwise                   =
    case v of
-- Andreas, 2013-10-20: the original impl. works only at base types
--    v | u == v  -> Var 0 []  -- incomplete see succeed/WithOfFunctionType
      Var i vs    -> Var (i + 1) $ absT vs
      Lam h b     -> Lam h $ absT b
      Def c vs    -> Def c $ absT vs
      Con c vs    -> Con c $ absT vs
      Pi a b      -> uncurry Pi $ absT (a, b)
      Lit l       -> Lit l
      Level l     -> Level $ absT l
      Sort s      -> Sort $ absT s
      MetaV m vs  -> MetaV m $ absT vs
      DontCare mv -> DontCare $ absT mv
      Shared p    -> Shared $ absT p
      ExtLam{}    -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
        absT x = abstractTerm u x

instance AbstractTerm a => AbstractTerm (Ptr a) where
  abstractTerm u = fmap (abstractTerm u)

instance AbstractTerm Type where
  abstractTerm u (El s v) = El (abstractTerm u s) (abstractTerm u v)

instance AbstractTerm Sort where
  abstractTerm u s = case s of
    Type n     -> Type $ absS n
    Prop       -> Prop
    Inf        -> Inf
    SizeUniv   -> SizeUniv
    DLub s1 s2 -> DLub (absS s1) (absS s2)
    where absS x = abstractTerm u x

instance AbstractTerm Level where
  abstractTerm u (Max as) = Max $ abstractTerm u as

instance AbstractTerm PlusLevel where
  abstractTerm u l@ClosedLevel{} = l
  abstractTerm u (Plus n l) = Plus n $ abstractTerm u l

instance AbstractTerm LevelAtom where
  abstractTerm u l = case l of
    MetaLevel m vs   -> MetaLevel m    $ abstractTerm u vs
    NeutralLevel r v -> NeutralLevel r $ abstractTerm u v
    BlockedLevel _ v -> UnreducedLevel $ abstractTerm u v -- abstracting might remove the blockage
    UnreducedLevel v -> UnreducedLevel $ abstractTerm u v

instance AbstractTerm a => AbstractTerm (Elim' a) where
  abstractTerm = fmap . abstractTerm

instance AbstractTerm a => AbstractTerm (Arg a) where
  abstractTerm = fmap . abstractTerm

instance AbstractTerm a => AbstractTerm (Dom a) where
  abstractTerm = fmap . abstractTerm

instance AbstractTerm a => AbstractTerm [a] where
  abstractTerm = fmap . abstractTerm

instance AbstractTerm a => AbstractTerm (Maybe a) where
  abstractTerm = fmap . abstractTerm

instance (Subst a, AbstractTerm a) => AbstractTerm (Abs a) where
  abstractTerm u (NoAbs x v) = NoAbs x $ abstractTerm u v
  abstractTerm u (Abs   x v) = Abs x $ applySubst swap $ abstractTerm (raise 1 u) v
      -- This swaps var 0 and var 1 (we hope)
      swap = var 1 :# liftS 1 (raiseS 1)

instance (AbstractTerm a, AbstractTerm b) => AbstractTerm (a, b) where
  abstractTerm u (x, y) = (abstractTerm u x, abstractTerm u y)