-- | Functions which give precise syntax highlighting info to Emacs.

module Agda.Interaction.Highlighting.Emacs
  ( lispifyHighlightingInfo
  ) where

import Agda.Interaction.Highlighting.Precise
import Agda.Interaction.Highlighting.Range
import Agda.Interaction.EmacsCommand
import Agda.Syntax.Common
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad
  (TCM, envHighlightingMethod, HighlightingMethod(..), ModuleToSource)
import Agda.Utils.FileName
import qualified Agda.Utils.IO.UTF8 as UTF8
import Agda.Utils.String

import Control.Applicative
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import qualified System.Directory as D
import qualified System.IO as IO

#include "undefined.h"
import Agda.Utils.Impossible

-- Read/show functions

-- | Converts the 'aspect' and 'otherAspects' fields to atoms readable
-- by the Emacs interface.

toAtoms :: Aspects -> [String]
toAtoms m = map toAtom (otherAspects m) ++ toAtoms' (aspect m)
  toAtom :: Show a => a -> String
  toAtom = map toLower . show

  kindToAtom (Constructor Inductive)   = "inductiveconstructor"
  kindToAtom (Constructor CoInductive) = "coinductiveconstructor"
  kindToAtom k                         = toAtom k

  toAtoms' Nothing               = []
  toAtoms' (Just (Name mKind op)) =
    map kindToAtom (maybeToList mKind) ++ opAtom
    where opAtom | op        = ["operator"]
                 | otherwise = []
  toAtoms' (Just a) = [toAtom a]

-- | Shows meta information in such a way that it can easily be read
-- by Emacs.

  :: ModuleToSource
     -- ^ Must contain a mapping for the definition site's module, if any.
  -> (Range, Aspects) -> Lisp String
showAspects modFile (r, m) = L $
    (map (A . show) [from r, to r])
    [L $ map A $ toAtoms m]
    [A $ maybe "nil" quote $ note m]
    (maybeToList $ fmap defSite $ definitionSite m)
  defSite (DefinitionSite m p _ _) =
    Cons (A $ quote $ filePath f) (A $ show p)
    where f = Map.findWithDefault __IMPOSSIBLE__ m modFile

-- | Turns syntax highlighting information into a list of
-- S-expressions.

-- TODO: The "go-to-definition" targets can contain long strings
-- (absolute paths to files). At least one of these strings (the path
-- to the current module) can occur many times. Perhaps it would be a
-- good idea to use a more compact format.

  :: HighlightingInfo
  -> HighlightingMethod
  -> ModuleToSource
     -- ^ Must contain a mapping for every definition site's module.
  -> IO (Lisp String)
lispifyHighlightingInfo h method modFile = do
  case ranges h of
    _             | method == Direct                   -> direct
    ((_, mi) : _) | otherAspects mi == [TypeChecks] ||
                    mi == mempty                       -> direct
    _                                                  -> indirect
  info     = map (showAspects modFile) (ranges h)

  direct   = return $ L (A "agda2-highlight-add-annotations" :
                         map Q info)

  indirect = do
    dir <- D.getTemporaryDirectory
    f   <- E.bracket (IO.openTempFile dir "agda2-mode")
                     (IO.hClose . snd) $ \ (f, h) -> do
             UTF8.hPutStr h (show $ L info)
             return f
    return $ L [ A "agda2-highlight-load-and-delete-action"
               , A (quote f)