{-# LANGUAGE CPP               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards     #-}

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 710
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

module Agda.TypeChecking.ProjectionLike where

import Control.Monad

import qualified Data.Map as Map

import Agda.Syntax.Abstract.Name
import Agda.Syntax.Common
import Agda.Syntax.Internal
import Agda.Syntax.Internal.Pattern

import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad
import Agda.TypeChecking.Free (isBinderUsed)
import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute
import Agda.TypeChecking.Positivity
import Agda.TypeChecking.Pretty
import Agda.TypeChecking.Reduce (reduce)

import Agda.TypeChecking.DropArgs

import Agda.Utils.Maybe
import Agda.Utils.Monad
import Agda.Utils.Size
import Agda.Utils.Permutation

#include "undefined.h"
import Agda.Utils.Impossible

-- | View for a @Def f (Apply a : es)@ where @isProjection f@.
--   Used for projection-like @f@s.
data ProjectionView
  = ProjectionView
    { projViewProj  :: QName
    , projViewSelf  :: Arg Term
    , projViewSpine :: Elims
    -- ^ A projection or projection-like function, applied to its
    --   principal argument
  | LoneProjectionLike QName ArgInfo
    -- ^ Just a lone projection-like function, missing its principal
    --   argument (from which we could infer the parameters).
  | NoProjection Term
    -- ^ Not a projection or projection-like thing.

-- | Semantics of 'ProjectionView'.
unProjView :: ProjectionView -> Term
unProjView pv =
  case pv of
    ProjectionView f a es   -> Def f (Apply a : es)
    LoneProjectionLike f ai -> Def f []
    NoProjection v          -> v

-- | Top-level 'ProjectionView' (no reduction).
{-# SPECIALIZE projView :: Term -> TCM ProjectionView #-}
projView :: HasConstInfo m => Term -> m ProjectionView
projView v = do
  let fallback = return $ NoProjection v
  case ignoreSharing v of
    Def f es -> caseMaybeM (isProjection f) fallback $ \ isP -> do
      if projIndex isP <= 0 then fallback else do
        case es of
          []           -> return $ LoneProjectionLike f $ projArgInfo isP
          Apply a : es -> return $ ProjectionView f a es
          -- Since a projection is a function, it cannot be projected itself.
          Proj{}  : _  -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
    _ -> fallback

-- | Reduce away top-level projection like functions.
--   (Also reduces projections, but they should not be there,
--   since Internal is in lambda- and projection-beta-normal form.)
reduceProjectionLike :: Term -> TCM Term
reduceProjectionLike v = do
  -- Andreas, 2013-11-01 make sure we do not reduce a constructor
  -- because that could be folded back into a literal by reduce.
  pv <- projView v
  case pv of
    ProjectionView{} -> onlyReduceProjections $ reduce v
                            -- ordinary reduce, only different for Def's
    _                -> return v

-- | Turn prefix projection-like function application into postfix ones.
--   This does just one layer, such that the top spine contains
--   the projection-like functions as projections.
--   Used in 'compareElims' in @TypeChecking.Conversion@
--   and in "Agda.TypeChecking.CheckInternal".
--   If the 'Bool' is 'True', a lone projection like function will be
--   turned into a lambda-abstraction, expecting the principal argument.
--   If the 'Bool' is 'False', it will be returned unaltered.
--   No precondition.
--   Preserves constructorForm, since it really does only something
--   on (applications of) projection-like functions.
elimView :: Bool -> Term -> TCM Term
elimView loneProjToLambda v = do
  reportSDoc "tc.conv.elim" 30 $ text "elimView of " <+> prettyTCM v
  reportSLn  "tc.conv.elim" 50 $ "v = " ++ show v
  v <- reduceProjectionLike v
  reportSDoc "tc.conv.elim" 40 $
    text "elimView (projections reduced) of " <+> prettyTCM v
  pv <- projView v
  case pv of
    NoProjection{}        -> return v
    LoneProjectionLike f ai
      | loneProjToLambda  -> return $ Lam ai $ Abs "r" $ Var 0 [Proj f]
      | otherwise         -> return v
    ProjectionView f a es -> (`applyE` (Proj f : es)) <$> elimView loneProjToLambda (unArg a)

