module Agda.Compiler.JS.Parser where -- This is a simple parser for the ECMAScript FFI, which parses a -- subset of ECMAscript expressions. We do this so that we can -- optimize code that contains FFI expressions, for example -- {-# COMPILED_JS _+_ function (x) { return function (y) { return x+y; }; } #-} -- will generate ECMAScript "1 + 2" from Agda "1 + 2". import Prelude hiding ( exp, lookup ) import Data.List ( genericLength ) import Data.Char ( isLetter, isAlphaNum, isDigit ) import Data.Map ( Map, fromList, union, empty ) import qualified Data.Map as M import Agda.Utils.Parser.ReadP ( ReadP, (+++), (<++), between, char, choice, look, many, munch, munch1, parse', pfail, satisfy, sepBy, string, skipSpaces ) import Agda.Syntax.Common ( Nat ) import Agda.Compiler.JS.Syntax ( LocalId(LocalId), GlobalId(GlobalId), MemberId(MemberId), Exp(Local,Global,Undefined,String,Integer,Lambda,Apply,Object,Lookup,If,BinOp,PreOp,Const) ) type Parser = ReadP Char identifier :: Parser String identifier = do c <- satisfy isLetter cs <- munch isAlphaNum skipSpaces return (c : cs) wordBoundary :: Parser () wordBoundary = do cs <- look case cs of (c:_) | isAlphaNum c -> pfail _ -> return () token :: String -> Parser () token s = string s >> wordBoundary >> skipSpaces punct :: Char -> Parser () punct c = char c >> skipSpaces parened :: Parser a -> Parser a parened = between (punct '(') (punct ')') braced :: Parser a -> Parser a braced = between (punct '{') (punct '}') bracketed :: Parser a -> Parser a bracketed = between (punct '[') (punct ']') quoted :: Parser a -> Parser a quoted = between (char '"') (punct '"') stringLit :: Parser Exp stringLit = do s <- stringStr; return (String s) stringStr :: Parser String stringStr = quoted (many stringChr) stringChr :: Parser Char stringChr = satisfy (`notElem` "\\\"") +++ escChr -- Not handling all escape sequences escChr :: Parser Char escChr = char '\\' >> ( (char 'n' >> return '\n') +++ (char 'r' >> return '\r') +++ (char 't' >> return '\t') +++ (char '"' >> return '"') +++ (char '\\' >> return '\\') ) -- Not handling all integer constants intLit :: Parser Exp intLit = do s <- munch1 isDigit; skipSpaces; return (Integer (read s)) undef :: Parser Exp undef = token "undefined" >> return Undefined localid :: (Map String Nat) -> Parser Exp localid m = do s <- identifier case M.lookup s m of Nothing -> return (Const s) Just i -> return (Local (LocalId i)) globalid :: Parser Exp globalid = do token "require" i <- parened (quoted (sepBy (munch1 isAlphaNum) (char '.'))) return (Global (GlobalId i)) preop :: Parser String preop = do op <- choice (map string [ "+", "-", "!" ]) skipSpaces return op binop :: Parser String binop = do op <- choice (map string [ "<", ">", "<=", ">=", "==", "===", "<<", ">>", "<<<", ">>>", "!=", "!==", "+", "-", "*", "%", "/", "&", "&&", "|", "||", "^" ]) skipSpaces return op field :: (Map String Nat) -> Parser (MemberId,Exp) field m = do l <- stringStr punct ':' e <- exp m return (MemberId l, e) object :: (Map String Nat) -> Parser Exp object m = do o <- braced (sepBy (field m) (punct ',')) return (Object (fromList o)) function :: (Map String Nat) -> Parser Exp function m = do token "function" xs <- parened (sepBy identifier (punct ',')) n <- return (genericLength xs) m' <- return (union (fromList (zip xs [n-1,n-2..0])) ( (+n) m)) e <- bracedBlock m' return (Lambda n e) bracedBlock :: (Map String Nat) -> Parser Exp bracedBlock m = braced (returnBlock m +++ ifBlock m +++ bracedBlock m) returnBlock :: (Map String Nat) -> Parser Exp returnBlock m = between (token "return") (punct ';') (exp m) ifBlock :: (Map String Nat) -> Parser Exp ifBlock m = do token "if" e <- parened (exp m) f <- bracedBlock m token "else" g <- (ifBlock m +++ bracedBlock m) return (If e f g) exp0 :: (Map String Nat) -> Parser Exp exp0 m = function m <++ undef <++ globalid <++ localid m <++ object m <++ stringLit <++ intLit <++ parened (exp m) exp1 :: (Map String Nat) -> Parser Exp exp1 m = (do op <- preop; e <- exp1 m; return (PreOp op e)) <++ (exp0 m) exp2 :: (Map String Nat) -> Parser Exp exp2 m = exp1 m >>= exp2' m -- Not handling operator fixity or precedence exp2' :: (Map String Nat) -> Exp -> Parser Exp exp2' m e = (do es <- parened (sepBy (exp m) (punct ',')); exp2' m (Apply e es)) <++ (do i <- bracketed stringStr; exp2' m (Lookup e (MemberId i))) <++ (do punct '.'; i <- identifier; exp2' m (Lookup e (MemberId i))) <++ (do op <- binop; f <- exp0 m; exp2' m (BinOp e op f)) <++ (return e) exp3 :: (Map String Nat) -> Parser Exp exp3 m = exp2 m >>= exp3' m exp3' :: (Map String Nat) -> Exp -> Parser Exp exp3' m e = (do punct '?'; f <- exp2 m; punct ':'; g <- exp2 m; return (If e f g)) <++ (return e) exp :: (Map String Nat) -> Parser Exp exp = exp3 topLevel :: Parser Exp topLevel = skipSpaces >> exp empty parse :: String -> Either Exp String parse = parse' topLevel