module Agda.TypeChecking.Rules.Record where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe

import qualified Agda.Syntax.Abstract as A
import Agda.Syntax.Common
import Agda.Syntax.Internal
import Agda.Syntax.Internal.Pattern
import Agda.Syntax.Position
import qualified Agda.Syntax.Info as Info

import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad
import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute
import Agda.TypeChecking.Telescope
import Agda.TypeChecking.Reduce
import Agda.TypeChecking.Positivity.Occurrence
import Agda.TypeChecking.Pretty
import Agda.TypeChecking.Polarity
import Agda.TypeChecking.Irrelevance
import Agda.TypeChecking.CompiledClause.Compile

import Agda.TypeChecking.Rules.Data ( bindParameters, fitsIn )
import Agda.TypeChecking.Rules.Term ( isType_ )
import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.TypeChecking.Rules.Decl (checkDecl)

import Agda.Utils.Size
import Agda.Utils.Permutation
import Agda.Utils.Monad

import Agda.Interaction.Options

#include "undefined.h"
import Agda.Utils.Impossible

-- * Records

-- | @checkRecDef i name con ps contel fields@
--     [@name@]    Record type identifier.
--     [@con@]     Maybe constructor name and info.
--     [@ps@]      Record parameters.
--     [@contel@]  Approximate type of constructor (@fields@ -> Set).
--                 Does not include record parameters.
--     [@fields@]  List of field signatures.
  :: Info.DefInfo              -- ^ Position and other info.
  -> QName                     -- ^ Record type identifier.
  -> Maybe (Ranged Induction)  -- ^ Optional: (co)inductive declaration.
  -> Maybe Bool
  -> Maybe QName               -- ^ Optional: constructor name.
  -> [A.LamBinding]            -- ^ Record parameters.
  -> A.Expr                    -- ^ Approximate type of constructor (@fields@ -> Set).
                               --   Does not include record parameters.
  -> [A.Field]                 -- ^ Field signatures.
  -> TCM ()
checkRecDef i name ind eta con ps contel fields =
  traceCall (CheckRecDef (getRange name) (qnameName name) ps fields) $ do
    reportSDoc "tc.rec" 10 $ vcat
      [ text "checking record def" <+> prettyTCM name
      , nest 2 $ text "ps ="     <+> prettyList (map prettyAs ps)
      , nest 2 $ text "contel =" <+> prettyA contel
      , nest 2 $ text "fields =" <+> prettyA (map Constr fields)
    -- get type of record
    t <- instantiateFull =<< typeOfConst name
    bindParameters ps t $ \tel t0 -> do

      -- Generate type of constructor from field telescope @contel@,
      -- which is the approximate constructor type (target missing).

      -- Check and evaluate field types.
      reportSDoc "tc.rec" 15 $ text "checking fields"
      -- WRONG: contype <- workOnTypes $ killRange <$> (instantiateFull =<< isType_ contel)
      contype <- killRange <$> (instantiateFull =<< isType_ contel)
      reportSDoc "tc.rec" 20 $ vcat
        [ text "contype = " <+> prettyTCM contype ]

      -- compute the field telescope (does not include record parameters)
      let TelV ftel _ = telView' contype

          -- A record is irrelevant if all of its fields are.
          -- In this case, the associated module parameter will be irrelevant.
          -- See issue 392.
          recordRelevance = minimum $ Irrelevant : (map getRelevance $ telToList ftel)

      -- Compute correct type of constructor

      -- t = tel -> t0 where t0 must be a sort s
      t0' <- normalise t0
      s <- case ignoreSharing $ unEl t0' of
        Sort s  -> return s
        _       -> typeError $ ShouldBeASort t0
      gamma <- getContextTelescope  -- the record params (incl. module params)
      reportSDoc "tc.rec" 20 $ vcat
        [ text "gamma = " <+> inTopContext (prettyTCM gamma) ]

      -- record type (name applied to parameters)
      let rect = El s $ Def name $ map Apply $ teleArgs gamma

      -- Put in @rect@ as correct target of constructor type.
      -- Andreas, 2011-05-10 use telePi_ instead of telePi to preserve
      -- even names of non-dependent fields in constructor type (Issue 322).
      let contype = telePi_ ftel (raise (size ftel) rect)
        -- NB: contype does not contain the parameter telescope