-- | Which @Def@types are eligible for the principle argument
--   of a projection-like function?
eligibleForProjectionLike :: QName -> TCM Bool
eligibleForProjectionLike d = do
  defn <- theDef <$> getConstInfo d
  return $ case defn of
    Datatype{} -> True
    Record{}   -> True
    Axiom{}    -> True
    _          -> False

-- | Turn a definition into a projection if it looks like a projection.
makeProjection :: QName -> TCM ()
makeProjection x = inTopContext $ do
  -- reportSLn "tc.proj.like" 30 $ "Considering " ++ show x ++ " for projection likeness"
  defn <- getConstInfo x
  let t = defType defn
  reportSDoc "tc.proj.like" 20 $ sep
    [ text "Checking for projection likeness "
    , prettyTCM x <+> text " : " <+> prettyTCM t
  case theDef defn of
    Function{funClauses = cls}
      | any (isNothing . getBodyUnraised) cls ->
        reportSLn "tc.proj.like" 30 $ "  projection-like functions cannot have absurd clauses"
    -- Constructor-headed functions can't be projection-like (at the moment). The reason
    -- for this is that invoking constructor-headedness will circumvent the inference of
    -- the dropped arguments.
    -- Nor can abstract definitions be projection-like since they won't reduce
    -- outside the abstract block.
    def@Function{funProjection = Nothing, funClauses = cls, funCompiled = cc0, funInv = NotInjective,
                 funMutual = [], -- Andreas, 2012-09-28: only consider non-mutual funs (or those whose recursion status has not yet been determined)
                 funAbstr = ConcreteDef} -> do
      ps0 <- filterM validProj $ candidateArgs [] t
      reportSLn "tc.proj.like" 30 $ if null ps0 then "  no candidates found"
                                                else "  candidates: " ++ show ps0
      unless (null ps0) $ do
        -- Andreas 2012-09-26: only consider non-recursive functions for proj.like.
        -- Issue 700: problems with recursive funs. in term.checker and reduction
        ifM recursive (reportSLn "tc.proj.like" 30 $ "  recursive functions are not considered for projection-likeness") $ do
          ps <- return $ filter (checkOccurs cls . snd) ps0
          when (null ps) $
            reportSLn "tc.proj.like" 50 $
              "  occurs check failed\n    clauses = " ++ show cls
          case reverse ps of
            []         -> return ()
            (d, n) : _ -> do
              reportSDoc "tc.proj.like" 10 $ sep
                [ prettyTCM x <+> text " : " <+> prettyTCM t
                , text $ " is projection like in argument " ++ show n ++ " for type " ++ show d
              reportSLn "tc.proj.like" 10 $
                show (defName defn) ++ " is projection like in argument " ++
                show n ++ " for type " ++ show d
              let cls' = map (dropArgs n) cls
                  cc   = dropArgs n cc0
              -- cc <- compileClauses (Just (x, __IMPOSSIBLE__)) cls'
              reportSLn "tc.proj.like" 60 $ "  rewrote clauses to\n    " ++ show cc

