module Agda.Compiler.MAlonzo.Pragmas where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Traversable (traverse)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map

import Agda.Syntax.Position
import Agda.Syntax.Abstract.Name
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Builtin
import Agda.TypeChecking.Primitive
import Agda.Utils.Pretty hiding (char)
import Agda.Utils.Parser.ReadP
import Agda.Utils.Lens

import Agda.Compiler.Common

import Agda.Utils.Impossible
#include "undefined.h"

data HaskellPragma
      = HsDefn Range HaskellCode
      | HsType Range HaskellType
      | HsData Range HaskellType [HaskellCode]
      | HsExport Range HaskellCode
  deriving (Show, Eq)

instance HasRange HaskellPragma where
  getRange (HsDefn   r _)   = r
  getRange (HsType   r _)   = r
  getRange (HsData   r _ _) = r
  getRange (HsExport r _)   = r

-- Syntax for Haskell pragmas:
--  HsDefn CODE       "= CODE"
--  HsType TYPE       "= type TYPE"
--  HsData NAME CONS  "= data NAME (CON₁ | .. | CONₙ)"
--  HsExport NAME     "as NAME"
parsePragma :: CompilerPragma -> Either String HaskellPragma
parsePragma (CompilerPragma r s) =
  case parse pragmaP s of
    []  -> Left $ "Failed to parse GHC pragma '" ++ s ++ "'"
    [p] -> Right p
    ps  -> Left $ "Ambiguous parse of pragma '" ++ s ++ "':\n" ++ unlines (map show ps)  -- shouldn't happen
    pragmaP :: ReadP Char HaskellPragma
    pragmaP = choice [ exportP, typeP, dataP, defnP ]

    whitespace = many1 (satisfy isSpace)

    wordsP []     = return ()
    wordsP (w:ws) = skipSpaces *> string w *> wordsP ws

    barP = skipSpaces *> char '|'

    -- quite liberal
    isIdent c = isAlphaNum c || elem c "_.':[]"
    isOp c    = not $ isSpace c || elem c "()"
    hsIdent = fst <$> gather (choice
                [ string "()"
                , many1 (satisfy isIdent)
                , between (char '(') (char ')') (many1 (satisfy isOp))
    hsCode  = many1 get -- very liberal

    paren = between (skipSpaces *> char '(') (skipSpaces *> char ')')

    notTypeOrData = do
      s <- look
      guard $ not $ any (`List.isPrefixOf` s) ["type", "data"]

    exportP = HsExport r <$ wordsP ["as"]        <* whitespace <*> hsIdent <* skipSpaces
    typeP   = HsType   r <$ wordsP ["=", "type"] <* whitespace <*> hsCode
    dataP   = HsData   r <$ wordsP ["=", "data"] <* whitespace <*> hsIdent <*>
                                                    paren (sepBy (skipSpaces *> hsIdent) barP) <* skipSpaces
    defnP   = HsDefn   r <$ wordsP ["="]         <* whitespace <*  notTypeOrData <*> hsCode

parseHaskellPragma :: CompilerPragma -> TCM HaskellPragma
parseHaskellPragma p = setCurrentRange p $
  case parsePragma p of
    Left err -> genericError err
    Right p  -> return p

getHaskellPragma :: QName -> TCM (Maybe HaskellPragma)
getHaskellPragma q = do
  pragma <- traverse parseHaskellPragma =<< getUniqueCompilerPragma ghcBackendName q
  def <- getConstInfo q
  setCurrentRange pragma $ pragma <$ sanityCheckPragma def pragma

sanityCheckPragma :: Definition -> Maybe HaskellPragma -> TCM ()
sanityCheckPragma _ Nothing = return ()
sanityCheckPragma def (Just HsDefn{}) =
  case theDef def of
    Axiom{}        -> return ()
    Function{}     -> return ()
    AbstractDefn{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
    Datatype{}     -> recOrDataErr "data"
    Record{}       -> recOrDataErr "record"
    _              -> typeError $ GenericError "Haskell definitions can only be given for postulates and functions."
      recOrDataErr which =
        typeError $ GenericDocError $
          sep [ text $ "Bad COMPILE GHC pragma for " ++ which ++ " type. Use"
              , text "{-# COMPILE GHC <Name> = data <HsData> (<HsCon1> | .. | <HsConN>) #-}" ]
sanityCheckPragma def (Just HsData{}) =
  case theDef def of
    Datatype{} -> return ()
    Record{}   -> return ()
    _          -> typeError $ GenericError "Haskell data types can only be given for data or record types."
sanityCheckPragma def (Just HsType{}) =
  case theDef def of
    Axiom{} -> return ()
    Datatype{} -> do
      -- We use HsType pragmas for Nat, Int and Bool
      nat  <- getBuiltinName builtinNat
      int  <- getBuiltinName builtinInteger
      bool <- getBuiltinName builtinBool
      unless (Just (defName def) `elem` [nat, int, bool]) err
    _ -> err
    err = typeError $ GenericError "Haskell types can only be given for postulates."
sanityCheckPragma def (Just HsExport{}) =
  case theDef def of
    Function{} -> return ()
    _ -> typeError $ GenericError "Only functions can be exported to Haskell using {-# COMPILE GHC <Name> as <HsName> #-}"

-- TODO: cache this to avoid parsing the pragma for every constructor
--       occurrence!
getHaskellConstructor :: QName -> TCM (Maybe HaskellCode)
getHaskellConstructor c = do
  c     <- canonicalName c
  cDef  <- theDef <$> getConstInfo c
  true  <- getBuiltinName builtinTrue
  false <- getBuiltinName builtinFalse
  case cDef of
    _ | Just c == true  -> return $ Just "True"
      | Just c == false -> return $ Just "False"
    Constructor{conData = d} -> do
      mp <- getHaskellPragma d
      case mp of
        Just (HsData _ _ hsCons) -> do
          cons <- defConstructors . theDef <$> getConstInfo d
          return $ Just $ fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ lookup c $ zip cons hsCons
        _ -> return Nothing
    _ -> return Nothing

isImport :: String -> Bool
isImport = List.isPrefixOf "import " . dropWhile isSpace

foreignHaskell :: TCM [String]
foreignHaskell = map getCode . fromMaybe [] . Map.lookup ghcBackendName . iForeignCode <$> curIF
  where getCode (ForeignCode _ code) = code

inlineHaskell :: TCM [String]
inlineHaskell = filter (not . isImport) <$> foreignHaskell

haskellImports :: TCM [String]
haskellImports = filter isImport <$> foreignHaskell