      -- Obtain name of constructor (if present).
      (hasNamedCon, conName, conInfo) <- case con of
        Just c  -> return (True, c, i)
        Nothing -> do
          m <- killRange <$> currentModule
          c <- qualify m <$> freshName_ ("recCon-NOT-PRINTED" :: String)
          return (False, c, i)

      -- Add record type to signature.
      reportSDoc "tc.rec" 15 $ text "adding record type to signature"

      etaenabled <- etaEnabled

      let getName :: A.Declaration -> [Arg QName]
          getName (A.Field _ x arg)    = [x <$ arg]
          getName (A.ScopedDecl _ [f]) = getName f
          getName _                    = []

          fs = concatMap getName fields
          -- indCo is what the user wrote: inductive/coinductive/Nothing.
          -- We drop the Range.
          indCo = rangedThing <$> ind
          -- A constructor is inductive unless declared coinductive.
          conInduction = fromMaybe Inductive indCo
          haveEta      = maybe (Inferred $ conInduction == Inductive && etaenabled) Specified eta
          con = ConHead conName conInduction $ map unArg fs

      reportSDoc "tc.rec" 30 $ text "record constructor is " <+> text (show con)
      addConstant name $ defaultDefn defaultArgInfo name t0
                       $ Record { recPars           = 0
                                , recClause         = Nothing
                                , recConHead        = con
                                , recNamedCon       = hasNamedCon
                                , recConType        = contype  -- addConstant adds params!
                                , recFields         = fs
                                , recTel            = ftel     -- addConstant adds params!
                                , recAbstr          = Info.defAbstract i
                                , recEtaEquality'   = haveEta
                                , recInduction      = indCo    -- we retain the original user declaration, in case the record turns out to be recursive
                                -- determined by positivity checker:
                                , recRecursive      = False
                                , recMutual         = []

      -- Add record constructor to signature
      -- Andreas, 2011-05-19 moved this here, it was below the record module
      --   creation
      addConstant conName $
        defaultDefn defaultArgInfo conName contype $
             Constructor { conPars   = 0
                         , conSrcCon = con
                         , conData   = name
                         , conAbstr  = Info.defAbstract conInfo
                         , conInd    = conInduction
      -- Declare the constructor as eligible for instance search
      when (Info.defInstance i == InstanceDef) $ do
        addNamedInstance conName name

      -- Check that the fields fit inside the sort
      contype `fitsIn` s

      {- Andreas, 2011-04-27 WRONG because field types are checked again
         and then non-stricts should not yet be irrelevant

      -- make record parameters hidden and non-stricts irrelevant
      -- ctx <- (reverse . map hideAndRelParams . take (size tel)) <$> getContext

{- Andreas, 2013-09-13 DEBUGGING the debug printout
      reportSDoc "tc.rec" 80 $ sep
        [ text "current module record telescope"
        , nest 2 $ (prettyTCM =<< getContextTelescope)
      reportSDoc "tc.rec" 80 $ sep
        [ text "current module record telescope"
        , nest 2 $ (text . show =<< getContextTelescope)
      reportSDoc "tc.rec" 80 $ sep
        [ text "current module record telescope"
        , nest 2 $ (inTopContext . prettyTCM =<< getContextTelescope)
      reportSDoc "tc.rec" 80 $ sep
        [ text "current module record telescope"
        , nest 2 $ do
           tel <- getContextTelescope
           text (show tel) $+$ do
           inContext [] $ do
             prettyTCM tel $+$ do
               telA <- reify tel
               text (show telA) $+$ do
               ctx <- getContextTelescope
               text "should be empty:" <+> prettyTCM ctx

      let info = setRelevance recordRelevance defaultArgInfo
          addRecordVar = addCtxString "" $ Dom info rect
          -- the record variable has the empty name by intention, see issue 208

      let m = qnameToMName name  -- Name of record module.

      -- Andreas, 2016-02-09 setting all parameters hidden in the record
      -- section telescope changes the semantics, see e.g.
      -- test/Succeed/RecordInParModule.
      -- Ulf, 2016-03-02 but it's the right thing to do (#1759)
      modifyContext (modifyContextEntries hideOrKeepInstance) $ addRecordVar $ do

        -- Add the record section.

        reportSDoc "tc.rec.def" 10 $ sep
          [ text "record section:"
          , nest 2 $ sep
            [ prettyTCM m <+> (inTopContext . prettyTCM =<< getContextTelescope)
            , fsep $ punctuate comma $ map (text . show . getName) fields
        reportSDoc "tc.rec.def" 15 $ nest 2 $ vcat
          [ text "field tel =" <+> escapeContext 1 (prettyTCM ftel)
        addSection m