              -- Andreas, 2013-10-20 build parameter dropping function
              let (ptel, Dom ai _ : _) = splitAt n $ telToList $ theTel $ telView' t
                  -- leading lambdas are to ignore parameter applications
                  proj = teleNoAbs ptel $ Def x []
                  -- proj = foldr (\ (Dom ai (y, _)) -> Lam ai . NoAbs y) (Def x []) ptel

              let projection = Projection
                    { projProper   = Nothing
                    , projFromType = d
                    , projIndex    = n + 1
                    , projDropPars = proj
                    , projArgInfo  = ai
              let newDef = def
                           { funProjection     = Just projection
                           , funClauses        = cls'
                           , funCompiled       = cc
                           , funInv            = dropArgs n $ funInv def
              addConstant x $ defn { defPolarity       = drop n $ defPolarity defn
                                   , defArgOccurrences = drop n $ defArgOccurrences defn
                                   , defDisplay        = []
                                   , theDef            = newDef
    Function{funInv = Inverse{}} ->
      reportSLn "tc.proj.like" 30 $ "  injective functions can't be projections"
    Function{funAbstr = AbstractDef} ->
      reportSLn "tc.proj.like" 30 $ "  abstract functions can't be projections"
    Function{funProjection = Just{}} ->
      reportSLn "tc.proj.like" 30 $ "  already projection like"
    _ -> reportSLn "tc.proj.like" 30 $ "  not a function"
    -- @validProj (d,n)@ checks whether the head @d@ of the type of the
    -- @n@th argument is injective in all args (i.d. being name of data/record/axiom).
    validProj :: (QName, Int) -> TCM Bool
    validProj (_, 0) = return False
    validProj (d, _) = eligibleForProjectionLike d

    -- NOTE: If the following definition turns out to be slow, then
    -- one could perhaps reuse information computed by the termination
    -- and/or positivity checkers.
    recursive = do
      occs <- computeOccurrences x
      let xocc = Map.lookup (ADef x) occs
      case xocc of
        Just (_ : _) -> return True -- recursive occurrence
        _            -> return False

    checkOccurs cls n = all (nonOccur n) cls

    nonOccur n cl =
      and [ take n p == [0..n - 1]
          , onlyMatch n ps  -- projection-like functions are only allowed to match on the eliminatee
                            -- otherwise we may end up projecting from constructor applications, in
                            -- which case we can't reconstruct the dropped parameters
          , checkBody n b ]
        Perm _ p = clausePerm cl
        ps       = namedClausePats cl
        b        = clauseBody cl

    onlyMatch n ps = all (shallowMatch . namedArg) (take 1 ps1) &&
                     noMatches (ps0 ++ drop 1 ps1)
        (ps0, ps1) = splitAt n ps
        shallowMatch (ConP _ _ ps) = noMatches ps
        shallowMatch _             = True
        noMatches = all (noMatch . namedArg)
        noMatch ConP{} = False
        noMatch LitP{} = False
        noMatch ProjP{}= False
        noMatch VarP{} = True
        noMatch DotP{} = True

    checkBody 0 _          = True
    checkBody _ NoBody     = __IMPOSSIBLE__ -- we check this earlier
    checkBody n (Bind b)   = not (isBinderUsed b) && checkBody (n - 1) (unAbs b)
    checkBody _ Body{}     = __IMPOSSIBLE__

    -- @candidateArgs [var 0,...,var(n-1)] t@ adds @(n,d)@ to the output,
    -- if @t@ is a function-type with domain @t 0 .. (n-1)@
    -- (the domain of @t@ is the type of the arg @n@).
    -- This means that from the type of arg @n@ all previous arguments
    -- can be computed by a simple matching.
    -- (Provided the @d@ is data/record/postulate, checked in @validProj@).
    -- E.g. f : {x : _}(y : _){z : _} -> D x y z -> ...
    -- will return (D,3) as a candidate (amongst maybe others).
    candidateArgs :: [Term] -> Type -> [(QName,Int)]
    candidateArgs vs t =
      case ignoreSharing $ unEl t of
        Pi a b
          | Def d es <- ignoreSharing $ unEl $ unDom a,
            Just us  <- allApplyElims es,
            vs == map unArg us -> (d, length vs) : candidateRec b
          | otherwise          -> candidateRec b
        _                      -> []
        candidateRec NoAbs{}   = []
        candidateRec (Abs x t) = candidateArgs (var (size vs) : vs) t