      -- Andreas, 2016-02-09, Issue 1815 (see also issue 1759).
      -- For checking the record declarations, hide the record parameters
      -- and the parameters of the parent modules.
      modifyContext (modifyContextEntries hideOrKeepInstance) $ addRecordVar $ do

        -- Check the types of the fields and the other record declarations.
        withCurrentModule m $ do

          -- Andreas, 2013-09-13, 2016-01-06.
          -- Argument telescope for the projections: all parameters are hidden.
          -- This means parameters of the parent modules and of the current
          -- record type.
          -- See test/Succeed/ProjectionsTakeModuleTelAsParameters.agda.
          tel' <- getContextTelescope
          checkRecordProjections m name con tel' (raise 1 ftel) fields

        -- Andreas 2012-02-13: postpone polarity computation until after positivity check
        -- computePolarity name

      return ()

{-| @checkRecordProjections m r q tel ftel fs@.

    [@m@    ]  name of the generated module

    [@r@    ]  name of the record type

    [@con@  ]  name of the record constructor

    [@tel@  ]  parameters and record variable r ("self")

    [@ftel@ ]  telescope of fields

    [@fs@   ]  the fields to be checked
checkRecordProjections ::
  ModuleName -> QName -> ConHead -> Telescope -> Telescope ->
  [A.Declaration] -> TCM ()
checkRecordProjections m r con tel ftel fs = do
    checkProjs EmptyTel ftel fs

    checkProjs :: Telescope -> Telescope -> [A.Declaration] -> TCM ()

    checkProjs _ _ [] = return ()

    checkProjs ftel1 ftel2 (A.ScopedDecl scope fs' : fs) =
      setScope scope >> checkProjs ftel1 ftel2 (fs' ++ fs)

    checkProjs ftel1 (ExtendTel (Dom ai t) ftel2) (A.Field info x _ : fs) =
      traceCall (CheckProjection (getRange info) x t) $ do
      -- Andreas, 2012-06-07:
      -- Issue 387: It is wrong to just type check field types again
      -- because then meta variables are created again.
      -- Instead, we take the field type t from the field telescope.
      reportSDoc "tc.rec.proj" 5 $ sep
        [ text "checking projection" <+> text (show x)
        , nest 2 $ vcat
          [ text "top   =" <+> (inTopContext . prettyTCM =<< getContextTelescope)
          , text "tel   =" <+> (inTopContext . prettyTCM $ tel)
          , text "ftel1 =" <+> prettyTCM ftel1
          , text "t     =" <+> prettyTCM t
          , text "ftel2 =" <+> addCtxTel ftel1 (underAbstraction_ ftel2 prettyTCM)

      -- Andreas, 2010-09-09 The following comments are misleading, TODO: update
      -- in fact, tel includes the variable of record type as last one
      -- e.g. for cartesion product it is
      --   tel = {A' : Set} {B' : Set} (r : Prod A' B')

      -- create the projection functions (instantiate the type with the values
      -- of the previous fields)

      {- what are the contexts?

          Γ, tel            ⊢ t
          Γ, tel, r         ⊢ vs
          Γ, tel, r, ftel₁  ⊢ raiseFrom (size ftel₁) 1 t

      -- The type of the projection function should be
      --  {tel} -> (r : R Δ) -> t
      -- where Δ = Γ, tel is the current context
      let finalt   = telePi (replaceEmptyName "r" tel) t
          projname = qualify m $ qnameName x
          projcall = Var 0 [Proj projname]
          rel      = getRelevance ai
          -- the recursive call
          recurse  = checkProjs (abstract ftel1 $ ExtendTel (Dom ai t)
                                 $ Abs (nameToArgName $ qnameName projname) EmptyTel)
                                (ftel2 `absApp` projcall) fs

      reportSDoc "tc.rec.proj" 25 $ nest 2 $ text "finalt=" <+> do
        inTopContext $ prettyTCM finalt

      -- Andreas, 2012-02-20 do not add irrelevant projections if
      -- disabled by --no-irrelevant-projections
      ifM (return (rel == Irrelevant) `and2M` do not . optIrrelevantProjections <$> pragmaOptions) recurse $ do

        reportSDoc "tc.rec.proj" 10 $ sep
          [ text "adding projection"
          , nest 2 $ prettyTCM projname <+> text ":" <+> inTopContext (prettyTCM finalt)

        -- The body should be
        --  P.xi {tel} (r _ .. x .. _) = x
        -- Ulf, 2011-08-22: actually we're dropping the parameters from the
        -- projection functions so the body is now
        --  P.xi (r _ .. x .. _) = x
        -- Andreas, 2012-01-12: irrelevant projections get translated to
        --  P.xi (r _ .. x .. _) = irrAxiom {level of t} {t} x
        -- PROBLEM: because of dropped parameters, cannot refer to t
        -- 2012-04-02: DontCare instead of irrAxiom

        -- compute body modification for irrelevant projections
        let bodyMod = case rel of
              Relevant   -> id
              Irrelevant -> DontCare
              _          -> __IMPOSSIBLE__

        let -- Andreas, 2010-09-09: comment for existing code
            -- split the telescope into parameters (ptel) and the type or the record
            -- (rt) which should be  R ptel
            (ptel,[rt]) = splitAt (size tel - 1) $ telToList tel
            projArgI    = domInfo rt
            cpi    = ConPatternInfo (Just ConPRec) (Just $ argFromDom $ fmap snd rt)
            conp   = defaultArg $ ConP con cpi $
                     [ Arg info $ unnamed $ VarP "x" | Dom info _ <- telToList ftel ]
            nobind 0 = id
            nobind n = Bind . Abs "_" . nobind (n - 1)
            body   = nobind (size ftel1)
                   $ Bind . Abs "x"
                   $ nobind (size ftel2)
                   $ Body $ bodyMod $ var (size ftel2)
            cltel  = ftel
            clause = Clause { clauseRange = getRange info
                            , clauseTel       = killRange cltel
                            , namedClausePats = [Named Nothing <$> numberPatVars (idP $ size ftel) conp]
                            , clauseBody      = body
                            , clauseType      = Just $ Arg ai t
                            , clauseCatchall  = False

        -- Andreas, 2013-10-20
        -- creating the projection construction function
        let core = Lam projArgI $ Abs "r" $ bodyMod $ projcall
            -- leading lambdas are to ignore parameter applications
            proj = teleNoAbs ptel core
            -- proj = foldr (\ (Dom ai (x, _)) -> Lam ai . NoAbs x) core ptel
            projection = Projection
              { projProper   = Just projname
              -- name of the record type:
              , projFromType = r
              -- index of the record argument (in the type),
              -- start counting with 1:
              , projIndex    = size ptel + 1  -- which is @size tel@
              , projDropPars = proj
              , projArgInfo  = projArgI

        reportSDoc "tc.rec.proj" 80 $ sep
          [ text "adding projection"
          , nest 2 $ prettyTCM projname <+> text (show clause)
        reportSDoc "tc.rec.proj" 70 $ sep
          [ text "adding projection"
          , nest 2 $ prettyTCM projname <+> text (show (clausePats clause)) <+> text "=" <+>
                       inTopContext (addCtxTel ftel (prettyTCM (clauseBody clause)))
        reportSDoc "tc.rec.proj" 10 $ sep
          [ text "adding projection"
          , nest 2 $ prettyTCM (QNamed projname clause)

              -- Record patterns should /not/ be translated when the
              -- projection functions are defined. Record pattern
              -- translation is defined in terms of projection
              -- functions.
        cc <- compileClauses Nothing [clause]

        reportSDoc "tc.cc" 10 $ do
          sep [ text "compiled clauses of " <+> prettyTCM projname
              , nest 2 $ text (show cc)

        escapeContext (size tel) $ do
          addConstant projname $
            (defaultDefn ai projname (killRange finalt)
              Function { funClauses        = [clause]
                       , funCompiled       = Just cc
                       , funTreeless       = Nothing
                       , funDelayed        = NotDelayed
                       , funInv            = NotInjective
                       , funAbstr          = ConcreteDef
                       , funMutual         = []
                       , funProjection     = Just projection
                       , funSmashable      = True
                       , funStatic         = False
                       , funInline         = False
                       , funTerminates     = Just True
                       , funExtLam         = Nothing
                       , funWith           = Nothing
                       , funCopatternLHS   = isCopatternLHS [clause]
              { defArgOccurrences = [StrictPos] }
          computePolarity projname
          when (Info.defInstance info == InstanceDef) $
            addTypedInstance projname finalt


    checkProjs ftel1 ftel2 (d : fs) = do
      checkDecl d
      checkProjs ftel1 ftel2 fs